does HSQLDB 2.2.9 support UTF-8 data for memory tables? - hsqldb

I am using HSQLDB 2.2.9 and am launching the server with a static script file containing INSERT commands with UTF-8 data for one of the memory tables. Data appears to be mangled when examined from the org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager tool.
Here's how I start my server and the static data:
<target name="runServer">
<java classname="org.hsqldb.Server" fork="true">
<classpath refid="hsql-classpath"/>
static script:

If you are using your file.scipt file as the database's .script file, it won't work.
The .script file of the database is not generally for the user to modify. It is written and read by the database. The character encoding is a special form of escape sequence.
You can use HSQLDB's SqlTool to parse and execute scripts.


Large File export to postgreSQL

I need to export a 50gb file with inserts to a table in postgreSQL to be able to count the time it takes to perform the inserts, but I can't find any way to load that file, can someone help me?
If the file have you have contains syntactically valid SQL (like INSERT statements), this is very straightforward using the command line psql client that comes with a Postgres installation:
You may also want to replace DATABASE_NAME with a connection string like postgres://user:pass#localhost/database_name.
This causes your shell to read the given file and pass it off to psql's stdin, which will cause it to execute commands against the database it's connected to.

How to create a persistence HSQL database?

I am new to HSQLDB and want to create a persistent database so that when opening HSQLDB, the already created tables with their contents exist. I read about HSQLDB in the documentation, but cannot find the information. My current HSQLDB.bat is the following:
java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing
REM java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server
REM java -classpath lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server --database.0 file:hsqldb/demodb --dbname.0 testdb
When running the batch, the following dialogue opens:
Note that the URL filed contains jdbc:hsqldb:mem:..
After [OK], I call two scripts, one creating two tables, the other filling them with test data. But reopening HSQLDB does not read the tables with their data.
What is missing, what is wrong? A SHUTDOWN does not change anything. I also replaced mem with file, but could not make the database persistent. What did I oversee in the HSQLDB guide?
Use the drop-down list for Type: and select HSQL Database Engine Standalone, then edit the suggested URL to add your database file path such as jdbc:hsqldb:file:///C:/Program Files/hsqldb-2.5.0/hsqldb/data/dbname where the last part of the path is the name of the database files.
Absolute paths are preferred to avoid dependency on the directory in which you execute your batch.

Import/ Copy csv file into PostgreSQL | File not on local Server

I am trying to import/ copy my csv file to PostgreSQL. However, I am encountering these errors. I don't have import/ write permissions to the file. Will stdin help and how?The Postgres docs provides no examples. I was henceforth asked to do bulk insert but since there are too many columns with mixed data types, I am not sure how to proceed with that further.
Command to copy the csv file:
COPY sales.sales_tickets
FROM 'C:/Users/Nandini/Downloads/AIG_Sales_Tickets.csv'
ERROR: must be superuser to COPY to or from a file
Hint: Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also works for anyone.
1 statement failed.
Command to do bulk insert is too time taking:
insert into sales.sales_ticket values (1,'2',3,'4','5',6,7,8,'9',10','11');
Please suggest. Thank you.
From PostgreSQL docummentation on COPY:
COPY naming a file or command is only allowed to database superusers, since it allows reading or writing any file that the server has privileges to access.
Files named in a COPY command are read or written directly by the server, not by the client application. Therefore, they must reside on or be accessible to the database server machine, not the client. They must be accessible to and readable or writable by the PostgreSQL user (the user ID the server runs as), not the client. Similarly, the command specified with PROGRAM is executed directly by the server, not by the client application, must be executable by the PostgreSQL user. COPY naming a file or command is only allowed to database superusers, since it allows reading or writing any file that the server has privileges to access.
You're trying to use the COPY command violating two of the requirements:
You're trying to execute the COPY command from a non-super user.
You're trying to read a file on your client machine, and have it copied to the server.
This won't work. If you need to perform such a COPY, you need to:
Copy the CSV file to the server; to a directory that can be read by the (system) user executing the PostgreSQL server process.
Execute the COPY command from a superuser account.
If you can't do some of these, you can always use a tool such as pgAdmin 4 and use its Import/Export functionality.
See also How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?
You are an ideal case to use /COPY not COPY.
/COPY sales.sales_tickets
FROM 'C:/Users/Nandini/Downloads/AIG_Sales_Tickets.csv'

