Force user to reboot machine with Burn - wix

I have a bootloader that I created with WiX 3.6/Burn and was wondering if there was a command similar to <ExitCode Behavior="forceReboot"/> that would execute only on uninstall after everything was executed in the <chain> tag.

You can put the ScheduleReboot action in one of your MSIs and condition the action to run on unistall. Burn will respect the restart request and inform the user a restart is required at the end.


WiX Reboot target machine if installation fails

Is it possible to have the WiX installer reboot the target machine if the installation fails for any reason?
This is a requirement that I have.
I'm using a Bootstrapper. After the initial installation all updates will be done automatically. If the installation fails, I need to:
send appropriate logs (done)
rollback to a good state (done), and
reboot the target machine
I restart the target machine after a successful installation, but I don't know how to restart the machine if it fails.
Add these lines to each package in the chain. The first will allow it to complete without reboot if it was successful, the second will force it to reboot on any other exit code.
<ExePackage Id="MyExe" SourceFile="MySource.exe">
<ExitCode Behavior="success" Value="0" />
<ExitCode Behavior="forceReboot"/>
It sounds like you're already rebooting after a successful installation, so you might just want to remove the Value="0", so it forces a reboot for any exit code.

Kill my application during uninstall

I have run into challenging problem trying to accomplish the following:
my application installs a service (watchdog.exe) and an exe file (app.exe).
After the installation is done the service starts and creates process "app.exe".
during uninstall I want to kill the process "app.exe" (which is running under local system account, so I must be running as admin).
problem 1:
The installs says that it requires a reboot since it sees that file "app.exe" is being held (running) during the CostFinalize phase (please correct me if I'm wrong about the phase that checks if a reboot will be required). It would be much better to kill the process when the uninstallation begins. I have verified that if the process is not running during the uninstall then the install does not complain about a reboot required.
problem 2:
using a custom action to kill the process is problematic. the action must run elevated, but on the other hand it must run before the costFinalize (otherwise - it's back to problem 1).
I would appreciate any suggestion. Also, any alternative solutions (is there another way to close the process maybe during install that will not require a reboot?)
The custom action code I have now (not good since it both unnecessarily asks for a reboot and fails to kill the process due to lack of permissions):
<!--<ScheduleReboot After="InstallFinalize" />-->
<Custom Action="MyProcess.TaskKill" Before="InstallValidate"></Custom>
<!--<Property Id="Net">Net.exe</Property>-->
<Property Id="QtExecCmdLine" Value='"[%SYSTEMROOT]\System32\taskkill.exe" /F /IM App.exe' />
<CustomAction Id="MyProcess.TaskKill"
Return="ignore" />
Here is the log for the failure:
CAQuietExec: Error 0x80070001: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec: Error 0x80070001: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction MyProcess.TaskKill returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
Action ended 18:15:54: MyProcess.TaskKill. Return value 1603.
There are few ideas that I have, namely:
Use EventWaitHandles, which allow processes to communicate between each other, and delegate your wish to app.exe. Your app.exe can then terminate, as needed. This is clean solution and should be prefered.
If for whatever reason you decide to kill the application like you don't care about anything at all in the world, then you can:
I saw today a project that can run MSI completely elevated, in all stages. It was Visual Stdio template, however I can't find it right now, but know that it exists there.
You can also use this, maybe it works: How do I get WiX installer to request administrative privileges?
Basically there are so many hackery tricks you can do, to kill the application. Such as using WiX Burn and requiring administration rights, then doing your thing. I would go with solution#1(create your own mechanisms)
By the way, if you use ServiceControl element in WiX, it will STOP the service before REINSTALLING/UNISTALLING. You can hook to OnStop() method in Service and kill your App.exe there. If you have set Service as App.exe parent, then there should be flag that any child processes die with parent.

