How to always run command when building regardless of any dependency? - cmake

I want to run a cmake command that parses the whole source tree, so I can't list all possible dependencies in cmake's add_custom_command/add_custom_target commands.
Is it possible to tell cmake just to run a command without any conditions? I tried all solutions found on the net (including SO) but they all assume that the command is dependent on few known files being up to date.
I found a solution but it does not work reliably:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
OUTPUT file1
COMMAND echo touching file1
COMMAND touch file1
DEPENDS file2)
add_custom_target(dep ALL DEPENDS file1 file2)
# this command re-touches file2 after dep target is "built"
# and thus forces its rebuild
COMMAND echo touching file2
COMMAND touch file2
and this is output:
queen3#queen3-home:~/testlib$ make
[100%] Generating file1
touching file1
touching file2
[100%] Built target dep
queen3#queen3-home:~/testlib$ make
[100%] Generating file1
touching file1
touching file2
[100%] Built target dep
queen3#queen3-home:~/testlib$ make
touching file2
[100%] Built target dep
As you can see, on third run it did not generate file1, even though file2 was touched previously. Sometimes it happens every 2nd run, sometimes every 3rd, sometimes every 4th. Is it a bug? Is there another way to run a command without any dependency in cmake?
Strange but if I add TWO commands to re-touch file2, i.e. just copy-paste the post-build command, it works reliably. Or maybe it will fail every 1000th run, I'm not sure yet ;-)

While I'm not at all pleased with this solution, posting since I stumbled on this page and didn't see it mentioned.
You can add a custom target that references a missing file,
message(FATAL_ERROR "File \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/__header.h\" found, \
this should never be created, remove!")
my_custom_target_that_always_runs ALL
${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/__header.h # fake! ensure we run!
${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/header.h # real header, we write.
# this command must generate: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/header.h
COMMAND some_command
This will keep running the custom command because __header.h is not found.
See a working example where this is used.

A twist on ideasman42's answer is to create a dummy output with an empty echo statement. The advantage is that you can have several custom commands depend on this dummy output.
Also, the cmake build system will know what the output file of your custom command is so that any dependencies on that output can be properly resolved.
# Custom target will always cause its dependencies to be evaluated and is
# run by default
add_custom_target(dummy_target ALL
# custom_output will always be rebuilt because it depends on always_rebuild
OUTPUT custom_output
COMMAND command_that_produces_custom_output
# Dummy output which is never actually produced. Anything that depends on
# this will always be rebuilt.
OUTPUT always_rebuild
COMMAND cmake -E echo
The cmake -E echo is as close to a no-op as cmake has.

I searched for exactly the same and I finally found a "notSoWorkaround" solution.
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(do_always ALL COMMAND yourCommandRegardlessOfAnyDependency)
This adds a target that will be run after ALL. And as custom targets are always considered out of date it will run always.
You may need DEPENDS yourA.out for running after the build
My sources :
cmake documentation
a mailing list answer for this question

So here's my solution. I add a fake library:
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME} fake)
and there I do this:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project(fake CXX)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED fake.cpp)
add_custom_command(TARGET fake
So as you can see I just remove .so file after build, which causes fake lib to be rebuilt each time, with POST_BUILD executed, and all this before the main PROJECT_NAME because it is dependent on fake.


What cmake command will copy a directory of files to a directory in a post build step

