SQL Query for counting number of orders per customer and Total Dollar amount - sql

I have two tables
Order with columns:
And OrderItem with columns:
I need to return the CustomerID(CID), number of orders per customer, and each customers total amount for all orders.
So far I have two separate queries. One gives me the count of customer orders....
SELECT CID, Count(Order.OrderID) AS TotalOrders
FROM [Order]
Where CID = CID
Order BY Count(Order.OrderID) DESC;
And the other gives me the total sales. I'm having trouble combining them...
SELECT CID, Sum(OrderItem.Quantity*OrderItem.SalePrice) AS TotalDollarAmount
FROM OrderItem, [Order]
WHERE OrderItem.OrderID = [Order].OrderID
I'm doing this in Access 2010.

You would use COUNT(DISTINCT ...) in other SQL engines:
Count(DISTINCT O.OrderID) AS TotalOrders,
Sum(OI.Quantity*OI.SalePrice) AS TotalDollarAmount
FROM [Order] O
ON O.OrderID = OI.OrderID
Which Access unfortunately does not support. Instead you can first get the Order dollar amounts and then join them before figuring the order counts:
COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS TotalOrders,
SUM(OrderAmounts.DollarAmount) AS TotalDollarAmount
FROM [Orders]
INNER JOIN (SELECT OrderID, Sum(Quantity*SalePrice) AS DollarAmount
FROM OrderItems GROUP BY OrderID) AS OrderAmounts
ON Orders.OrderID = OrderAmounts.OrderID
ORDER BY Count(Orders.OrderID) DESC
If you need to include Customers that have orders with no items (unusual but possible), change INNER JOIN to LEFT OUTER JOIN.

Create a query which uses your 2 existing queries as subqueriers, and join the 2 subqueries on CID. Define your ORDER BY in the parent query instead of in a subquery.
Count(Order.OrderID) AS TotalOrders
FROM [Order]
) AS sub1
AS TotalDollarAmount
FROM OrderItem INNER JOIN [Order]
ON OrderItem.OrderID = [Order].OrderID
) AS sub2
ON sub1.CID = sub2.CID
ORDER BY sub1.TotalOrders DESC;


Query returning individuals most recent order, date of the order, number of products in the order and the total amount

Need help with a query to returns each individuals most recent order, date of the order, number of products in the order and the total amount. I am kind of stuck trying to get the number of products and total.
Here are the table diagrams
Not sure if I should be using multiple joins or subqueries:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, MAX(O.OrderDate), O.OrderDate
FROM Customer C
INNER JOIN Order O ON C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
It is always good practice to start from assumed dim tables such as product.This Query should help. It is better to aggregate quantity and amount to get results at aggregate level
SELECT FirstName
,max(o.orderdate) Orderdate
,Sum(Quantity) Quantity
,Sum(TotalAmount) TotalAmount
FROM Product p
INNER JOIN Orderitem oi
ON Oi.product_id = p.id
ON o.id = oi.order_id
INNER JOIN Customer c
ON c.id = o.Customer_id
GROUP BY FirstName
not sure if you want aggregations but here you go:
SELECT customer.firstname, customer.lastname, COUNT(DISTINCT orderitem.productid), [order].totalamount
FROM [order] LEFT JOIN customer ON [order].customerid=customer.id LEFT JOIN orderitem ON order.id=orderitem.orderid
WHERE [order].date=MAX([order].date)
GROUP BY customer.firstname,customer.lastname, [order].totalamount
Still don't know why you are applying a where clause for the last order, it's up to you to keep or not the where condtion.

Distinct one column on two tables SQL Server 2008

I have two different tables and I want to use distinct on only one column. I want to get recent records only. what query should I write in SQL Server 2008? I want to use distinct one only CustomerID not any other column.
Table1: Customer
Columns: CustomerID, CustomerName
Table2: Order
Columns: OrderID, CustomerID, OrderName
I tried two SQL queries both not working
First query
select Distinct on (CustomerID) CustomerID, CustomerName, OrderID, OrderName
from Customer
left join Order on Customer.CustomerID = Order.CustomerID
Second query:
select Max(Distinct ID)
CustomerID, CustomerName, OrderID, OrderName
left join
Order on Customer.CustomerID = Order.CustomerID
Assuming the higher OrderID is latest, this should work if I understand your requirement righly:
from Customer as c
inner join (select
max(update_date) as max_update_date
from Customer
group by CustomerID) as mc
on mc.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
and mc.max_update_date = c.update_date
inner join Order as o
on o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
inner join (select
max(OrderID) as max_OrderID
from Order
group by CustomerID) as m
on m.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
and m.max_OrderID = o.OrderID

SQL Query to return the Top 2 Values

I am trying to return the top 2 most ordered items in our customer database. Below is what I have for the most ordered item but I am having trouble figuring out how to create another column for the 2nd most ordered item.
What is the best way to create the 2nd column?
SELECT FirstName, EmailAddress, Id, PreferredLocationId,
SELECT TOP 1 [Description] FROM [Order] o
INNER JOIN [OrderItem] oi ON oi.OrderId = o.OrderId
WHERE o.CustomerId = Customer.Id
GROUP BY [Description]
) AS MostOrderedItem
FROM Customer
GROUP BY FirstName, EmailAddress, Id, PreferredLocationId
Lot's of different ways to handle this if you're using SQL Server 2012. I'm going to use a CTE to get the first two rows and use ROW_NUMBER()
WITH cte AS (
SELECT CustomerId, [Description]
FROM [Order] o
INNER JOIN [OrderItem] oi ON oi.OrderId = o.OrderId
GROUP BY CustomerId, [Description]
SELECT FirstName, EmailAddress, Id, PreferredLocationId, cte1.Description, cte2.Description
FROM Customer
LEFT JOIN cte cte1 ON cte1.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerId AND cte1.RowID = 1
LEFT JOIN cte cte2 ON cte2.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerId AND cte2.RowID = 2
The Common Table Expression creates the list of all customers, descriptions and their row number. Note that if you have ties, you're not guarunteed which description will come first. You can add to to the windowing function description so that if there is a tie, whatever comes first in the alphabet will be the tie breaker.