PerUser install with Custom Action - UAC disabled

I'm using WiX to generate an MSI that installs a browser plugin on a perUser basis. I have a custom action to install a driver using DPInst (which needs elevated privileges).
The install works fine when UAC is enabled; Windows shows the prompt to elevate. However, if I have UAC disabled and try to install on a regular user account, dpinst.exe will get spawned until the computer freezes. (About a thousand times at last count).
In the <InstallExecuteSequence> I have:
<Custom Action="Install_Drivers" After="InstallFiles">NOT Installed</Custom>
My custom action is:
<CustomAction Id='Install_Drivers' Execute='deferred' Directory='DRIVERS' ExeCommand='"[DRIVERS]DPinst.exe" /SW /SA' Return='ignore' Impersonate='no'/>
I have Return='ignore' because, from what I understand so far, dpinst.exe always returns a non-0 code.
How can I ensure that the custom action fails correctly when UAC is disabled? On a related note, can I show a custom message to the user when the driver installation fails?
Further Information: I'm developing on Windows 7 currently, but targeting WinXP and up.
Edit Taking a look at the log for the installation these seem to be the relevant lines:
Executing op: CacheSizeFlush(,)
Executing op: ActionStart(Name=Install_Drivers,,)
Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=Install_Drivers,ActionType=3170,Source=C:\long_redacted\Drivers\,Target="C:\long_redacted_path\Drivers\DPinst.exe" /SW /SA,)
Disallowing shutdown. Shutdown counter: 0
CustomAction Install_Drivers returned actual error code 1073807364 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
The bit about the shutdown is, I believe, when I logged off stop the installation. (Canceling doesn't seem to have any effect).
Try setting the 'Impersonate=no' attribute on the 'CustomAction' element, like this:
<CustomAction Id='Install_Drivers' Execute='deferred' Directory='DRIVERS' ExeCommand='[DRIVERS]DPinst.exe" /SW /SA' Return='ignore' Impersonate="no" />
Also note: you have a stray double-quote in your ExeCommand
Installing a driver is an inherently per-machine operation. A limited user can't do it. So with UAC disabled, it's not going to work. DPInst apparently doesn't get the hint that it doesn't have permissions and can't get them. Sounds like a bug in DPInst. You should change your installer to be per-machine and add a launch condition on the Privileged property to prevent the installer from starting for limited users without UAC.

Set environment variable before running a custom action in WiX

I have to build an MSI-based installer using WiX and I need to set environment MY_HOME before running a command action.
I have a component:
<Component Id="SEMYHOME"
Guid="*my guid*">
<CreateFolder />
<Environment Id="MY_HOME"
Then I have a custom action:
<CustomAction Id="InstallMyService"
ExeCommand='"[INSTALLDIR]myapp\install_service.bat" install'
<Custom Action="InstallMyService"
NOTE: This action need the MY_HOME variable to be set before running.
When install this MSI, I got a log showing that the MY_HOME variable is set before running the custom action "InstallMyService", but the command to install my service still fails. I found that the cause is when command called, MY_HOME still not set.
After an install is finished, MY_HOME was set as expected, but the custom action fails :(
How can I fix this problem?
Windows Installer and Custom Actions are hosted via the Service Control Manager which has a long history of not respecting broadcast messages that are sent announcing Environment changes. So even if you fix the immeadiate / deferred problem that Yan mentions you'll find that your custom action still doesn't have the environment variable.
Why don't just just pass "[APPLICATIONPATH]myapp" to your .bat file and fetch it in as %2?
BTW I also don't reccomend calling batch files from an installer. It's fragile and embarrassing to see installs that run popping up little black windows.
You CA is immediate. This means that it runs immediately when Windows Installer is processing your MSI package. And this obviously happens before the component containing <Environment/> is installed. Modify it to be deferred (Execute="deferred") and schedule before InstallFinalize.

