How to convert Time to Decimal in SQL with an integer - sql

I am having a couple of issues converting time to decimal...
Essentially I have used a DATEDIFF to identify the hours and minutes between two dates and times. This produces a result of 5.45, however I would like to get the result as 5.75.
select RTRIM(DATEDIFF(second, startdate, enddate)/3600)+'.'
+ RIGHT('0'+RTRIM((DATEDIFF(second, startdate, enddate) % 3600)/60),2)
from time
I have tried a few things but I believe the issue is that this is not an integer and that's why i cant convert the minutes.

Get the time difference in minutes, and divide by 60, this will place hours before the decimal separator and minutes after:
datediff(minute, startdate, enddate) / 60.0

Select DATEDIFF(second, startdate, enddate)/3600.0

As mentioned in this answer, "Take the DateDiff in seconds instead, and then divide by 86400.0. The decimal point is required."


Calculate Time Difference for Date/Time Variable

I have two variables 'triage_date_time' and 'checkin_date_time'. Both are formatted as, for example, 2018-12-31 14:13:00. Showing the year-month-day and hour-minute-second both within one cell.
I wanted to create a variable that calculates the time it takes from check-in to triage.
I attempted to use the following code:
SELECT DISTINCT datediff(minute, 'triage_date_time', 'checkin_date_time') as
However, when running this code I get the following error... "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string".
Any suggestions of how I can write a code that would calculate the minute difference of these two variables.
One problem is obviously the single quotes. Assuming that you are using SQL Server, variables start with #. So:
select datediff(minute, #triage_date_time, #checkin_date_time) as checkin_to_triage
If you are confused and really mean columns in a table, then:
select datediff(minute, triage_date_time, checkin_date_time) as checkin_to_triage
from t;
could it be that your field is a CHARACTER data type ?
cast your char to datetime
SELECT DISTINCT datediff(minute, CAST(triage_date_time AS datetime), CAST(checkin_date_time AS datetime)) as checkin_to_triage
Try with this query
DECLARE #triage_date_time DATETIME = '20181231 14:13:00'
DECLARE #checkin_date_time DATETIME = '20181231 16:13:00'
SELECT DATEDIFF (MINUTE, #triage_date_time, #checkin_date_time) AS 'checkin_to_triage'
Output :

round GETDATE (SQL Server)

I have a function which is working fine in MySQL
round((now()-ts/60) as tdiff
(round the result of subtracting the current datetime from ts (also a datetime) divided by 60)
Attempting (and failing) to convert this for SQL Server.
Tried -
round((GETDATE()-ts/60) as tdiff
but that results in round function requires 2 or 3 parameters (which to me it does), so modified to -
round((GETDATE()-ts/60,0) as tdiff
but that results in the datatypes (GETDATE and ts) are incompatible in the subtract operator.
So then I attempted to cast both GETDATE and ts as date and that made no difference.
ts is a conventional datetime i.e.
2918-04-20 11:05:09 and I assumed GETDATE returned the same format.
As an example if GETDATE is today and ts is 2018-04-20 11:05:09 then tdiff is
6850891 (round effectively removes the dashes and colons and concatenates the datetime producing 20180420110509 for 2018-04-20 11:05:09 and 20180831164000 for 2018-08-31 16:40:00 and then divides by 60 to get 6850891.
Is there a remedy for this?
Regards, Ralph
GETDATE(), as per the documentation, returns a datetime. A datetime is accurate to 1/300 of a second, and it's accuracy cannot be changed.
If you want the time accurate to a second, you need to convert to a datetime2(0):
Also, however, don't use syntax like GETDATE()-ts. use the functions DATEADD and DATEDIFF for date maths.
I've no idea what GETDATE()-ts/60 is trying to acheive. Perhaps the number of minutes between the 2? DATEDIFF counts the "ticks" between 2 dates/times, thus DATEDIFF(MINUTE,'00:00:59','00:01:00') would return 1, despite there only being 1 second between the 2 times. This is because the minute value has "ticked" once (from 0 to 1). Therefore you might want to use DATEDIFF(SECOND,'00:00:59','00:01:00') / 60. This would return 0, as 1 / 60 in integer math is 0 (as is 59 / 60).
I think you want to use the DATEDIFF function:
DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )
DATEDIFF ( second, ts, GETDATE())
DATEDIFF ( second, ts, GETDATE())
DATEDIFF ( minute, ts, GETDATE())
DATEDIFF ( hour, ts, GETDATE())
The first argument tells it which increment of time to return.
If you are trying to find the difference between two values, then use datediff(). For instance:
select datediff(day, getdate(), ts)
gets the difference in days.
date_diff() or a related function would also be the right approach in MySQL.
sorry, I don't know if I have understand the question, you need to do date-date/60 and round the result?
In this case you have to change the minus ("-") with the DATEDIFF("Type return example DAYS", GETDATE(), ts).
So you will have ROUND((DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),ts)/60,0)
Please try and let me know if it will works for you

