How to debug a Windows Store app that crashes on a customer's machine? - windows-8

I got a support email from a customer saying his app crashes when it starts and all he gets is a message like:
(App Name) ran into a problem You can send info to Microsoft about
what went wrong to help improve this app.
Files that will be sent to Microsoft
I thought - Microsoft isn't going to help them really with my silly app. They should send the dump file to me for debugging, but how to do it? A sample dump file I got from a crashing app was 90MB and after zipping it is still 30MB. How do I debug the app? Is there a simple way to get these dump files from a customer? These also get deleted right after you switched from the crashing app window to the desktop unless you leave it running (crashed) in snapped view and hit WinKey+D.

It seems like the Windows developer Dashboard has an option to get mini dump files for most common crashes that could help find the problem (assuming your customer is having one of the most common problems for a crash or that there are actually few problems causing your app to crash and all of them are there). You just need to go to:
Dashboard/App/Reports/Quality/Most common crashes
There you can download a cab file that includes the mini dump from there. You might be able to extract the file by just renaming cab to zip or using a tool that extracts cab archives. Then just open the dump file in WinDbg and start debugging!


Gamemaker Game EXE file won't load (game made 11years ago)

So I made a few gamemaker games about 11 years ago and tried to run the exe file.
When I run the exe file, nothing really happens just an error box pops up saying you can find out more here. And it points to 3 .tmp files located in the Temp folder on my computer.
Anyone know how to get these exe files working again?
The older versions of game maker games use an old runner that does not work with the newer versions of window (from Vista and up).
Using compatibilty mode does not fix this.
There is however a fix available that replaces the runner in the EXE with an updated one.
The tool was posted by Mark Overmars (the original creator of Game Maker) but the link in his topic is no longer active (the .zip does download but its an HTML page, not the actual tool).
It did work for me and using this program I was able to run a lot of older gm4 + games that I have played before on windows XP.
If its a must - you can always try to run it on an XP machine.
There is a tool to make them work, I will upload it tonight.
EDIT: Turns out YoYoGames has the tool posted themselves;
More information:
You can extract all the files to a directory, then drag your old .exe file onto the converter exe. It will then create a game_old.exe and game.exe and then you should be able to run the game.exe one.

Cannot select latest uploaded version to add to testflight

I cannot select the latest version I have uploaded to seed to beta in external testing. First of all whenever I upload a build two version appearing, that have upload time difference of 5 to 15 minutes between them. One of them gets changed from processing to normal available state, but other does not. But now selecting the available build also selects the processing one and my selection is blocked and I cannot select the OK button because probably my selection is blocked by the processing one. I think it is UI frontend issue at itunesconnect side but it could be something I am doing wrong. Please help me if anyone has been able to tackle this issue if they faced. Please see checkout the attached image.
I Included <key>ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption</key><false/> in my subsequent builds that I uploaded according to the new Export compliance message on the iTunes Connect home page. I am still facing the issue. I have contacted Apple Dev support, will keep you updated if I find a solution.
The issue has been mysteriously solved by uploading the application from Application Loader with Aspera turned off instead of using Xcode's organizer window as suggested by Apple Developer support. Make sure you add: <key>ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption</key><false/> in your info.plist file before archiving the build. Although mysteriously my previously uploaded builds have also become available for external testing.
Body of email that helped solve the issue:
After further research, it looks like their may be an issue from your
end with your network while trying to upload to this app record in
iTunes Connect.
First, for the best upload experience make sure that all ports and IP
addresses are accessible. Additionally, it’s important to make sure
the internet connection is very good, and that there are no firewalls
blocking the uploads. More information can be found here:
Second, it may be beneficial to try using the latest version of
Application Loader. Please note that you can export your project from
Xcode to upload through Application Loader. As a temporary workaround,
once you have Application Loader open, you can go to the File menus
and select the following:
Application Loader > Preferences
Then, select Advanced, and as a temporary workaround you can try
deselecting Aspera and upload the build again. You can follow the
steps below to use the latest version of Application Loader.
Download the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store:
Open the latest version of Xcode
Go to the File menu and select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader
Lastly, try uploading again to see if the issue persists.
Hello my dear friend there,
I am also having your issue yesterday, I have this similar screen with yours:
The build is duplicated which one of them are processing forever until today.
My personal problem solving was:
Increase my build number in Xcode so that I can reupload my build
Rearchive the build then export for iOS App Store Deployment in Xcode Organizer
Reupload the build using Application Loader
Then try to reconfigure the build in iTunes Connect. For a while it is processing like usual, but it will not take forever, after one hour, the build will be available for testing.
Hope my personal troubleshooting can be applied to your issue too.

