Rotate Windows Store XAML control using an custom Panel - xaml

I am using a custom Panel, very similar to a radial panel.
I was wondering if there was a way to rotate the items as well as position them.
I know I could use different item templates, but that would require assigning the templates during coding. I'm looking for a runtime solution.
Any ideas?

What I did was create an item template that rotates the item based on a data bound property in the CLR object.
In order to rotate in a windows store app, I used a modified LayoutTransformer


Avalonia UI, creating a custom control by drawing things

One could create a control by starting from a container control (like panel) and add other existing controls (like buttons, textbox, etc) on it. But in some cases, there are no such suitable primitive controls and one has to draw things from scratch.
Avalonia UI's Visual Studio extension has a UserControl template, and it seems that it allows adding existing controls using XAML, which is the former case of the previous paragraph. But how to draw from scratch? Where is WinForm's OnPaint() equivalent or WPF's OnRender() equivalent? Is there any example of creating a control from scratch in Avalonia UI?
or WPF's OnRender() equivalent
It's called Render, the name is pretty much the only difference, DrawingContext's API closely resembles WPF one.

How do you properly position elements in XAML without using absolute position?

I have a UWP app that I am working on, and using absolute position creates problems when using the app on screen sizes different than the one it was designed for.
I'm not sure how exactly i should place elements at distances from each other without using margin and absolute position. How should I be doing this?
Edit: I am using XAML to design the UI.
Well, it depends on what UI you want to build up.
There are various panels and, usually, there is NO need to use absolute position in most cases.
Usually, the Grid panel is used to create flexible layouts, by adding rows and columns: for example, if you want to create a page with some content and a bottom app bar with buttons on it, you usually create a Grid with as many rows as you need for your content controls, plus one for the bottom appbar itself.
Years ago, I also started building UIs by using absolute position for every element, but then times passes and you start having a flexible mind in order to build flexible layouts.
Sorry to not answer any further, but your question is just TOO broad to give any precise answer.
Best regards
How do you properly position elements in XAML without using absolute position?
You should use an appropriate layout panel:
Layout panels are containers that allow you to arrange and group UI elements in your app. The built-in XAML layout panels include RelativePanel, StackPanel, Grid, VariableSizedWrapGrid, and Canvas.

Why use XAML in visual studio express for windows 8?

i'm trying to do an application for Windows 8 and i'm following a guide on channel9.msdn
I cant understand why they use XAML to create textbox, label or other controls.
There's a reason ? There's a form which is much faster: simply drag & drop controls into the UI.
So why use XAML ?
Thanks all and sorry for my english :/
XAML supports laying out the form so that if you resize the window, the controls contained in the window are always consistently positioned according to the layout.
If you just drag and drop, you will see that the designers uses margins to position the controls. When you resize the window, they kind of keep the same position and are not going to be well positioned anymore.
This layouting is the essence of WPF. Just read a tutorial about layouting in WPF.
Drag and drop creation of UIs when using XAML creates very poorly formatted XAML and since there are a significant number of things which are most easily done in XAML (data templates for instance), it's easier to simply construct your UI in XAML from the start.

Creating custom combination of widget in Cocoa

I have seen that in Cocoa I can create a custom view using drawing primitives which allows me to draw what I like but at a very low level.
Instead I'd like to create custom widgets using a combination of existing controls. For example:
I'd like to create a table with images and combobox in cells
I'd like to create a custom widget wich is a combination of several (for example a list, a button and combobox)
How can I approach this problem ?
Secondly a typical cocoa developer uses external controls? Is there a repository or a list of interesting external custom controls (commercial or free) ?
I'd like to create a table with images and combobox in cells
There already exists NSImageCell and NSComboBoxCell. Are you sure you need to do anything different?
If the problem is that you want an image and a combo box in the same cell, you will have to subclass NSCell. Currently table views can only contain cells, not views, which makes your life harder (as understanding how cell drawing works is more difficult). That will change in Lion, however, so if you can wait until then, this will become easier!
I'd like to create a custom widget wich is a combination of several (for example a list, a button and combobox)
How is your custom widget different to just placing those three things in the same view?
You could write your own NSView subclass. When it's created, it should create a list, a button and a combobox and add them as subviews to itself. Your NSView subclass should handle the logic of keeping them in sync or doing whatever it is you want them to do. Then, to use this combination control in Interface Builder, you place a Custom View and set its class (rightmost tab of the inspector) to your NSView subclass.
BTW, on a tangent, are you sure you mean combobox? Loads of people coming from Windows get this one wrong. A combobox is a combination of a menu and a text field: it allows the user to enter custom text that is not in the menu. If you just want a dropdown menu of choices (and the user can't enter a custom one), you use an NSPopupButton.
Secondly a typical cocoa developer uses external controls?
Yes, sometimes. Things like BWToolkit can be very useful. There's a lot more that are just floating around mailing lists as code snippets, rather than being cleaned up and put in a library. Search for what you need to do!

Adding visible elements to a custom Panel in Silverlight 3

As I understand it, a Panel isn't meant to have any visible "chrome." The StackPanel, Grid and Canvas don't have any visible elements (with the exception of the gridlines, which they say are only for debugging layout.)
In my example, I am going to create a Custom Panel that uses Attached Properties to lay out its children controls. However, I want my Custom Panel to present a visible "grid" of sorts in the background. The look of the grid (sizing and positioning) will depend on the size and position of the child elements.
What are some of the ways to achieve this? Being very new to Silverlight and XAML in general, my first guess was to create a Custom Control which includes my custom panel for layout.
I think I'll be able to figure out the specific code, but I need to be pointed in the right direction in terms of what building blocks are appropriate for this scenario.
You are correct that custom Panels cannot show any extra chrome; they can only display their Children (Grid being an exception).
To do what you want to do, you could create a custom Panel which just adds extra Children to display the chrome. This would not be a good design though (since users of the Panel would see these extra items in the Children collection).
The best idea is to do what you said: create a custom Control that exposes a Children property. This control could internally use a private custom Panel to lay out these elements (e.g. TabControl uses a special TabPanel for laying out the tabs). In the Controls default template, you might want to use TemplateBinding on the Panels' Children property to your Control's Children property.
Panel can add Adorners to its children, read this article about adorners: