Read Number of lines in Large Text File VB6 - vba

I have text File of Size 230MB. I want to Count Number of Lines OF that File.
I tried "Scripting.FileSystemOblect" but it goes out Of memory.
Please Help.

Normal Windows line breaks are CRLF, so you can count the LFs and add 1 to the count in cases where the last line of your files doesn't have one after it.
In true VB (i.e. VB5, VB6, etc.) you can make use of the byte-oriented String operations to speed many tasks. If we can assume the text files contain ANSI then this is pretty fast:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Main()
Const BUFSIZE As Long = 100000
Dim T0 As Single
Dim LfAnsi As String
Dim F As Integer
Dim FileBytes As Long
Dim BytesLeft As Long
Dim Buffer() As Byte
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim BufPos As Long
Dim LineCount As Long
T0 = Timer()
LfAnsi = StrConv(vbLf, vbFromUnicode)
F = FreeFile(0)
Open "big.txt" For Binary Access Read As #F
FileBytes = LOF(F)
ReDim Buffer(BUFSIZE - 1)
BytesLeft = FileBytes
Do Until BytesLeft = 0
If BufPos = 0 Then
If BytesLeft < BUFSIZE Then ReDim Buffer(BytesLeft - 1)
Get #F, , Buffer
strBuffer = Buffer 'Binary copy of bytes.
BytesLeft = BytesLeft - LenB(strBuffer)
BufPos = 1
End If
Do Until BufPos = 0
BufPos = InStrB(BufPos, strBuffer, LfAnsi)
If BufPos > 0 Then
LineCount = LineCount + 1
BufPos = BufPos + 1
End If
Close #F
'Add 1 to LineCount if last line of your files do not
'have a trailing CrLf.
MsgBox "Counted " & Format$(LineCount, "#,##0") & " lines in" & vbNewLine _
& Format$(FileBytes, "#,##0") & " bytes of text." & vbNewLine _
& Format$(Timer() - T0, "0.0#") & " seconds."
End Sub
Given a 7,000,000 line file of 293MB it only takes 0.7 seconds here. But note that I had not rebooted to ensure that the file wasn't cached when I ran that test. Without caching (i.e. after a reboot) I'd expect it to take as long as 5 times that.
Converting to handle Unicode text files is fairly simple. Just replace the B-functions by the non-B equivalents, make sure you set BUFSIZE to a multiple of 2, and search for vbLf instead of an ANSI LF byte.

You can do it by reading each line into the same variable. There's no need to save all the lines:
dim s as string
dim n as integer
open "filename.txt" for input as 1
n = 0
do while not eof(1)
line input #1, s
n = n + 1
This has not been tested, and it's been a while since I've done any VB6, but it should be close.

This takes about 6 seconds for me on a 480mb binary file with 1mil+ 0xD (vbcr)
Dim buff() As Byte
Dim hF As Integer
Dim i As Long, n As Long
hF = FreeFile(0)
Open "c:\windows\Installer\2f91fd.msp" For Binary Access Read As #hF
ReDim buff(LOF(hF) - 1)
Get #hF, , buff()
Close #hF
For i = 0 To UBound(buff)
If buff(i) = 13 Then n = n + 1
MsgBox n


How to generate md5-hashes for large files with VBA?

