Display an Amazon s3 image with https request - ruby-on-rails-3

I have an image fetching "dynamically" from amazon s3 bucket, here is the source example:
src = http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidslink_assets/logos/5082f5d279216d14d000001e/original.png?1350759890
i need this to be a http*s* (https) request.

If i understood S3 terminology, S3 response always serve as https . I tried to access your image using http, that's default redirecting to https (https://s3.amazonaws.com/kidslink_assets/logos/5082f5d279216d14d000001e/original.png?1350759890)
So you not need to worry about https/ssl.

As client needs to see it as https request, i added manually when the page is rendering the image. I means added "s" manually for the link before rendering the page as http and https are doing the same.


Using a S3 Static Site with an Application Load Balancer

I have an ALB that currently routes traffic to multiple urls. I'd like to be able to route traffic to a Static S3 site in the event that we need to perform maintenance. We would then display a static "Maintenance" page instead of our login page.
I have created a CloudFront Distribution that allows a S3 site to be loaded with an SSL cert but I am not sure how to connect that distribution to send all of the traffic to the S3 maintenance site.
This is the Terraform ALB listener I'm using. Can I specify my CloudFront distribution arn at the target_group and have it route all traffic to the static site?
Or could I simply link my S3 arn here with an S3 policy allowing the ALB access to get the bucket objects?
resource "aws_alb_listener" "ssl_alb_httpslistener" {
load_balancer_arn = "${aws_alb.alb_lis.arn}"
port = "443"
protocol = "HTTPS"
ssl_policy = "Sec-TLS"
certificate_arn = "${var.ssl_cert_arn}"
default_action {
target_group_arn = "${data.terraform_remote_state.php.target_arn}"
type = "forward"
I would I expect that I could route traffic that passes through an ALB to a Static S3 site from the target_group. Curious if this is the best way to go about this.
The simple answer is to use a redirect option on the ALB to forward traffic to a new url. My Route53 url is connected to a CloudFront Distribution linked to the S3 bucket. Here I was able to specify a single redirect url and keep my HTTPS traffic options with minimal infrastructure modifications.
You can now have Lambda function as target group and with Lambda, you can trigger S3 , make cloudfront(http) GET request etc.
I faced the same issue of 1MBytes limit with ALB and lambdas and used compression as a workaround.
Set in response headers Content-Encoding= and compress your file(s) accordingly.

AWS S3 Static hosing: Routing rules doesn't work with cloudfront

I am using AWS S3 static web hosting for my VueJs SPA app. I have setup routing rules in S3 and it works perfectly fine when I access it using S3 static hosting url. But, I also have configured CloudFront to use it with my custom domain. Since single page apps need to be routed via index.html, I have setup custom error page in cloudfront to redirect 404 errors to index.html. So now routing rules I have setup in S3 no longer works.
What is the best way to get S3 routing rules to work along with CloudFront custom error page setup for SPA?
I think I am a bit late but here goes anyway,
Apparently you can't do that if you are using S3 REST_API endpoints (example-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com) as your origin for your CloudFront distribution, you have to use the S3 website url provided by S3 as the origin (example-bucket.s3-website-[region].amazonaws.com). Also, objects must be public you can't lock your bucket to the distribution by origin policy.
Objects must be public.
S3 bucket website option must be turned on.
Distribution origin has to come from the S3 website url, not the rest api endpoint.
I was mistaking, actually, you can do it with the REST_API endpoint too, you only have to create a Custom Error Response inside your CloudFront distribution, probably only for the 404 and 403 error codes, set the "Customize Error Response" option to "yes", Response Page Path to "/index.html" and HTTP Response Code to "200". You can find that option inside your distribution and the error pages tab if you are using the console.

How to use Akamai infront of S3 buckets?

