SQLite, selecting values having same criteria (throughout all table) - sql

I have an sqlite database table similar to the one given below
Name | Surname | AddrType | Age | Phone
John | Kruger | Home | 23 | 12345
Sarah | Kats | Home | 33 | 12345
Bill | Kruger | Work | 15 | 12345
Lars | Kats | Home | 54 | 12345
Javier | Roux | Work | 45 | 12345
Ryne | Hutt | Home | 36 | 12345
I would like to select Name values matching same "Surname" value for each of the rows in the table.
For example, for the first line the query would be "select Name from myTable where Surname='Kruger'" whereas for the second line the query would be "select Name from myTable where Surname='Kats' and so an....
Is it possible to traverse through the whole table and select all values like that?
PS : I will use these method in a C++ application, the alternative method is to use sqlite3_exec() and process each row one by one. I just want to know if there is any other possible way for the same approach.

I'd do:
sqlite> SELECT group_concat(Name, '|') Names FROM People GROUP BY Surname;
Then split each value of "Names" in C++ using the "|" separator (or any other you choose in group_concat function.

Basically you just want to exclude any records that don't have a buddy.
Something simple like joining the table against itself should work:
FROM tab AS a
JOIN tab AS b
ON a.Surname = b.Surname;
Just returning the full sorted table and doing the duplicate check yourself may be faster if incidence is high (and will always be high for all sets of data). That would be a pretty strong assumption though.
FROM tab
SORT BY Surname;


how to loop an array in string in a where clause

I have an information table with a column of an array in string format. The length is unknown starting from 0. How can I put it in a where clause of PostgreSQL?
* hospital_information_table
| ID | main_name | alternative_name |
| --- | ---------- | ----------------- |
| 111 | 'abc' | 'abe, abx' |
| 222 | 'bbc' | '' |
| 333 | 'cbc' | 'cbe,cbd,cbf,cbg' |
* record
| ID | name | hospital_id |
| --- | ------- | ------------ |
| 1 | 'abc-1' | |
| 2 | 'bbe+2' | |
| 3 | 'cbf*3' | |
e.g. this column is for alternative names of hospitals. let's say e.g. 'abc,abd,abe,abf' as column Name and '111' as ID. And I have a record with a hospital name 'cbf*3' ('3' is the department name) and I would like to check its ID. How can I check all names one by one in 'cbe,cbd,cbf,cbg' and get its ID '333'?
In the example, in the record table, I used '-', '*', '+', meaning that I couldn't split the name in the record table under a certain pattern. But I can make sure that some of the alternative names may appear in the record name (as a substring). something similar to e.g. 'cbf' in 'cbf*3'. I would like to check all names, if 'abe' in 'cbf*3'? no, if 'abx' in 'cbf*3'? no, then the next row etc.
Thanks for the answers! They are great!
For more details, the original dataset is not in alphabetic languages. The text in the record name is not separable. it is really hard to find a separator or many separators. Therefore, for the solutions with regrex like '[-*+]' could not work here.
Thanks in advance!
You could use regexp_split_to_array to convert the coma-delimited string to a proper array, and then use the any operator to search inside it:
SELECT r.*, h.id
FROM record r
JOIN hospital_information h ON
SPLIT_PART(r.name, '-', 1) = ANY(REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY(h.name, ','))
SQLFiddle demo
Substring can be used with a regular expression to get the hospital name from the record's name.
And String_to_array can transform a CSV string to an array.
r.id as record_id
, r.name as record_name
, h.id as hospital_id
FROM record r
LEFT JOIN hospital_information h
ON SUBSTRING(r.name from '^(.*)[+*\-]\w+$') = ANY(STRING_TO_ARRAY(h.alternative_name,',')||h.main_name)
WHERE r.hospital_id IS NULL;
Demo on db<>fiddle here
Btw, text [] can be used as a datatype in a table.

How can I return the best matched row first in sort order from a set returned by querying a single search term against multiple columns in Postgres?

