can't read utf8 character from json in xcode - objective-c

when i have the english character in my json file it's printing the read json in array, but when i have tibetan character(utf8) it's printing null. i am pasting my json and xcode code. please help. this code is what i am trying from core data tutorial
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
// Create the managed object context
NSManagedObjectContext *context = managedObjectContext();
// Custom code here...
// Save the managed object context
NSError *error = nil;
if (![context save:&error]) {
NSLog(#"Error while saving %#", ([error localizedDescription] != nil) ? [error localizedDescription] : #"Unknown Error");
NSError* err = nil;
NSString* dataPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"tsikzoe" ofType:#"json"];
NSDictionary* tsikzoe = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:dataPath]options:kNilOptions error:&err];
NSLog(#"Imported tsikzoe: %#",[tsikzoe objectForKey:#"wordDef"]);
return 0;
Here is the JSON
[{"id":1,"dictionaryType":1,"word":"༼༡༠༠༦༽ སྲོང་བཙན་ཆོས་ཀྱི་རྗེ་བོ་ཡབ་ཡུམ་གསུམ།","wordDef":"རྒྱལ་པོ་སྲུང་བཙན་སྒམ་པོ། བལ་བཟའ་ཁྲི་བཙུན། རྒྱ་བཟའ་ཀོང་ཇོ་བཅས་གསུམ་ལ་ཟེར།","dateSubmitted":"2012-08-19 00:00:00","author":2,"authorName":"དུང་དཀར་ཚིག་མཛོད།"},
{"id":2,"dictionaryType":1,"word":"༼༡༠༤༠༽ བསོ།","wordDef":"བསོ་བསོ་ཞེས་པའི་སྒྲའི་ཁྱད་པར་གྱི་མིང༌།","dateSubmitted":"2012-08-19 00:00:00","author":2,"authorName":"དུང་དཀར་ཚིག་མཛོད།"}]

NSDictionary* tsikzoe = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:dataPath]options:kNilOptions error:&err];
Your JASON is an array in this case, so you will need to access one of the two elements in this array, which would be a dictionary.
A dictionary JSON will have this format
"employees": [ //right here!
{ "firstName":"John" , "lastName":"Doe" },
{ "firstName":"Anna" , "lastName":"Smith" },
{ "firstName":"Peter" , "lastName":"Jones" }
An Array JSON will have this format
[ //notice the difference.
{ "firstName":"John" , "lastName":"Doe" },
{ "firstName":"Anna" , "lastName":"Smith" },
{ "firstName":"Peter" , "lastName":"Jones" }


i have a json data and i only return a captains on that data dynamically

"teamName":"Royal Challenge Bangalore",
"name":"Virat Kholi",
"name":"Chris Gyale",
"teamName":"Kolkatta Knight Riders",
"name":"Robin Uttapa",
"name":"Sunil Narayan",
"name":"Gautam Ganmbhir",
}`enter code here`
You can do it this way. captains will contain NSDictionary objects with related data
NSString *json = #"your json here...";
NSError *error;
NSDictionary *dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[json dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
if (error) {
// TODO: handle error...
NSArray *teams = [[[dict objectForKey:#"team"] objectForKey:#"players"] allObjects];
NSMutableArray *captains = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSDictionary *team in teams) {
for (id item in [team allValues]) {
if ([item isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
if ([(NSDictionary *) item objectForKey:#"Iscaptain"]) {
[captains addObject:item];

how to parse this JSON in OBJ c

I receive this JSON string from a web process
and when I use the following to get the data:
NSError *jsonError = nil;
NSData *objectData = [ret dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary *json= [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: objectData options:kNilOptions error: &jsonError];
NSLog(#"data: %#",[json objectForKey:#"data"]);
it gets logged as:
id = "14D19A9B-3D65-4FE2-9ACE-4C2D708DAAD8";
id = "8BFD10B8-F5FD-4CEE-A307-FE4382A0A7FD";
How can I parse the data as an NSDictionary with value and keys?
The web returns an object that has a property which is an array of objects, so...
NSDictionary *json= // your code
NSArray *array = json[#"data"];
for (NSDictionary *element in array) {
NSLog(#"%#", element);
// or, digging a little deeper
NSString *idString = element[#"id"];
NSLog(#"id=%#", idString);

Parsing JSON: Checking for object existence and reading values

My application returns a NSMutableData *receivedData.
I've opted for using NSJSONSerialization to parse this under the assumption that it would be easiest. I'm having extreme trouble trying to get my head around how to do it. I'm very new to Objective-C, from a Java background.
In Java I used gson to parse the JSON in to an array which I could use easily. I'm really struggling with this here.
My current code for parsing the JSON is:
NSError *e = nil;
NSArray *jsonArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: receivedData options: NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error: &e];
if (!jsonArray) {
NSLog(#"Error parsing JSON: %#", e);
} else {
for(NSDictionary *item in jsonArray) {
NSLog(#"Item: %#", item);
As provided by somebody on the internet. This works and prints two items to NSLog. result and header. Here is how the JSON looks:
However if there is an error the JSON can also look like this:
How I want the code to work:
Check if there is a "fault" object
If there is, print fault.code and fault.message to NSLog
If there isn't, I know that my JSON contains result instead of fault
Print the value of result to NSLog
But I can't for the life of me figure out how to approach it. Can someone please give me some pointers?
your object appears to be a dictionary.
Try this out.
NSError *e = nil;
id jsonObj = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: receivedData options: NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error: &e];
NSArray *jsonArray = nil;
NSDictionary *jsonDict = nil;
if ([jsonObj isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]){
jsonArray = (NSArray*)jsonObj;
else if ([jsonObj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]){
jsonDict = (NSDictionary*)jsonObj;
if (jsonArray != nil) {
// you have an array;
for(NSDictionary *item in jsonArray) {
NSLog(#"Item: %#", item);
else if (jsonDict != nil){
for (NSString *key in jsonDict.allKeys){
NSLog(#"Key: %# forItem: %#",key,[jsonDict valueForKey:key]);
else {
NSLog(#"Error: %#",e);

NSJSONSerialization only getting root key

I'm having an issue parsing JSON from a PHP server using NSJSONSerialization. JSLint says my JSON is valid but appears to only be able to get one-two levels in.
This is essentially my JSON structure:
and here is my code to parse it:
NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:responseData options:kNilOptions error:&error];
if (json) {
NSArray *products = [json objectForKey:#"products"]; // works
for (NSDictionary *pItem in products) { // works
NSLog(#"Product: %#", pItem); // works, prints the entire structure under "product-name"
NSArray *productSets = [pItem objectForKey:#"product-sets"]; // gets nil
for (NSDictionary *psItem in productSets) {
// never happens
I've been spinning my wheels on this for several hours, but I'm not finding anything similar anywhere I search. Are there any limitations that I'm unaware of, or am I just not seeing something obvious?
you missed one nested object
NSArray *productSets = [[pItem objectForKey:#"product-name"] objectForKey:#"product-sets"];
I tested it with this CLI program
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSString *jsonString = #"{\"products\":[{\"product-name\": {\"product-sets\": {\"set-3\":{\"test1\":\"test2\", \"test3\":\"test4\"}, \"set-4\":{\"test5\":\"test6\", \"test7\":\"test8\"} }}}, {\"product-name-2\": \"2\"}]}";
// insert code here...
NSLog(#"%#", jsonString);
NSError *error;
NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:kNilOptions error:&error];
if (json) {
NSArray *products = [json objectForKey:#"products"]; // works
for (NSDictionary *pItem in products) { // works
NSLog(#"Product: %#", pItem); // works, prints the entire structure under "product-name"
NSArray *productSets = [[pItem objectForKey:#"product-name"] objectForKey:#"product-sets"]; // gets nil
for (NSDictionary *psItem in productSets) {
NSLog(#"%#", psItem);
return 0;
Note, that some things in your json are quite strange:
for each flattened object the keys should be the same. keys, that include a number o an object do not make much sense. If you need to keep track of single objects, include an id key with a proper value.

How do I parse JSON with Objective-C?

