does not send a request on second time onwards in dojo 1.8 - dojo

Example code snippet
this._deferred ={
url: "/Some/Servie",
method: "post",
handleAs: 'html',
content: {},
load: function(response, ioArgs){
//DO successfull callback
error: function(response, ioArgs){
// DO Failer callback
click submit button send a request and successfully got a response
click submit button again...request never send...
Appreciate any help

I can't talk for 1.8, but I am using dojo 1.6 and had a very similar issue that I resolved with the following method: = null; //insert this line
*verified in Chrome Version 25.0.1364.152 m
Source: will only send one request at a time, so if it thinks that the first request is still processing (whether it actually is or not), it won't work on the second call. The trick is to call cancel() on the returned deferred result if one exists, like so:
if (this._deferred) {
this._deferred ={
that will cancel the first request and allow the second request to send properly.

For dojo 1.8, is deprecated. dojo.request.iframe is used instead.
And the solution from #Sorry-Im-a-N00b still works:
iframe._currentDfd = null;
iframe.get(url, {
data: sendData,


How to properly read POST params with express?

My node app is supposed to POST to an external server, so I'm playing with request from NPM. I want to verify it's working, but I'm not entirely sure I'm doing that right.
I've tried both of these methods
url: url,
method: 'POST',
form: { a: 1}
url: url,
method: 'POST',
json: true,
body: { a: 1}
In my test when I hit my own server, req.body shows the right object when I do json true. However that just means I'm passing a JSON header. The API I actually need to hit is expecting a normal POST, not JSON.
So when I try to verify that request is working right when I use form, my server says req.body is an empty object.
I am posting to external API fine using form, but on my own server, express is leaving request.body as empty object.
See if this works for you:'').form({key:'value'})

XPages: dijit.Tree dojo.xhrPost and Partial Refresh?

I have a dijit.Tree which works fine. Users can add, delete and rename nodes on this tree (jsfiddle) if they have special authorization on it.
The next step is to post this changes back to the server, which works perfect, using dojo.xhrPost in conjunction with an XAgent (instead of an XAgent this functionality could be achieved using extension library control for REST-Services of type customRestService. However, this is not available until domino version 9...)
Source code:
<xp:button value="Submit tree updates back to server " id="btnSubmit">
url: "folderService.xsp", // XAgent
handleAs: "json",
timeout: 1000,
postData: treeStore._getNewFileContentString(), // treeStore
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json" },
load: function(data) {
if (data.success) {
console.log("all folders saved " + data.success);
dojo.byId("#{id:txtMessage}").innerHTML = data.message; ???
dojo.removeClass("#{id:txtMessage}", "lotusHidden"); ???
XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:wrapper}", {}); ???
error: function() {
dojo.byId("#{id:txtMessage}").innerHTML = 'Oops something goes wrong. The update on the folders weren\'t saved.'; ???
dojo.removeClass("#{id:txtMessage}", "lotusHidden"); ???
XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:wrapper}", {}); ???
Now the question:
I have the requirement to show some information to the user which comes back from the server (load : function(data) {...}).
Possible solutions:
Do it only on client side (e.g. dojo.byId("#{id:txtMessage}").innerHTML = data.message;)?
Pros: No partial refresh needed
Cons: I can't work with already implemented custom controls (e.g. computed rendered property)
Do some partial refresh after a successfull xhrPost?
If this is the right choice, how and were I should implement a partial refresh after a successfull xhrPost?
My feeling says no, because why I should do a partial refresh only for the
making information visible (e.g. rendered property...).
Do something else?
I am not sure which is the best approach to handle my requirements?
Hint: I am working on a Domino Sever 8.5.3 FP6
Thanks in advance for any answer.

Second request is not working in in dojo 1.7

I am uploading a file using ajax call using below code.
Am using dojo 1.7 and WebSphere Portal Server 8.0{
form: "workReqIDFormWBS",
handleAs: "text/html",
load: function(response, ioArgs) {
console.log(response, ioArgs);
return response;
},error: function(response, ioArgs) {
console.log(response, ioArgs);
return response;
When am uploding the file for the first time it's working fine,where as from second time onwards nothing is happening. Any solution for this issue.
Action URLs are only valid to be invoked once by default. Portal protects against form submission replay incidents by internally assigning an ID within the action URL produced.
You should also be seeing some logging on those subsequent action url requests:
I suggest either using resource URL and serveResource() in your portlet or ensuring that your response from the render phase following the action URL processing regenerate the Action URL value and update a variable your posted javascript reads and uses in subsequent send() calls.

submitting a form to the server as json

I am trying to submit a form to the server with the params in JSON.
but it sends everything as form-www-urlencoded.
I already checked that no field has isFile set to true (but then, it would send as multipart-formdata) and that standardSubmit is false.
I also tried to use
Every submission is done as form-www-urlencoded, although the docs clearly state "Performs a Ajax-based submission of form values (if standardSubmit is false)". But then, this sentence is already proven wrong because whenever a file field is in the form, the form is submitted as multipart.
So, does anyone know how I can get the form submitted as JSON?
Possibility 2: I know that it works if I submit a model via, but how would I create a model from a form on-the-fly (without hardcoding the fields twice)?
I think below would solve your purpose.
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
jsonData : JSON.stringify(form.getValues()),
success : function(response){ console.log("response from server")},
failure : function(error){console.log(error)}

Why doesn't execute the provided error function when receiving a 404?

I am trying to use the following to do a cross-domain get:{
url: myUrl,
callbackParamName: "callback",
preventCache: true,
load: dojo.hitch( this, loadFunction ),
error: dojo.hitch( this, function() {
The load function runs fine, however, when the server returns a 404, the error function does not run. Can anyone tell me why?
After some investigation, I found that a timeout and handler could be implemented in the following way:{
url: myUrl,
callbackParamName: "callback",
timeout: 2000
}, function(error){
This uses functionality provided by the dojo.Deferred object.
When accessing server with script tags (that what does), status code and headers are not available.
You may try some other ways to detect a problem, like using a timeout and analyzing a content of a script. The latter is problematic for JSONP calls (like in your example).
I realize this is old but I thought I'd share a solution in case others, like I had, come across this thread. is essentially adding a <script/> to your html page. So you can try this:
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('src', myUrl);
script.onerror = function() {
script.onload = function() {
That way if the script fails to load the onerror event is called.
*This may not work in every instance but is a good start