Pex – test input generator - testing

I have created sample method in c#.I use Pex add-in in Visual Studio 2010. I have to test my sample method with few tests.I should do this automatically not manually.I read a lot of articles about PUT(Parameterized Unit Testing) with Pex.I dont't understand how Pex automatically create test inputs.I am not really good at programming so I don't do that myself. Can anybody suggest me some good tutorial for beginners?

The official website offers not only docs but also comprehensive tutorials.
You can also try out Pex4Fun which is a web-based Pex-frontend.


Automation with Microsoft Test Manager and Selenium?

I was just given a project at work to look into feasible ways of implementing automatic tests.
I work for an ISP and for example, one test case would be testing the web interface of any given router.
I managed to record the button clicks with Selenium IDE and now I have the exported code base (Python in Visual Studio Code) of the test.
My question is as follows:
Can it somehow be implemented with Microsoft Test Manager 2017 (so that it passes the test if an expected thing happens)?
What would be the "easiest to grasp" framework to do something like this? I have little experience in coding but am willing to learn anything.
Can someone point me in the direction I should be looking to accomplish something like automated tests via Test Manager and a browser based automation software like Selenium IDE?
Much appreciated.
The Microsoft guides recommend associating MTM/TFS/Azure test cases via visual studio.
I also believe with the selenium IDE you can export to c# and nunit
This is the association guide.
Key bit is this:
This is the execution guide.
The trickiest bit about this approach is you'll need a visual studio license.

Testing an MVVMCross application

I am working on my first MVVMCross application and I am trying to set up a good testing framework. I have looked at the testing Stuart is doing in his TwitterSearch app but I have found nothing that explains his approach or any other approach to testing MVVMCross. Has anyone come across a good post/tutorial on the proper way to test an MVVMCross application? Other than just code that a newb (like myself) may not completely understand...
I'm not sure what you are asking...
What do you mean by a 'proper way'?
Is this a question about mechanics of "how to write a unit test?" Or a question about "how many unit tests to write; Which components to test; How deep to go; etc?"
For the mechanics:
I personally use NUnit for testing (from NuGet)
I include this in a .net4.5 class library project.
I use Moq for most of my Mocking (from NuGet)
There are a few MvvmCross objects I manually mock - as shown in that TwitterSearch message
There's an MvvmCross base test class which provides IoC/ServiceLocation - but I generally only use this when I need to use real MvvmCross classes - e.g. when the class under test inherits from MvxViewModel
I only run tests within Resharper in Visual Studio
There are plenty of other approaches, including some people choose to run tests on devices - e.g. using the excellent MonoTouch Nunit test runner.
There are also plenty of people interested in BDD testing - e.g. things like Frank, Calabash (coming in Xamarin Test Cloud) and the Windows Phone Test Framework that I wrote - :)
For the philosophy, I have no strong opinion, but I like this answer:
I too get paid to write code

What is the most Interesting and innovative IDE?

As every programmer knows tools are important and there is no tool more important for a developer than the IDE you use to code. In the last few years the IDE-s fall into standards and it is not common to see innovation in this area. What IDE-s you can recommend as innovative and what new ideas and paradigms they introduced?
This is by far the coolest set of coding tools yet!
I haven't used this but saw the demo video yesterday. The IDE is called code bubbles and has a unique way of showing and grouping related code together.
That said I find the intellitrace feature in Visual Studio 2010 quite innovative.
Palm's Project Ares:
It's the IDE for the Palm webOS phones, that runs entirely as a web app. You build and run your app inside the browser, and when you're done, you deploy straight to the cloud.
I'd put my bet on Meta Programming System by Jetbrains. The concept is not new but it's the first time it has been implemented on such a huge scale with great IDE support. You create a DSL first, then write programs in that DSL and finally generate code in a target language.
I'll go for Scratch, though I wouldn't want to write a banking system using it :-)
Some cool videos of structured editor prototype that will let you directly code the AST.
This is a prototype only and I have no idea if it is still being developed.
One interesting IDE I have seen only on video is Code Bubbles. It opens code snippets as a graph of visual "bubbles". It is really interesting and definitely something I want to try.

Does anyone know of a tool that will auto-generate Unit Test stubs?

I am writing a winforms application and eventually I would like to write unit test for this application from the DAL, and Biz Objects layers etc.
Does someone know of a FREE tool that can recieve the path to an assembly and then output unit test stubs with matching signatures for the assembly.
Any configurable options like "public interfaces only", "test framework choice", "language choice" would be a plus.
I at least would need this tool to emit against nunit.
Last I heard, the recommended method of unit testing was to write them as you develop the functionality in a test first style. Auto-generating unit test stubs, in my mind, would just result in a whole bunch of unimplemented unit tests which add no value and will most likely have very awful generic names that don't describe the behavior being tested.
On the other hand, maybe I'm just misunderstanding your question...
Take a look at Pex from Microsoft Research.
MS Unit test build into VS2008 can create stubs (using Reflection) in your behalf.
I found it very useful in most cases.
There is a tool called Pex that not only makes the stubs, but also fills in tests for you. There's also a video online.
edit: Mark Seemann beat me to it! Hopefully the links are still useful.

Are there BDD/TDD tools for developing in VB.NET?

I am responsible for rewriting an internal tool for my company. I am currently reworking the most time consuming step to run faster which should give me time to re-think the design of the application for a full rewrite as the interstitial version will meet the current needs.
I really want to take this opportunity to implement this code using BDD/TDD but I am new to this method of programming in general and especially within the context of .NET. Are there BDD/TDD tools available for .NET? What resources should I look at?
Thank you very much in advance!
As one of the members joked when we discussed BDD at one of our oresund meetings: "there are more BDD frameworks for .Net, than there are people using them" ;-)
When starting with BDD, or having executable acceptance tests, I recommend to first understand "what's in a story" (i.e. how to define the requirements.
Having nailed a few of those, then you can go find a tool that fits your particular needs in your particular context.
At my current project we chose StoryQ as our BDD tool since we were already using NUnit and TestDriven.Net, and didn't have to add anything but an assembly reference (no separate test runner, etc).
At the aforementioned meeting, one of the members demonstrated using Cucumber under IronRuby for an app written in C#.
Many people appreciate the way Cucumber turns plain English into requirements, why that might be worth investigating.
Resharper, Nunit, xUnit, MBUnit, are just some of the things that spring to mind.
Resharper because of the nice testrunner and the neat refactorings it can do. (not free)
NUnit because I use that now. (free)
NCover because sometimes you miss a spot. (not free anymore).
Structuremap because IoC/Di is a given. (free)
Rhino mocks because you need to stub and mock. (free)
ASP.Net MVC if you need webdevelopment.
That is just my current stack.
I forgot a few others. But most things that work in C# will now work in VB.Net. And they will work even better in VB.Net 10