Using CASE in PostgreSQL to affect multiple columns at once - sql

I have a Postgres SELECT statement with these expressions:
,CASE WHEN (rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id)
THEN 'testing'
ELSE TRIM(rtd2.team_name)
END AS testing_testing
,CASE WHEN (rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id)
THEN 'test example'
ELSE TRIM(rtd2.normal_data)
END AS test_response
,CASE WHEN (rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id)
THEN 'test example #2'
ELSE TRIM(rtd2.normal_data_2)
END AS another_example
In my particular query there are 5 fields whose output depends on whether rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id evaluates true. I'm repeating CASE statements with the same condition over and over.
Is there any way I can combine these CASE expressions to toggle the output of multiple columns in one shot?

1. Standard-SQL: LEFT JOIN a single row of values
You could LEFT JOIN a row of values using the condition (thereby evaluating it once). Then you can add fallback values per column with COALESCE().
This syntax variant is shorter and slightly faster with multiple values - especially interesting for an expensive / lengthy condition:
SELECT COALESCE(x.txt1, trim(r2.team_name)) AS testing_testing
, COALESCE(x.txt2, trim(r2.normal_data)) AS test_response
, COALESCE(x.txt3, trim(r2.normal_data_2)) AS another_example
FROM rtp
JOIN rtd2 r2 ON <unknown condition> -- missing context in question
SELECT 'testing'::text AS txt1
, 'test example'::text AS txt2
, 'test example #2'::text AS txt3
) x ON rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id;
Since the derived table x consists of a single row, joining without further conditions is fine.
Explicit type casts are necessary in the subquery. I use text in the example (which is the default for string literals anyway). Use your actual data types. The syntax shortcut value::type is Postgres-specific, use cast(value AS type) for standard SQL.
If the condition is not TRUE, all values in x are NULL, and COALESCE kicks in.
Or, since all candidate values come from table rtd2 in your particular case, LEFT JOIN to rtd2 using the original CASE condition and CROSS JOIN to a row with default values:
SELECT COALESCE(trim(r2.team_name), x.txt1) AS testing_testing
, COALESCE(trim(r2.normal_data), x.txt2) AS test_response
, COALESCE(trim(r2.normal_data_2), x.txt3) AS another_example
FROM rtp
LEFT JOIN rtd2 r2 ON <unknown condition> -- missing context in question
AND rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id
SELECT 'testing'::text AS txt1
, 'test example'::text AS txt2
, 'test example #2'::text AS txt3
) x;
It depends on the join conditions and the rest of the query.
2. PostgreSQL-specific
2a. Expand an array
If your various columns share the same data type, you can use an array in a subquery and expand it in the outer SELECT:
SELECT x.combo[1], x.combo[2], x.combo[3]
SELECT CASE WHEN rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id
THEN '{test1,test2,test3}'::text[]
ELSE ARRAY[trim(r2.team_name)
, trim(r2.normal_data)
, trim(r2.normal_data_2)]
END AS combo
FROM rtp
JOIN rtd2 r2 ON <unknown condition>
) x;
It gets more complicated if the columns don't share the same data type. You can either cast them all to text (and optionally convert back in the outer SELECT), or you can ...
2b. Decompose a row type
You can use a custom composite type (row type) to hold values of various types and simply *-expand it in the outer SELECT. Say we have three columns: text, integer and date. For repeated use, create a custom composite type:
CREATE TYPE my_type AS (t1 text, t2 int, t3 date);
Or if the type of an existing table matches, you can just use the table name as composite type.
Or if you only need the type temporarily, you can create a TEMPORARY TABLE, which registers a temporary type for the duration of your session:
CREATE TEMP TABLE my_type (t1 text, t2 int, t3 date);
You could even do this for a single transaction:
CREATE TEMP TABLE my_type (t1 text, t2 int, t3 date) ON COMMIT DROP;
Then you can use this query:
SELECT (x.combo).* -- parenthesis required
SELECT CASE WHEN rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id
THEN ('test', 3, now()::date)::my_type -- example values
ELSE (r2.team_name
, r2.int_col
, r2.date_col)::my_type
END AS combo
FROM rtp
JOIN rtd2 r2 ON <unknown condition>
) x;
Or even just (same as above, simpler, shorter, maybe less easy to understand):
SELECT (CASE WHEN rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id
THEN ('test', 3, now()::date)::my_type
ELSE (r2.team_name, r2.int_col, r2.date_col)::my_type
FROM rtp
JOIN rtd2 r2 ON <unknown condition>;
The CASE expression is evaluated once for every column this way. If the evaluation is not trivial, the other variant with a subquery will be faster.