WiX - trying to figure out install sequences

I'm installing a large app, and part of it is a custom written tool called "DbUpdateManager" to mass execute SQL scripts against our target database.
Right now, the WiX 2.x install works - but it has one flaw: during install, I also install a couple of Windows services, which can be optionally started right away. Those however will fail, if the DbUpdateManager hasn't been run yet.
So what I'm trying to accomplish is this:
Install DbUpdateManager and my services from my MSI
Run DbUpdateManager BEFORE any of the services start up
My current WiX source looks something like this:
<Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='DbUpdMgr' LongName='DbUpdateManager' >
<!-- DbUpdateManager component with the necessary files -->
<Component Id='DbUpdateManagerComponent' Guid='...' DiskId='1'>
<File Id='DbUpdateManagerFile' LongName='DbUpdateManager.Wizard.exe'
Name='DbUmWz.exe' src='DbUpdateManager.Wizard.exe' KeyPath='no' />
<!-- Component to install one of my Windows services -->
<Component Id='InstallServiceComponent' Guid='...' DiskId='1'>
<File Id='InstallServiceFile' LongName='MyService.exe'
Name='MyServic.exe' src='MyService.exe' KeyPath='yes'/>
<ServiceInstall Id='InstallMyService' Name='MyService'
Description='My Service' ErrorControl='normal'
Start='auto' Type='ownProcess' Vital='yes' />
<ServiceControl Id='UninstallMyService' Name='MyService'
Remove='uninstall' Wait='yes' />
<!-- Feature for the DbUpdateManager referencing the above component -->
<Feature Id='DbUpdateManager' ConfigurableDirectory='INSTALLDIR'
AllowAdvertise='no' Description='DbUpdateManager' Level='1'
Title='Database Update Manager'>
<ComponentRef Id='DbUpdateManagerComponent'/>
<!-- Custom action for running DbUpdateManager -->
<CustomAction Id='RunDbUpdateManagerAction' FileKey='DbUpdateManagerFile'
ExeCommand='' Return='asyncWait' />
<!-- Calling the custom action in the install sequence -->
<RemoveExistingProducts After='InstallInitialize' />
<Custom Action='RunDbUpdateManagerAction'
I inherited this WIX, and it works - but as I said - the DbUpdateManager gets called too late in the process (only "After=InstallFinalize") and thus the services will fail to start up properly at first (the run fine the second time around when you restart them manually after DbUpdateManager has run).
I poked around the MSI documentation a bit and found a nice step called "StartServices", so my hunch was to just change my calling the custom action to this:
<Custom Action='RunDbUpdateManagerAction'
Unfortunately, in this case, nothing at all happens - DbUpdateManager NEVER gets called....
Any ideas why? Debugging the MSI/WiX stuff is really really tricky, and I can't seem to see the forest for the trees anymore....
EDIT: The "RunDbUpdateManagerAction" is placed in the right position in the InstallExecuteSequence table in my MSI - right AFTER InstallServices and just BEFORE StartServices - and yet it doesn't work.... DbUpdateManager (a Winforms utility) does not show up during installation :-(
EDIT 2: now my action appears to be executed and at the right time - unfortunately, I'm just not seeing my wizard :-( What I'm seeing is an error code "return value 1631" which means something like "MSI Service could not be started" - wtf ???
MSI (s) (2C:D8) [20:53:36:383]: Doing action: RunDbUpdateManagerAction
Action 20:53:36: RunDbUpdateManagerAction.
Action started at 20:53:36: RunDbUpdateManagerAction.
MSI (s) (2C:D8) [20:53:36:383]: Doing action: StartServices
Action 20:53:36: StartServices. Services are being started
Action started at 20:53:36: StartServices.
Action finished at 20:53:36: RunDbUpdateManagerAction. Return value 1631.
Well, I finally got it working - with a bit of help from everyone who responded, and by consulting some of the WiX tutorials and help pages out there on the web. MSI installer stuff isn't easy to figure out and learn......
Basically, I changed execution of my custom action to "deferred" (as suggested by Rob) and I moved the point in the sequence where it gets executed to "After=InstallFiles". I also changed the condition in the <Custom> tag to "NOT Installed" which seems to work just fine in my scenario.
Contrary to Rob's fear, the Db Update Manager and its UI come up quite nicely this way, and the process of updating our database is now completed before any of our services (that depend on the database) get started.
Looking forward to a full RTM release of WiX 3.0 (and its future) !
Thanks to everyone - unfortunately, I could only accept one answer - all would have deserved it.
It appears that your CustomAction depends on the 'DbUpdateManagerFile' being installed. That means that your CustomAction needs to be scheduled after InstallFiles executes. Remember there are two passes to the InstallExecuteSequence. First, the "immediate" (or "scheduled" or "script generation") actions are executed to build the transaction log (aka: "install script"). Second, the "deferred" actions in the transaction log are executed.
Right now your CustomAction is "immediate" (the default) so it is trying to run before the files are actually copied to the machine. The InstallFiles action is in the script before your CustomAction but it hasn't been executed yet.
So, you need to mark your CustomAction "deferred" to get it to run after your files are installed.
Note: you are not probably not able to show UI from a deferred CA. I wasn't sure if this tool of yours was expected to show UI.
PS: sorry if I didn't explain that well, it's been a long day.
Try getting a log file of the Installation, and look for the sequence order in there and the value of the condition to perform the Custom Action
Use this in the command line:
msiexec /i [msiname] /l*v [filename]
EDIT: After reading your comment have a look at this page here you could try to add NOT INSTALLED in the condition
EDIT2: I found this page Search for your error Number 1631
You can open the .msi in Orca and look at the InstallExecuteSequence table to see what order things are actually happening in. This may give you a good idea of what's actually happening when.