How to open multiple psd files to a single fireworks doctument? - photoshop

When I tried dragging multiple psd files to my FireWorks, it opens each psd files as an individual document. I would like to get multiple psd files to open in a single FireWords document but different page.
Or at least merge multiple FireWorks files into one FireWorks document.

Try dragging the PSD files on top of the open document (on the canvas). It works perfectly in Fireworks CS5 and I can bring in as many PSD files as I want into a single Fireworks document. Not sure about older versions, though.


Check if pdf are the same

I have a folder with houdreds of pdf files with different names. Some of them have the same contents the is identical. I would like to find out which pdf files are the same and collect them in another folder. Is there an open source program or online program that can do this check? And hopefully also the movement in a separate folder. Or a VBA macro that can do this.
To find duplicate pdf's in a folder you can use Adobe Acrobat, by Adobe Acrobat you can find duplicate pdf's as well as you can delete them

Illustrator/PS images when sending to another computer?

I'm not sure how Photoshop works but when I receive an AI file from another computer I get an error regarding the images:
'Could not find the link file 'exampleimage.jpg'.
So I'm guessing the other person would have to send me the images separately?
Is this how Illustrator works?
I'm sure for Photoshop you don't have to do this?
Any info would be helpful.
In Illustrator, if you go to menu File/Place, this will allow you to place other art files directly into your open illustrator document. If someone gives you that illustrator file and they do not give the "placed" files as well, when you open the illustrator document it will give you that error message because it cannot locate those files that were placed.
While using the "place" command in Illustrator, if the "link" check box is selected, anytime a placed file into illustrator gets edited and saved outside of illustrator, the edits made to that placed file will update the changes in Adobe Illustrator.
If the photos in their document are not embedded, you will need the images separately. Once you have the images, when you open the file on the new computer, you may need to manually associate the photos with each placeholder to make sure it renders properly.

How to clip and concatenate a page region in multiple pdf files with one page each?

I have a lot of pdf files each one with an image inside. I want to clip a rectangular region in each of these files and concatenate them into a single pdf file. Is it possible with ghostscript or similar?
I'll have a go at this. Try Briss if you want to crop rectangular regions in pdf files. It's free and cross-platform GUI.
If you have multiple pdf files you can concatenate/merge them first online using Then use Briss to crop the images out into a new pdf file. Or vice-versa depending on the location of your images inside the pdf files.
After you fire up Briss, load the merged pdf file containing the images. When you're asked if you want to exlude anything, just click "cancel" if you want to include all pages.
If your file has many pages, similar pages may be overlapping each other so you can draw a rectangle over the region you want to crop. Click Action -> Preview for previewing the output. Click Action -> Crop PDF to finalize your output pdf file. Cheers.

Export Video from powerpoint using VBA

I want to export a video from powerpoint using VBA. This video was uploaded from the PC and not using links. I saw that this is possible for the images using this line of code:
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).Export "C:\Cover.PNG", ppShapeFormatPNG
but I couldn't do the same for videos.
Do you simply need to extract the original video from the PPTX file? If so, rename the file to give it a .ZIP extension, open the zip file, browse for the media folder and in it, you'll find copies of any inserted (but not linked) sounds, videos and pictures.
If you have routines for working with ZIP files in VBA, you could probably work out how to do the same thing.
A possible alternative: size the video to fill the slide, then use PPT's SaveAs method to save as a WMV.

Copy the current "view" of a Photoshop Document w/o having to Flatten?

Is there a way in Adobe Photoshop (I'm using CS4) to copy the current view of a document, including many different layers, to another application, such as InDesign, without having to flatten the image?
In my experience, pasting external graphical content into an InDesign file is not a great idea.
Much better is to "place" (CTRL+D) an external graphic file (Just a saved PSD would do fine) into InDesign. That way, any time the PSD file is updated in the future, InDesign will realise this and notify you via the "links" pallete (SHIFT+CTRL+D). My version will not automatically update the view, but if you are on CS4 Adobe should have that by now! (I am still on CS!).
Using the above, once you have "placed" your PSD the first time, you can change it as often as you like in Photoshop and its trivial to update the InDesign document.