Not sure that it would be an improvement, but you could union the SELECT one way with itself the other way:
'testing' AS testing_testing,
'test example' AS test_response,
'test example #2' AS another_example, ...
FROM ...
WHERE rtp.team_id = rtp.sub_team_id AND ...
TRIM(rtd2.team_name) AS testing_testing,
TRIM(rtd2.normal_data) AS test_response,
TRIM(rtd2.normal_data_2) AS another_example, ...
WHERE rtp.team_id <> rtp.sub_team_id AND ...;
The column names can safely be omitted from the second query, assuming you bring them out in the same order as in the first.
You may want to make each of those a separate query using common table expressions (CTEs). If you're worried about this changing the order, you can make it a subquery and apply an ORDER BY around it.


How to make a query where every column is a parallel count of a subquery?

I need to render a query such that every column contains the count of a respective table.
The code I have now is:
SELECT COUNT(table1.Id),
FROM table1,
WHERE table1.done = 'No' OR
table2.done = 'No' OR
table3.done = 'No' OR
But I need the query to return the same result values as if every table would be counted independently, like:
SELECT COUNT(tableX.Id) FROM tableX WHERE talbeX.done = 'No'
where the 'X' stands for 1,2 or 3.
How can this be achived with SQL?
Thanks beforhand for the help.
Just use a nested sub query, exactly as you have explained it:
(SELECT COUNT(table1.Id) FROM table1 WHERE table1.done = 'No') as T1Count,
(SELECT COUNT(table2.Id) FROM table2 WHERE table2.done = 'No') as T2Count,
(SELECT COUNT(table3.Id) FROM table3 WHERE table3.done = 'No') as T3Count,
(SELECT COUNT(tableN.Id) FROM tableN) as TNCount;
This will query the tables independently so you are free to use what ever additional criteria you may need without trying to correlate the results from each query
FROM in this case is not strictly necessary in the outer query as we are not returning rows from any specific table, there is no table that we could specify in the from clause. Each RDBMS has their own convention for these types of queries, MS SQL Server and Oracle are to predominant database engines used in Outsystems
If we did specify a table in FROM then this would return 1 row for every record in that table, which is inefficient and not required. So it is important that we do not include a FROM clause.
Transact-SQL - FROM
The FROM clause is usually required on the SELECT statement. The exception is when no table columns are listed, and the only items listed are literals or variables or arithmetic expressions.
DUAL is a table automatically created by Oracle Database along with the data dictionary. DUAL is in the schema of the user SYS but is accessible by the name DUAL to all users. It has one column, DUMMY, defined to be VARCHAR2(1), and contains one row with a value X. Selecting from the DUAL table is useful for computing a constant expression with the SELECT statement. Because DUAL has only one row, the constant is returned only once. Alternatively, you can select a constant, pseudocolumn, or expression from any table, but the value will be returned as many times as there are rows in the table.
Update - OP is using Oracle!
After attempting the solution, OP responded that it raised the following error:
Error in advanced query SQL2: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
The ORA prefix of this error number indicates that the data store is actually an Oracle implementation, so we need to append the FROM DUAL to the query.
(SELECT COUNT(table1.Id) FROM table1 WHERE table1.done = 'No') as T1Count,
(SELECT COUNT(table2.Id) FROM table2 WHERE table2.done = 'No') as T2Count,
(SELECT COUNT(table3.Id) FROM table3 WHERE table3.done = 'No') as T3Count,
(SELECT COUNT(tableN.Id) FROM tableN) as TNCount

