cococs2d everything 20px off on y axis - objective-c

Somehow everything is about 20px low on y axis.
I have sprite moving around screen but is limited to screen width & height, this sprite never goes above about 460px & goes below the bottom. There is nothing wrong with my code. I inserted Sprite to check top of screen:
CGSize screenSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
sprite.position = ccp(screenSize.width/2, screenSize.height);
This sprite is properly in the middle of width but about 20 px from the top.
Also when i insert sprite on touchLocation, sprite is also off.
The game is in Portrait view.
Is there something i should be setting?

You should set the status bar to hidden in the following places:
1. Initially hidden in the app plist
2. If you use any xib make sure it has no status bar.
If those 2 don't help - try setting it in code - look at uiapplication documentation specifically setStatusBarHidden:withAnimation:


1 Pixel Objective-c

I have a view in my storyboard that is 1 pixel height. I have this code to keep it one pixel on every screen.
self.onePixelViewHeightConstraintlow.constant = 1.f/[UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
So it will always stay 1 pixel. I have a constraint on the view as well, that keeps it 1 pixel height.
Then i added a button, and when the button is pressed the view will move up. But when it moves up, i see that sometimes it will become 2 pixels. Why is that? How can i fix it?
My code, for the button to move the view is.
CGRect frame = self.myObject.frame;
frame.origin.y += 1; //however many pixels to the right..
self.onepixel.frame = frame;

NSWindow's top position is jumping during resize (auto layout)

I do heavily use auto layout in my new project, but I've got one issue related to NSWindow during resizing ...
NSWindow is borderless window,
during initial setup, frame of this window is set based on status item position and initial content view size (intrinsicContentSize of contentView),
vertical anchor attribute is set to NSLayoutAttributeTop,
horizontal anchor attribute is set to NSLayoutAttributeCenterX
... so far, so good. NSWindow is placed correctly, size is correct and everything looks good.
Whenever contentView is resized automatically because of auto layout, etc. final window position is correct, size is correct, ..., so again, so far so good.
What's the problem? When animation is in progress (window is vertically resizing), top of my window is jumping +- 1 pixel down/up/down/up/down/up/down/up/... until animation is finished. It looks pretty ugly ...
It behaves like this pseudo code ...
NSRect frameRect = window.frame;
while ( frameRect.size.height != desiredHeight ) {
frame.origin.y -= 1; // Move window down by 1px
[self setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
frame.size.height += 1; // Increase window height
[self setFrame:frame display:YES animated:YES];
... it looks like auto layout changes origin of window and then auto layout realizes that the height should be changed as well, ...
Anyone did see this behavior?
Mea culpa, how can I missed it, it's because I do use NSLayoutConstraint for height of one of my views and I'm animating it via animator and it produces non integer values - so the height sometimes does contain real numbers and this is the cause for jumping top of NSWindow. Problem solved.

Change size of viewing area after changing size of UINavigationBar and UITabBar

I'm currently working on my very first app and I've changed the size of the UINavigationBar and UITabBar and now I have extra space black space in the general viewing area (etc. ViewController, DetailViewController). How can I change the viewing area to accommodate for this new size?
I've pasted how I'm currently setting the new size for both UINavigationBar and the UITabBar.
/* Get the screenarea of the device */
CGRect screenArea = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame];
/* Define the size of the navigation bar */
CGRect viewHeaderbBarFrame = navigationBar.frame;
viewHeaderbBarFrame.origin.y = screenArea.origin.y;
viewHeaderbBarFrame.origin.x = screenArea.origin.x;
viewHeaderbBarFrame.size.height = 44;
viewHeaderbBarFrame.size.width = screenArea.size.width;
navigationBar.frame = viewHeaderbBarFrame;
/* Define the size of the footer bar */
CGRect viewTabBarFrame = tabBar.frame;
viewTabBarFrame.origin.y = screenArea.size.height - 26;
viewTabBarFrame.origin.x = screenArea.origin.x;
viewTabBarFrame.size.height = 46;
viewTabBarFrame.size.width = screenArea.size.width;
tabBar.frame = viewTabBarFrame;
basically by shrinking your tabbar and navbar, you need your view to expand. I'm assuming that you are using a tabbar for primary navigation.
Figure out the proper size and adjust your view like this:
[[self.tabBarController.view.subviews objectAtIndex:0] setFrame:CGRectMake(newX,newY,newWidth,newHeight)];
in the buyer beware category, if your goal is the app store, you would be wise to review the guidelines on modifying those elements. I'm not sure of all the specific points, but I think apple frowns making changes like that to plainly displayed core navigation elements.
Also, this approach works well for the current screen dimensions, but may not work if the rumors are true and the next phone has a bigger screen.
be well.
You should never have to mess with the view height in this way. Views are pushed onto the nav bar. Their size should be set to fit a 320 x 480 screen minus tab, nav, and title bars. And you should set the AutoResize width/height as flexible and the left/rigth/top/bottom to not-flexible (just leave them out).
view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight
iOS likes everything to to be spring loaded and pinned to one another. Then when you rotate things, it all sticks and moves properly. They do all the work for you. So, it's best to embrace their funky way of handing things. The interface builder gui can help. It even lets you test out rotation if you want. And you can set the option of tab/nav/title bars too. Or if you understand it, then you can also do this manually.

