Build subscription alerts for service changes - uddi

I am using Biztalk UDDI V3 (stand-alone install) on a windows 2008. I have configured all services (web, database and subscription):
I successfully published a couple of services
I successfully accessed and retrieved service information from my .net console application.
My issue at this point is with the subscription service. I tried to subscribe to one of the published services only to find out that I need to create my own listener.
I followed the steps listed here. Please take a look at the section entitled "Building subscription alerts for service changes". I am confused as to what the WCF service I create is supposed to look like. The instructions state the following:
Now we create a new WCF Service project and reference this existing service library. After making sure the .svc file points to our referenced library object, and adding a valid endpoint configuration file, view our service in the web browser to ensure that it's up and running.
I find this section confusing. Not sure what public methods would the WCF service expose(if any at all) or how to expose the functionality within the service library that I just referenced from within my WCF project.
Of course, if you know of a different way to achieve what I am trying to accomplish, that also would be much appreciated.
Thank you.

This may help. I actually just wrote a complete port for Apache jUDDI's client library using .NET C#. One of the use cases is actually what you are attempting to do. Here's the rough approach used.
Generate the code from wsdl (using wsdl.exe, because svcutil doesn't like the UDDI wsdls)
Alter the interface code to have WCF bindings for the Subscription Listener class
Create an implementation of the subscription listener and handle the callbacks
Fire up the implementation using WCF's embedded service
Register your sub listener endpoint with UDDI (using the correct annotations per the spec)
Setup the subscription using your sub listener's binding template
Wait for callbacks
Here's the code
There's also a Java version that does the exact same thing.


WCF - Application is using client's app.config rather than WCF service's app.config

In my VS solution, I created a console project, which I'm using as the client, and an empty project for the WCF service.
I then created the WCF service (created my contract and service type and manually constructed the app.config), and added a reference to the WCF service project in the client project.
However, when I called ServiceHost.Open() in the client, the endpoints weren't loading. I eventually determined that I needed to put all of the config information in the Client's app.config, rather than the service's app.config.
I'm not sure if this is normal, or if I'm doing something wrong. In the past, when I've used the WCF project template, this wasn't the case.
Yes, that is normal. Each .NET application (client, service, web site, etc.) has it's own configuration file. To be precise, there's a hierarchy of them, but the bottom end of that hierarchy is unique to the application.
This makes sense if you think about it -- the client would need to contact the service to ask for it's configuration, but it needs to know the endpoint information in order to even try to do that. So yes, the normal process is that client and service both have very similar information in their configuration files.
If you use Visual Studio's built-in tooling to do everything for you, it will automatically create and/or edit the configuration file for your client when you add a Service Reference to the project, copying from the metadata endpoint that WCF exposes for that purpose. Alternatively, you can use the WCF configuration editor tools to edit your client application.
Also, note that nothing actually enforces that your client and server have compatible settings; e.g. you can change the maximum sizes of many buffers/graphs/etc on one side, and not the other, and see some strange behavior. It's up to you to make sure both ends are working with mutually usable settings.

Add service reference dynamically

Can we add a service reference dynamically to a project without using add reference in visual studio. Does Wsdl Import of metadata will help in achieving this goal can some one help me in dynamically loading and attaching the service to project and use the client in wcf or suggest me a methodology in achieving this.
The .NET framework has a namespace dedicated to this called System.ServiceModel.Discovery. From a high level you use a DiscoveryClient which can locate services available for use.
To be able to locate services with the DiscoveryClient the service info needs to be sent out through the AnnouncementClient class. This class allows a service to publish announcement messages. From the documentation:
An announcement message contains information about the service such as its fully-qualified contract name, any scopes that the service is operating in as well as any custom metadata the service wants to send.
These classes should be everything you need to provide the plumbing for dynamic service discovery and usage.
If you are trying to consume existing third party endpoints (services that are not under your control) there are at least two methods provided in the .NET framework.
MetadataExchangeClient will connect to a MEX/wsdl endpoint and return back a collection of objects representing the service metadata.
MetadataResolver will return the configuration for a known service if you pass it the MEX/wsdl endpoint and the type to resolve. This allows you import the connection settings without having to specifiy it up front.
To see what else is available explore the System.ServiceModel.Description namespace. It has the two classes above plus others related to dynamic service resolution.
EDIT: This was able to retrieve Metadata for me:
MetadataExchangeClient client = new MetadataExchangeClient(
new Uri("http://localhost:22948/Service1.svc?wsdl"),
var response = client.GetMetadata();

NServiceBus using static class library

I've got a static class library which I'm using to provide services to an ASP.NET MVC3 application.
I'm trying to get my head around the best way to provide async database calls. I've got an app that sends data to a node, which passes it on to all the nodes that node knows about and so on.
I'm using NServiceBus2 to accept a node message from a web client. Control is then sent back to the web app to allow the controller to finish and hence return the page to the user.
In the background a listener picks up that message and starts the node database trawl. I've created a new class library which is the listener which works fine.
My problem is publishing. Do I have to create the Bus on every call to a method? Where can I store the bus? I suppose I could try the WCF route?
I don't think it's a great idea to raise messages directly from a web application - in the same way you probably wouldn't put DB code in the controller. I'd like to have a separate class library that is the 'business logic'.
There are a couple of ways to get messages on the Bus from a ASP.NET web app. Firstly you can bootstrap the Bus once in a global place(global.asax or otherwise) and provide a reference to it. We prefer to reference the Bus via some abstraction, typically a class such as ServiceAgent<T> where T is a message you will internally Bus.Send(). If you don't want to boostrap the Bus in your web app, the other option is to expose your NServiceBus endpoint as a WCF service. This is done simply by implementing a class with the WcfService<TRequest,TResponse>. From there you can simply call the exposed SOAPy service. If you don't like SOAP, you can configure the endpoint differently. From within your endpoint you can then do a Publish().
you create a bus per service. a service can be a windows service, a win-forms application or in your case a website.
in a website/webservice scenario i normally create the bus in the application_start event of the global.asax.
you can save the bus in a container for example StructureMap or Castle Windsor.
don't publish messages from your website directly instead call a wcf service that publishes a message. or use send from your website. take your time to understand the different usages of messaging with nservicebus. specifically the differences of pub/sub and send/reply scenarios when to use what is essential.
to your other text: i don't understand your scenario. if you have further problems please edit your original post to help us understand.

Different method of consuming WCF

I have a WCF deployed on IIS. Now by adding web reference of it i am using it on my app.
So I have two questions:
Is it the best method of consuming WCF.
If the answer of first question is yes then what is the role of svcutil.exc, I mean what is the use of creating wcf proxy class. and if the answer is "No" then why?
It is the easiest solution if you develop with visual studio and have access the remote WCF service.
If you are developing using another IDE, you might want to use SvcUtil to generate your proxies.
If you prefer to have a simple CS file containing the generated client, you might also choose to generate it using SvcUtil.
You may also completely ignore SvcUtil and the Service Reference wizard and use the ChannelFactory class to generate proxies dynamically.
You should use "Add Service Reference" in Visual Studio (not Add Web Reference) for WCF.
It is the easiest way - since you can do it right in Visual Studio. What it does under the covers is basically call svcutil.exe (or you can do that manually, from the command line yourself), and create a service proxy class for use on the client side.
The use of svcutil.exe is many fold - you can create a client proxy class from a running service (or from an existing WSDL/XSD file), you can verify services, you can export metadata from a service for clients to consume, and a great many more options. It's the "Swiss Army Knife" of WCF tools.
WCF uses a concept that all calls to your service must go through a client proxy - this is the place where the entire WCF runtime lives, and where all the WCF extensibility points are located. This proxy converts your call to a method on the client into a serialized message that gets sent across the network to the server for processing, and it also handles "unpacking" the response from the call back into classes and objects on your client side for your use.
Adding a service reference is the quickest and easiest way but not always the best way. If you want performance then using ChannelFactory<T> is the way to go. You should know different ways to create a client side proxy and customisations that you can do.
An excellent resource is WcfGuidanceForWpf. Don't let the WPF in it scare you as it is really an excellent guidance for general WCF as well.

WCF Service Design

We currently have a WCF Service which is beginning to reach it's limits performance wise.
We have decided to add another server which will host another instance of the WCF Service.
We have web applications which must communicate with a specific server based on context... e.g. If the web application is dealing with objects from ServiceInstance1 then requests must be directed to ServiceInstance1's EndPoint. If the web application is dealing with objects from ServiceInstance2 then requests must be directed to ServiceInstance2's EndPoint.
I initially thought that a "Intermediate Service" or "Service Manager" could be created, the web application's Service Reference would be updated from the individual Service Instance to the "Intermediate Service" or "Service Manager" and said service would act as a "Broker" to the various Service Instances.
How is this accomplished?
I have currently added a ServiceReference to each service from the Manager however it seems that once a Service is "Referenced" it's types becomes specific to the that of the ServiceReference e.g.
ServiceInstance1's type's are all {ServiceInstance1}.
ServiceInstance2's type's are all {ServiceInstance2}.
I need the types to be the same on the web application end, so this obviously seems like the wrong way to do it.
I would also like that when methods are called on the client generated from referencing the "Intermediate Service" or "Service Manager" that the correct Service Instance is invoked, e.g.
IServiceManager.GetProjectById( {GUID} ) ->
Comes Back to ServiceManager ->
Determines which host has the project and returns the ProjectObject from the correct ServiceInstance.
Where ProjectObject is a Type Defined in ServiceInstance1 and ServiceInstance2.
I think the original service needs to have some of the DLL's pulled out so they can be referenced from the web application side and ServiceManager and a GenericWCF Client can be made.
If I am right hooray for me If someone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. If I am wrong can someone please scold me and show me how this is properly done!
The way to solve your problem is to create shared assembly with types used by both services. Reference this assembly on the client consuming your services (manager) and when creating proxies by Add service reference mark Reuse types from referenced assemblies.
What you are building is very simple message router. In WCF 4.0 there is additional support for routing services so you should check those features before developing your own. For WCF 3.5 MSDN magazine contains articles about building message router - part 1, part 2.
Just to Answer this and close it I wound up utilizing the Routing Strategy in .Net 4.0 and custom client class which I modeled after the generated classes from the Proxy.
Before I had the custom client ready I used the auto generated client code and I derived a class from it which allow me to change which service it was connecting to. I determined which service via a property which was made available on all service objects which were serialized.
Long story short this is working 100% as expected including the ServiceManager which can even be bypassed on certain calls which we allow.
We even have the ability to move a project from server to server during run time!
Thanks to everyone who helped! (Especially myself for actually doing the work without being spoon fed)
The easiest way to accomplish what you're trying to do is to stop generating your proxies using the server-hosted URL of the service. Instead, generate your proxies from the *.xsd and *.wsdl locally, and merely change the URL of the endpoint. Alternatively, you can use ChannelFactory<T> to generate proxies on-the-fly, and reference your interface .dll on the client side.
Once you've done that, you can use any common webserver load balancing technique to balance the load between the servers.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but Visual Studio's "Service Reference" is not useful, and should not be used, for services you develop. It's useful only for services developed externally, whose URL and contracts are likely to NEVER change. I personally have never had occasion to use it. For your own services, you should probably be using ChannelFactory<T> or a class based on ClientBase<T> to work out the proxies.