What errors should be returned to the 3rd-party-application? - authentication

When the user ("Resource Owner") explicitly denies the auth request, this should be passed to the requesting client (something like that https://oauth2client.com/cb#error=access_denied).
What other errors should be passed to the 3rd-party-application? What about a (temporary) server error? Are there events that should not be called back with for security reasons?

Have you read the RFC?
See section Error Response for the Authorization Code Grant. It outlines what error codes you can send back. server_error or temporarily_unavailable is probably what you are looking for. The OAUth2 security recommendations does not call out a reason for not sending them back.
If the request fails due to a missing, invalid, or mismatching
redirection URI, or if the client identifier is missing or invalid,
the authorization server SHOULD inform the resource owner of the
error and MUST NOT automatically redirect the user-agent to the
invalid redirection URI.
If the resource owner denies the access request or if the request
fails for reasons other than a missing or invalid redirection URI,
the authorization server informs the client by adding the following
parameters to the query component of the redirection URI using the
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format, per Appendix B:
REQUIRED. A single ASCII [USASCII] error code from the
The request is missing a required parameter, includes an
invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than
once, or is otherwise malformed.
The client is not authorized to request an authorization
code using this method.
The resource owner or authorization server denied the
The authorization server does not support obtaining an
authorization code using this method.
The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.
The authorization server encountered an unexpected
condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
(This error code is needed because a 500 Internal Server
Error HTTP status code cannot be returned to the client
via an HTTP redirect.)
The authorization server is currently unable to handle
the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance
of the server. (This error code is needed because a 503
Service Unavailable HTTP status code cannot be returned
to the client via an HTTP redirect.)
Values for the "error" parameter MUST NOT include characters
outside the set %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E.


Is Basic Authorization always using the same "success condition"?

I have some code that looks at "Basic Authorization" requests from many different sites.
I want to know if I can make the following assumptions:
A successful response (credentials are correct) will always have response code 200 OK
A failed response (incorrect credentials) will always have response code 401 Unauthorized
Are the above fair assumptions, or is the success/fail conditions configurable per site?
No, there are other possible response codes.
According to the official spec, there can also be the error code 407.
Also, on MDN:
If a (proxy) server receives invalid credentials, it should respond with a 401 Unauthorized or with a 407 Proxy Authentication Required, and the user may send a new request or replace the Authorization header field.
If a (proxy) server receives valid credentials that are inadequate to access a given resource, the server should respond with the 403 Forbidden status code. Unlike 401 Unauthorized or 407 Proxy Authentication Required, authentication is impossible for this user and browsers will not propose a new attempt.
In all cases, the server may prefer returning a 404 Not Found status code, to hide the existence of the page to a user without adequate privileges or not correctly authenticated.
Besides that, I'm quite sure that an actual successful attempt will result in status code 200.

How to check HTTP status code in Apache configuration

Is it possible to check Http status code in Apache configuration as %{REQUEST_STATUS} for instance?
There is no such thing as a "request status", and no way for a server to interact with a browser in the middle of serving an error message.
HTTP is not an interactive protocol; the browser sends a request, the server sends a response, and that's it. So if the browser sends a request, and the application crashes, the server can send a response with 500 and the error details, or a response with 401 requesting the user to log in. Either way, that's the end of the conversation.
When it receives a 401 response, the browser can't say "here's the login details, carry on with the current request", it has to make a new request. It can make an identical request, which might reproduce the error message; but the original error message is gone.
If the requirement is to show a different amount of detail to different users, you need some notion of optional authentication, so that the server can decide immediately whether to include the error details or not, without an extra round-trip to the browser. I would suggest either:
Have a list of IP addresses which the application can check against; if the IP address of the request is in the list, include the error details.
Have a custom login system where you can authenticate and set a "session cookie" in the browser. If the user has an active session cookie, include the error details.