Run a initial Liquibase script

This is my 2nd day using Liquibase.
I have a 'backup' or 'Repositry' with the database that I need to create locally on my PC.
I have looked at the documentation, but Im realy not 100% clear on how to run it.
Ive updated the file to reflect the correct paths and username and passwords.
How do you run the update command to generate the tables and test data.
Windows 7
The Liquibase documentation on 'Adding Liquibase to an existing project' is probably the best place to start. Basically, you want to set the properties file so that it refers to the existing 'backup' database, and then run liquibase generateChangeLog
This will connect to the existing database and generate a file that contains the structure of the existing database expressed (typically) in an XML file called a changelog. You then create a new properies file that will connect to your local database and use liquibase update to apply the changelog to the local database and populate the structure. Note that this does not typically transfer the data from the existing database to the new database, just the structure - the tables, keys, indexes, etc. If you want to have test data as well, you can either export that data from the existing database, or you might look into crafting the changesets manually. To export the data, a command like this would be used:
java -jar liquibase.jar --changeLogFile="./data/<insert file name> " --diffTypes="data" generateChangeLog

Connect databases to HSQLDB Server

I'm using version hsqldb-1.8 in a stand-alone way. I want to start the server with some databases. I'd like to use the command line from the HSQLDB documentation :
java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:mydb -dbname.0 xdb
My problem is I have the script of each database I need and this command line creates a new database, without using my script. May the problem comes from one of these points :
The location of my script
The extension of my script which is a SQL-file
Something wrong or missing in the command line
The command line can't do it => If yes, is there any way to do it ?
I'd like to stay in the console to do all that. That way, I'll only have to launch a script to do all the job. Any help will be much appreciated ! Thanks
I found the solution of my issue :)
I've created a file located in the directory ../hsqldb-1.8.10/hsqldb/ which contains that :
I've also created the mydb.script file with that code in it:
Then, I launch the HSQLDB Server with this command:
java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server
We can see that the database is successfully created :
[Server#10f0f6ac]: Database [index=0, id=0, db=file:mydb, alias=mydb] opened successfully in 313 ms.
To check if the database really contains my data, I use the HSQLDB DatabaseManager tool with this command:
java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager
To connect:
URL : jdbc:hsqldb:file:mydb
User : test
Password : test
After that, we are connected to the database. Execute the command SELECT * FROM MYDB; and we can see the line of the database.
Hope that will help ! :)
The easist way to connect with with HSQLDB (IMDB)
Connection String
<property name="driverClassName" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:file:/home/vikask/elmo/db/elmo;" />
<property name="username" value="sa" />
<property name="password" value="" />
In this simple Java project to demonstrate Hibernate, HSQL and Maven using Java Annotations. HSQL database is used to make the project simple, as we can use in-memory database and we would need only a JAR file to be included in our project.
To connect to an embedded HSQLDB database, select the JDBC (HSQLDB Embedded) connection type from the connection type list. Enter any login information if applicable, and then specify whether to use an existing embedded database, or to have HSQLDB create a new embedded database.
If the embedded database already exists, browse to the directory where the database files are located (such as database_name.log, database_name.script, and and select the database_name.script file.
If the database does not exist, type in or browse to create a new location for the HSQLDB database. HSQLDB will then create the necessary files with the prefixed with the database name typed in. For example, if typing /home/vikask/sample as the location of the database, HSQLDB will create a file called sample.properites, and perhaps sample.log, etc. The actual name of the database is simply sample in this case.
HSQLDB creates a file with the .script extension for its internal use. This is not something that you create.
First run the server and connect to one of the databases. The database will be empty at this point. Then use the utilitly, SQLTool which is in the HSQLDB zip package to execute YOUR script on the database. All the tables and data that are created by your script are persisted in the HSQLDB database.