excution in a folder that dosen't have the dlls used - c++-cli

there is any way to have an execution file (*.exe) that run in a folder that doesn't have the dlls referenced by the project??
for example:
using namespace System;
using namespace dllNet;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
return 0;
i want to execute my project without dllNet.dll

No, unfortunately, the program cannot run without the libraries needed.


Do screenshot in C++/CLI

I use windows 7 and VS2010. I write a piece of C++/CLI code to do measurements, during which I want to make screenshot.
I have tried screenshot method in C++ (using GDI library), but failed to compile the file.
So I suppose the GDI library could not be used in C++/CLI.
How to do screenshot and paste to a word in C++/CLI project?
Here is the code:
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
String^ fileName = "AP_result.doc";
StreamWriter^ sw = gcnew StreamWriter(fileName);
return 0;
I have tried Slawomir Orlowski's method but error occurs:
C++/CLI code for screen shot:
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Drawing::Imaging;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Screen^ r = System::Windows::Forms::Screen::PrimaryScreen;
int width = r->Bounds.Width;
int height = r->Bounds.Height;
Bitmap^ bmp = gcnew Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat::Format32bppArgb);
Graphics^ screen = Graphics::FromImage(bmp);
screen->CopyFromScreen(0,0,0,0, Size(width, height), CopyPixelOperation::SourceCopy);
return 0;
In your project you have to add few references: System.Drawing, System.Windows, System.Windows.Forms.
As explained here
you need to get context of screen, then put it in bitmap file, it's better explained in answer above, so check answers and comments

DLL import failure in using WinDivert

I am going to design a program using WinDivert to manipulate the network traffic.
The language I use is C++ and the program is designed under Visual Studio 2008.
Firstly I create a project in visual C++ CLR (Windows Forms Application) so I can implement the UI simply.
For importing the WinDirvert Library, I have done the following setting in project properties:
Configuaration Properties: General
Common Language Runtime support: Common Language Runtime Support(/ctr)
Configuaration Properties: Linker
Additional Dependencies: link of WinDivert.lib
Module Definition File: link of windivert.def
Within the project I have created, I also added the windivert.h in the header files.
Also, windivert.h is included in the main entry point of my project (ProjectG.cpp):
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Form1.h"
#pragma managed(push, off)
#include "windivert.h"
#pragma managed(pop)
using namespace ProjectG;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
// Enabling Windows XP visual effects before any controls are created
// Create the main window and run it
Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
HANDLE handle;
unsigned char packet[8192];
UINT packet_len;
handle = WinDivertOpen("udp", WINDIVERT_LAYER_NETWORK, 0,
while (TRUE)
// Read a matching packet.
if (!WinDivertRecv(handle, packet, sizeof(packet), &addr, &packet_len))
return 0;
Finally, I put the {WinDivert.dll, windivert.h, WinDivert.lib, WinDivert32.sys} under the project directory.
However, the following error is shown:
fatal error LNK1306: DLL entry point "int __clrcall main(cli::array<class
System::String ^ >^)" (?main##$$HYMHP$01AP$AAVString#System###Z) cannot be managed;
compile to native ProjectG.obj ProjectG
Additional: (a warning)
warning LNK4070: /OUT:WinDivert.dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename
'C:\Users\David\Desktop\css\ProjectG\Debug\ProjectG.exe'; ignoring directive
ProjectG.exp ProjectG
How can I resolve this situation?
a) your main source is .cpp, so you can delete [STAThreadAttribute] and change
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args) to int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
b) exclude windivert.def from linker Module Definition File, this only when you are creating a DLL
c) the DLL/SYS files would need to be copied to the Debug and Release folders