SQL INNER JOIN Without Repeats

Getting the next table:
Column1 - OrderID - Earliest orders of customers from Column2
Column2 - CustomerID - Customers from orders in Column1
Column3 - OrderID - All *Other* orders of customers from Column2
which do not appear in Column1
This is my query and I'm looking for a way to apply the rules mentioned above:
SELECT O1.orderid, C1.customerid, O2.Orderid
FROM orders AS O1
INNER JOIN customers AS C1 ON O1.customerid = C1.customerid
RIGHT JOIN orders AS O2 ON C1.customerid = O2.customerid
WHERE O1.orderdate >= '2014-01-01'
AND O1.orderdate <= '2014-03-31'
ORDER BY O1.orderid
Thanks in advance
Not entirely sure why you want to get a result out like this as the earliest order will repeat for each order for the given customer.
SELECT earliestOrders.orderid, C1.customerid, O1.Orderid
FROM orders AS O1
INNER JOIN customers AS C1 ON O1.customerid = C1.customerid
select o.customerid, min(o.OrderId) as OrderId
from orders o
Group by o.customerid
) earliestOrders
ON earliestOrders.CustomerId = C1.CustomerId
AND earliestOrders.orderid <> O1.Orderid
To find the first order per customer, look for first order dates per customer and then pick the one or one of the orders made by the customer then. (If orderdate really is just a date one customer can have placed more than one order that day, so we pick one of them. With MIN(orderid) we are likely to get the first one of that bunch :-)
Outer join the other orders and you are done.
If your dbms supports IN clauses on tuples, you get a quite readable statement:
select first_order.orderid, first_order.customerid, later_order.orderid
select customerid, min(first_order.orderid) as first_orderid
from orders
where (customerid, orderdate) in
select customerid, min(orderdate)
from orders
group by cutomerid
) first_order
left join orders later_order
on later_order.customerid = first_order.customerid
and later_order.orderid <> first_order.orderid
If your dbms doesn't support IN clauses on tuples, the statement looks a bit more clumsy:
select first_order.orderid, first_order.customerid, later_order.orderid
select first_orders.customerid, min(first_orders.orderid) as orderid
from orders first_orders
inner join
select customerid, min(orderdate)
from orders
group by cutomerid
) first_order_dates
on first_order_dates.customerid = first_orders.customerid
and first_order_dates.orderdate = first_orders.orderdate
group by first_orders.customerid
) first_order
left join orders later_order
on later_order.customerid = first_order.customerid
and later_order.orderid <> first_order.orderid

query with subquery with 1 result(max) for each year

I have to make a query where I show for each year wich shipper had the maximum total cost.
My query now show for each year the total cost of each shipper. So in the result i must have a list of the years, for each year the shipper and the total cost.
Thanks in advance.
select year(OrderDate), s.ShipperID, sum(freight)
from orders o
join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate),s.ShipperID
Select a.FreightYear, a,ShipperID, a.FreightValue
select year(OrderDate) FreightYear, s.ShipperID, sum(freight) FreightValue
from orders o
join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate),s.ShipperID
) a
inner join
select FreightYear, max(FrieghtTotal) MaxFreight
select year(OrderDate) FreightYear, s.ShipperID, sum(freight) FreightTotal
from orders o
join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate),s.ShipperID
) x
group by FreightYear
) max on max.FreightYear = a.FreightYear and max.MaxFreight = a.FreightValue
order by FreightYear
Inner query a is your original query, getting the value of freight by shipper.
Inner query max gets the max value for each year, and then query max is joined to query a, restricting the rows in a to be those with a value for a year = to the max value for the year.
Cheers -
It's marginally shorter if you use windowing functions.
select shippers_ranked.OrderYear as OrderYear,
shippers_ranked.ShipperId as ShipperId,
shippers_ranked.TotalFreight as TotalFreight
select shippers_freight.*, row_number() over (partition by shippers_freight.OrderYear order by shippers_freight.TotalFreight desc) as Ranking
select year(OrderDate) as OrderYear,
s.ShipperID as ShipperId,
sum(freight) as TotalFreight
from orders o
inner join shippers s on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
group by year(OrderDate), s.ShipperID
) shippers_freight
) shippers_ranked
where shippers_ranked.Ranking = 1
order by shippers_ranked.OrderYear
You need to decide what you would like to happen if two shippers have the same TotalFreight for a year - as the code above stands you will get one row (non-deterministically). If you would like one row, I would add ShipperId to the order by in the over() clause so that you always get the same row. If in the same TotalFreight case you would like multiple rows returned, use dense_rank() rather than row_number().