I have a set of resource files that have nothing to do with the build steps of GCC or some other compiler's output. I need them copied from a folder in my project to the cmake build output folder. The goal is for the executable, when run from the build output folder, can see the resources.
How do people typically copy and install resources in cmake builds? Additionally, I want them copied regardless of changes in the build and I want it executed every time I run some cmake command, like build. See below for what I tried to solve this issue.
For example:
I have a bunch of shader files that I want copied. All shaders/* files should be copied into a directory in the build output called "shaders", because that's where the executable for the program lives.
file(GLOB out shaders/*)
foreach (o ${out})
message("${o} was copied to shaders")
file(COPY ${o} DESTINATION shaders)
endforeach ()
This only works sometimes, like when I reload the CMake project, e.g.:
/opt/clion-2021.2.3/bin/cmake/linux/bin/cmake \
-G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" \
Also, it doesn't execute "POST_BUILD", so the lastest version of the shaders/a.vert file doesn't get copied to the shaders/ directory in the output.
I tried using this, too, but it gave me some headaches:
add_custom_command(TARGET my-executable POST_BUILD
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy shaders/* shaders)
I think there's something incorrect with that above, because it wasn't run every POST_BUILD if the build's code didn't change. I don't care if the build's code doesn't change because the files in shaders/* could have changed and should be copied regardless of cmake determining if there was a change in my-executable.
This gist on github was very helpful, here but the gist that applies to my question is included below.
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/shaders
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/shaders
COMMENT "copying ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders to ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/shaders"
The above code creates a bar cmake target that can be run separately with Make bar; then, if you add another target that requires those resources (the shaders above are resources for this other executable) then you can tie the dependency together using add_dependencies like this:
add_dependencies(a bar)
Now, every time the a target is run, the bar target is run as well, which has the effect of creating the directory and copying the files.
This was good enough for me, but to finish up, you can use this to create the files in a post build step after the other dependency is finished running:
add_custom_command(TARGET bar
# Run after all other rules within the target have been executed
COMMAND echo "executing a POST_BUILD command"
COMMENT "This command will be executed after building bar"
Note that ${CMAKE_COMMAND} in the above examples of add_custom_command is a variable that points to the cmake executable, and you can run cmake -E to see the very helpful list of commands that come with cmake.
YIKES the post build step is only running after bar's target is built, not a's target. Hopefully, somebody can help me answer this better. I would still like to know how to copy files after a target is built, unless that's completely unnecessary and nobody should ever want to do that.

CMake: clean coverage directory before test target

I'm working on a C++ project with CMake + clang. I would now like to integrate source-based coverage with my unit tests. When compiling with the right flags, raw coverage data is placed into files according to a pattern given by the LLVM_PROFILE_FILE environment variable. Since I'm using catch2 as a test framework I'm thus calling:
When running the test target, this will place a .profraw per test process in the coverage directory. I have also added a custom coverage target that merges these files into a .profdata file:
OUTPUT coverage/my_test.profdata
COMMAND llvm-profdata merge -sparse coverage/*.profraw -o coverage/my_test.profdata
add_custom_target(coverage DEPENDS coverage/my_test.profdata)
This works well enough. However, if I now run the test target again multiple times and forget to clear the coverage directory in between, running the coverage target will merge data from multiple test runs. That's not what I want so I would like to make sure that the coverage directory is always deleted before the tests run. But I'm not sure how to do this, I've tried:
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -rf coverage
add_dependencies(test clean_coverage_dir)
After catch_discover_tests but this results in:
Cannot add target-level dependencies to non-existent target "test".
What can I do? Should I maybe use a different approach altogether?
If anyone is interested, I've found a sort of obvious solution:
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -rf coverage &&
${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} --force-new-ctest-process &&
llvm-profdata merge -sparse coverage/*.profraw -o coverage/my_test.profdata

Custom command does not get executed with --target option in cmake

Followup question to this question: cmake project build only one specific executable (and its dependencies)
I have a custom target written so it will run every time i compile something in my project. Now that I call an explicit target as asked in the question above, this custom command does not get executed anymore.
DEPENDS hash.h
COMMENT "[INFO] CMake generating special *.h file from custom command magic."
I already tried removing the ALL directive but it did not change anything.
Forgot to add: I am using cmake/3.13.4 compiled from source.
Sorry for the later answer but work was crazy. So after i read the comments by #Th.Thielemann and #squareskittles I reread the cmake documentation and found my solution. The following code was written under cmake/3.0.0 quite a while ago:
OUTPUT some_header.h
COMMAND cat ${BISON_HEADER} other_header.h | awk -f some_wak_file.awk > some_header.h
DEPENDS some_header.h
COMMENT "[INFO] CMake generating special *.h file from custom command magic."
After reading up again on the documentation for cmake/3.13 it became quite obvious that it could be written in an easier form:
COMMAND cat ${BISON_HEADER} other_header.h | awk -f some_wak_file.awk > some_header.h
Thank you again #Th. Thielemann and #squareskittles for the patients and the inut to check again!