Use value of one column as identifier in another table in SNOWFLAKE

I have two table one of which contains the rule for another
create table t1(id int, query string)
create table t2(id int, place string)
insert into t1 values (1,'id < 10')
insert into t1 values (2,'id == 10')
And the values in t2 are
insert into t2 values (11,'Nevada')
insert into t2 values (20,'Texas')
insert into t2 values (10,'Arizona')
insert into t2 values (2,'Abegal')
I need to select from second table as per the value of first table column value.
select * from t2 where {query}
with x(query)
(select c2 from test)
select * from test where query;
but neither are helping.
There are a couple of problems with storing criteria in a table like this:
First, as has already been noted, you'll likely have to resort to dynamic SQL, which can get messy, and limits how you can use it.
It's going to be problematic (to say the least) to validate and parse your criteria. What if someone writes a rule of [id] *= 10, or [this_field_doesn't_exist] = blah?
If you're just storing potential values for your [id] column, one solution would be to have your t1 (storing your queries) include a min value and max value, like this:
min_value INT NULL,
max_value INT NULL
Note that both the min and max values can be null. Your provided criteria would then be expressed as this:
([id], min_value, max_value)
(1, NULL, 10),
(2, 10, 10)
Note that I've explicitly referenced what attibutes we're inserting into, as you should also be doing (to prevent issues with attributes being added/modified down the line).
A null value on min_value means no lower limit; a null max_value means no upper limit.
To then get results from t2 that meet all your t1 criteria, simply do an INNER JOIN:
( <= t1.max_value OR t1.max_value IS NULL)
( >= t1.min_value OR t1.min_value IS NULL)
Note that, as I said, this will only return results that match all your criteria. If you need to more complex logic (for example, show records that meet Rules 1, 2 and 3, or meet Rule 4), you'll likely have to resort to dynamic SQL (or at the very least some ugly JOINs).
As stated in a comment, however, you want to have more complex rules, which might mean you have to end up using dynamic SQL. However, you still have the problem of validating and parsing your rule. How do you handle cases where a user enters an invalid rule?
A better solution might be to store your rules in a format that can easily be parsed and validated. For example, come up with an XML schema that defines a valid rule/criterion. Then, your Rules table would have a rule XML attribute, tied to that schema, so users could only enter valid rules. You could then either shred that XML document, or create the SQL client-side to come up with your query.
I got the answer myself. And I am putting it below.
I have used python CLI to do the job. (As snowflake does not support dynamic query)
I believe one can use the same for other DB (tedious but doable)
setting up configuration to connect
CONFIG_PATH = "/root/config/snowflake.json"
with open(CONFIG_PATH) as f:
config = json.load(f)
snf_user = config['snowflake']['user']
snf_pwd = config['snowflake']['pwd']
snf_account = config['snowflake']['account']
snf_region = config['snowflake']['region']
snf_role = config['snowflake']['role']
ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
Used multiple cursor as in loop we don't want recursive connection
cs = ctx.cursor()
cs1 = ctx.cursor()
query = "select c2 from test"
for (x) in cs:
y = "select * from test1 where {0}".format(', '.join(x).replace("'",""))
for (y1) in cs1:
And boom done

How to write a row that is empty to a Table Variable

I have the following SQL query
Declare #EIDDetail Table
(inc_synopsis varchar(5000),EmployeeName varChar(50),inc_id int, acc_id int
,acc_eid int, inc_event_Number Varchar(12), inc_date_occurred_startdate,acc_afg_id int,
inc_time_occurred_start varchar(8),inc_date_recvd date,inc_date_closed date,inc_is_uof bit,
InvestigatorName VarChar(42),inc_is_comp_via_sup bit,
inc_is_comp_via_psdbit, inc_is_admin_review bit
, inc_comp_is_inquiry bit, inc_comp_is_invest bit, div_name VarChar(50), inc_comp_is_referral bit)
INSERT INTO #EIDDetail SELECT b.inc_synopsis, a.EmployeeName As AccusedName, b.inc_id, a.acc_id, a.acc_eid,
b.inc_event_number, b.inc_date_occurred_start, a.acc_afg_id, b.inc_time_occurred_start, b.inc_date_recvd, b.inc_date_closed, b.inc_is_uof,
c.InvestigatorName, b.inc_is_comp_via_sup, b.inc_is_comp_via_psd,b.inc_is_admin_review,b.inc_comp_is_inquiry,b.inc_comp_is_invest, d.div_name,
dbo.Tbl_Incident AS b ON a.acc_inc_id = b.inc_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Division AS d ON b.inc_inv_div_id = d.div_id
a.acc_eid IN (435,35) And (b.inc_comp_is_inquiry = 'False') AND (b.inc_deleted = 'False') OR
a.acc_eid IN (435,35) And(b.inc_deleted = 'False') AND (b.inc_comp_is_invest = 'False') OR
a.acc_eid IN (435,35) And(b.inc_deleted = 'False') AND (b.inc_comp_is_referral = 'False') OR
a.acc_eid IN (435,35) And(b.inc_deleted = 'False') AND (b.inc_is_uof = 'True')
select * from #EIDDetail
This works okay until I have a parameter that has no records. When That Happens I need to include that employee identified by the parameter and show in the record set the employee name and "No Records Found' in my synopsis field.
I can not seem to figure this out. I have tried using the ISNULL function like this
SELECT ISNULL((SELECT My code above)), (new select here))
But that gives me an error message "Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS."
Am I heading in the right direction with the ISNUll function or is there any other way to accomplish this
I'd do something like:
DECLARE #EIDDetail Table <etc>
SELECT <etc>
IF ##rowcount = 0
SELECT <query designed for "no data available" parameters>
Just because it is possible to jam everything into a single query (something I am guilty of myself) doesn't make it a good idea.
If you want to use the ISNULL expression, then you have to use it on that one particular field (not a whole select statement). So, you could have something like:
SELECT ISNULL(field1, "Empty") AS field1, ISNULL(field2, "Empty") AS field 2
FROM TableName
The above assumes that Field1 and field2 are string-types (e.g., Varchar).
The output of your query then should be a left join or outer apply where your primary table is the list of IDs that you passed in (either in flex parameter or a table variable form), so:
SELECT IDs.ID, ISNULL(Records.A, "No Data Available")[, ...n]
FROM #TableOfIDs IDs
<query returning results you are interested in>
WHERE IDs.ID = InnerIDTable.ID
) Records
Then, on the report side, make your outputs responsive to the first occurrence of "No Data Available" so that it reformats the output. As the point above is made, ensure that your output from ISNULL is the same type as the column you're selecting.

