How to switch two objects in objective-c - objective-c

I am trying to find if collision occurs between two rectangles in objective-c. I thought one way to accomplish this would be detect the rectangle that is closest to 0,0 point then do rest of the work.
I wrote a function that takes two rectangle objects as parameters and does the math to calculate area, distance to origin etc....
So lets say rect1 is at (100,200) and rect1's width is 100 height 200, rect2 is at 150,150 and rect2's width is 100 height 200 this is calculated by function well enough.
If I switch rec1 and rect2 properties, so rect1 will be at 150,150 while rect2 will be at 100,200. And call following function
//check closest rectangle to 0,0 and switch rectangles
if (rectA.origin.x>rectB.origin.x) {
Rectangle *temporary = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
[temporary release];
float rectAX = rectA.origin.x;
float rectAY = rectA.origin.y;
float rectBX = rectB.origin.x;
float rectBY = rectB.origin.y;
When I enable guard malloc and zombies I get following error:
-[Rectangle origin]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x100acffd0
As soon as rectA.origin.x; is called I get the error.
So Howcome rectA or rectB is deallocated? What is the correct way to switch two objects that has bunch of properties ?

There is a built in function for comparing CGRects CGRectIntersectsRect(rectA, rectB) that you can use to check your rectangle's frames :)
As far as your code for switching you have created a third object by allocing temporary. Then you set the temporary pointer at rectA and then you release rectA at the end since its pointing to temporary. Leaving the newly created object as a leak and then sending messages to the released rectA.
You don't really want to swap object pointers like that if you can help it in my experience. But if you absolutely have to and understand what's going on you could do it like this:
// Create copies of your objects
Rectangle *rectACopy = [rectA copy];
Rectangle *rectBCopy = [rectB copy];
// release the originals.
[rectA release];
[rectB release];
// Set your copies to the original pointers.
rectA = rectBCopy;
rectB = rectACopy;
NSCopying Protocol
First you need to implement the protocol.
#interface Rectangle : NSObject <NSCopying>
Then you need to create the new method. This will create a new object but with all the same values.
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
id copy = [[[self class] alloc] init];
if (copy) {
// Copy NSObject based properties like UIViews, NSArrays, Subclassed objects.
[copy setObjectProperty:[self.objectProperty copy]];
// Set primitives like ints, CGRects, Bools.
[copy setPrimitiveProperty:self.primitiveProperty];
return copy;

You don't need to allocate a new object instance for temporary (and therefore you don't need to release it either). You are just taking your 2 existing pointers and switching them around. You're correct to use a 3rd variable (temporary) but you don't need to allocate any new space because you're not moving anything in memory, just swapping which variables point to the existing objects.

//check closest rectangle to 0,0 and switch rectangles
if (rectA.origin.x>rectB.origin.x) {
//Rectangle *temporary = [[Rectangle alloc] init]; // here you don't need to allocate as you are not using this object
// So use
Rectangle *temporary=rectA;
//[temporary release]; //you don't need this. Here you were releasing rectA not the temp rect that you allocated just below if, as you assign rectA to temporary
float rectAX = rectA.origin.x;
float rectAY = rectA.origin.y;
float rectBX = rectB.origin.x;
float rectBY = rectB.origin.y;


How do I release C style arrays?