I have a static website that is currently hosted in apache servers. I have an akamai server which routes requests to my site to those servers. I want to move my static websites to Amazon S3, to get away from having to host those static files in my servers.
I created a S3 bucket in amazon, gave it appropriate policies. I also set up my bucket for static website hosting. It told me that I can access the site at
I modified my akamai properties to point to this url as my origin server. When I goto my website, I get Http 504 errors.
What am i missing here?
S3 buckets don't support HTTPS?
Buckets support HTTPS, but not directly in conjunction with the static web site hosting feature.
See Website Endpoints in the S3 Developer Guide for discussion of the feature set differences between the REST endpoints and the web site hosting endpoints.
Note that if you try to directly connect to your web site hosting endpoint with your browser, you will get a timeout error.
The REST endpoint https://your-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com will work for providing HTTPS between bucket and CDN, as long as there are no dots in the name of your bucket
Or if you need the web site hosting features (index documents and redirects), you can place CloudFront between Akamai and S3, encrypting the traffic inside CloudFront as it left the AWS network on its way to Akamai (it would still be in the clear from S3 to CloudFront, but this is internal traffic on the AWS network). CloudFront automatically provides HTTPS support on the dddexample.cloudfront.net hostname it assigns to each distribution.
I admit, it sounds a bit silly, initially, to put CloudFront behind another CDN but it's really pretty sensible -- CloudFront was designed in part to augment the capabilities of S3. CloudFront also provides Lambda#Edge, which allows injection of logic at 4 trigger points in the request processing cycle (before and after the CloudFront cache, during the request and during the response) where you can modify request and response headers, generate dynamic responses, and make external network requests if needed to implement processing logic.
I faced this problem currently and as mentioned by Michael - sqlbot, putting the CloudFront between Akamai and S3 Bucket could be a workaround, but doing that you're using a CDN behind another CDN. I strongly recommend you to configure the redirects and also customize the response when origin error directly in Akamai (using REST API endpoint in your bucket). You'll need to create three rules, but first, go to CDN > Properties and select your property, Edit New Version based on the last one and click on Add Rule in Property Configuration Settings section. The first rule will be responsible for redirect empty paths to index.html, create it just like the image below:
builtin.AK_PATH is an Akamai's variable. The next step is responsible for redirect paths different from the static ones (html, ico, json, js, css, jpg, png, gif, etc) to \index.html:
The last step is responsible for customize an error response when origin throws an HTTP error code (just like the CloudFront Error Pages). When the origin returns 404 or 403 HTTP status code, the Akamai will call the Failover Hostname Edge Server (which is inside the Akamai network) with the /index.html path. This setup will be triggered when refreshing pages in the browser and when the application has redirection links (which opens new tabs for example). In the Property Hostnames section, add a new hostname that will work as the Failover Hostname Edge Server, the name should has less than 16 characters, then, add the -a.akamaihd.net suffix to it (that's the Akamai pattern). For example: failover-a.akamaihd.net:
Finally, create a new empty rule just like the image below (type the hostname that you just created in the Alternate Hostname in This Property section):
Since you are already using Akamai as a CDN, you could simply use their NetStorage product line to achieve this in a simplified manner.
All you would need to do is to move the content from s3 to Akamai and it would take care of the rest(hosting, distribution, scaling, security, redundancy).
The origin settings on Luna control panel could simply point to the Netstorage FTP location. This will also remove the network latency otherwise present when accessing the S3 bucket from the Akamai Network.

Using S3 error document with https

We have an S3 bucket with website hosting enabled, and an error document set. We want to use it to serve images over https.
Over http, the 404 works fine: example. But for https, we need to use a different URL scheme, and the 404 no longer works: example. (That URL scheme also fails with http: example.)
Is there some way to do this? Have I misconfigured the S3 bucket, or something along those lines? (I've given 'list' permission to everyone, which turned the failure from a 403 to a 404, but not the 404 I want.)
We solved this by setting up a Cloudfront as an interface to the S3 bucket.
One tricky bit: the origin for the CloudFront distribution needs to have origin protocol policy set to HTTP only. That means it can't directly be an S3 bucket, which always has 'match viewer' policy. Instead you can set it to the URL of an S3 bucket. Instead of BUCKET.s3.amazonaws.com, use the endpoint given by S3's static website hosting: BUCKET.s3-website-REGION.amazonaws.com.
This might have unintended side effects, and there might be better ways to do it, but it works.

Serving Angular JS HTML templates from S3 and CloudFront - CORS problems

I'm having a doozy of a time trying to serve static HTML templates from Amazon CloudFront.
I can perform a jQuery.get on Firefox for my HTML hosted on S3 just fine. The same thing for CloudFront returns an OPTIONS 403 Forbidden. And I can't perform an ajax get for either S3 or CloudFront files on Chrome. I assume that Angular is having the same problem.
I don't know how it fetches remote templates, but it's returning the same error as a jQuery.get. My CORS config is fine according to Amazon tech support and as I said I can get the files directly from S3 on Firefox so it works in one case.
My question is, how do I get it working in all browsers and with CloudFront and with an Angular templateUrl?
For people coming from google, a bit more
Turns out Amazon actually does support CORS via SSL when the CORS settings are on an S3 bucket. The bad part comes in when cloudfront caches the headers for the CORS response. If you're fetching from an origin that could be mixed http & https you'll run into the case where the allowed origin from CloudFront will say http but you want https. That of course causes the browser to blow up. To make matters worse, CloudFront will cache slightly differing versions if you accept compressed content. Thus if you try to debug this with curl, you'll think all is well then find it isn't in the browser (try passing --compressed to curl).
One, admittedly frustrating, solution is just ditch the entire CloudFront thing and serve directly from the S3 bucket.
It looks like Amazon does not currently support SSL and CORS on CloudFront or S3, which is the crux of the problem. Other CDNs like Limelight or Akamai allow you to add your SSL cert to a CNAME which circumvents the problem, but Amazon does not allow that either and other CDNs are cost prohibitive. The best alternative seems to be serving the html from your own server on your domain. Here is a solution for Angular and Rails: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12180837/256066