'In' clause in SQL server with multiple columns

I have a component that retrieves data from database based on the keys provided.
However I want my java application to get all the data for all keys in a single database hit to fasten up things.
I can use 'in' clause when I have only one key.
While working on more than one key I can use below query in oracle
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where (value_type,CODE1) IN (('I','COMM'),('I','CORE'));
which is similar to writing
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'COMM'
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'CORE'
However, this concept of using 'in' clause as above is giving below error in 'SQL server'
ERROR:An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ','.
Please let know if their is any way to achieve the same in SQL server.
This syntax doesn't exist in SQL Server. Use a combination of And and Or.
FROM <table_name>
(value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'COMM')
OR (value_type = 1 and CODE1 = 'CORE')
(In this case, you could make it shorter, because value_type is compared to the same value in both combinations. I just wanted to show the pattern that works like IN in oracle with multiple fields.)
When using IN with a subquery, you need to rephrase it like this:
FROM foo
(value_type, CODE1) IN (
SELECT type, code
FROM bar
WHERE <some conditions>)
SQL Server:
FROM foo
FROM bar
WHERE <some conditions>
AND foo.type_code = bar.type
AND foo.CODE1 = bar.code)
There are other ways to do it, depending on the case, like inner joins and the like.
If you have under 1000 tuples you want to check against and you're using SQL Server 2008+, you can use a table values constructor, and perform a join against it. You can only specify up to 1000 rows in a table values constructor, hence the 1000 tuple limitation. Here's how it would look in your situation:
SELECT <table_name>.* FROM <table_name>
('I', 'COMM'),
('I', 'CORE')
) AS MyTable(a, b) ON a = value_type AND b = CODE1;
This is only a good idea if your list of values is going to be unique, otherwise you'll get duplicate values. I'm not sure how the performance of this compares to using many ANDs and ORs, but the SQL query is at least much cleaner to look at, in my opinion.
You can also write this to use EXIST instead of JOIN. That may have different performance characteristics and it will avoid the problem of producing duplicate results if your values aren't unique. It may be worth trying both EXIST and JOIN on your use case to see what's a better fit. Here's how EXIST would look,
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
('I', 'COMM'),
('I', 'CORE')
) AS MyTable(a, b)
WHERE a = value_type AND b = CODE1
In conclusion, I think the best choice is to create a temporary table and query against that. But sometimes that's not possible, e.g. your user lacks the permission to create temporary tables, and then using a table values constructor may be your best choice. Use EXIST or JOIN, depending on which gives you better performance on your database.
Normally you can not do it, but can use the following technique.
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where (value_type+'/'+CODE1) IN (('I'+'/'+'COMM'),('I'+'/'+'CORE'));
A better solution is to avoid hardcoding your values and put then in a temporary or persistent table:
CREATE TABLE #t (ValueType VARCHAR(16), Code VARCHAR(16))
FROM <table_name> DT
JOIN #t T ON T.ValueType = DT.ValueType AND T.Code = DT.Code
Thus, you avoid storing data in your code (persistent table version) and allow to easily modify the filters (without changing the code).
I think you can try this, combine and and or at the same time.
value_type = 1
What you can do is 'join' the columns as a string, and pass your values also combined as strings.
where (cast(column1 as text) ||','|| cast(column2 as text)) in (?1)
The other way is to do multiple ands and ors.
I had a similar problem in MS SQL, but a little different. Maybe it will help somebody in futere, in my case i found this solution (not full code, just example):
SELECT Table1.Campaign
FROM [CRM].[dbo].[Coupons] AS Table1
INNER JOIN [CRM].[dbo].[Coupons] AS Table2 ON Table1.Campaign = Table2.Campaign AND Table1.Coupon = Table2.Coupon
WHERE Table1.Coupon IN ('0000000001', '0000000002') AND Table2.Campaign IN ('XXX000000001', 'XYX000000001')
Of cource on Coupon and Campaign in table i have index for fast search.
Compute it in MS Sql
SELECT * FROM <table_name>
where value_type + '|' + CODE1 IN ('I|COMM', 'I|CORE');

