How to access Topic name from pdfs using poppler? - pdf

I am using poppler, and I want to access topic or headings of a particular page number using poppler, so please tell me how to do this using poppler.

Using the glib API. Don't know which API you want.
I'm pretty sure there is no topic/heading stored with a particular page.
You have to walk the index, if there is one.
Walk the index with backtracking. If you are lucky, each index node contains a PopplerActionGotoDest (check type!).
You can grab the title from the PopplerAction object (gchar *title) and get the page number from the included PopplerDest (int page_num).
page_num should be the first page of the section.
Assuming your PDF has an index containing PopplerActionGotoDest objects.
Then you simply walk it, checking for the page_num.
If page_num > searched_num, go back one step.
When you are at the correct parent, walk the childs. This should give you the best match.
I just made some code for it:
gchar* getTitle(PopplerIndexIter *iter, int num, PopplerIndexIter *last,PopplerDocument *doc)
int cur_num = 0;
int next;
PopplerAction * action;
PopplerDest * dest;
gchar * title = NULL;
PopplerIndexIter * last_tmp;
action = poppler_index_iter_get_action(iter);
if (action->type != POPPLER_ACTION_GOTO_DEST) {
printf("No GOTO_DEST!\n");
return NULL;
//get page number of current node
if (action->goto_dest.dest->type == POPPLER_DEST_NAMED) {
dest = poppler_document_find_dest (doc, action->goto_dest.dest->named_dest);
cur_num = dest->page_num;
} else {
cur_num = action->goto_dest.dest->page_num;
//printf("cur_num: %d, %d\n",cur_num,num);
//free action, as we don't need it anymore
//are there nodes following this one?
last_tmp = poppler_index_iter_copy(iter);
next = poppler_index_iter_next (iter);
if (!next || cur_num > num) {
if ((!next && cur_num < num) || cur_num == num) {
//descend current node
if (last) {
last = last_tmp;
//descend last node (backtracking)
if (last) {
/* Get the the action and do something with it */
PopplerIndexIter *child = poppler_index_iter_get_child (last);
gchar * tmp = NULL;
if (child) {
tmp = getTitle(child,num,last,doc);
poppler_index_iter_free (child);
} else {
action = poppler_index_iter_get_action(last);
if (action->type != POPPLER_ACTION_GOTO_DEST) {
tmp = NULL;
} else {
tmp = g_strdup (action->any.title);
poppler_index_iter_free (last);
return tmp;
} else {
return NULL;
if (cur_num > num || (next && cur_num != 0)) {
// free last index_iter
if (last) {
last = last_tmp;
while (next);
return NULL;
getTitle gets called by:
for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) {
iter = poppler_index_iter_new (document);
title = getTitle(iter,i,NULL,document);
poppler_index_iter_free (iter);
if (title) {
printf("title of %d: %s\n",i, title);
} else {
printf("%d: no title\n",i);


How to make a report parameter selection change another report parameter selection values while allowing multiselect for both of them?

