red5 with s3(i want to customize the path for streaming videos) - red5

I am using red5 for streaming videos in my project and I am able to play the videos from the local system which are saved in default folder "streams".
Now i want to customize the path and want to get the videos from S3. How do i configure red5 to work with S3. Is this a good practice?

I've got code using the IStreamFilenameGenerator works with S3; I'll warn you now that it may not work with the latest jets3 library, but you'll get the point of how it works by looking through the source. One problem / issue that you must understand when using S3 is that you cannot "record" to the bucket on-the-fly; your flv files can only be transferred to S3 once the file is finalized; there is an example upload call in the Application.class. Whereas "play" from S3 will work as expected.
I added the S3 code to the red5-examples repo:

Search for:
and you will find some examples howto modify the path(s).
You could alternatively also of course simply mount some drive into the streams folder or I guess a symbolic link would even work. But it might be not that flexible as if you can do it with IStreamFilenameGenerator and generate really some string completely like you want it.


Red5 stream audio from Azure Storage or Amazon S3

I'm wondering if its possible to stream audio in Red5 from files stored in Azure? I am aware of how to manipulate the playback path via a custom file name generator IStreamFilenameGenerator, our legacy Red5 webapp uses it. It would seem to me though that this path needs to be on the local red5 server, is this correct?
I studied the example showing how to use Amazon S3 for file persistence and playback ( and while the file recording + upload makes perfect sense, I'm just not seeing how the playback file name that is returned is streaming from S3. Tracing the StringBuilder appends/inserts, it looks like the filename is going to end up to be something like {BucketLocation}/{SessionID}/{FileKey} ... this lead me to believe that bucket.getLocation() on Line 111 was returning an HTTP/S endpoint URL, and Red5 would somehow be able to use it. I wrote a console app to test what bucket.getLocation() returned, and it only returns null for US servers, and EU for Europe. So, I'm not even sure where/how this accesses S3 for direct playback. Am I missing something?
Again, my goal is to access files stored in Azure, but I figured the above Amazon S3 example would have given me a hint.
I totally understand that you cannot record directly to Azure or S3, the store locally + upload makes sense. What I am failing to see is how to stream directly from a blob cloud storage. If anyone has suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.
Have you tried using Azure Media Services? I believe looking at their documentation will be a good start for your scenario.

AWS S3 and AjaXplorer

I'm using AjaXplorer to give access to my clients to a shared directory stored in Amazon S3. I installed the SD, configured the plugin ( and could upload and download files but the upload size is limited to my host PHP limit which is 64MB.
Is there a way I can upload directly to S3 without going over my host to improve speed and have S3 limit, no PHP's?
I think that is not possible, because the server will first climb to the PHP file and then make transfer to bucket.
The only way around this is to use some JQuery or JS that can bypass your server/PHP entirely and stream directly into S3. This involves enabling CORS and creating a signed policy on the fly to allow your uploads, but it can be done!
I ran into just this issue with some inordinately large media files for our website users that I no longer wanted to host on the web servers themselves.
The best place to start, IMHO is here:
A demo is here:
This was written to upload+write files to a variety of locations, including S3. The only tricky bits are getting your MIME type correct for each particular upload, and getting your bucket policy the way you need it.

Display list files and folder using Mediafire API

I tryed to use Mediafire API, but when I use Folder, get_info, it doesn't return file & folder array like the example.
Full url I used:
What's wrong with my attempt? Thank you.
You can try the MediaFire API PHP Library. This class currently implements all the functions in the Mediafire API.
Ok I just took a look at their API documentation. They've updated the get_info function for the folders. They've taken out the file tree....
So if you are uploading via the dropbox (which doesn't return the quickkey associated with the file), you CAN NEVER dropbox upload and then use the api to find the file and download it. This renders their API as useless as tits on a boar hog.
The point of a dropbox is to allow remote uploads to a folder, you then know the folder key so you can query the API and return the document quickkeys that are in the folder which then allows you to manage those files remotely, move, delete, download etc. Now you cannot do this FAIL FAIL FAIL.
Despite the Functionality of get_info not working, folder search can resolve at least some issues with retrieving quick keys. In my case i searched for ".mp3" and was handed all the mp3s in my folder

Allowing users to download files as a batch from AWS s3 or Cloudfront

I have a website that allows users to search for music tracks and download those they they select as mp3.
I have the site on my server and all of the mp3s on s3 and then distributed via cloudfront. So far so good.
The client now wishes for users to be able to select a number of music track and then download them all in bulk or as a batch instead of 1 at a time.
Usually I would place all the files in a zip and then present the user a link to that new zip file to download. In this case, as the files are on s3 that would require I first copy all the files from s3 to my webserver process them in to a zip and then download from my server.
Is there anyway i can create a zip on s3 or CF or is there someway to batch / group files in to a zip?
Maybe i could set up an EC2 instance to handle this?
I would greatly appreciate some direction.
I am afraid you won't be able to create the batches w/o additional processing. firing up an EC2 instance might be an option to create a batch per user
I am facing the exact same problem. So far the only thing I was able to find is Amazon's s3sync tool:
In my case, I am using Rails + its Paperclip addon which means that I have no way to easily download all of the user's images in one go, because the files are scattered in a lot of subdirectories.
However, if you can group your user's files in a better way, say like this:
...etc., then you can solve your problem right away with:
aws s3 sync s3://<your_bucket_name>/users/<user_id>/songs /cache/<user_id>
Do have in mind you'll have to give your server the proper credentials so the S3 CLI tools can work without prompting for usernames/passwords.
And that should sort you.
Additional discussion here:
Downloading an entire S3 bucket?
s3 is single http request based.
So the answer is threads to achieve the same thing
Java api - uses TransferManager
You can get great performance with multi threads.
There is no bulk download sorry.

How to receive an uploaded file using node.js formidable library and save it to Amazon S3 using knox?

I would like to upload a form from a web page and directly save the file to S3 without first saving it to disk. This node.js app will be deployed to Heroku, where there is no local disk to save the file to.
The node-formidable library provides a great way to upload files and save them to disk. I am not sure how to turn off formidable (or connect-form) from saving file first. The Knox library on the other hand provides a way to read a file from the disk and save it on Amazon S3.
1) Is there a way to hook into formidable's events (on Data) to send the stream to Knox's events, so that I can directly save the uploaded file in my Amazon S3 bucket?
2) Are there any libraries or code snippets that can allow me to directly take the uploaded file and save it Amazon S3 using node.js?
There is a similar question here but the answers there do not address NOT saving the file to disk.
It looks like there is no good way to do it. One reason might be that the node-formidable library saves the uploaded file to disk. I could not find any options to do otherwise. The knox library takes the saved file on the disk and using your Amazon S3 credentials uploads it to Amazon.
Since on Heroku I cannot save files locally, I ended up using transloadit service. Though their authentication docs have some learning curve, I found the service useful.
For those who want to use transloadit using node.js, the following code sample may help (transloadit page had only Ruby and PHP examples)
var crypto, signature;
crypto = require('crypto');
signature = crypto.createHmac("sha1", 'auth secret').
update('some string').
this is Andy, creator of AwsSum:
I just released v0.2.0 of this library. It uploads the files that were created by Express' bodyParser() though as you say, this won't work on Heroku:
However, I shall be looking at adding the ability to stream from formidable directly to S3 in the next (v0.3.0) version. For the moment though, take a look and see if it can help. :)