cmake ctest post test delete file

I have a cmake project that runs through a number of tests, i.e.
add_test(test_title executable arg1 arg2)
On runing these tests a number of files are produced.
Once the test has run I would like to delete one of these files produced, i.e.
If you could provide an example it would be very much appreciated.
As advised in the letter, уou can wrap actual testing command with cmake script. In your case it can be:
add_test(NAME test_title
-P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/runtest.cmake
And the wrapper runtest.cmake can be:
execute_process(COMMAND executable ${arg1} ${arg2}
TIMEOUT 1000 # it should be less than in add_test
file(REMOVE ${arg1}.txt)
file(REMOVE ${arg2}.txt)
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Test executing status: ${status}")
I am not sure whether this option was available at the time of asking the question, but I used a hack along the lines of:
define a test: test_title
define another test: test_title_remove_file
depends on test_title (so test_title will be run first)
requires files you want to delete to exist (explicit is better than implicit)
calls cmake -E remove <file> doc
This way you'll have one fake extra test but at least it will tell you if there are any errors.
My implementation:
add_test(NAME test_title_remove_file
set_tests_properties(test_title_remove_xmls PROPERTIES
DEPENDS test_title ## note it is your test_title

Copy file from source directory to binary directory using CMake

I'm trying to create a simple project on CLion. It uses CMake to generate Makefiles to build project (or some sort of it)
All I need to is transfer some non-project file (some sort of resource file) to binary directory each time when I run the my code.
That file contains test data and application open it to read them. I tried several ways to do so:
Via file(COPY ...
Looking good but it work just once and not recopy file after next run.
Via add_custom_command
OUTPUT version
TARGET version
But no one of it work.
What am I doing wrong?
You may consider using configure_file with the COPYONLY option:
configure_file(<input> <output> COPYONLY)
Unlike file(COPY ...) it creates a file-level dependency between input and output, that is:
If the input file is modified the build system will re-run CMake to re-configure the file and generate the build system again.
Both option are valid and targeting two different steps of your build:
file(COPY ... copies the file during the configuration step and only in this step. When you rebuild your project without having changed your cmake configuration, this command won't be executed.
add_custom_command is the preferred choice when you want to copy the file around on each build step.
The right version for your task would be:
you can choose between PRE_BUILD, PRE_LINK, POST_BUILD
best is you read the documentation of add_custom_command
An example on how to use the first version can be found here: Use CMake add_custom_command to generate source for another target
The first of option you tried doesn't work for two reasons.
First, you forgot to close the parenthesis.
Second, the DESTINATION should be a directory, not a file name. Assuming that you closed the parenthesis, the file would end up in a folder called input.txt.
To make it work, just change it to
I would suggest TARGET_FILE_DIR if you want the file to be copied to the same folder as your .exe file.
Directory of main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a).
In VS, this cmake script will copy input.txt to the same file as your final exe, no matter it's debug or release.
The suggested configure_file is probably the easiest solution. However, it will not rerun the copy command to if you manually deleted the file from the build directory. To also handle this case, the following works for me:
add_custom_target(copy-test-makefile ALL DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/input.txt)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/input.txt
if you want to copy folder from currant directory to binary (build folder) folder
then the syntexe is :
file(COPY pathSource DESTINATION pathDistination)
This is what I used to copy some resource files:
the copy-files is an empty target to ignore errors
add_custom_target(copy-files ALL
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
If you want to put the content of example into install folder after build:
try add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:
install(DIRECTORY example/ DESTINATION example)