Can't use background task in Windows Phone 8.1 (the ID_CAP_NETWORKING required, but it's included in the manifest)

I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.

Xcode 4.2 not running my app after rebuilding MacBook (Snow Leopard)

I recently had the MacBook I'm using to develop an app (for work) rebuilt. Xcode failed to launch and there were a number of issues when running 'verify permissions' on the disk. I copied the project to a USB stick and prepared to have the machine re-imaged. Now I have it back, I've re-installed Xcode, copied my project over and it opens - great. I started some alterations to the storyboard and tried to run it in the simulator, at which point it seems to crash and returns me to the Xcode window, debugger running.
I've tried to step through the 'problems' but I can't find anything wrong. This was a working, simple project (based entirely on a storyboard approach, very little code yet as I've been building an interface that was acceptable) and the storyboard still opens fine, all the segue's seem intact etc. It just won't run. I've tried it on another MacBook (running Lion) and it also failed, complaining about 'NSBundle' and 'MainStoryboard' (I'm sorry, that machine is at home and I don't have the exact message) - yet for all intents and purposes looked fine.
The build settings etc all verify and it builds with no issues. The app is stored in a different location on the disk to where it was originally, so perhaps some of that information is stored somewhere and needs to be reset? I've tried this: XCode 4.2 MainStoryBoard Not Found with no change.
Short of me scrapping this and starting afresh, is there anything I can do/try to salvage it? It's not a huge amount of work (probably a day or so, mainly adding text/images to the views) but I'd like to try and save it, hopefully understand a bit more of what's happened? Short of thinking the drive was corrupted and also corrupted the project somehow before I made the backup I'm at a loss.
Any pointers appreciated!
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Could not find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard' in bundle NSBundle </Users/appdev/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/82547437-7BE3-4960-B755-84E0A999A881/> (loaded)'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x13be052 0x154fd0a 0x439352 0x151c9 0x15461 0x147c0 0x23743 0x241f8 0x17aa9 0x12a8fa9 0x13921c5 0x12f7022 0x12f590a 0x12f4db4 0x12f4ccb 0x142a7 0x15a9b 0x208d 0x1ff5)
terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)
The storyboard file doesn't seem to be getting put into your application bundle. Select it in the project navigator in the left-hand panel, and check that there is stick against the target in the file inspector in the right-hand panel.
Also, it sounds like you are not using version control. Use version control! If you had been using version control, you wouldn't have had to worry about moving the files from computer to computer, you could roll back to a working version, and you could easily see what the differences are between the old working version and the new broken version.
check the following settings in the xcode: and make sure to clean before building the app and running.

How to distribute a self developed mac application?

I've developed an application on XCode, compiled and built it.
If I run the app on the same machine using Finder, it starts normally.
But if I copy the app to another machine and try to run it, the application does not start.
Is there another step that I forgot after building the application on XCode?
I think it seems to be a simple issue, but I really need some help on it...
On a machine where it doesn't start, open the Console utility, try launching your program, and see if any new messages appear in the Console window.
OK, It was a very stupid error...
I was sending the app to the other machine through iChat. When the download completes the execute permission of the executable file inside the app is automatically removed.
So, I was trying to execute a non executable app.
Thanks everybody!