I have a Postgres 11 table like so:
some_schema.foo_table (
bar_text TEXT,
foo_text TEXT,
foobar_text TEXT
It has some data like this:
INSERT INTO some_schema.foo_table (bar_text, foo_text, foobar_text)
VALUES ('eddie', '123456', 'something0987');
INSERT INTO some_schema.foo_table (bar_text, foo_text, foobar_text)
VALUES ('Snake', '12345-54321', 'that_##$%_snake');
INSERT INTO some_schema.foo_table (bar_text, foo_text, foobar_text)
VALUES ('Sally', '12345', '24-7avocado');
id | bar_text | foo_text | foobar_text
1 | eddie | 123456 | something0987
2 | Snake | 12345-54321 | that_##$%_snake
3 | Sally | 12345 | 24-7avocado
The problem
I need to query each one of these columns and compare the values to a given term (passed in as an argument from app logic), and make sure the best-matched row (considering comparison with all the columns, not just one) is returned first in the sort order.
There is no way to know in advance which of the columns is likely to be a better match for the given term.
If I compare the given term to each value using the similarity() function, I can see at a glance which row has the best match in any of the three columns and can see that's the one I would want ranked first in the sort order.
similarity('12345', foo_text) AS foo_similarity,
similarity('12345', bar_text) AS bar_similarity,
similarity('12345', foobar_text) AS foobar_similarity
FROM some_schema.foo_table f
f.foo_text ILIKE '%12345%'
f.bar_text ILIKE '%12345%'
f.foobar_text ILIKE '%12345%'
id | foo_text | bar_text | foobar_text | foo_similarity | bar_similarity | foobar_similarity
2 | 12345-54321 | Snake | that_##$%_snake | 0.5 | 0 | 0
3 | 12345 | Sally | 24-7avocado | 1 | 0 | 0
1 | 123456 | eddie | something0987 | 0.625 | 0 | 0
(3 rows)
Clearly in this case, id #3 (Sally) is the best match (exact, as it happens); this is the row I'd like to return first.
However, since I don't know ahead of time that foo_text is going to be the column with the best match, I don't know how to define the ORDER BY clause.
I figured this would be a common enough problem, but I haven't found any hints in a fair bit of SO and DDG .
How can I always rank the best-matched row first in the returned set, without knowing which column will provide the best match to the search term?
Use greatest():
greatest(similarity('12345', foo_text), similarity('12345', bar_text), similarity('12345', foobar_text)) desc