Troubleshooting VC++ DLL in VB.Net

I'm trying to make a solution in Visual Studio that consists of a VC++ DLL (C++/CLI) and a VB.Net application. To figure this out, I created a VC++ Class Library project, with the following code (I removed all the junk the wizard creates):
#include "MathFuncs.h"
namespace MathFuncs
double MyMathFuncs::Add(double a, double b)
return a + b;
using namespace System;
namespace MathFuncs
public ref class MyMathFuncs
static double Add(double a, double b);
This compiles quite happily. I can then add a VC++ console project to the solution, add a reference to the original project for this new project, and call it as follows:
using namespace System;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
double a = 7.4;
int b = 99;
Console::WriteLine("a + b = {0}",
MathFuncs::MyMathFuncs::Add(a, b));
return 0;
This works just fine, and will build to test.exe and mathsfuncs.dll.
However, I want to use a VB.Net project to call the DLL. To do this, I add a VB.Net project to the solution, make it the startup project, and add a reference to the original project. Then, I attempt to use it as follows:
MsgBox(MathFuncs.MyMathFuncs.Add(1, 2))
However, when I run this code, it gives me an error:
Could not load file or assembly 'MathFuncsAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
Do I need to expose the method somehow?
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Professional.
I get that sometimes when the project platform is not set correctly.
Go to your project settings > Compile > Advanced Compile options and select target CPU x86.

Loading interdependent assemblies from C++/CLI

I want to load two assemblies from C++/CLI; assembly A depends on assembly B, and both are VB.Net projects (3.5). I want them to load from a byte array, so I use Assembly::Load(), but when I try to instantiate a class from assembly A, the framework ignores the previously loaded assembly B and attempts to load it again, which fails because it is not in the search path. The "Name" of the assembly is the same, so I don't know why it fails. For testing purposes, my program loads the bytes directly from the compiled image, but the real code will be loaded differently. This is my test code:
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Reflection;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
array<unsigned char>^ bytes;
FileStream^ f;
f = gcnew FileStream(L"c:\\...\\AssemblyB.dll", FileMode::Open);
bytes = gcnew array<unsigned char>((int)f->Length);
f->Read( bytes, 0, (int) f->Length );
f = nullptr;
Assembly^ assemblyb = Assembly::Load(bytes);
f = gcnew FileStream(L"c:\\...\\AssemblyA.dll", FileMode::Open);
bytes = gcnew array<unsigned char>((int)f->Length);
f->Read( bytes, 0, (int) f->Length );
f = nullptr;
Assembly^ assemblya = Assembly::Load(bytes);
bytes = nullptr;
// Here I get the file not found exception!
Object^ mf = assemblya->CreateInstance(L"AssemblyA.MainForm");
// This line is not reached unless I copy assemblyb.dll to my app's folder:
mf->GetType()->InvokeMember(L"ShowDialog",BindingFlags::Default | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod,
mf->GetType()->DefaultBinder, mf, nullptr );
return 0;
The error is:
Could not load file or assembly 'AssemblyB, Version=1.0.3650.39903, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
When I check assemblyb->FullName, it says exactly 'AssemblyB, Version=1.0.3650.39903, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Of course, if I copy AssemblyB.dll to my test program's folder the code works just fine, but that's not what I want.
Any ideas?
(By the way, my second step will be attempt to make AssemblyA use classes that my C++/CLI exe will expose.)
OK, I just embarrased myself. It's all in the docs.
// This class is just for holding a managed static variable for assemblyB
ref class Resolver {
static Assembly^ assemblyB;
// This is the delegate for resolving assemblies
Assembly^ ResolveHandler(Object^ Sender, ResolveEventArgs^ args)
// Warning: this should check the args for the assembly name!
return Resolver::assemblyB;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
// Set up the handler for the AssemblyResolve event
AppDomain::CurrentDomain->AssemblyResolve += gcnew ResolveEventHandler( ResolveHandler );
// Load assemblyb into the static variable available to the resolver delegate
Resolver::assemblyb = Assembly::Load(bytes);
I hope someone finds this useful. :)

wxWidgets: obtaining application path

How one can obtain path to module?
I am writing extension enclosed in a DLL and want to get path to my library in runtime.
Of course first way worked fine
static wxString GetModulePath()
static wxString path;
WCHAR buf[512] = {0};
GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, 511);
path = buf;
return wxPathOnly(path);
but finally I ended with second one
wxStandardPaths sp;
Have a look at the wxStandardPaths class. For your problem its GetExecutablePath() or GetPluginsDir() methods could be used - I'm just not sure what you want to do.
I used
#include "wx/stdpaths.h"
#include "dialogsApp.h"
#include "dialogsMain.h"
bool dialogsApp::OnInit()
wxString xpath;
xpath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath();
That seems to work.
This isn't wxWidgets specific. Windows has a function called GetModuleFileName that does what you want. The link is to the msdn page.