Get center screen position of view in landscape orientation

At the moment I have an UIImageView inside a window. When the scene loads I save its position with:
The user can drag it around. On some occasions the item gets animated back to its original position which has been saved. This all works fine, when I hold the IPad vertically.
When I hold it horizontally though I cant move it back to that position, because in landscape mode I cant use the position which was saved in vertical orientation mode. this is because in Interface Builder I set the item to get auto sized relative to the borders (meaning if the item was in the center, then rotating the IPad it still stays in center)
So my question is: How can I get the correct original position the item would have in landscape orientation?
I tried to calculate the position by hand like this:
- (CGPoint)getHorizontalCoordinatesForPoint:(CGPoint)point
CGSize size = [[UIScreen mainScreen]applicationFrame].size;
CGFloat relativeX = (point.x / (size.width));
CGFloat relativeY = point.y / (size.height);
CGFloat horizontalScreenX = relativeX * (size.height);
CGFloat horizontalScreenY = relativeY * (size.width);
return CGPointMake(horizontalScreenX, horizontalScreenY);
but this position is a bit off. I think it is because I dont take into account the size of the navigation bar. Is there some converting function in ios which already does what I want?
Rather, instead of saving [imageView center] when the scene loads, save it at key points:
-touchesBegan:withEvent: (or, if you are using gesture recognizers, in the gesture recognizer callback).
The minor complication is what happens if a user, say, is working in landscape, quits the app, rotates the portrait, and relaunches the app. In this case I would start the app in landscape and let the autorotation to portrait kick in and correct your center point.

Maintain scroll position in UIWebView when resizing

I have a UIWebView which resizes when the device is rotated. When the webview is resized the scroll position from the top of the page remains the same, but since the height of the content is changing, you end up in a different place at the end of the rotation.
The content of the webview is text and images which are not being scaled to fit. At a smaller width the text breaks more making it taller.
Is there a good way to maintain the scroll position?
One way to kind of work around this problem is to adjust the contentOffset of the webviews's scrollview after a rotation. Due to changes in line breaks in texts the overall size of the page may change during a rotation.
So to solve this, you have to save the old size of the webviews content in the "willRotateToInterfaceOrientation"-method, then calculate the relative change in the "didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation"-method and adjust the scrollviews contentOffset. (That 'almost' solve the problem - i say almost because due to the changes in line breaks, you might end up one or two lines off your desired position.)
- (void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
oldSize = self.webView.scrollView.contentSize;
- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation
CGSize newSize = self.webView.scrollView.contentSize;
float xFactor = newSize.width / oldSize.width;
float yFactor = newSize.height / oldSize.height;
CGPoint newOffset = webView.scrollView.contentOffset;
newOffset.x *= xFactor;
newOffset.y *= yFactor;
webView.scrollView.contentOffset = newOffset;
Take a look at my solution: In short, I use document.caretRangeFromPoint(0, 0) to capture the Range, and insert an element to track its position. After resizing, use the captured Range info to decide position.