I have a QuantumClone class which has an array of CGPoints. The single QuantumPilot object creates a QuantumClone at the beginning of each level. During the next level the QuantumPilot records its velocities to its QuantumClone. At the beginning of a new level the game loop runs this code
QuantumClone *c = [[self.pilot clone] copy];
c.bulletDelegate = self;
c.weapon = self.pilot.weapon;
[self.clones addObject:c];
But eventually the game will be reset and each QuantumClone object in the clones NSMutableArray will be removed.
Am I leaking memory by assigning values to the CGPoint pastVelocities[4551] ?
How do I reset these? I can't release them since they are not Objective-C objects. Do I need to call C functions to release this memory?
#interface QuantumClone : QuantumPilot <NSCopying> {
CGPoint pastVelocities[4551];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
QuantumClone *c = [[[QuantumClone alloc] init] autorelease];
c.weapon = self.weapon;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < 4551; i++) {
[c recordVelocity:pastVelocities[i] firing:pastFireTimings[i]];
[c recordLatestIndex:timeIndex];
return c;
- (void)recordVelocity:(CGPoint)vel firing:(BOOL)firing {
CGPoint p = pastVelocities[timeIndex];
p.x = vel.x;
p.y = vel.y;
pastVelocities[timeIndex] = p;
bool fired = firing;
pastFireTimings[timeIndex] = fired;
#interface QuantumPilot : CCNode {}
#property (nonatomic, retain) QuantumClone *clone;
- (void)copyDeltas {
[self.clone recordVelocity:ccp(self.vel.x, -self.vel.y) firing:self.firing];
- (void)createClone {
self.clone = [[[QuantumClone alloc] init] autorelease]; = YES;
self.clone.weapon = self.weapon;
Am I leaking memory by assigning values to the CGPoint pastVelocities[4551] ?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: The array in your code is a big chunk of contiguous memory where all CGRects live in, and it has automatic storage, which means it will be allocated and deallocated automatically (when it goes out of scope). In other words, when its parent object is destroyed, the array will be gone along with those 4551 objects.
You can verify its size by printing the result of sizeof(pastVelocities). Dividing the result by sizeof(CGRect) will tell you how many objects of this type can be stored in it.
A deallocation must be married to an explicit allocation. You only need to release memory that is allocated dynamically (explicitly), for example, using the alloc function family (malloc, calloc, realloc, etc).
How do I reset these?
memset(pastVelocities, 0, sizeof(pastVelocities));
This will reset the entire array.
jweyrich beat me to it, but I'll go ahead and post this in case it helps ;)
You aren't leaking. The runtime allocates enough memory to hold all ivars. In this case, each QuantumClone instance will use ~18k (~36k on 64-bit) more memory than a QuantumPilot, since you have told the runtime that it needs to allocate enough ivar storage for 4551 CGPoints.
If pastVelocities were a CGFloat * rather than a CGFloat[4551], you would need to manually allocate the memory via malloc and then call free in -dealloc. However, by declaring it as a fixed size C-array, the runtime handles it (but at the expense of making every QuantumClone a rather huge object).
That said, this whole approach seems fragile. Why 4551? Why C arrays? There is nothing wrong with using C arrays for performance, but I strongly suspect this is premature optimization.

I'm trying to get alloc init and nil to work within a method in ObjC

should hopefully be an easy question (teaching myself Objective C as I go).
I would like to send a method to an object (Cell) which returns a different object (Waste), and then deletes the reciever (Cell). Here is what I'm looking at so far:
#import "Cell.h"
#import "Waste.h"
#implementation Cell
other methods.....
// Send a method to an instance of class "Cell", causing a new object of
// class "Waste" to be made, then causing the Cell instance to "die"
- (Waste *) die {
// Create a new object, "newWaste", of class Waste
// ARC Semantic Issue: No known class method for selector 'alloc'
Waste *newWaste = [[Waste alloc] init];
// Set the energy of "newWa" to 10% what the Cell's energy is
newWaste.wasteEnergy = (0.1 * cellEnergy);
// Set the X coordinate of "r" to the Cell's X coordinate
newWaste.wasteXCoordinate = cellXCoordinate;
// Set the Y coordinate of "r" to the Cell's Y coordinate
newWaste.wasteYCoordinate = cellYCoordinate;
// Variable saying if the Waste is to be excreted set to "NO"
newWaste.wasteExcreted = NO;
// Return the new waste object
return newWaste;
// Have the Cell "die" ARC Semantic Issue:
// Cannot assign to 'self' outside of a method in the init family
self = nil;
I've put the two issues that come up behind the comments so you know where the problems are, but they're:
ARC Semantic Issue: No known class method for selector 'alloc'
ARC Semantic Issue: Cannot assign to 'self' outside of a method in the init family
Could someone tell me why this is happening and how to fix it? I had thought it was straightforward to do:
Class *newInstance = [[Class alloc] init];
and that this could be done inside a method so you can return the instance. And I had read that self = nil; was the normal way for releasing objects with ARC.

