API are only interface for referencing library classes or library classes themselves - api

I google this topic but I couldn't find the proper answer. I understand API as only Interface class that referencing library files to be used by other applications from other platforms. But someone told me that APIs are library files themselves.
I'm a novice to this topic so that suggest any answers to me, please.

In my opinion, an API is just a collection of interfaces. It is independent from implementation. Of course, usually, a standard implementation exists and is "associated" with the API but if the implementation is linked to the API, the API is not linked to the implementation.
If you take the example of Java, you'll notice that the API ( http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/ ) only show protected and public fields/constructors/methods/... It is not showing private stuff.
The API is reduced to what is visible for the user which is somehow the definition of an interface. The implementation is hidden.
What might be confusing is that the API is generated from the implementation but that doesn't mean that the API is the implementation.
I might be wrong but I think things are usually going like this:
An private API is defined (it is specification, so, it can be source code or any descriptive file)
An implementation is developed based on the private API
A public API is generated from this implementation and is published
The implementation is published as a Framework / Toolbox / or whatever the name
Developers use the public API to build their application and they choose the best implementation (which is generally the one from which it was generated).
Fell free to comment if you disagree ;)


The plugin design pattern explained (as described by Martin Fowler)

I am trying to understand and exercise the plugin pattern, as explained by Martin Fowler.
I can understand in which way it makes use of the separated interface pattern, and that it requires a factory to provide the right implementation of the interface, based on the currently used environment (test, prod, dev, etc). But:
How exactly does the factory read the environment values and decide which object (implementing the IdGenerator interface) to create?
Is the factory a dependency of the domain object (DomainObject)?
Thank you very much.
The goal of the Plugin pattern is to provide a centralized configuration runtime to promote modularity and scalability. The criteria that determines which implementation to select can be the environment, or anything else, like account type, user group, etc. The factory is just one way to create the desired plugin instance based on the selection criteria.
Implementation Selection Criteria
How your factory reads the selection criteria (environment state) depends on your implementation. Some common approaches are:
Command-Line Argument, for example, CLI calls from different CI/CD pipeline stages can pass a dev/staging/production argument
YAML Config Files could be deserialized into an object or parsed
Class Annotations to tag each implementation with an environment
Feature Flags, e.g. SaaS like Launch Darkly
Dependency Injection framework like Spring IoC
Product Line Engineering software like Big Lever
REST Endpoint, e.g. http://localhost/test/order can create a test order object without notifying any customers
HTTP Request Parameter, such as a field in the header or body
Dependency on Factory
Since the DomainObject calls the factory to create an object with the desired implementation, the factory will be a dependency of the domain object. That being said, the modern approach is to use a dependency injection (DI) library (Guice, Dagger) or a framework with built-in DI (Spring DI, .Net Core). In these cases, there still is a dependency on the DI library or framework, but not explicitly on any factory class.
Note: The Plugin design pattern described on pp.499-503 of PEAA was written by Rice and Foemmel, not Martin Fowler.
You will want to get a full PFD of the "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture". What is visible on Fowler's site is basically first half-page of any chapter :)
What is being describes is basically the expanded version of idea behind polymorphism.
I don't think "plugin" can actually be described as a "pattern". It's more like result of other design choices.
What you have are .. emm ... "packages", where the main class in each of them implements a third party interface. Each of those packages also have their internal dependencies (other classes or even other libraries), which are used for some specific task. Each package has it's of configuration (which might be added through DIC config) ans each of them get "registered" in your main application.
The mentioning of a factory is almost a red herring, because these days that functionality would be applied using DIC.

Adapter or Bridge in my specific situation?

Well, I'm creating a library and that library needs to take all other libraries and make them work "alike".
For example: Imagine that I have 5 libraries, and all that libraries has the same idea, work to the same case, but they have their own way to work, their own API, and what I need is to make them work using a single API.
What is in my mind is to create a "factory" with a "trust list" inside of the factory that allows the user to choose different libraries to create, and the "factory" look on the "trust list" and if the library really exists, it creates and return the library.
But it can also be made using interfaces, where I can accept only classes that implements an specified interface, where I will have the security of the implementation of the methods that I want, so what this mean? All the libraries needs to implement that interface, implement the methods and make a kindle of wrapper to the library and that way they will work with the same API. The user can create a library using the factory and use the same API to all of them.
I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to explain, but I want to know, based on what I said, what is the best on my situation, "bridge" or "adapter" pattern?
And also, is my idea correct or am I crazy? (The interface and factory thing, and also the bridge and adapter, tell me what you have in mind).
Thank you all in advance.
The Bridge pattern is designed to separate a class's interface from its implementation so you can vary or replace the implementation without changing the client code.
I think you can specify public non-virtual interface, then using Template Method in each of these public functions invoke implementation method.
class Basic {
// Stable, nonvirtual interface.
void A { doA();}
void B { doB();}
// Customization is an implementation detail that may
// or may not directly correspond to the interface.
// Each of these functions might optionally be
// pure virtual
virtual void doA { impl_ -> doA();}
virtual void doB { impl_ -> doB();}
These lectures might be useful:
Bridge pattern
Template method
Sounds like adapter to me. You have multiple adapter implementations, which is basic polymorphism and each adapter knows how to adapt to the specific library.
I don't see how the bridge pattern would make any sense here. You would typically use that in places where you use these libraries, but you don't know the specific library implementation yet.