Recursive self join over file data

I know there are many questions about recursive self joins, but they're mostly in a hierarchical data structure as follows:
ID | Value | Parent id
But I was wondering if there was a way to do this in a specific case that I have where I don't necessarily have a parent id. My data will look like this when I initially load the file.
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,...
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,...
5 | 3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...
6 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
7 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
8 | ,,2,l,m,n,...
Essentially, its a CSV file where each row in the table is a line in the file. Lines 1 and 5 identify an object header and lines 3, 4, 7, and 8 identify the rows belonging to the object. The object header lines can have only 40 attributes which is why the object is broken up across multiple sections in the CSV file.
What I'd like to do is take the table, separate out the record # column, and join it with itself multiple times so it achieves something like this:
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,t,u,v,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,l,m,n,...
I know its probably possible, I'm just not sure where to start. My initial idea was to create a view that separates out the first and second columns in a view, and use the view as a way of joining in a repeated fashion on those two columns. However, I have some problems:
I don't know how many sections will occur in the file for the same
The file can contain other objects as well so joining on the first two columns would be problematic if you have something like
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,...
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,...
5 | 3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...
6 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
7 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
8 | ,,2,l,m,n,...
9 | ,4,Data,1,2,3,4,...
10 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
11 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
In the above case, my plan could join rows from the Data object in row 9 with the first rows of the Formula object by matching the record value of 1.
I know this is somewhat confusing. I tried doing this with C# a while back, but I had to basically write a recursive decent parser to parse the specific file format and it simply took to long because I had to get it in the database afterwards and it was too much for entity framework. It was taking hours just to convert one file since these files are excessively large.
Either way, #Nolan Shang has the closest result to what I want. The only difference is this (sorry for the bad formatting):
| ID | header | x | value
| 1 | 3,Formula, | ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
| 2 | ,, | ,1,x,y,z,t,u,v | ,1,x,y,z,t,u,v |
| 3 | ,, | ,2,q,r,s,l,m,n | ,2,q,r,s,l,m,n |
| 4 | *,record, | ,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst |*,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst |
| 5 | ,4, | ,Data,1,2,3,4 |,4,Data,1,2,3,4 |
| 6 | *,record, | ,lmn,opq,rst | ,lmn,opq,rst |
| 7 | ,, | ,1,t,u,v | ,1,t,u,v |
I agree that it would be better to export this to a scripting language and do it there. This will be a lot of work in TSQL.
You've intimated that there are other possible scenarios you haven't shown, so I obviously can't give a comprehensive solution. I'm guessing this isn't something you need to do quickly on a repeated basis. More of a one-time transformation, so performance isn't an issue.
One approach would be to do a LEFT JOIN to a hard-coded table of the possible identifying sub-strings like:
Looks like it pretty much has to be human-selected and hard-coded because I can't find a reliable pattern that can be used to SELECT only these sub-strings.
Then you SELECT from this artificially-created table (or derived table, or CTE) and LEFT JOIN to your actual table with a LIKE to get all the rows that use each of these values as their starting substring, strip out the starting characters to get the rest of the string, and use the STUFF..FOR XML trick to build the desired Line.
How you get the ID column depends on what you want, for instance in your second example, I don't know what ID you want for the ,4,Data,... line. Do you want 5 because that's the next number in the results, or do you want 9 because that's the ID of the first occurrance of that sub-string? Code accordingly. If you want 5 it's a ROW_NUMBER(). If you want 9, you can add an ID column to the artificial table you created at the start of this approach.
BTW, there's really nothing recursive about what you need done, so if you're still thinking in those terms, now would be a good time to stop. This is more of a "Group Concatenation" problem.
Here is a sample, but has some different with you need.
It is because I use the value the second comma as group header, so the ,,1 and ,,2 will be treated as same group, if you can use a parent id to indicated a group will be better
DECLARE #testdata TABLE(ID int,Line varchar(8000))
INSERT INTO #testdata
SELECT 1,'3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 2,'*,record,abc,efg,hij,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 3,',,1,x,y,z,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 4,',,2,q,r,s,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 5,'3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 6,'*,record,lmn,opq,rst,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 7,',,1,t,u,v,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 8,',,2,l,m,n,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 9,',4,Data,1,2,3,4,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 10,'*,record,lmn,opq,rst,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 11,',,1,t,u,v,...'
SELECT *,REPLACE(SUBSTRING(t.Line,LEN(c.header)+1,LEN(t.Line)),',...','') AS data
FROM #testdata AS t
CROSS APPLY(VALUES(LEFT(t.Line,CHARINDEX(',',t.Line, CHARINDEX(',',t.Line)+1 )))) c(header)
SELECT MIN(ID) AS ID,t.header,c.x,t.header+STUFF(c.x,1,1,'') AS value
OUTER APPLY(SELECT ','+tb.data FROM t AS tb WHERE tb.header=t.header FOR XML PATH('') ) c(x)
GROUP BY t.header,c.x
| ID | header | x | value |
| 1 | 3,Formula, | ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
| 3 | ,, | ,1,x,y,z,2,q,r,s,1,t,u,v,2,l,m,n,1,t,u,v | ,,1,x,y,z,2,q,r,s,1,t,u,v,2,l,m,n,1,t,u,v |
| 2 | *,record, | ,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst,lmn,opq,rst | *,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst,lmn,opq,rst |
| 9 | ,4, | ,Data,1,2,3,4 | ,4,Data,1,2,3,4 |

