Adding "Third-party" link in "Share Page" sheet on Windows Phone 8 IE10 - windows-phone

I am wondering if there is a possibility to add third-party app link in "Share Page" sheet in IE10 on Windows Phone 8.
For instance, when you like to share a url that you are browsing in your IE10 on Windows Phone 8, and would like to share that site or url, you tap on "..." and then from there you pick "share page" option and then you tap either "Tap+Send", "Hotmail" or "Gmail" and then "Social Network". However I would like to add a third-party link here just like when you try to share photos and there you see the third-party apps links.
So my question is does IE10 on Windows Phone 8 allows you to add "sharing extension" specifically or it is only blessed by Native Apps that are developed by Nokia, HTC or Microsoft?
See the "Share Page Sheet" (with options of sharing) here:

That isn't a supported extensiblity point for WP7/WP8.
If you want to see that supported in the future open up a new uservoice suggestion with your usecase on when consumers would need this functionality.


Did they block Whatsapp Web on mobile browsers?

I am pretty sure that I successfully connected to Whatsapp Web from a mobile browser an year or two back. I opened the site, the usual desktop interface showed up, and I scanned the QR code using a whatsapp account on another phone, and I was logged in from the mobile browser just as I'd be from a desktop browser.
When I try it these days, as of 2020, it doesn't happen. The url is automatically and invariably redirected to
Did they purposely block this avenue, or is it something to do with my devices?
Was this feature undesirable to Whatsapp in any way?
You have to tell your browser to open it as a desktop site.
On iPhone: click on Aa letters in the browser and click "Request Desktop Website".
On Android: click on three dots in the URL section and check "Desktop site".

Unable to share a link on whatsapp from Safari

I am trying to share a link from html on whatsapp using
This works fine for all browsers except safari.
In safari , When the share link is present on am trying to share the link of the page I am standing on) page,if I try to share the link, only title text is shared, the link is not shared.
The whats app message generated is
despite of title
Try encoding the text parameter using encodeURIComponent.
In your case that would be:
We usually differ link at desktop view and mobile view to offer better support for safari and other browser.
for desktop view we use
for mobile, we follow whatsapp best practice
Tested on
Chrome for mac
safari for mac
android chrome
Ps: not tested when mac have whatsapp desktop app, but it will still work in the safari itself. so it should be ok

ektron 8.6 - override mobile device for a single session

A user can be routed to a mobile template of an existing desktop template based on what device they're on -- no problems there.
The difficulty I'm having is when I'd like to route a user from Template A (the mobile version) to Template B (the desktop version). A good example of this is a "view desktop version" link.
Is there a way to ask Ektron to ignore (for the length of the session) the device routing?
You can actually find the answer to this question on Ektron's customer portal. See this article:
How To: Viewing a "Desktop" Site on a Mobile Device

How (and where) to upload manifest file? (Google Gmail Gadget)

I'm new on this Gmail Gadget developments and I follow the instructions here:
I follow the Hello World example, replacing the variables with my owns, generating the manifest, the specs, etc.
But when it comes to upload the manifest file, it's saying to go to
and log in there. Then there is a serie of steps depending on this one.
The problem here is, what is the address I have to put there? I did register on the Google Apps (for bussiness) and register a domain. Still that domain isn't work.
I found several people with the same problem and none gave them a solution:
How to create an account on Google Apps to use Google Apps Extensions Console?
Logging into Google Apps Extension Console
Anyone knows how to create a Gmail Contextual Gadget?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so the Gmail Contextual Gadgets doc says "Gmail contextual gadgets can be listed for sale in the Google Apps Marketplace". The Google Apps Marketplace docs say apps can be published on the Chrome Web Store but the web store seems to want some sort of .json manifest file that doesn't fit the documentation for Contextual Gadgets (read: Google's documentation is terrible).
Instead, I found a section inside the developer's console on Contextual Gadgets. It's also different from the documentation, but seems like the right spot.
Open your Google developers console
Select or create a project
Open the Google Apps Marketplace SDK page
Click "Enable API"
Click "Configuration"
Check the box marked "Gmail contextual gadget extension"
There are then options to fill out info on the Contextual Gadget.
I suggest :
Go on that link a for log in use your Google Apps for bussiness account , then create new project (gadget) and then you can upload manifet. Sorry for my English.
Hope this will help you.

How to customize SharePoint 2010 mobile view

I am stuck on developing a mobile view for my SP2010 publishing portal. It is Internet-facing with custom pages / web parts (e.g. http://server/Pages/customPage.aspx with custom webparts on it). The site has a custom master page.
I am having the following issues with the built-in mobile functionality:
The welcome page. Navigating to
http://server/?Mobile=1 redirects me
http://server/_layouts/mobile/mbllists.aspx, which just shows a table of lists / document libraries available. For
my portal, I want to show a
dashboard, just like I currently do for the "normal" non-mobile view.
Navigating to one of my custom
pages (e.g.
also redirects to
So in effect there is really no helpful built-in mobile support at all; just the ability to view lists with a mobile device.
So I have a number of issues and I'm hoping for some high-level help. My thought is that I should do the following tasks:
Create a separate master page for mobile
Figure out how to choose this master page based on "is client a mobile device?"
Figure out how to prevent the redirection to /_layouts/mobile/mbllists.aspx
Then I think the mobile site will operate similarly to the normal site.
Am I on the right track?
With what I have seen from links from #moontear and other research I've done, it sounds like my best option is to just disable built-in SharePoint mobile support, and just do my own conditional rendering based off of Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice.
Check out the extensive MSDN documentation about how to customize Mobile Views:
How to: Customize Mobile List View and Form Pages
when you check out that page you can see that you can already change the layouts of the list forms and maybe that is enough for you - but as you said you want a custom "Dashboard", you probably want to look into how the mobile redirection works:
Overview of Mobile Pages and the Redirection System
You can set which device is treated as mobile device by editing the compat.browse file as explained in this post: SP2010 Branding Tip #6 – Mobile Browsers, this way the device you set is shown your regular Sharepoint page (answering your questions 2/3).
Copy the "_layouts/mobile" folder to e.g. "_layouts/MyCompany/mobile", in webconfig add following appSetting key:
<add key="mobile_applicationrootdirectory" value="_layouts/MyCompany/mobile/"/>
After that you can add branding, css, etc. to your own mobile folder.
SharePoint is using this by calling SPMobileUtility.GetAppRootDirName()
using powershell
Disable-SPFeature -Identity MBrowserRedirect -Url http://url