I have the following functions to generate md5-hashes for files. The functions work great for small files, but crashes and generate Run-time error 7 - Out of memory when I try to hash files over ~250 MB (I don't actually know at which exact size it breaks, but files below 200 MB work fine).
I don't understand why it breaks at a certain size, so if anyone could shed some light on that I would appreciate it a lot.
Also, is there anything I can do to make the functions handle larger files? I intend to use the functions in a larger tool where I will need to generate hashes for files of unknown sizes. Most will be small enough for the current functions to work, but I will have to be able to handle large files as well.
I got my current functions from the most upvoted answer this post How to get the MD5 hex hash for a file using VBA?
Public Function FileToMD5Hex(ByVal strFileName As String) As String
Dim varEnc As Variant
Dim varBytes As Variant
Dim strOut As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Set varEnc = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
'Convert the string to a byte array and hash it
varBytes = GetFileBytes(strFileName)
varBytes = varEnc.ComputeHash_2((varBytes))
'Convert the byte array to a hex string
For intPos = 1 To LenB(varBytes)
strOut = strOut & LCase(Right("0" & Hex(AscB(MidB(varBytes, intPos, 1))), 2))
FileToMD5Hex = strOut
Set varEnc = Nothing
End Function
Private Function GetFileBytes(ByVal strPath As String) As Byte()
Dim lngFileNum As Long
Dim bytRtnVal() As Byte
lngFileNum = FreeFile
'If file exists, get number of bytes
If LenB(Dir(strPath)) Then
Open strPath For Binary Access Read As lngFileNum
ReDim bytRtnVal(LOF(lngFileNum)) As Byte
Get lngFileNum, , bytRtnVal
Close lngFileNum
MsgBox "Filen finns inte" & vbCrLf & "Avbryter", vbCritical, "Filen hittades inte"
Exit Function
End If
GetFileBytes = bytRtnVal
Erase bytRtnVal
End Function
Thank you
It looks like you reached the memory limit.
A better way would be to compute the MD5 of the file by block:
Public Function ComputeMD5(filepath As String) As String
Dim buffer() As Byte, svc As Object, hFile%, blockSize&, i&
blockSize = 2 ^ 16
' open the file '
If Len(Dir(filepath)) Then Else Err.Raise 5, , "file not found" & vbCr & filepath
hFile = FreeFile
Open filepath For Binary Access Read As hFile
' allocate buffer '
If LOF(hFile) < blockSize Then blockSize = ((LOF(hFile) + 1024) \ 1024) * 1024
ReDim buffer(0 To blockSize - 1)
' compute hash '
Set svc = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
For i = 1 To LOF(hFile) \ blockSize
Get hFile, , buffer
svc.TransformBlock buffer, 0, blockSize, buffer, 0
Get hFile, , buffer
svc.TransformFinalBlock buffer, 0, LOF(hFile) Mod blockSize
buffer = svc.Hash
' cleanup '
Close hFile
' convert to an hexa string '
ComputeMD5 = String$(32, "0")
For i = 0 To 15
Mid$(ComputeMD5, i + i + 2 + (buffer(i) > 15)) = Hex(buffer(i))
End Function
This is an extension to FlorentB's answer, which worked brilliantly for me until my files surpassed the 2GB LOF() size limit.
I tried to adapt for getting file length by alternate means as follows:
Public Function ComputeMD5(filepath As String) As String
If Len(Dir(filepath)) Then Else Err.Raise 5, , "File not found." & vbCr & filepath
Dim blockSize As Long: blockSize = 2 ^ 20
Dim blockSize_f As Double
Dim buffer() As Byte
Dim fileLength As Variant
Dim hFile As Integer
Dim n_Reads As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim svc As Object: Set svc = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
fileLength = DecGetFileSize(filepath)
If fileLength < blockSize Then blockSize = ((fileLength + 1024) \ 1024) * 1024
ReDim buffer(0 To blockSize - 1)
n_Reads = fileLength / blockSize
blockSize_f = fileLength - (CDbl(blockSize) * n_Reads)
hFile = FreeFile
Open filepath For Binary Access Read As hFile
For i = 1 To n_Reads
Get hFile, i, buffer
svc.TransformBlock buffer, 0, blockSize, buffer, 0
Next i
Get hFile, i, buffer
svc.TransformFinalBlock buffer, 0, blockSize_f
buffer = svc.Hash
Close hFile
ComputeMD5 = String$(32, "0")
For i = 0 To 15
Mid$(ComputeMD5, i + i + 2 + (buffer(i) > 15)) = Hex(buffer(i))
End Function
Public Function DecGetFileSize(fname As String) As Variant
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim f: Set f = fso.GetFile(fname)
DecGetFileSize = CDec(f.Size)
Set f = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Function
This all runs fine, returning a string, however that string does not equal the MD5 calculated using other tools on the same file.
I can't work out where the discrepancy is originating.
I've checked and double checked filelength, n_reads, blockSize and blockSize_f and I'm sure those values are all correct.
I had some trouble with the Get function, where if I didn't explicitly tell it the block number, it dies at block 2048.
Any ideas / pointers would be much appreciated.

