I want to download AFNetwoking's older version without arc please guide.
If you do not use ARC in your project you can add the -fobjc-arc flag to all the AFNetworking source files to compile only those under ARC. You can set these flags in the "Compile Sources" part of the Build Phases tab in the project settings.
You can also go to the GitHub tags and download version 0.10.1.
my iPhone just upgraded and now my iOS version is 15.3.1. Since my old version(12.4) of Xcode doesn't support that version of OS, I've installed newer version of Xcode(13.2.1). Now I cannot run my project and I got this error. I've changed Build Libraries for Distribution to NO and than my build is successful but when I set up breakpoint and start debagging I'm losing connection with debugger on my iPhone. Also I put device file(15.0) in /Aplications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport and in Supporting Files but it didn't
help. I will appreciate any help. Best regards.
Open your XCode,
Go to the Runner under PROJECTS -> search for 'distribution'
Make "Build Libraries for Distribution" to NO (if it is YES, change it to NO).
Do the same for Runner under TARGETS.
I also had the same problem I resolved it in this way.
Also don't forget to uncomment the following in iOS -> Podfile
platform :ios, '11.0'
I am using Swift libraries in Objective-C Project with CocoaPods.
I tried running them in the recently released Xcode 8 GM and I am getting the following error:
I tried all the solutions in the below link and also from other SO Answers but nothing seems to work.
Libraries I am using are Charts and XLPagerStrip.
You need to update your "Pods" project. For each Pod, choose the target and set it to use the legacy compiler. Note that if you do a "pod install" later, the workspace that gets generated will overwrite the legacy compiler settings, so you have to redo them.
I have an old computer that cannot upgrade to Lion, but I would like to use it for coding while still taking advantage of syntax such as instancetype and Objective-C literals. Has anyone tried to compile a newer Clang and LLVM to use with an older Xcode and been successful?
There are various ways to use the newest LLVM/Clang version.
(1) Plugins, as described in the comments above, e.g.:
As pointed out in the linked blog post, you may get errors/warnings from Xcode's real-time syntax checking as Xcode uses an older version of libclang (more on that under (3)). It is likely to compile fine, but editing source code won't be a lot of fun.
(2) Set the compiler via the CC flag. This is probably the easiest/fastest solution and the setting only affects one project. Go to the project's Build Settings, choose "Add Build Setting" -> "Add User-Defined Setting" (in Xcode 5, this is hidden in the Editor menu), name it CC and set the value to the path of your version of Clang. Worked fine for me, but as with (1), you might get conflicts with the live error reporting, especially if you want to use new syntax such as literals, or pass flags for warnings that the older version does not understand.
(3) Replace the compiler. Make sure you back up any files before replacing them. There are two files that need to be replaced: the Clang binary, and libclang.dylib. Go to /Applications/Xcode.app/ -> Option-Click -> "Show Package Contents" -> /Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr. clang is in /bin, libclang.dylib is in /lib.
Both binaries can either be compiled from source (which will give you an even newer version, of course) or just copied from the latest Xcode package. I ran into trouble using a customised version of libclang, but I suspect the problem originates from my modifications there. If in doubt, use libclang from a later Xcode version.
Note: My modified libclang binary used ARC and is therefore incompatible with Xcode 4 which runs with garbage collection. Xcode 5 itself uses ARC so the problem has vanished. If you compile libclang unmodified, you shouldn't come across the issue in either Xcode 4 or 5.
This question will be easy for Xcode pros but for a MonoTouch developer it seems to be impossible to resolve. :-)
I'm using Xcode 4.5 and I want to target iOS 5.1 and above and iOS Simulator 5.1 and above.
I have a a library project here and it is coming with a prebuilt binary named "DemoLib" (no extension and it is 11MB in size). The library is a fat lib for Simulator and iOS 5.1+.
I can use that library without any problem.
However if I try to build the library myself, I end up with a "DemoLib.a" file (notice the extension and the size of 30MB). How can I get the same build result? What is a .a file compared to the file without extension?
I tried to build the project "for running", and "for archiving" in Xcode. Both results in the same 30MB .a file.
I was expecting some dropdown in Xcode where one could select "DEBUG" or "RELEASE" build and the latter one would create the smaller lib.
Of course I could never tell without seeing the framework's project file. Having said that, there is an excellent guide to creating and compiling iOS frameworks here: https://github.com/jverkoey/iOS-Framework
Using the above guide, you should be able to recreate your framework's project from scratch, add the files you have to it, and properly compile it.
Hope this helps! :)
Did it come with a Makefile? Create a new target, set the build settings of the target to what's in the Makefile, then set your project to depend on that new target.
A file with the .a is a static library, which means it depends on nothing external and all the code it needs is compiled inside it. I think no extension generally implies dynamic library, which means it'll depend on some dependencies being present on your system to link against. Maybe that's why the .a is so much bigger. I think Xcode will build static by default because iOS does not allow the use of dynamic libraries.
The dropdown for what to build is in your scheme. Command+shift+< to view your scheme. Within the scheme you can edit which environment each method of building will use.
i'm trying DISABLE ARC in some Facebook classes and still got Errors.
my steps was like that:
1) Build Settings:
i Activated ARC=YES.
Other linker flags = -ObjC -all_load
2) Build Settings>Compile Sources:
-fno-obj-arc for All clases i want to disable ARC.
after all that, i still gets an error build for all "release" in my project.
why? :/
It's -fno-objc-arc to disable ARC, not -fno-obj-arc. I'm sure you don't need it, but see the Use Compiler Flags to Enable and Disable ARC in the Transitioning to ARC Release Notes.
I'd also encourage you to check out the latest Facebook SDK, if you can, which is ARC compatible.