I am new to iPhone. Can anyone tell me the steps to follow to parse this data and get the activity details, first name, and last name?
"#error": false,
"#data": {
"": {
"activity_id": "35336",
"user_id": "1",
"user_first_name": "Chandra Bhusan",
"user_last_name": "Pandey",
"time": "1300870420",
"activity_details": "Good\n",
"activity_type": "status_update",
"photo_url": ""
"boolean": "1",
"1": {
"1": {
"photo_1_id": "9755"
"activity_id": "35294",
"album_name": "Kalai_new_Gallery",
"user_id": "31",
"album_id": "9754",
"user_first_name": "Kalaiyarasan",
"user_last_name": "Balu",
"0": {
"photo_0_id": "9756"
"time": "1300365758",
"activity_type": "photo_upload",
"photo_url": ""
"3": {
"activity_id": "35289",
"user_id": "33",
"user_first_name": "Girija",
"user_last_name": "S",
"time": "1300279636",
"activity_details": "girija Again\n",
"activity_type": "status_update",
"photo_url": ""
"2": {
"owner_first_name": "Girija",
"activity_id": "35290",
"activity_details": "a:2:{s:4:\"html\";s:51:\"!user_fullname and !friend_fullname are now friends\";s:4:\"type\";s:10:\"friend_add\";}",
"activity_type": "friend accept",
"owner_last_name": "S",
"time": "1300280400",
"photo_url": "",
"owner_id": "33"
"4": {
"activity_id": "35288",
"user_id": "33",
"user_first_name": "Girija",
"user_last_name": "S",
"time": "1300279530",
"activity_details": "girija from mobile\n",
"activity_type": "status_update",
"photo_url": ""
With the perspective of the OS X v10.7 and iOS 5 launches, probably the first thing to recommend now is NSJSONSerialization, Apple's supplied JSON parser. Use third-party options only as a fallback if you find that class unavailable at runtime.
So, for example:
NSData *returnedData = ...JSON data, probably from a web request...
// probably check here that returnedData isn't nil; attempting
// NSJSONSerialization with nil data raises an exception, and who
// knows how your third-party library intends to react?
NSError *error = nil;
id object = [NSJSONSerialization
if(error) { /* JSON was malformed, act appropriately here */ }
// the originating poster wants to deal with dictionaries;
// assuming you do too then something like this is the first
// validation step:
if([object isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
NSDictionary *results = object;
/* proceed with results as you like; the assignment to
an explicit NSDictionary * is artificial step to get
compile-time checking from here on down (and better autocompletion
when editing). You could have just made object an NSDictionary *
in the first place but stylistically you might prefer to keep
the question of type open until it's confirmed */
/* there's no guarantee that the outermost object in a JSON
packet will be a dictionary; if we get here then it wasn't,
so 'object' shouldn't be treated as an NSDictionary; probably
you need to report a suitable error condition */
// the user is using iOS 4; we'll need to use a third-party solution.
// If you don't intend to support iOS 4 then get rid of this entire
// conditional and just jump straight to
// NSError *error = nil;
// [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:...
Don't reinvent the wheel. Use json-framework or something similar.
If you do decide to use json-framework, here's how you would parse a JSON string into an NSDictionary:
SBJsonParser* parser = [[[SBJsonParser alloc] init] autorelease];
// assuming jsonString is your JSON string...
NSDictionary* myDict = [parser objectWithString:jsonString];
// now you can grab data out of the dictionary using objectForKey or another dictionary method
NSString* path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"index" ofType:#"json"];
//将文件内容读取到字符串中,注意编码NSUTF8StringEncoding 防止乱码,
NSString* jsonString = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
NSData* jsonData = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSError *jsonError;
id allKeys = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&jsonError];
for (int i=0; i<[allKeys count]; i++) {
NSDictionary *arrayResult = [allKeys objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"name=%#",[arrayResult objectForKey:#"storyboardName"]);
"idSort" : 0,
"storyboardName" : "MLMember",
"dispalyTitle" : "76.360779",
"rightLevel" : "10.010490",
"showTabBar" : 1,
"openWeb" : 0,
"idSort" : 0,
"storyboardName" : "0.00",
"dispalyTitle" : "76.360779",
"rightLevel" : "10.010490",
"showTabBar" : 1,
"openWeb" : 0,
JSON parsing using NSJSONSerialization
NSString* path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"data" ofType:#"json"];
//Here you can take JSON string from your URL ,I am using json file
NSString* jsonString = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
NSData* jsonData = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSError *jsonError;
NSArray *jsonDataArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:kNilOptions error:&jsonError];
NSLog(#"jsonDataArray: %#",jsonDataArray);
NSDictionary *jsonObject = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:kNilOptions error:&jsonError];
if(jsonObject !=nil){
// NSString *errorCode=[NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[jsonObject objectForKey:#"response"]];
if(![[jsonObject objectForKey:#"#data"] isEqual:#""]){
NSMutableArray *array=[jsonObject objectForKey:#"#data"];
// NSLog(#"array: %#",array);
NSLog(#"array: %d",array.count);
int k = 0;
for(int z = 0; z<array.count;z++){
NSString *strfd = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",k];
NSDictionary *dicr = jsonObject[#"#data"][strfd];
// NSLog(#"dicr: %#",dicr);
NSLog(#"Firstname - Lastname : %# - %#",
[NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[dicr objectForKey:#"user_first_name"]],
[NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[dicr objectForKey:#"user_last_name"]]);
You can see the Console output as below :
Firstname - Lastname : Chandra Bhusan - Pandey
Firstname - Lastname : Kalaiyarasan - Balu
Firstname - Lastname : (null) - (null)
Firstname - Lastname : Girija - S
Firstname - Lastname : Girija - S
Firstname - Lastname : (null) - (null)
I recommend and use TouchJSON for parsing JSON.
To answer your comment to Alex. Here's quick code that should allow you to get the fields like activity_details, last_name, etc. from the json dictionary that is returned:
NSDictionary *userinfo=[jsondic valueforKey:#"#data"];
NSDictionary *user;
NSInteger i = 0;
NSString *skey;
if(userinfo != nil){
for( i = 0; i < [userinfo count]; i++ ) {
skey = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",i];
skey = #"";
user = [userinfo objectForKey:skey];
NSLog(#"activity_details:%#",[user objectForKey:#"activity_details"]);
NSLog(#"last_name:%#",[user objectForKey:#"last_name"]);
NSLog(#"first_name:%#",[user objectForKey:#"first_name"]);
NSLog(#"photo_url:%#",[user objectForKey:#"photo_url"]);