Updating the dropdown list field value which is created using drop down list using create - yii

i got a problem while updating a record for a model in yii. i have 2 models. im working on one model now. I'm creating a record for one model using create controller. in the form i've 1 fields which is the name field(im getting this name from other model(table). im getting the names from this second table and showing them in dropdown list. and storing them.
when it comes to update its again coming up with the same dropdown what i've shown using the _form.php for creating a record. can anyone pls tell me how can i show the name instead of dropdown list again??
thanks in advance.

Add a simple check in your view to see if the value has already been added or not. Something like this:
<?php if ($model->attribute && $model->attribute != ''): ?>
// Code to display a normal textfield here
<?php else: ?>
// Code to display dropdown
<?php endif; ?>


Yii populate a dropdown on select of another

I have a dropdown that I want to populate when an item in another dropdown is selected. Both the dropdown are tied to data/model passed on from controller. and the first dropdown is populated from DB by calling a function in the model. Heres' the form,
echo $form->dropDownListRow($modelunit,
'ajax' => array(
echo CHtml::dropDownList('unit_id','', array());
Here's the action user/getunits called by Ajax.
array(':sid'=>(int) $_POST['superunit']));
foreach($data as $value=>$name)
echo CHtml::tag('option',
I keep getting an error "Undefined index: superunit" when first dropdown is selected. Also, you may notice I am using form->dropDownListRow for the first dropdown while using CHtml::dropDownList for the second. That's cause I am clueless on the syntax of how exactly to make sure the dropdown is populated correctly with ajax and at also properly bind to the model.
You use $form->dropDownListRow that's why you will get $_POST['MyModelName']['superunit'] on your server side
Change you code like
array(':sid'=>(int) $_POST['MyModelName']['superunit']));
Where MyModelName is a model that you use)
Or like
echo CHtml::dropDownList('superunit'.....
For others - this wiki may help.

Creating dropdown list from related table

I have a two tables:
I want to have a dropdown table in tbl_day where mon is dependent in the tbl_shft name.
I come up with a dropdown that is displaying data from shift. what I did is.
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'sun'); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model,'sun',$model -> getCategories(),array('prompt'=>'Select a Shift'))
and for my model
public function getCategories(){
//this function returns the list of categories to use in a dropdown
return CHtml::listData(Shift::model()->findAll(), 'shft_id', 'name');}
My problem is that it is not submitting. I dont know where my problem here is. Im a beginner in Yii. Hope someone helps. Thanks in advance.
In here your code will work. I think the submitted output was not handled correctly. #sam dark says correctly. Edit your question .just place the controller action of your process . Else you just place this code on your controller action. And give the result of controller on this question itself.
Public function actionYouraction(){
echo "<pre>";
exit(); } }

Default select one item in the dropDownList Yii

I have a dynamic dropdown, data coming from the database.
<?php $sel_id = $selected_id_array[0]->UPR_RelationType;?>
My dropdowm looks like this
<?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('RelationType_'.$pat_id[0]->PAT_ID,'U2U_RelationType',CHtml::listData(MasterTypeItems::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('MSTT_MST_ID'=>$relationship_type_array[0]->MST_ID),array('order' => 'MSTT_Name')), 'MSTT_ID', 'MSTT_Name'),array('id'=>'select','class'=>'relation_type','style'=>'width:50px'));
In this dropdown i have to select defaultly $sel_id;
for example am getting $sel_id=5; In the drop down i have to select 5th option as selected in yii. please give me any suggestion what i have to write in dropDown to select $sel_id;
If I understand your question correctly, what you want to achieve is a dropdownlist which already has a pre-selected option. If so, then this piece of code should work.
echo dropDownList(string $name, string $select, array $data, array $htmlOptions=array ( ))
where $select would be your default selected item.
More information can be found here: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CHtml#dropDownList-detail

ErrorSummary for multiform model

I am using a multi form model. A $model array is passed to the view and for each model object I am trying to have an errorsummary. See the code below.
foreach ($model as $f=>$edu):
echo $form->errorSummary($edu,'');
echo $form->textField($edu,"[$f]schoolname",array('size'=>30,'maxlength'=>128));
When I submit the form an error summary for only one form is displayed. Any ideas.
Maybe you need to rethink your form structure, for example - put all into one form, then inside controller make validation of every model you use and then show error messages.

Problem retrieving values from Zend_Form_SubForms - no values returned

I have a Zend_Form that has 4 or more subforms.
Code Snippet
$bigForm = new Zend_Form();
$littleForm1 = new Form_LittleForm1();
$littleForm2 = new Form_LittleForm2();
On clicking the 'submit' button, I'm trying to print out the values entered into the forms, like so:
Code snippet, currently not validating, just printing
$formData = array();
foreach($bigForm->getSubForms() as $subForm){
$formData = array_merge($formData, $subForm->getValues());
/* Testing */
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
The end result is that - all the elements in the form do get printed, but the values entered before posting the form don't get printed.
Any thoughts are appreciated...I have run around circles working on this!
Thanks in advance!
This is what I did -
Then, iterated over the form elements like so:
$displayGroup1 = array();
foreach($bigForm->getElements() as $name=>$value){
array_push($displayGroup1, $name);
Then, add a displayGroup to $bigForm:
$bigForm->addDisplayGroup($displayGroup1, 'test',array('legend'=>'Test'));
And repeat for multiple display groups.
I'm sure there is a better way to do it, but I'm currently unable to find one out.
This is currently one way I can think of to retrieve all the form values via $_POST, if a form is made up of one or more subforms.
If any one knows of a better solution, please post it!
A Zend_Form does not automatically retrieve values from the $_POST variable. Use:
Or alternatively:
Another thing to keep in mind is that if the sub forms contain elements with the same name they will clash. To check this use the option View => Page Source in your browser and look at the HTML that is generated. When you see two <input> elements with the same name attribute, then this is the problem.
The Zend solution for this is to give the sub form elements different names using setElementsBelongTo:
Furthermore you should leave out these calls as they serve no purpose (but you should set them for the $bigForm):