Anyone who has achieved a single xml file but different menu and breadcrumbs with MVCSiteMapProvider package.
I have MVC.Sitemap all working well with my menu and breadcrumbs. I have added a new node for Home - Products
This is Index Action on Products Controller
I dont want this to appear in my menu but I do want it to appear in my Breadcrumbs when someone lands on /myapp/Products/Index or Products/Index
At the moment I am using visibility="SiteMapPathHelper,!*" picked up from the example and I am assuming the latest nuget package and my web.config is setup with
which is confusing as i dont understand that does this mean to ignore the parameters or does it tell that nodes that need to be ignored are filled with this parameter and value should be taken as condition.
By default, any attribute MvcSiteMapProvider sees in your menu XML declaration is added to the url parameter.
So, if you have this:
<mvcSiteMapNode area="Admin" controller="User" action="Index" title="Users" someRandomAttribute=3/>
the sitemap will use
/admin/user/index?someRandomAttribute=3 for the url.
If you put attributesToIgnore="someRandomAttribute" in the config, the url it will generate will become:
The visibility provider is a plug-in system - and the default one uses a 'visibility' attribute so it can decide if the node is visible or not.
We have an image uploader field in Magento 2 admin. When a customer uploads any document in the frontend, the file will be shown in uploader field section. Now what I need is that I want to hide the Upload button in admin and have to restrict admins to upload the attachment from admin portal.
I have tried visible=false but its hide the entire section.
Please help
Is it core Magento or Your custom uploader? Is this menu build in xml? Is it uicomponent? Seems like You want to conditionally disable element. Maybe this would be helpful:
It all depends how You build the buttons. Every xml has xsd schema, that means each one has different possibilities but only few allows to conditionally hide element.
Maybe You can use:
<item name="formElement" xsi:type="string">hidden</item>
or disable element in xml.
Anyway if it's adminhtml I would start looking at xmls.
I downloaded the .exe file of the community edition of odoo 11, installed it on a windows server and configured rules, that projects can only be seen by users who are assigned to the project as team members.
That works fine!
Now, in a task I want to restrict the options in the "assigned to" dropdown of a task: In the dropdown I want to see only users, who are actually assigned to that project. At the moment I can see all existing users and can assign the task to any of them.
In the form view I tried to restrict the list as follows by adding the domain attribute:
<field name="user_id" class="o_task_user_field" domain="('user_id','in', [project.members])" />
This gives an error on save.
Field 'project' used in attributes must be present in view but is missing
Update: 2. approach:
I tried to update the field user_id in model project.task and set the domain as follows:
('project_id.members','in', [])
But I got the error (translated from german): you cannot make changes in a basic field!
How can I limit the options in the dropdown (without making code changes as I donĀ“t have the code forked from github)?
Any help appreciated!
For this you just need to update one onchange and in that add domain. No need to add it from xml. There is by default onchange_projectmethod is there. In that you just inherit it and add one line..
It is possible to define pagination on document library?
I have a document library with more that 10000 documents... when I open the library occurs an timeout.
Actually SenseNet already does this! They just don't deliver it in the standard list control. If you open up the PRC and navigate to /Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal you'll see a list control with paging. The code can be found at /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx as User Control portlet. You can copy the code and change it to meet your needs.
Our company prefers to create User Control portlets and use Datatables with calls to the SenseNet OData API using skip and top to deliver pages.
Finally, given that SenseNet Content is stored as a tree structure (in SQL!), you can move the Content after creation so that data is organized hierarchically. A common solution is to take the first letter of the DisplayName and create a sub-folder from that letter, thereby reducing the number of items at a single node.
Here's what the paging looks like:
The short answer is no. Right now there isn't a built in functionality for that.
The long answer is that you can make a pagination yourself. One of the core member of sensenet made a grid where you can use pagination. It won't work with the current free to use releases because they lack the js files she used. But the idea behind it, is using a custom view. Which you can achieve by adding a system folder named Views under a the Document library and adding your custom view there.
You can use this grid for Explore, just follow these steps:
Go to the Explore action page, and switch editor mode on the PRC.
Place a ClientContext portlet (this can find under the Portlets->Application section in the portlet picker dialog) to the Wide column. Set portlet (client context porlet) properties, Apparance to None. It is a technical portlet, which allow get the CurrentContext in javascript. This is a very important element to work with this grid. The Grid use the client context.
Place a UserControlPortlet (In the portlet picker, Portlets->Application section) to the Wide Column.
Set portlet properties:
4.1. Portlet title: <%$ Resources: PortletTitles, Items%>
4.2. User Control path: /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx
Checkin Page modification on the PRC.
Enjoy your pageable explore portlet.
Keep in mind that this grid is specifically designed for users, so they will miss actions in the top menu. These must be handwritten. Then I suggest you copy the UserControl ( /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx)
and then put the action list on it . You can read more info about action list here:
(Crossposted in SiteFinity's forums)
I'm using SiteFinity 5.0. I created a custom module, using the module builder, called Promos. It's content type is called Promo.
Next, I created a new widget template called PromoFlexSpace. I basically copied the auto-generated template for a single Promo display and changed it a bit.
What I would like to do is globally map this widget template to a user control, so that any time that template is selected, it actually uses my user control. I've found how to do this for an individual item:
And I found something that came close to explaining what I'm trying to do on a global level:
But I haven't found a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do yet (apologies if that last link actually does explain it - I need a better breakdown if it does).
What I've tried so far is going into the advanced settings > controls > view map and adding an entry there, but I can't find a value for HostType that works.
If you go to Administration > Settings > Advanced > Toolboxes > ... > [Your Widget Control] there's a setting for "LayoutTemplate" where you can enter a path to an .ascx file.
I have a custom component that requires the standard Joomla breadcrumb module. I tried using the following and it didn't do anything:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="position-2" />
Keep in mind this code came from the template index file and I am trying to integrate the module into a custom component
That is not how to do it. This is for use in Joomla templates to include the module position. You need to make the breadcrumbs programmatically from within your component. See this tutorial on how to do this:
NB: Once you have done this ensure that you have the breadcrumbs module published and the position is set correctly for your specific template.
This link will also be useful -
Try add this in your view.html.php for your component:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$pathway = $app->getPathway();
$pathway->addItem('Google', '');
This will add a breadcrumb that says "Google" and when clicked will link to
In terms of creating your breadcrumbs you need to use your url to determine how far you are into you component e.g. "Home // Category // Weblinks" would have a url like:
cid = 2 tells us that we are at least in the category, so we can add a breadcrumb for this.
id = 54 tells us we are looking at a weblink so we can add a breadcrumb for the page before which is the list of weblinks within the category