Creating an Objective-C API

I have never made an API in objective-c, and need to do this now.
The "idea" is that I build an API which can be implemented into other applications. Much like Flurry, only for other purposes.
When starting the API, an username, password and mode should be entered. The mode should either be LIVE or BETA (I guess this should be an NSString(?)), then afterwards is should be fine with [MyAPI doSomething:withThisObject]; ect.
So to start it [MyAPI username:#"Username" password:#"Password" mode:#"BETA"];
Can anyone help me out with some tutorials and pointer on how to learn this best?
It sounds like what you want to do is build a static library. This is a compiled .a file containing object code that you'll distribute to a client along with a header file containing the interface. This post is a little outdated but has some good starting points. Or, if you don't mind giving away your source code, you could just deliver a collection of source files to your client.
In terms of developing the API itself, it should be very similar to the way you'd design interfaces and implementations of Objective-C objects in your own apps. You'll have a MyAPI class with functions for initialization, destruction, and all the functionality you want. You could also have multiple classes with different functionality if the interface is complex. Because you've capitalized MyAPI in your code snippet, it looks like you want to use it by calling the class rather than an instance of the class - which is a great strategy if you think you'll only ever need one instance. To accomplish this you can use the singleton pattern.
Because you've used a username and password, I imagine your API will interface with the web internally. I've found parsing JSON to be very straightforward in Objective-C - it's easy to send requests and get information from a server.
Personally I would use an enum of unsigned ints rather than a NSString just because it simplifies comparisons and such. So you could do something like:
enum {
And then call:
[MyAPI username:#"Username" password:#"Password" mode:MYAPI_MODE_BETA];
Also makes it easy to check if they've supplied a valid mode. (Must be less than NUM_MYAPI_MODES.)
Good luck!

Private and protected methods in Objective-C

What is the recommended way to define private and protected methods in Objective-C? One website suggested using categories in the implementation file for private methods, another suggested trailing underscores, or XX_ where XX is some project-specific code. What does Apple itself use?
And what about protected methods? One solution I read was to use categories in separate files, for example CLASS_protected.h and CLASS_protected.m but this seems like it could get very bloated. What should I do?
There are three issues:
Hiding from compiler.
That is, making it impossible for someone else to #import something and see your method declarations. For that, put your private API into a separate header file, mark that header's role as "Private" in Xcode, and then import it in your project where you need access to said private API.
Use a category or class extension to declare the additional methods.
Preventing collisions
If you are implementing lots of internal goop, do so with a common prefix or something that makes a collision with Apple provided (or third party) provided methods exceedingly unlikely. This is especially critical for categories and not nearly as critical for your leaf node subclasses of existing classes.
Post the link for the site suggesting leading underscores, as they are wrong, wrong, wrong. Leading underscores are used by the system to mark private API and you can run into collisions easily enough.
Hiding from the runtime.
Don't bother. It just makes debugging / crash analysis harder and anyone determined enough to muck around at the runtime will be able to hack your app anyway.
There are no "real" private methods in Objective C, as the run-time will allow, via documented public APIs, access any method in any class by using their string names.
I never do separate interface files for "private" methods, and let the compiler complain if I try to use these any of these methods outside of file scope.
The XX_ seems to be the ad hoc means to create a pseudo namespace. The idea is to read Apple's docs and the docs of any frameworks you might use at any time in the future, and pick an XX prefix that none of these others is ever likely to use.

How do you implement C#4's IDynamicObject interface?

To implement "method-missing"-semantics and such in C# 4.0, you have to implement IDynamicObject:
public interface IDynamicObject
MetaObject GetMetaObject(Expression parameter);
As far as I can figure out IDynamicObject is actually part of the DLR, so it is not new. But I have not been able to find much documentation on it.
There are some very simple example implementations out there (f.x. here and here), but could anyone point me to more complete implementations or some real documentation?
Especially, how exactly are you supposed to handle the "parameter"-parameter?
The short answer is that the MetaObject is what's responsible for actually generating the code that will be run at the call site. The mechanism that it uses for this is LINQ expression trees, which have been enhanced in the DLR. So instead of starting with an object, it starts with an expression that represents the object, and ultimately it's going to need to return an expression tree that describes the action to be taken.
When playing with this, please remember that the version of System.Core in the CTP was taken from a snapshot at the end of August. It doesn't correspond very cleanly to any particular beta of IronPython. A number of changes have been made to the DLR since then.
Also, for compatibility with the CLR v2 System.Core, releases of IronPython starting with either beta 4 or beta 5 now rename everything in that's in the System namespace to be in the Microsoft namespace instead.
If you want an end to end sample including source code, resulting in a dynamic object that stores value for arbitrary properties in a Dictionary then my post "A first look at Duck Typing in C# 4.0" could be right for you. I wrote that post to show how dynamic object can be cast to statically typed interfaces. It has a complete working implementation of a Duck that is a IDynamicObject and may acts like a IQuack.
If you need more information contact me on my blog and I will help you along, as good as I can.
I just blogged about how to do this here:
Here is what I have figured out so far:
The Dynamic Language Runtime is currently maintained as part of the IronPython project. So that is the best place to go for information.
The easiest way to implement a class supporting IDynamicObject seems to be to derive from Microsoft.Scripting.Actions.Dynamic and override the relevant methods, for instance the Call-method to implement function call semantics. It looks like Microsoft.Scripting.Actions.Dynamic hasn't been included in the CTP, but the one from IronPython 2.0 looks like it will work.
I am still unclear on the exact meaning of the "parameter"-parameter, but it seems to provide context for the binding of the dynamic-object.
This presentation also provides a lot of information about the DLR:
Deep Dive: Dynamic Languages in Microsoft .NET by Jim Hugunin.