How to update a table if values of the attributes are contained within another table?

I've got a database like this one:
I'm trying to create a query that would enable me to update the value of the status attribute inside the incident table whenever the values of all of these three attributes: tabor_vatrogasci, tabor_policija, and tabor_hitna are contained inside the izvještaj_tabora table as a value of the oznaka_tabora attribute. If, for example, the values of the tabor_vatrogasci, tabor_policija, and tabor_hitna attributes are 3, 4 and 5 respectively, the incident table should be updated if (and only if) 3, 4, and 5 are contained inside the izvještaj_tabora table.
This is what I tried, but it didn't work:
UPDATE incident SET status='Otvoren' FROM tabor,izvjestaj_tabora
WHERE (incident.tabor_policija=tabor.oznaka
OR incident.tabor_vatrogasci=tabor.oznaka
OR incident.tabor_hitna=tabor.oznaka)
AND izvjestaj_tabora.oznaka_tabora=tabor.oznaka
AND rezultat_izvjestaja='Riješen' AND
((SELECT EXISTS(SELECT DISTINCT oznaka_tabora FROM izvjestaj_tabora)
WHERE oznaka_tabora=incident.tabor_policija) OR tabor_policija=NULL) AND
((SELECT EXISTS(SELECT DISTINCT oznaka_tabora FROM izvjestaj_tabora)
WHERE oznaka_tabora=incident.tabor_vatrogasci) OR tabor_vatrogasci=NULL) AND
((SELECT EXISTS(SELECT DISTINCT oznaka_tabora FROM izvjestaj_tabora)
WHERE oznaka_tabora=incident.tabor_hitna) OR tabor_hitna=NULL);
Does anyone have any idea on how to accomplish this?
Asuming INCIDENT.OZNAKA is the key and you need all 3 to be ralated for the event to open (I am Slovenian that why I understand ;) )
UPDATE incident
SET status='Otvoren'
WHERE oznaka in (
FROM incident i
INNER JOIN izvještaj_tabora t1 ON i.tabor_vatrogasci = t1.oznaka_tabora
INNER JOIN izvještaj_tabora t2 ON i.tabor_policija = t2.oznaka_tabora
INNER JOIN izvještaj_tabora t3 ON i.tabor_hitna = t3.oznaka_tabora
WHERE t1.rezultat_izvjestaja='Riješen' AND t2.rezultat_izvjestaja='Riješen' AND t3.rezultat_izvjestaja='Riješen'
According to your description the query should look something like this:
UPDATE incident i
SET status = 'Otvoren'
WHERE (tabor_policija IS NULL OR
SELECT 1 FROM izvjestaj_tabora t
WHERE t.oznaka_tabora = i.tabor_policija
AND (tabor_vatrogasci IS NULL OR
SELECT 1 FROM izvjestaj_tabora t
WHERE t.oznaka_tabora = i.tabor_vatrogasci
AND (tabor_hitna IS NULL OR
SELECT 1 FROM izvjestaj_tabora t
WHERE t.oznaka_tabora = i.tabor_hitna
I wonder though, why the connecting table tabor is irrelevant to the operation.
Among other things you fell victim to two widespread misconceptions:
This expression aways results in NULL. Since NULL is considered "unknown", if you compare it to anything, the outcome is "unknown" as well. I quote the manual on Comparison Operators:
Do not write expression = NULL because NULL is not "equal to" NULL.
(The null value represents an unknown value, and it is not known
whether two unknown values are equal.)
In an EXISTS semi-join SELECT items are completely irrelevant. (I use SELECT 1 instead). As the term implies, only existence is checked. The expression returns TRUE or FALSE, SELECT items are ignored. It is particularly pointless to add a DISTINCT clause there.