datediff() of 2 timestamps that contain decimal values

I've been stumbling with this issue for a couple days now, and cannot seem to figure out why, when my getdate() insert into the columns are providing a millisecond decimal to the military time format, I still cannot seem to be able to pull a decimal format datediff() result. Does it have to do with the engine not recognizing the decimal due to the surrounding '' characters?
When I use:
select datediff(s,'2013-06-01 21:59:59.141','2013-06-01 23:59:59.997')
It returns:
And when I use:
select cast(datediff(s,'2013-06-01 21:59:59.141','2013-06-01 23:59:59.997') as float);
It returns:
I am at a loss as to what I am missing in order to result in a decimal value.
If you are trying to get the milliseconds of the difference, and you want to convert the units to seconds, you can try using something like the following:
SELECT DATEDIFF(MS,'2013-06-01 21:59:59.141','2013-06-01 23:59:59.997') / 1000.0
That'll produce: 7200.856000.
Please note that DATEDIFF(MS, ...) requires guarding for long time spans or it will give an overflow:
SELECT datediff(MS, '2013-06-30 23:59:59.997', '2013-06-01 21:59:59.141')
-- FAILURE: The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large
You can use following method which is overflow-safe and gives you a float result:
SELECT cast(cast('2013-06-01 23:59:59.997' as datetime)-cast('2013-06-01 21:59:59.141' as datetime) as float) * 24.0
-- Returned 2.00023796296296
SELECT cast(cast('2013-06-30 23:59:59.997' as datetime)-cast('2013-06-01 21:59:59.141' as datetime) as float) * 24.0
-- Returned 698.000237962963
I'm not sure how this method works when time zone changed during the measured date period.

How to add Floating(decimal) hour in DateTime's DATEADD function?

I am trying to add some hours in SQL SERVER using DATEADD function. But when I try this,
It is not adding 0.5 hour. How to solve this?
You can't. It's well describer on documentation: DATEADD (Transact-SQL)
Is an expression that can be resolved to an int that is added
to a datepart of date. User-defined variables are valid.
If you specify a value with a decimal fraction, the fraction is truncated and
not rounded.
You could try that:
SELECT DATEADD(Second, 0.5 * 60 * 60, GETDATE())
Of course - you can change DATEPART and multiplier to get desired precision.
You can't add parts of hours, just full hours. Use minute for half an hour
I have found another approach to this where adding a number to the date instead of using the function works for fractions. For example:
where n is the number of days. For 1 half hour, you can use:
GETDATE() + 0.5/24

tsql getdate conversion

I know that when i do the following, it converts getdate to int
select cast (getdate() as int)
Getdate output on my server is "2010-06-11 14:42:20.100" and the int to which the above command is converting to is 40339. What is this integer? Did this int consider minutes and
seconds? i am confused. Please help.
This number is the number of days since the reference date, which is 01/01/1900. You should get the same result from:
Internally, SQL stores datetimes as two 4-byte integers. The first integer (which you are getting in your statement) represents the number of days since the reference date. The second integer represents the number of 1/300 second intervals since midnight. You can find the second integer by converting first to binary, then to int: