CGI script create file with wrong permissions - apache

I'm using standard routers2.cgi to display MRTG graphs using .rrd data files in a linux server.
This routers.cgi file reads rrd data files and create MRTG graphs to display them from a web url.
This system is working fine. Only problem is the .png graphs creates with 600 permissions. But it needs 644 permission to display from the web page. So I had to change the permissions manually. How can I fix this, any suggestions?
graphs located at:
apache2 config:
cgi bin: <path>/
doc root: <path>/

Well finally I have fixed it.
It got fix by adding following code in top of the script. In my case a have added it just below the ##CONFIG#START# comment line in the routers2.cgi


Laravel 403 error when displaying images from storage folder

I am unable to access files saved to the storage folder. I'm able to upload, files, save files. If I run for example the size method it gets the file size of the uploaded image but when it comes to displaying the file, I get a 403 error. I used the laravel artisan command to create the symlink, I've tried manually creating the symlink. I've checked to verify that follow symlinks is in my apache config, I can cd into it from shell the permissions are 777 (I had it 755 but in trying to figure it what is wrong I changed it to 777) ownership of the symlink and files inside are all the same user and group as every other file in the public directory.
I'm super tired so maybe I'm just missing something obvious, but I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong. The file clearly exists, its visibility set to "public". Is there any reason why I'd be able to write the directory but not display images saved there?
Edit 1:
Is the basic structure, with a symlink inside public pointing at storage/app/public
the filesystems for my storage folder config is:
'public' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
'visibility' => 'public',
I haven't really edited anything from the basic laravel install at this point. I did read someone else having a similar problem, said their issue is they weren't allow to access direcotires outside of their document root. So they just had all uploads go to their public folder instead of using the storage folder. I do have my document root set to my public folder. Could that be a problem? (I can edit my apache file if needed)
Ok - got some sleep and this morning looked over everything and realized that when logged in as the site owner, everything looks fine, however when logged in as root it shows the link as broken. Basically artisan creates an absolute link, which /storage/app/public is fine as the site owner because its a jailkitted account whose "root" directory is the web folder. However it was actually creating a symlink to the system root, of which the normally account doesn't have access to so it was returning a 403
Basically I just made the as a relative link instead of an absolute one by removing the broken symlink laravel created and while in the public directory entering:
ln -s ../storage/app/public storage
I had the same issue, after a lot of debugging i managed to identify the actual problem that caused 403 error.
Solution is simple, in
where you define your public_path and storage path, you must have same/identical public_path name and storage_path end directory name.
public_path('brands') => storage_path('storage/app/public/brandimages');
This will generate 403 error, "since public_path('brands')" is not same as "storage_path('../../../brandsimage')".
public_path('brands') => storage_path('storage/app/public/brands');
Now the public_path('brands') and "storage_path('../../../brands')" are same, therefore, correct symlinks will generated,thus solving 403 error.
Generate symlinks with following artisan command
php artisan storage:link
if relative links need to be generated, than use following command
php artisan storage:link --relative
My hosting is a clud server, and my site path is /httpdocs
The solution worked for me, was:
from folder /httpdocs/public, execute ln -s ../storage/app/public storage
then everything works fine.

Could not move uploaded file to destination Drupal 8

I have a trouble gatting drupal to upload files (images, configuration, I guess anything).
The error message is:
The file could not be saved because the upload did not complete.
File upload error. Could not move uploaded file.
When I go to log it says:
Upload error. Could not move uploaded file multimedia.svg to destination public://2017-03/multimedia.svg.
I already read about permissions and here they are:
sites/default/files - 770
sites/default/files/2017-03 - 770
/tmp - 1777
However I'm able to upload & install themes and modules without any ploblems at all.
So what could it be? And how do I fix this?
switch php mode from "Apache module (mod_php)" to "Fast CGI (mod_fcgid)"
function file_prepare_directory()
should return true
see this patch
or just temporarily put
return true;
instead of
return $writable;
in the function

Drupal 8 File Upload error: Could not move uploaded File

I have created a new content type, and all of a sudden I can not upload any images to my site. It is a local server so disk space is not an issue.
The error is
The file could not be saved because the upload did not complete.
File upload error. Could not move uploaded file.
This value should not be null."
It is drupal 8.1.8
I have changed the temp directory to a place that www-data has full read and write permissions, as well as changing the files folder to 777, none of which seem to fix the issue.
There isn't even any apache errors that are being thrown, the only error is in drupal logs and on the page
error screen
on drupal root directory try
sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t sites/default/files
See the folder premissions here: This is a common folder permissions issue.
I fixed the problem on (Laragon, Drupal 9 & Windows 10) by changing the PHP from NTS to Thread Safe.