SQL find duplicates and assign group number

On a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 I have about 2 million rows. (this should have never happened but we inherited the situation). A sample as follows:
usernum. | phone | email
1 | 123 | user1#local.com
2 | 123 | user2#local.com
3 | 245 | user3#local.com
4 | 678 | user3#local.com
I would like to create a table that looks like this. The idea is that if 'phone' or 'email' is the same, they are assigned the same group number.
groupnum |usernum. | phone | email
1 | 1 | 123 | user1#local.com
1 | 2 | 123 | user2#local.com
2 | 3 | 245 | user3#local.com
2 | 4 | 678 | user3#local.com
Tried so far
So far I have created a simple python script that conceptually does the following:
- for each usernum in the table
-- assign a group number
-- also assign the group number to all rows where phone or email is the same as this row
-- do not assign the group number if usernum already processed (else we would do things double)
The python script basically has to check for each row if there are duplicates for phone or email. Although this is perfectly fine for maybe 10,000 records or so, it is too slow for 2 million records. I think this possible to do in t-sql which should be much faster than my python script using pyodbc. The big question thus is, how to do this in sql.
Just noticed you said email or phone is duplicate. For that I would think you would need to decide which has priority in instances where a user could be joined from either field. Or you could potentially just split the update into a few batches to make group numbers based on phone AND email, then email (when not already matched), then phone (when not already matched) as such:
insert into yourGroupsTable (phone, email) -- assuming identity column of groupNum here
select distinct phone, email
from yourUserTable
-- assign group nums with priority on matching phone AND email
update yourUserTable
set groupNum = g.groupNum
from yourUserTable u
join yourGroupsTable g on u.phone = g.phone
and u.email = g.email
It occurs to me now that this would not work as each row would join on the yourGroupsTable due to the distinct select. I came across a scenario that I'm unsure what your expected outcome would be (and too big for a comment) - what happens in this instance:
your test data slightly modified:
groupnum |usernum. | phone | email
1 | 1 | 123 | user1#local.com
1 | 2 | 123 | user2#local.com
? | 3 | 245 | user3#local.com
? | 4 | 678 | user3#local.com
? | 5 | 245 | user7#local.com
? | 6 | 678 | user7#local.com
what would the group numbs be in the above case?
As you do python script is good way ... if you want to move with mysql make it one procedure before inserting record must check its exist or not in table
If Exist
THEN get that row groupnum and assign that groupnum to this new record ...
IF Not
Then give new groupnum
but i have still little confusion
now if record is like
5 | 678 | user1#local.com
if this is the case then ?
I assume that both column [phone and email ] is consider to give groupnum.
if my assumption is correct then go with mysql procedure ...

Splitting a string column in BigQuery

Let's say I have a table in BigQuery containing 2 columns. The first column represents a name, and the second is a delimited list of values, of arbitrary length. Example:
Name | Scores
Bob |10;20;20
Sue |14;12;19;90
Joe |30;15
I want to transform into columns where the first is the name, and the second is a single score value, like so:
Can this be done in BigQuery alone?
Good news everyone! BigQuery can now SPLIT()!
Look at "find all two word phrases that appear in more than one row in a dataset".
There is no current way to split() a value in BigQuery to generate multiple rows from a string, but you could use a regular expression to look for the commas and find the first value. Then run a similar query to find the 2nd value, and so on. They can all be merged into only one query, using the pattern presented in the above example (UNION through commas).
Trying to rewrite Elad Ben Akoune's answer in Standart SQL, the query becomes like this;
WITH name_score AS (
SELECT Name, split(Scores,';') AS Score
(SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Bob' AS Name ,'10;20;20' AS Scores))
(SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Sue' AS Name ,'14;12;19;90' AS Scores))
(SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Joe' AS Name ,'30;15' AS Scores))
SELECT name, score
FROM name_score
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(name_score.score) AS score;
And this outputs;
| name | score |
| Bob | 10 |
| Bob | 20 |
| Bob | 20 |
| Sue | 14 |
| Sue | 12 |
| Sue | 19 |
| Sue | 90 |
| Joe | 30 |
| Joe | 15 |
If someone is still looking for an answer
select Name,split(Scores,';') as Score
from (
# replace the inner custome select with your source table
select *
(select 'Bob' as Name ,'10;20;20' as Scores),
(select 'Sue' as Name ,'14;12;19;90' as Scores),
(select 'Joe' as Name ,'30;15' as Scores)