Lets say I have a table with a list of names, such as "a, b, c" and each name has several other values assigned (some of the other values can be assigned to several/all of names values, example below).
Table example:
( names - other ):
a - aa
a - ab
a - ac
b - ab
b - bb
b - cb
c - ac
c - bc
c - cc
How do I make in birt so that I could select names in one parameter box and get corresponding other values to select for another parameter? I know it's possible to do that with cascading parameter, but that doesn't allow to have multiselect for the first parameter, which in our example would be names values.
Found a solution partly here:
and here (thanks google translate ^^):
Steps to do:
change"\birt\webcontent\birt\ajax\ui\dialog\BirtParameterDialog.js" file contents (there is a file to download for replacement in one of the links, but in case it goes dead I'm sharing 2 snippets from it where the changes occur:
__refresh_cascade_select : function( element )
var matrix = new Array( );
var m = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < this.__cascadingParameter.length; i++ )
for( var j = 0; j < this.__cascadingParameter[i].length; j++ )
var paramName = this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name;
if( paramName == this.__isnull )
paramName = this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value;
if( paramName == 0, - 10 ) )
//The two way work (String(selectedValue) or Array(SelectedValueArray))
var l = 0;
var isFirstElement = true;
var selectedValue = "";
var selectedValueArray = new Array();
for(var test = 0; test<element.options.length;test++){
isFirstElement = false;
selectedValue = element.options[test].value;
selectedValue = selectedValue+","+element.options[test].value;
selectedValueArray[l] = element.options[test].value;
var tempText = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
var tempValue = element.options[element.selectedIndex].value;
// Null Value Parameter
if ( tempValue == Constants.nullValue )
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = this.__isnull;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = paramName;
else if( tempValue == '' )
if( tempText == "" )
var target = element;
target = target.parentNode;
var oInputs = target.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
if( oInputs.length >0 && oInputs[1].value != Constants.TYPE_STRING )
// Only String parameter allows blank value
alert( birtUtility.formatMessage( Constants.error.parameterNotAllowBlank, paramName ) );
this.__clearSubCascadingParameter( this.__cascadingParameter[i], j );
// Blank Value
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = paramName;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = tempValue;
// Blank Value
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = paramName;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = tempValue;
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].name = paramName;
//The two way work (String(selectedValue) or Array(SelectedValueArray))
this.__cascadingParameter[i][j].value = selectedValueArray;
for( var m = 0; m <= j; m++ )
if( !matrix[m] )
matrix[m] = {};
matrix[m].name = this.__cascadingParameter[i][m].name;
matrix[m].value = this.__cascadingParameter[i][m].value;
birtEventDispatcher.broadcastEvent( birtEvent.__E_CASCADING_PARAMETER, matrix );
and this:
// exist select control and input text/password
// compare the parent div offsetTop
if( oFirstITC.parentNode && oFirstST.parentNode )
// Bugzilla 265615: need to use cumulative offset for special cases
// where one element is inside a group container
var offsetITC = Position.cumulativeOffset( oFirstITC );
var offsetST = Position.cumulativeOffset( oFirstST );
// compare y-offset first, then x-offset to determine the visual order
if( ( offsetITC[1] > offsetST[1] ) || ( offsetITC[1] == offsetST[1] && offsetITC[0] > offsetST[0] ) )
oFirstST.focus( );
oFirstITC.focus( );
After .js is changed cascading parameters can have multiselect on all levels.
1st DataSet "DS_country" query:
2nd DataSet "DS_office" query:
After datasets are created we can make cascading report parameters CRP_country and CRP_office (keep in mind that UI doesn't let you to choose "Allow multiple values" on the upper levels, but we can change that in property editor after the parameters are made by going to advanced tab and changing "Scalar parameter type" property value to "Multi Value")
The only thing left is to pick lower level cascading parameters (CRP_office in our example) and go to script tab and add this on "beforeOpen":
// Do that if your selections are in String type.
var stringArray = params["CRP_country"].value.toString().split(",");
var result = "";
for(var i =0 ; i < stringArray.length ; i++){
result = "'"+stringArray[i]+"'";
result = result+",'"+stringArray[i]+"'";
// For String
this.queryText = this.queryText.replace("'DS_country'", result);
//For integer (the first part is useless)
//this.queryText = this.queryText.replace("'DS_country'",

BST delete - delete "tmp" causes lose of the tree

debug result
Attached my code for trying to delete a node in bst.
If I want to delete node 1, when specifying tmp = del in "if (del_node->l_ == NULL)", and remove tmp, then del is removed as well, and the tree data is lost. how can I solve this issue?
Example tree:
/ \
1 5
all data members and functions are declared public for simplicity.
void BST::DeleteNode(int data) {
BinaryTreeNode* &del_node = BST_Search(head_, data);
if (!del_node->l_ && !del_node->r_)
delete del_node;
del_node = nullptr;
if (del_node->l_ == NULL)
BinaryTreeNode* tmp = del_node;
del_node = del_node->r_;
tmp = nullptr;
delete tmp;
if (del_node->r_ == NULL)
BinaryTreeNode* tmp = del_node;
del_node = del_node->l_;
delete tmp;
del_node->data_ = smallestRightSubTree(del_node->r_);
int BST::smallestRightSubTree(BinaryTreeNode* rightroot)
// if rightroot has no more left childs
if (rightroot && !rightroot->l_)
int tmpVal = rightroot->data_;
BinaryTreeNode* tmp = rightroot;
rightroot = rightroot->r_;
delete tmp;
return tmpVal;
return smallestRightSubTree(rightroot->l_);
int main()
BST bst;
bst.BST_Insert(bst.head_, 3);
bst.BST_Insert(bst.head_, 5);
bst.BST_Insert(bst.head_, 1);
bst.BST_Insert(bst.head_, 2);
return 0;
Thanks for help!
EDIT: this is how tmp and del_node look like after the line "del_node = del_node->r_)" in the condition "if(del->l = null)"
void BST::BST_Insert(BinaryTreeNode*& head, int data) {
if (head == nullptr) {
head = new BinaryTreeNode(data, nullptr, nullptr);
if (data > head->data_) {
BST_Insert(head->r_, data);
else {
BST_Insert(head->l_, data);
BinaryTreeNode* BST::BST_Search(BinaryTreeNode* root, int key) {
if (root == nullptr || root->data_ == key)
return root;
if (key > root->data_)
return BST_Search(root->r_, key);
return BST_Search(root->l_, key);
If your BST_Search returns a BinaryTreeNode* by value, what is the reference in BinaryTreeNode* &del_node = BST_Search(head_, data); actually referencing? It allocates a new temporary and references that. You probably wanted it to reference the variable that is holding the pointer in the tree so that you can modify the tree.
Your BST_Search would have to look like this:
BinaryTreeNode*& BST::BST_Search(BinaryTreeNode*& root, int key) {
if (root == nullptr || root->data_ == key)
return root;
if (key > root->data_)
return BST_Search(root->r_, key);
return BST_Search(root->l_, key);
I can't check whether this actually works, because you didn't provide a self-contained compilable example. But something along these lines.