Copying a UIImageView subclass

I have several objects in an array. These objects are from a UIImageView subclass.
These objects' class has several #synthesized properties.
At some point I have to create a duplicate of an object in a given position on the array at a different coordinate. Then I do:
id objectToDuplicate = [myArray objectAtIndex:x];
id newObject = [objectToDuplicate copy];
CGPoint newCenter = [objectToDuplicate center];
newCenter.x = newCenter.x + 10;
newCenter.y = newCenter.y + 10;
[newObject setCenter:newCenter];
[self.view addSubview:newObject];
[newObject release];
When this code runs, nothing happens. I mean, no object is created with a 10 pixel offset and I see this message in the console:
** ... copyWithZone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance ... **
The objects have several elements such as text boxes, labels, and images that have shadow, glow, etc., and the new object has to have the same values for text colors, shadows, glows, size, images, etc., as the original.
I thought UIImageView had the NSCopying protocol in place. If this is the problem, how do I implement that?
Please refrain from sending me to the docs, I have read them and this is why I am asking here. Please give me practical examples.
Where did you read that UIImageView implements NSCopying? It doesn't, you have to do that yourself for your subclass.

Collision detection using mulitple subviews within a moving view

I am working on a game in OBJ C that has a ball view and a stage view. The stage view has 4 subviews. All views are UIImageViews. I have a method for collision detection that is working. I would like to expand it to more than 4 subviews without simply creating more lines of code. Looking at the code below, is there a way to simplify this into loops instead. Thanks!
// convert each square to be relevant to ball's superview in order to collision detect
CGRect square_01Frame = [ball.superview convertRect:square_01.frame fromView:square_01.superview];
CGRect square_02Frame = [ball.superview convertRect:square_02.frame fromView:square_02.superview];
CGRect square_03Frame = [ball.superview convertRect:square_03.frame fromView:square_03.superview];
CGRect square_04Frame = [ball.superview convertRect:square_04.frame fromView:square_04.superview];
// convert CGRects to NSStrings for storage in square_frames array
NSString *square_01FrameString = NSStringFromCGRect(square_01Frame);
NSString *square_02FrameString = NSStringFromCGRect(square_02Frame);
NSString *square_03FrameString = NSStringFromCGRect(square_03Frame);
NSString *square_04FrameString = NSStringFromCGRect(square_04Frame);
// load array of NSStrings
[square_frames replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:square_01FrameString];
[square_frames replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:square_02FrameString];
[square_frames replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:square_03FrameString];
[square_frames replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:square_04FrameString];
// create a for loop
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { // 4 squares
// create test frame
CGRect test_frame = CGRectFromString([square_frames objectAtIndex:i]);
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(test_frame,ball.frame)) { // collision detection
// do something
Well, I would do a number of things.
First, I would create a ball "model", just an NSObject subclass to represent the Ball. Probably, that would have a property "location" or something, which is the CGRect.
Then, your current view could have an array of ball objects on the screen, and just loop through them.
Overall, though, I don't think using UIView's rects is the best way to manage collision detection. I think you'd be better off defining that in some other way, and then simply updating the UI accordingly.
Generally, it's not a good idea to rely on your UI implementation for game design. It makes it hard to change (as you note in your question).

How to use a C array as instance variable?

For example I want to store this in an ivar:
CGFloat color[4] = {red, green, blue, 1.0f};
so would I put this in my header?
CGFloat color[];
How would I assign values to that guy later? I mean I can't change it, right?
Instance variables are zeroed out on allocation so you can't use initialisers with them.
You need something like this:
// MyObject.h
#interface MyObject
CGFloat color[4];
// MyObject.m
#implementation MyObject
-(id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
color[0] = red;
color[1] = green;
color[2] = blue;
color[3] = alpha;
return self;
You'd need to put the size in so that enough space is reserved.
CGFloat color[4];
Or use a pointer to the array, but that's more work and hardly superior for representing something as well-known as a color.
You are better off using a NSColor object if you can.
However, to your original question one of my first questions is where do you want to create this array. When you say put it in a header do you mean as a member of a class or as a global array, you certainly can do both however there are some serious gotchas with putting globals in headers. If you need that follow up and I can explain it better.
If it is in a class then you can just declare it like any other member field. If you say
CGFloat color[4];
then the space for the array is allocated in your object itself. You can also just use a
CGFloat *color;
or its moral equivalent to refer to an array that is stored outside of the object. You do need to manage that storage appropriately however.
This matters in the case you hinted at where you use a constant array object and cannot later change it. That can happen but is rare, since it cannot happen with the first approach, you don't see it in the wild very often.
There is a whole dissertation on the corner cases in here, I am sure it is not helping to go into it. Just use CGFloat color[4] in your object and it won't matter, by the time you see things they will be mutable and you can just use them the way you expect.