Neo4j - incasesensitive lucene query [duplicate] - lucene

Is it possible to run a case-insensitive cypher query on neo4j?
Try that:
When I type into this:
start n=node(*)
match n-[]->m
where ("Neo")
return m
it returns one row. But when I type into this:
start n=node(*)
match n-[]->m
where ("neo")
return m
it does not return anything; because the name is saved as "Neo". Is there a simple way to run case-insensitive queries?

Yes, by using case insensitive regular expressions:
WHERE =~ '(?i)neo'

Another way would be:
WHERE LOWER(m.Name) = LOWER("Neo")
And if you are using the Neo4j Client (.NET):
.Where("LOWER(m.Name) = LOWER({name})")
.WithParam("name", inputName)
.Return(m => m.As<Entity>())

If anybody is looking on how to do this with a parameter, I managed to do it like this.
query = "{}{}{}".format('Match (n) WHERE n.pageName =~ "'"(?i)", name, '" RETURN n')
and "name" is the variable or your parameter

You can pass a parameter to the case insensitive regular expression like:
WHERE =~'(?i)({param})


Hibernate return empty result if using LIKE condition with univarchar columns (Sybase)

Let's suppose I have a table: Person(Name: univarchar) and this table contains a row "abc".
I search Person by using Hibernate (Criteria API and HQL):
Criteria API:
Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
return c.list();
String query = "from Person where lower(name) like :name";
Query q = session.createQuery(query);
return query.list();
It return empty result. However, when I use Interactive SQL of Sybase to execute SQL statement that is generated by Hibernate, it return a row "abc".
I found a solution for HQL case. This is to use rtrim function:
String query = "from Person where lower(rtrim(name)) like :name";
But my problem is I want to use Criteria API and I cannot find any ways to trim name column by using Criteria API.
Thanks and sorry for my poor English.
Have you tried with this code :
Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
return c.list();
If this will not work then Read this. Its similar Just he wants to trim while Order you want to trim while Restrictions.

Doctrine, escape variable field name in DQL

I have a DQL query like:
FROM WeAdminBundle:FamilyRelation r
WHERE r.col like :query
Now I want to change "col" depending on various parameters. How can i achieve this with DQL since the normal setParameter doesn't work here.
You can use setParameter with DQL, as many examples are provided but for LIKE clauses, make sure the variable is wrapped in %.
FROM WeAdminBundle:FamilyRelation r
WHERE r.col like :query
'query' => '%'.$foo.'%'
In short: you can't the way you want it.
To do it you'd need something like $dql->setColumn(array('variable_column' => 'some_column_name')) just as the bindColumn method from PDO, but there's no equivalent method (bindColum or setcolumn) in Doctrine.
For use of different parameter instead of col please see below example:
$var = "r.col";
Here you can change based on condition.
FROM WeAdminBundle:FamilyRelation r
WHERE ".$var." like :query
please have a look it.

multiple parameter "IN" prepared statement

I was trying to figure out how can I set multiple parameters for the IN clause in my SQL query using PreparedStatement.
For example in this SQL statement, I'll be having indefinite number of ?.
select * from ifs_db where img_hub = ? and country IN (multiple ?)
I've read about this in
PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?
However I can't figure it out how to apply it to my SQL statement above.
There's not a standard way to handle this.
In SQL Server, you can use a table-valued parameter in a stored procedure and pass the countries in a table and use it in a join.
I've also seen cases where a comma-separated list is passed in and then parsed into a table by a function and then used in a join.
If your countries are standard ISO codes in a delimited list like '#US#UK#DE#NL#', you can use a rather simplistic construct like:
select * from ifs_db where img_hub = ? and ? LIKE '%#' + country + '#%'
Sormula will work for any data type (even custom types). This example uses int's for simplicity.
ArrayList<Integer> partNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// set up
Database database = new Database(getConnection());
Table<Inventory> inventoryTable = database.getTable(Inventory.class);
ArrayListSelectOperation<Inventory> operation =
new ArrayListSelectOperation<Inventory>(inventoryTable, "partNumberIn");
// show results
for (Inventory inventory: operation.selectAll(partNumbers))
You could use setArray method as mentioned in the javadoc below:, java.sql.Array)
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("Select * from test where field in (?)");
Array array = statement.getConnection().createArrayOf("VARCHAR", new Object[]{"AA1", "BB2","CC3"});
statement.setArray(1, array);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();

cassandra: query with index expression doesn't work

I'm trying to get data from Cassandra with this query:
$cf=new ColumnFamily($data->cp,'ips');
$index_clause = CassandraUtil::create_index_clause($index);
foreach($rows AS $key=>$row)
But the result is null.
I'm definitely sure that there is a row in cf ips which absolutely answers this query.
Validation class for all columns is IntegerType.
In cassandra-cli the equal query:
get ips where c = int('1') and
begin_ip <= int('1599147740') and
end_ip >= int('1599147740');
also gets null.
What am I doing wrong?
First, have you created an index on the 'c' column?
Second, you'll need to use 'cassandra_IndexOperator::EQ' and similar for the expression operator instead of a string.

linq match word with boundaries

say i have a nvarchar field in my database that looks like this
1, "abc abccc dabc"
2, "abccc dabc"
3, "abccc abc dabc"
i need a select LINQ query that would match the word "abc" with boundaries not part of a string
in this case only row 1 and 3 would match
from row in table.AsEnumerable()
where row.Foo.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'}, StringSplitOptions.None)
select row
It's important to include the call to AsEnumerable, which means the query is executed on the client-side, else (I'm pretty sure) the Where clause won't get converted into SQL succesfully.
Maybe a regular expression like this (nb - not compiled or tested):
var matches = from a in yourCollection
where Regex.Match(a.field, ".*\sabc\s.*")
select a;
e => Regex.Match(e.field, #"(.*?[\s\t]|^)abc([\s\t].*?|$)")
e => e.Split(' ', '\t').Contains("abc");
For efficiency, you want to do as much of the filtering as possible on the server, and then the rest of the filtering on the client. You can't use Regex on the server (SQL Server doesn't support it) so the solution is to first use a LIKE-type search (by calling .Contains) then use Regex on the client to further refine the results:
.Where (t => t.MyField.Contains ("abc"))
.AsEnumerable() // Executes locally from this point on
.Where (t => Regex.IsMatch (t.MyField, #"\babc\b"))
This ensures that you retrieve only the rows from SQL Server than contain the letters 'abc' (regardless of whether they're a word-boundary match or not) and use Regex on the client-side to further restrict the result set so that only matches that are on word boundaries are included.