Why error login and password server return status 200 ok

All major web applications (Google, Facebook, etc.) return page status 200 ok in case of authentication failure, i.e. wrong login/password pair.
Although by definition, if a resource is not found with request URI - status 404 Not found is returned.
Wikipedia says:
[404 Not Found] Used when the requested resource is not found, whether it doesn't exist or if there was a 401 or 403 that, for security reasons, the service wants to mask
How does the login case differ?
Server code 200 means you get the response . Whether it is your wrong credentials or not. if Your request has not been processed then server returns different error code . But for your case,
Your login request has been processed , connection with database has been established and from that you get you wrong credential message . So code 200 is for your successfully processed request.

401 unauthorized error while creating object in back4app via Temboo

I am creating an object in parse (using back4app parse server for this).
I get the following error when I run the choreo in temboo.
A HTTP Error has occurred: The remote server responded with a status
code of 401. Typically this indicates that an authorization error
occurred while attempting to access the remote resource. The data
returned from the remote server was: {"error":"unauthorized"} . The
error occurred in the HTTPSend (Parse) step.
That 401 error might indicate that the Id or Keys are not correct. Maybe it could be a good idea to double check them.
Also, what is the host and path for the API Request that you're doing with Temboo (I'm not acquainted with it)? If you're not using the correct ones it might cause problems too.
Make sure you're reaching something like this:

What HTTP error codes should my API return if a 3rd party API auth fails?

I'm writing a REST-ish API service the provides the ability to interact with the end user's data in other 3rd party services (themselves REST APIs) via OAuth. A common example might be publishing data from my service to a third-party service such as Facebook or Twitter.
Suppose, for example, I perform an OAuth dance with the end user and Facebook, resulting in some short-term access token that my service can use to interact with the user's Facebook account. If that access token expires and the user attempts to use my service to publish to Facebook, what sort of error do I return to the user?
401 doesn't seem quite right to me; it seems that 401 would apply to the user's auth state with MY service. 403 seems much more appropriate, but also quite generic.
401 is the way to go. Two excerpts from the RFC2616 which defines the HTTP protocol:
Section 10.4.2 (about 401):
If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401
response indicates that authorization has been refused for those
This seems to be appropriate for expired tokens. There are authentication credentials, but they're refused, so the user agent must re-authenticate.
Section 10.4.4 (about 403):
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
This should be used when the resource can't be accessed despite the user credentials. Could be a website/API that works only on US being hit by a asian IP or a webpage that has been declared harmful and was deactivated (so the content WAS found, but the server is denying serving it).
On OAuth2, the recommended workflow depends on how the token is being passed. If passed by the Authorization header, the server may return a 401. When passed via query string parameter, the most appropriate response is a 400 Bad Request (unfortunately, the most generic one HTTP has). This is defined by section 5.2 of the OAuth2 spec https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-26
There's nothing wrong with being generic, and it sounds like a 403 status would be relevant - there is nothing stopping you from providing a more human readable version that elaborates in a bit more detail why.
I think the following is a comprehensive list if you have some level of ambition when it comes to error responses.
400 Bad Request
For requests that are malformed, for example if a parameter requires an int between 0-9 and 11 has been sent. You can return this, and in the response body specify parameter x requires a value between 0 and 9
401 Unauthorized
Used only for authorization issues. The signature may be wrong, the nonce may have been used before, the timestamp that was sent is not within an acceptable time window, again, use the response body to specify more exactly why you respond with this. For the sake of clarify use this only for OAuth related errors.
403 Forbidden
Expressly to signify that an operation that is well formed, and authorized, is not possible at all (either right now, or ever). Take for example if a resource has been locked for editing by another user: use the response body to say something along the lines of Another person is editing this right now, you'll have to wait mmkay?.
403 Forbidden can also have to do with trying to reach resources. Say for example that a user has access to a resource /resource/101212/properties.json but not to /resource/999/properties.json, then you can simply state: Forbidden due to access rights in the response body.
404 Not Found
The requested resource does not exist. Or the URL simply does not successfully map to an API in your service. Specify in response body.
405 Method Not Allowed
This is to represent that the API can not be called with for example GET but another method must be used. When this is returned also you MUST return the extra response header Allow: POST, PUT, etc.