Page crahses if repsonse time is more - silverlight-4.0

Im using Silverlight with wcf for my application. When the page requests it goes to the service for the output. But if the response(database operation) takes a bit of time to provide the output then my silverlight page is getting crashed. Can any help me what is the problem.

Sounds like you need to set the timeout settings for the WCF service to be higher to cater for the potential delays. The timeout settings are usually set in the bindings defined in the
section of the config file.
You will need to make sure that the 'receiveTimeout' in the client config, and the 'sendTimeout' in the service config are set to appropriate values that are high enough to cater for your particular service's timings.
An example 'basicHttpBinding' for the client-side, with a 'receiveTimeout' of 1 minute, 30 seconds could look like this (the important item to note being the 'receiveTimeout'):
<binding name="BasicHttpBindingConfig" receiveTimeout="00:1:30">
<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
<transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />


basicHttpBinding with and without ssl at the same time

I have a WCF service hosted on IIS that is working perfectly well over https with SSL. It has the following simple binding setup...
<binding maxBufferSize="524288"
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="262144" maxArrayLength="65536" />
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" />
Is it possible to have another basicHttpBinding but without the security mode so that clients can connect with http or https. Do I just copy and paste the binding and remove the security mode on the copy? Or will that cause confusion because there are two bindings of the same type but they do not have names?
You have to create another binding and add an additional endpoint to use the binding without security. A binding is only a description HOW an endpoint should be created, but the binding configuration does not open any endpoints. You can have many endpoints using the same binding, but only one binding per endpoint.

Basicbinding ServiceSecurityContext Null

I have a service that uses wsHttpBinding security mode="Message" message clientCredentialType="Windows" negotiateServiceCredential="false" establishSecurityContext="false" .
When a client calls the service, on the service side I can use ServiceSecurityContext context = OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext; in order to get the callers credentials.
However, now I need a Java client to call this service. Apparently, wsHttpBinding does not interop easily w/Java (I thought that was the whole point of services). So I need to change the binding to basicHttpBinding to get the interop, but now OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext returns null.
I have tried mutliple combinations from posts I have seen, but all the post are slightly different and did not work for me.
I am hoping that someone smarter than I can resolve this once and for all.
Here are the requirements:
1.)Basicbinding needs to be used.
2.)OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext needs to be populated automatically and retrieved on server side like it is with wsHttpBinding.
Here are the basic bindings I used among others..
<binding name="CustomBasicBinding"
<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
<transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance

timeout error from windows workflow

When i call an recevive activity in Workflow, it is showing timeout error after 1 minute.
I tried to increase the timeout by modifying the web.config as follows, but no use.
<binding name="longTimeoutBinding" closeTimeout="10:01:00" openTimeout="10:01:00" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"
maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" receiveTimeout="10:10:00" sendTimeout="10:10:00" >
<security mode="None" />
I have similar problem with one of WCF service also when it fectes large number of data.
Can anyone help me to find out what i am missing here.
Have you also set these values on the client side? It could be that the client gives up waiting for a reply.
Could you try and reduce the timeout to 15 seconds to verify that these configs are the ones that are used.
Could you also post the exception that you get

Why doesn't my WCF endpoint throw a Max Clock Skew exception?

With almost all of the (secure) WCF service endpoints in my application, if the client's system clock is set too far in the future or past, I get an exception from WCFs Clock Skew mechanism (described here:
However the one endpoint where my Login() method is implemented never throws this exception even though it has transport security enabled (naturally no credentials are required for it).
Why isn't the "Clock Skew mechanism" working for this endpoint? Maybe it's because clientCredentialType is set to "None"?
As an example, here's a simplified version of my configuration:
<service name="Foo">
<endpoint address=""
contract="IFoo" />
<binding name="binding1" maxReceivedMessageSize="100000000">
<readerQuotas maxDepth="1000000000" maxArrayLength="1000000000" maxStringContentLength="1000000000" />
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType ="None"/>
<reliableSession enabled="false" />
The security mode - security mode="Transport" - does not include time stamp in the message which cause the MaxClockSkew validation to ignore the message and not throws a security exception.
Change the security mode to security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential" which include time stamps and allow the MaxClockSkew validation to test the message for time delta.
Other people have a similar problem:
Triggering MaxClockSkew when accessing WCF service
So I do not think that it is a problem with your configuration.
It appears to be, that if it does not use machine time, it does not check if there is a difference in time between the machines.
You could program your way around it, send the client machine time as a parameter in your login method, if it is different, throw an exception.

Anonymous clients connecting to WCF

This article from Microsoft details how to implement transport security with an anonymous client.
I'd like to know if it is possible to achieve the same goal, using netTcpBinding instead of WsHttpBinding and hosting the service as a Windows Service.
Yes, I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work over netTcp Binding. By default, netTcp is using transport level security already, but also Windows credentials. Just turn those off, and you should be good to go.
<binding name="SecureNetTcp">
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" />
I've never done it, but can't you just set the Client Authentication to None?