is it possible to reference .linq file in LinqPad - linqpad

is it possible to call/reference functions in another query file beside MyExtensions in LinqPad?

You can call one script from another:
Another way to combine scripts is to dynamically execute one script from another. The Util.Run method does exactly that, and is useful in both interactive and command-line scenarios:
string htmlResult = Util.Run ("test.linq", QueryResultFormat.Html).AsString();
Note: If you feed Util.Run a relative path, it will resolve it relative to the 'My Queries' directory rather than the current directory. You can switch its behavior by specifying .\test.linq instead of test.linq in this example.
LINQPad Command-Line and Scripting

No, this isn't possible right now.


How to properly use QSkyBoxEntity?

I looked everywhere, but there are not any guides or explanations of how to use QSkyBoxEntity.
I created Entity and filled it with transform (set translation and 3d scale). Also changed name and extension.
When I'm trying to run program it says
"Qt3D.Renderer.OpenGL.Backend: Unable to find suitable Texture Unit for "skyboxTexture""
I checked several times and tried different png files but no luck.
My image (I know it's fake transparency, but it shouldn't change anything, right?)
And here's part of a code:
Qt3DCore::QEntity *resultEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity;
Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity *skyboxEntity = new Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity(resultEntity);
skyboxEntity->setBaseName("skybox"); //I tried using path as well
Qt3DCore::QTransform *skyTransform = new Qt3DCore::QTransform(skyboxEntity);
Looks like it's not finding the skybox texture. Did you use an absolute path when you say "I tried using path as well"? The path you set is relative to the build path, i.e. it's not where your C++ file lies.
Alternatively, you could use a resources file and then load then image using
"qrc:/[prefix]/[filename without extension]"
You can also check out the Qt3D manual SkyBox test here:
It's important to properly name files in order for skybox to work and use resource file for storing.
I recommend .tga, but other formats should work as well.
You can read about it here:
And here's example how it should look

can I get parameters from URL in pentaho?

Can I use a parameter from Carte's URL in a Job? Something like this:
I want to do this because I have a job to transform an input file but I want to change that filename dynamically, and creating a new XML file for each file is a bit nonsense.
I've tried many things and I couldn't find a solution :-(
All named parameters must be declared in the parameters tab of said JOB and KTR to be executed and receive the information passed from the URL parameters.

Scripts connected to an Image in EggPlant

I have LoginButton.png that is being used across the whole suite in different scripts. I want to edit the name or move it to a new folder, without breaking all the scripts. So is there a way to list all the scripts that are using this image or to refactor the name/path across the whole suite?
Find option (Edit>Find) it's the closest to what I want, but it only looks at the open script, not the whole suite, and replaces anything with similar naming convention eg: Find "LoginButton" and replace with "NewButton", if you have "LoginButton", "LoginButton1", "LoginButton2" after the replace you will end up with "NewButton", "NewButton1", "NewButton2", and i just want to change "LoginButton" not "LoginButton1" and "LoginButton2".
Unfortunately, you've found the closest solution. One of Eggplant's major drawbacks is that you're locked into a single, (rather feature-less) IDE. If you're having issues matching other words with your search query, you can try including spaces, i.e. " LoginButton ", on the outside of the word.

How to get exported function names from a .dll(system)?

I want the exported function namelist (by name and by ordinal) from a DLL. I got the function names(exported by name) using export directory table,but I can't retrieve the exported function list, which exported by ordinals.
Please help me to retrieve it. I also tried .lib of that dll, there is also, displays NONAME. thanks in advance to legends
If You know dll name ,You can view through many tools (pe explorer,CFF Explorer),Here all exported function names are viewable with ordinal .Another one way from microsoft (dumpbin.exe) its a command line tool ..its also list out all exported fn names
If you have mingw32 installed, simply run
nm.exe your_dll
Where your_dll is the dll you want to to get the ordinals and exports of.
nm.exe should be in the bin directory of your mingw32 installation.

MSbuild built in variables

Could someone translate this, into a syntax that uses the built in variables?
it should be something like:
This might help:
substitute "mybuild\$(?...)" with "$(BuildNumber)"
I had a similar problem where I was trying to copy from the drop location to a "Latest" folder. I found that to construct the final destination of the files (\MyServer\MyShare\builds\MyBuild\Daily_20090708.14\Mixed Platforms\Release) translated to the following using variables:
I also found it helpful to use the Message task for troubleshooting. The following task will tell you what the variable translate to.
<Message Text="$(DropLocation)\$(BuildNumber)\%(ConfigurationToBuild.PlatformToBuild)\%(ConfigurationToBuild.FlavorToBuild)\"/>
To see the output, look in BuildLog.txt.
PS: My tasks that used the properties and items mentioned above where located inside <Target Name="AfterDropBuild">.