Calculating size of Google Firestore documents

Firestore docs give details of how to manually calculate the stored size of a document, but there does not seem to be a function provided for this on any of document reference, snapshot, or metadata.
Before I attempt to use my own calculation, does anyone know of an official or unofficial function for this?
Here is my (completely untested) first cut for such a function from my interpretation of the docs at
function calcFirestoreDocSize(collectionName, docId, docObject) {
let docNameSize = encodedLength(collectionName) + 1 + 16
let docIdType = typeof(docId)
if(docIdType === 'string') {
docNameSize += encodedLength(docId) + 1
} else {
docNameSize += 8
let docSize = docNameSize + calcObjSize(docObject)
return docSize
function encodedLength(str) {
var len = str.length;
for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) {
} else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) {
len += 2;
} if (code >= 0xDC00 && code <= 0xDFFF) {
return len;
function calcObjSize(obj) {
let key;
let size = 0;
let type = typeof obj;
if(!obj) {
return 1
} else if(type === 'number') {
return 8
} else if(type === 'string') {
return encodedLength(obj) + 1
} else if(type === 'boolean') {
return 1
} else if (obj instanceof Date) {
return 8
} else if(obj instanceof Array) {
for(let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
size += calcObjSize(obj[i])
return size
} else if(type === 'object') {
for(key of Object.keys(obj)) {
size += encodedLength(key) + 1
size += calcObjSize(obj[key])
return size += 32
In Android, if you want to check the size of a document against the maximum of 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes), there is a library that can help you with that:
In this way, you'll be able to always stay below the limit. The algorithm behind this library is the one that is explained in the official documentation regarding the Storage Size.

Magento Rest API Product List (api/rest/products) how to know last page or product

I have 32 products in my magento store.
I am fetching these products using magento rest API, like below
but if I query below url too, still it is giving product list (please not page is equal to 5)
So is there any way to know that this is the last page or last product??
ProductWork mojProduct = new ProductWork(_url, _adminUrlPart, _consumerKey,
_consumerSecret, _userName, _password);
MagentoApiResponse<IList<Product>> provera = new MagentoApiResponse<IList<Product>>();
provera.Result = new List<Product>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var filter = new Filter();
filter.PageSize = 100; // max number
filter.Page = i+1;
var primio = await mojProduct.GetAll(filter);
if (primio.Result != null & provera != null)
foreach (Product item in primio.Result)
if ( provera.Result.Count(a=>a.entity_id == item.entity_id) == 0) {
i = 101;
if (provera.Result != null)
foreach (Product item in provera.Result)
// your code here

Finding BST's height non-recursively?

This is a recursive method for finding the height, but i have a very large number of nodes in my binary search tree, and i want to find the height of the tree as well as assign the height to each individual sub-tree. So the recursive method throws stackoverflow exception, how do i do this non-recursively and without using stack?
private int FindHeight(TreeNode node)
if (node == null)
return -1;
node.Height = 1 + Math.Max(FindHeight(node.Left), FindHeight(node.Right));
return node.Height;
I believe i have to use post order traversal but without stack?
I was able to make this method, and it does return the correct height but it assigns each node with its depth not height.
public void FindHeight()
int maxHeight = 0;
Queue<TreeNode> Q = new Queue<TreeNode>();
TreeNode node;
while (Q.Count != 0)
node = Q.Dequeue();
int nodeHeight = node.Height;
if (node.Left != null)
node.Left.Height = nodeHeight + 1;
if (node.Right != null)
node.Right.Height = nodeHeight + 1;
if (nodeHeight > maxHeight)
maxHeight = nodeHeight;