reputation module installation in phpbb3

Hi i am trying to install phpbb-reputation system i followed the xml file for installation but while executing install_reputation.php i am getting this error ERROR: Could not open the file ./styles/afterburnerafterburner_config.html for reading.There are many errors in the same fashin. where i gues it is not going inside afterburner/template folder where .html file exists. where should i check this?
More error samples:
Refreshing the proFormell template
ERROR: Could not open the file ./styles/proFormellcaptcha_recaptcha.html for reading.
Sounds like it's a permissions issue; if hosting on a LAMP server, just run chmod 755 * -R in the website root directory. Alternatively you could also change file permissions using an FTP client

Where does Vagrant download its .box files to?

What happens to the .box file after the following command is executed?
vagrant box add lucid32
I can't find the file on the file system after download has completed.
As mentioned in the docs, boxes are stored at:
Mac OS X and Linux: ~/.vagrant.d/boxes
Windows: C:/Users/USERNAME/.vagrant.d/boxes
On Mac/Linux System, the successfully downloaded boxes are located at:
and unsuccessful boxes are located at:
On Windows systems it is located under the Users folder:
Hope this will help. Thanks
To change the Path, you can set a new Path to an Enviroment-Variable named:
export VAGRANT_HOME=my/new/path/goes/here/
Thats maybe nice if you want to have those vagrant-Images on another HDD.
More Information here in the Documentations:
The actual .box file is deleted by Vagrant once the download and box installation is complete. As mentioned in other answers, whilst downloading, the .box file is stored as:
where the file name is 'box' followed by a 40 byte hexadecimal hash. A temporary file on my system for example, is:
As far as I can tell, this file is never saved with a *.box extension, which explains why the searches above failed to locate it. There are two ways to retrieve the actual box file:
Download the .box file from
Find the box you're interested in on the atlas. For example,
Replace the domain name with So
Add /providers/ to the end of that URL. So becomes
Save the .box file
Use the .box as you wish, for example, hosting it yourself and pointing config.vm.box_url to the URL. OR
Get the .box directly from Vagrant
This requires you to modify the ruby source to prevent Vagrant from deleting the box after successful download.
Locate the box_add.rb file in your Vagrant installation directory. On my system it's located at /Applications/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.2/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/box_add.rb
Find the box_add function. Within the box_add function, there is a block that reads:
# Make sure we delete the temporary file after we add it,
# unless we were interrupted, in which case we keep it around
# so we can resume the download later.
if !#download_interrupted
#logger.debug("Deleting temporary box: #{box_url}")
box_url.delete if box_url
rescue Errno::ENOENT
# Not a big deal, the temp file may not actually exist
Comment this block out.
Add another box using vagrant add box <boxname>.
Wait for it to download.
You can watch it save in the ~/.vagrant.d/tmp/ directory as a boxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX file.
Rename the the file to something more useful. Eg, mv boxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Why would you want this?
For me, this has been useful to retrieve the .box file so it can be hosted on local, fast infrastructure as opposed to downloading from HashiCorp's Atlas box catalog or another box provider.
This really should be part of the default Vagrant functionality as it has a very definitive use case.
#Luke Peterson: There's a simpler way to get .box file.
Just go to, search for the box you'd like to download. Notice the URL of the box, e.g:
Then you can download this box using URL like this:
I tried and successfully download all the boxes I need. Hope that help.
On Windows, the location can be found here. I didn't find any documentation on the internet for this, and this wasn't immediately obvious to me:
In addition to
You have to delete the files in VirtualBox/OtherVMprovider to make a clean start.
On Windows 10 with Vagrant 2.2.2, setting the environment variable VAGRANT_HOME will ensure that boxes are downloaded to a subfolder of the folder specified for VAGRANT_HOME.
In my case I set VAGRANT_HOME to e:\vagrant_home, and the boxes get stored under e:\vagrant_home\boxes.
This works for me.
That's where the boxes are stored. The virtual machines are being created in the folder configured in Virtual Box. To set the VirtualBox VM storage folder, go to: VirtualBox GUI --> File --> Preferences --> General --> Default Machine Folder.