In my application I have table view cells with height of table view. When user scrolls it some times stops in between two cells, that is by showing half a cell,cell separator and half of other cell.
Is there any way by which I can scroll the table, after user rotation to a single cell?
What we want is the table view should scroll to a single row automatically after user scroll.
Use scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: for scrolling to top cell. And as a UITableView is also UIScrollView so you can do it in UIScrollview's delegate method.
I have a NSTableview in my application. Theres a header and under these are some elements like rows of a table view. So when i scroll this table view the header stays put and it scrolls up only if the last element in the table view scrolls up and disappers. I Need the header to scroll like the remaining rows. Please help. Is it possible.?
Uncheck Floats Group Rowsin Attribute Inspector of the Table View
I keep having the problem that my tableview controller always displays a lists of cells and only the first two have any data in them. Is this normal? Is it possible to have a tableview controller display only two cells (that is, the ones that have the data in them)?
In other words, the first two cells say "blah" and "blah2". All the others are blank. I know that the number of sections is 1 and the number of rows in the section is 2. I still get the first two cells displayed correctly and the rest are blank. Is this normal? How can I just display two cells?
it is not the table view controller that displays the cell. it is the table view.
you could add a tableview as subview to a view controlled by a view controller and set it frame with a height that is enough to display both cells.
Another option, set the style of the UITableview to grouped and have only one section. It will display only the number of cells you tell it in the method numberofrows:section.
I have a UITableView, upon which I have placed an UIImageView, which scrolls vertically when the table is dragged, up or down depending on how it is dragged. (The image is separate and has not relation to what is present cells of the table view.)
UIScrollViewDelegate has been used for vertical scrolling.
Is there any way, the image can be moved along with the vertical scroll bar when the table is dragged? If so, how can this be achieved?
I think what you want to achieve is something similar to the scroller of
Hava a look at this control:
It's Open source and achieves this.
I'm trying to achieve an effect wherein as a tableview is scrolling, the currently visible cells will animate according to where they are positioned on the screen. I'm somewhat new to IOS dev, so let me try to break it down:
Tableview loads with custom cells User begins scrolling While the
table is in motion, the visible cells have a UIView in which I would
like to perform an animation that corresponds directly to the cell's
current Y position on the screen.
Cells will ONLY animate when they
are visible
Cell animation directly corresponds to table motion, i.e.
whenever the table view scrolls, the cells are animating; once the
table stops, the animations pause
One solution I have thought of is to update drawRect every single frame when the tableview is moving. Depending on the graphic operations, this could be horrible performance wise. Is there a way to grab the current table position every time it changes? Would I be better suited to use Core Animation?
This might be helpful if you want to achieve something like below:
Make your view controllers the delegate of the UITableView, and use all the methods of scrollview Delegate also. There you have many controls for start scrolling and end scrolling, and within thpse controls you could check for uitableview cell positioning.
You have to become delegate to this:
and this is the method to override and animate your cells:
– tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:
I have a UITableView which is composed of custom cells. There are 21 cells containing text fields.
When I try to scroll and edit the cells at the bottom of the UITableView, I can't manage to get my cells properly positioned above the keyboard.
Also i created a custom cell class separately for my cells. So keyboard delegates are available on that class only.
I have seen many answers talking about changing view sizes,etc... but none of them has worked nicely so far.
Could anybody clarify the "right" way to do this with a concrete code example?
There are three approaches to this problem all of which tie into the keyboard did / will show notification....
When the keyboard appears, you move the whole view (including tableview) up to ensure the selected textfield is shown on screen, you can calculate this by getting the keyboard height (from the notification) and the textfield position.
You can resize the tableview so that it is only as big as the portion of the screen not covered by the keyboard, again get the height from the notification.
You can set the content inset for the tableview (for the bottom value) to the height of the keyboard.
If you need to, when resizing or repositioning the tableview, you may need to set it to scroll the content to the rect of the text field to ensure it is in view...
- (void)scrollToRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath atScrollPosition:(UITableViewScrollPosition)scrollPosition animated:(BOOL)animated;