Android, Iphone, Windows and Blackberry API search apps - api

Is it possible to search apps via API on:
1. Android Market
2. App Store
3. Windows Phone App Store
4. Blackberry App World
5. Facebook App Store
and if so, can you provide specific links to that sections (not only to the develops pages)?

you can use google api, or some simple stuff
for example you want to search games in android market place
get the result of this
games site:

For Apple App store---<appname>+&entity=software
There are no public apis are available for Android, Windows, Blackberry.
Paid API For Android Apps--
For Windows, Backberry, Facebook--
Do web scrapping by using CSQuery(or) html agility pack..


Do Native apps have access to HTML5 API's

I am building a language translation flashcard web app. I will have a PWA version on the website and then a native app in the Play Store and Windows Store.. maybe even Apple Store eventually. First time looking to build a native app or pseudo native app.
The app currently uses the Web Speech API and Voice Recognition API in HTML5. These API's have support on Chrome and Android Web Browser. It appears they are in progress for Firefox and some other browsers.
Since the best functionality of the app is built upon these browser based API's..
I am wondering if I choose to use Vue Native instead of Cordova/Phonegap, how is it possible to access these HTML5 APIs natively or is there a native solution?

Can Google barcode reader be used without play services installed on a phone?

I have an embedded phone application where the phone is running Android 7 without any GMS apps, including play services, since it is not a GMS certified device.
Can I use the Google barcode reading SDK on this device, or does it require Google Play Services to run?
There will be two options here:
Route 1 - Using Google Bar Code Reader
If you will be going to this route, one prerequisite will be: you have to use Google Play Services since you'll be using a service from Google (Google Mobile Vision SDK). Try checking their codelab, you'll see all the prerequisite libraries you have to use.
Route 2 - Not using Google Play Services (GPS)
As the route says, this will be using external or 3rd party libraries.
Scan QR code without using google play services
How to install the barcode scanning library without a google account?

Device tells us we need Google Play Services to Use Maps on Android device

we've been working with a 3rd party Android device that uses API 17. We want to make a native Google API app so that we can map data for our customers. What happens is the app crashes and it says "Google Play Services required". Is there a workaround to this? can we somehow embed or package a file that is good enough to use Maps? We've spoken with the hardware company and they made a decision to not allow google play services. We are partnering with them to release the device with a couple of apps we offer with the device. Any help is appreciated
Google Play services enables Maps to run on your Android devices, as per Google statement:
With Google Play services, your app can take advantage of the latest,
Google-powered features such as Maps, Google+, and more, with
automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google
Play store. This makes it faster for your users to receive updates and
easier for you to integrate the newest that Google has to offer.
That means you need Google Play services to make Google Maps work.
Download it here.

PIN authentication on iOS app and then listing all ios apps

I want to list all my published iOS apps list on my main ios app .
My main iOS app will perform like this: First screen will ask to enter PIN (an authorization code, user will have this code from my other web url ) after validation, next screen will show all published app (published from my developer a/c) of iTunes store. apps will be a free type category, if user click on any specific app, the itunes app should be launch to download that app on device.
Could some one please suggest me , is there any violation of Apple's rule to show my apps in this way authentication to my customers? Will apple reject my app?
Although i was trying to understand a search API of iTunes
Thanks a lot,

Develop Mobile Web app using Dojox

I am new to Dojo. Dojo provides a way to develop Web app for mobiles.
Just I want to create Hello world app with Dojo.
Any one help me????
look at this resources, i think it will be helpful test pages - Several samples showing how to use various features of Documentation
API Reference for
Instructions for installing and configuring the Android Device Emulator. You can use the emulator to test the application if you don't have access to an Android device.
Visit the Safari Reference Guide or tips on building web applications on the iPhone