Makegood: Class 'Memcache' not found when exeuction PHPUnit - eclipse-plugin

I want to use MakeGood[1] for executing PHPUnit-Tests within my eclipse. Local PHPUnit-setup is done, I can execute tests successfully.
But when starting a PHPUnit-Test via MakeGood, it stopps at
new Memcache();
where "Memcache" is the pecl-extension. Error message is "Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found".
How can I get the test in MakeGood running?

You are using the internal PEAR library and there is no MemCache installed. You have to create a User Library with your PEAR folder as source. For more details see this page.


Can not run Clojure project with Cursive using Leiningen

I am unable to run a simple test project using the intellij plugin cursive. I am able to open a REPL without any problems and can even call functions defined in the core.clj file.
Running the project directly however yields this error message:
Error running 'new-project.core': failed to access class com.intellij.execution.impl.ProcessStreamsSynchronizer from class com.intellij.execution.impl.ConsoleViewRunningState (com.intellij.execution.impl.ProcessStreamsSynchronizer is in unnamed module of loader com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader #402f32ff; com.intellij.execution.impl.ConsoleViewRunningState is in unnamed module of loader #c9a79eb)
Intellij run configuration here. Changing How to run it and What to run does nothing.
Starting the project via the Leiningen tab yields the same error message.
There is an issue open about it.
Also I tried to do lein run Let me know if this work for you.

Configuring UnetStack in Intellij IDEA

I'm trying to use IntelliJ IDEA for my UnetStack Project.
I'm following this blog
I get this error when done following this:
Error: Could not find or load main class
I had the same issue.
This happened to you because you ran your simulation as a groovy script and not as the configured application. Run it as application and groovyStarter will not even be used.

I was trying to create a new Liferay Plugin Project and it showed the following error

I changed the ivy.jar.url to the above mentioned url and now it came up with a new error as follows:
[Console output redirected to
Buildfile: C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\portlets\build.xml
[get] Getting:
[get] To: C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins.ivy\org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found.
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\portlets\build.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-plugins.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common.xml:47: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-ivy.xml:102: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-ivy.xml:38: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-ivy.xml:48: Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant:settings
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any / declarations have taken place.
No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet
This appears to be an antlib declaration.
Action: Check that the implementing library exists in one of:
-the IDE Ant configuration dialogs
Total time: 11 seconds
Below please find my steps how I created a new Liferay Plugin Project.
I hope this will be useful to you:
I have downloaded Liferay Developer Studio 3.0.1. GA2 from:
htt ps:// or
ht tps://
Note: there are some known issue with the 3.0.0 version
I extracted the IDE to C:\dstudio3 on my computer
I downloaded the Liferay SDK from:
http s://
(bottom of the page, additional files section)
I copied the SDK to the IDE's folder and created a personalized file, based on:
htt ps://
I started Eclipse and set up a new Liferay Server environment
In Eclipse, I created a new "Liferay Plugin Project", and in the wizard, I defined the location of the Plugins SDK.
I created a new Liferay Portlet project inside the Plugin project.
Best Regards,

osTicket 1.9 LDAP pear issue

I'm following the instructions here: to install the LDAP plugin for osticket 1.9.2.
I have the download in the correct place however when I run the command:
php make.php hydrate
I get loads of 'could not load...' messages and the main fatal one being:
Problem 1
- The requested package pear-pear/net_ldap2 could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
Enabling the plugin within osTicket then works but obvious throws PHP Fatal errors about not finding the ldap files, as you would expect.
Does anyone know how to resolve it?
You need to install the pear package net_ldap2, either via pear or via composer.

Fatal error running unit test in Yii app

This Question is local to my situation and not resolved (yet). But if you are experiencing this problem, the trouble shooting steps may give you a good path to start on.
I want to run a unit test in a Yii web application on localhost, which is running via WampServer 2.1 on Windows 7.
class LittleTest extends CTestCase
public function testApprove()
$value1 = "1";
I receive a fatal error when I try to run the test. Here is how I run it, on the Windows command line:
C:\wamp\www\app\protected\tests>cd unit
C:\wamp\www\app\protected\tests\unit>phpunit LittleTest.php
I receive (along with some stack trace lines):
PHP Fatal error:
class 'CTestCase' not found in [path to file]\LittleTest.php on line 4
Trouble shooting steps to this point:
The app runs. The default index page of the app looks good and I have used the gii tool to create a model class.
From command line, I can see php and phpunit are available (and I've been over my pear install to make sure it's all good):
C:\wamp\www\app\protected\tests>phpunit --version
PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
C:\wamp\www\app\protected\tests>php --version
PHP 5.3.5 (cli)
... etc
display_errors is turned on. display_startup_errors is turned on.
I tried renaming the class so that name did not match the document name:
class LittleTestTweak extends CTestCase
I'm not sure of the precise command that runs the test, so I have tried variants like:
php LittleTest.php
Also I've tried running it various places in the folder structure. Here is the immediate structure:
| bootstrap.php
| my_tree.txt
| phpunit.xml
| WebTestCase.php
|---- /fixtures
|---- /functional
| SiteTest.php
|---- /report
`---- /unit
I also checked my php.ini for the path to PEAR; as far as I can tell, it's correct (but how can I test it?):
More Info
In response to this:
cd wamp\www\app\protected\tests
phpunit unit\LittleTest.php
I receive this:
Warning: require_once(PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php):
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
C:\wamp\www\yii\framework\test\CWebTestCase.php on line 12
Call Stack:
0.0007 339624 1. {main}() C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.5\phpunit:0
0.0164 698440 2. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::main()
0.0164 698856 3. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->run()
0.0164 698856 4. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->handleArguments()
0.0289 1220944 5. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->handleBootstrap()
0.0300 1233328 6. PHPUnit_Util_Fileloader::checkAndLoad()
0.0330 1233424 7. PHPUnit_Util_Fileloader::load()
0.0334 1238096 8. include_once
0.0412 1520256 9. require_once
0.0413 1520520 10. YiiBase::autoload()
0.0423 1543904 11.
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
in C:\wamp\www\yii\framework\test\CWebTestCase.php on line 12
Call Stack:
0.0007 339624 1. {main}() C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.5\phpunit:0
0.0164 698440 2. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::main() cetera...
The failed requirement is PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php. I wonder if the issue is that PHPUnit is installed locally under C:\wamp.
I opened my php.ini and added to include_path: C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.5\PEAR\PHPUnit\Extensions. Restarted wamp. No change in error reporting.
My security setup uses DansGuardian and I had neglected to loosen the settings for banned extension types, which blocks file downloads. In fact I don't care to ban any types, and modifying that file allows everything to work. Woops, that's my Linux set. PHPUnit is working there, and it is working on WAMP also. Recreating the steps on WAMP is impossible; but I do know I had to open cmd.exe as administrator and pear update-channels, pear upgrade-all, etc. I also had to clear pear's cache at one point, and I had to overcome an issue with curl recognition to install Selenium:
pear install --force phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium
To run unit tests in Yii with phpunit, you'll need to let phpunit load the protected/tests/bootstrap.php file which basically sets up a configuration, and autoloads the required classes (mainly pertaining to testing). The bootstrap.php file loads yiit.php which actually autoloads the required classes.
Now we can load all this configuration either by command line options when running phpunit, or let the configuration be read automatically through the protected/tests/phpunit.xml file.
For the latter method, the directory from where phpunit is invoked should have the phpunit.xml file in it, and in Yii default webapp, this directory is protected/tests. Therefore you need to do the following to run your tests:
cd wamp\www\app\protected\tests
phpunit unit\LittleTest.php