VBA to load very large file in one go (no buffering)

I am experiencing an unexpected vb limitation on the string max size, as explained in this post:
VBA unexpected reach of string size limit
While I was expecting to be able to load files up to 2GB (2^31 char) using open path for binary and get function, I get an out of string space error when I try to load a string larger than 255,918,061 characters.
I managed to work around this issue buffering the input stream of get. The problem is that I need to load the file as an array of string by splitting the buffer on vbCrLf characters.
This requires then to build the array line by line. Moreover, since I cannot be sure whether the buffer is ending on a break line or not I need additional operations. This solution is Time and Memory consuming. Loading a file of 300MB with this code costs 900MB (!) use of memory by excel. Is there a better solution ?
Here bellow is my code:
Function Load_File(path As String) As Variant
Dim MyData As String, FNum As Integer
Dim LenRemainingBytes As Long
Dim BufferSizeCurrent As Long
Dim FileByLines() As String
Dim CuttedLine As Boolean
Dim tmpSplit() As String
Dim FinalSplit() As String
Dim NbOfLines As Long
Dim LastLine As String
Dim count As Long, i As Long
Const BufferSizeMax As Long = 100000
FNum = FreeFile()
Open path For Binary As #FNum
LenRemainingBytes = LOF(FNum)
NbOfLines = FileNbOfLines(path)
ReDim FinalSplit(NbOfLines)
CuttedLine = False
Do While LenRemainingBytes > 0
MyData = ""
If LenRemainingBytes > BufferSizeMax Then
BufferSizeCurrent = BufferSizeMax
BufferSizeCurrent = LenRemainingBytes
End If
MyData = Space$(BufferSizeCurrent)
Get #FNum, , MyData
tmpSplit = Split(MyData, vbCrLf)
If CuttedLine Then
count = count - 1
tmpSplit(0) = LastLine & tmpSplit(0)
For i = 0 To UBound(tmpSplit)
If count > NbOfLines Then Exit For
FinalSplit(count) = tmpSplit(i)
count = count + 1
Next i
For i = 0 To UBound(tmpSplit)
If count > NbOfLines Then Exit For
FinalSplit(count) = tmpSplit(i)
count = count + 1
Next i
End If
Erase tmpSplit
LastLine = Right(MyData, Len(MyData) - InStrRev(MyData, vbCrLf) - 1)
CuttedLine = Len(LastLine) > 1
LenRemainingBytes = LenRemainingBytes - BufferSizeCurrent
Close FNum
Load_File = FinalSplit
Erase FinalSplit
End Function
Where the function FileNbOfLines is efficiently returning the number of line break characters.
My Needs are:
To look for a specific string within the file
To get a specific number of lines coming after this string
Here you go, not pretty but should give you the general concept:
Sub GetLines()
Const fileName As String = "C:\Users\bloggsj\desktop\testfile.txt"
Const wordToFind As String = "FindMe"
Dim lineStart As String
Dim lineCount As String
Dim linesAfterWord As Long
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
lineCount = .Exec("CMD /C FIND /V /C """" """ & fileName & """").StdOut.ReadAll
lineStart = Split(.Exec("CMD /C FIND /N """ & wordToFind & """ """ & fileName & """").StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf)(2)
End With
linesAfterWord = CLng(Trim(Mid(lineCount, InStrRev(lineCount, ":") + 1))) - CLng(Trim(Mid(lineStart, 2, InStr(lineStart, "]") - 2)))
Debug.Print linesAfterWord
End Sub
Uses CMD to count the number of lines, then find the line at which the word appears, then subtract one from the other to give you the amount of lines after the word has been found.
Answer: Yes, using ReadAll from FSO should do the job.
Best answer: Just avoid it !
My needs were:
Identify a specific string within the file
Extract a certain number of lines after this string
As far as you precisely know the exact amout of data you want to extract, and assuming this amount of data is below vba string size limit (!), here is what it does the job the faster.
Decrease of computation time is improved using binary comparison of strings. My code is as follows:
Function GetFileLines(path As String, str As String, NbOfLines As Long) As String()
Const BUFSIZE As Long = 100000
Dim StringFound As Boolean
Dim lfAnsi As String
Dim strAnsi As String
Dim F As Integer
Dim BytesLeft As Long
Dim Buffer() As Byte
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim BufferOverlap As String
Dim PrevPos As Long
Dim NextPos As Long
Dim LineCount As Long
Dim data As String
F = FreeFile(0)
strAnsi = StrConv(str, vbFromUnicode) 'Looked String
lfAnsi = StrConv(vbLf, vbFromUnicode) 'LineBreak character
Open path For Binary Access Read As #F
BytesLeft = LOF(F)
ReDim Buffer(BUFSIZE - 1)
'Overlapping buffer is 3/2 times the size of strBuffer
'(two bytes per character)
BufferOverlap = Space$(Int(3 * BUFSIZE / 4))
StringFound = False
Do Until BytesLeft = 0
If BytesLeft < BUFSIZE Then ReDim Buffer(BytesLeft - 1)
Get #F, , Buffer
strBuffer = Buffer 'Binary copy of bytes.
BytesLeft = BytesLeft - LenB(strBuffer)
Mid$(BufferOverlap, Int(BUFSIZE / 4) + 1) = strBuffer 'Overlapping Buffer
If Not StringFound Then 'Looking for the the string
PrevPos = InStrB(BufferOverlap, strAnsi) 'Position of the looked string within the buffer
StringFound = PrevPos <> 0
If StringFound Then strBuffer = BufferOverlap
End If
If StringFound Then 'When string is found, loop until NbOfLines
Do Until LineCount = NbOfLines
NextPos = InStrB(PrevPos, strBuffer, lfAnsi)
If NextPos = 0 And LineCount < NbOfLines Then 'Buffer end reached, NbOfLines not reached
'Adding end of buffer to data
data = data & Mid$(StrConv(strBuffer, vbUnicode), PrevPos)
PrevPos = 1
Exit Do
'Adding New Line to data
data = data & Mid$(StrConv(strBuffer, vbUnicode), PrevPos, NextPos - PrevPos + 1)
End If
PrevPos = NextPos + 1
LineCount = LineCount + 1
If LineCount = NbOfLines Then Exit Do
End If
If LineCount = NbOfLines then Exit Do
Mid$(BufferOverlap, 1, Int(BUFSIZE / 4)) = Mid$(strBuffer, Int(BUFSIZE / 4))
Close F
GetFileLines = Split(data, vbCrLf)
End Function
To crunch even more computation time, it is highly advised to use fast string concatenation as explained here.
For instance the following function can be used:
Sub FastConcat(ByRef Dest As String, ByVal Source As String, ByRef ccOffset)
Dim L As Long, Buffer As Long
Buffer = 50000
L = Len(Source)
If (ccOffset + L) >= Len(Dest) Then
If L > Buffer Then
Dest = Dest & Space$(L)
Dest = Dest & Space$(Buffer)
End If
End If
Mid$(Dest, ccOffset + 1, L) = Source
ccOffset = ccOffset + L
End Sub
And then use the function as follows:
NbOfChars = 0
Do until...
FastConcat MyString, AddedString, NbOfChars
MyString = Left$(MyString,NbOfChars)

Speed up large string data parser function

I currently have a file with 1 million characters.. the file is 1 MB in size. I am trying to parse data with this old function that still works but very slow.
the code, takes about 5 painful minutes to process the whole data.
any pointers and suggestions are appreciated.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sFinal = ""
Dim strData = textbox.Text
Dim strFirst = "start"
Dim strSec = "end"
Dim strID As String, Pos1 As Long, Pos2 As Long, strCur As String = ""
Do While InStr(strData, strFirst) > 0
Pos1 = InStr(strData, strFirst)
strID = Mid(strData, Pos1 + Len(strFirst))
Pos2 = InStr(strID, strSec)
If Pos2 > 0 Then
strID = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strID, Pos2 - 1)
End If
If strID <> strCur Then
strCur = strID
sFinal += strID & ","
End If
strData = Mid(strData, Pos1 + Len(strFirst) + 3 + Len(strID))
End Sub
The reason that is so slow is because you keep destroying and recreating a 1 MB string over and over. Strings are immutable, so strData = Mid(strData... creates a new string and copies the remaining of the 1 MB string data to a new strData variable over and over and over. Interestingly, even VB6 allowed for a progressive index.
I would have processed the disk file LINE BY LINE and plucked out the info as it was read (see streamreader.ReadLine) to avoid working with a 1MB string. Pretty much the same method could be used there.
' 1 MB textbox data (!?)
Dim sData As String = TextBox1.Text
' start/stop - probably fake
Dim sStart As String = "start"
Dim sStop As String = "end"
' result
Dim sbResult As New StringBuilder
' progressive index
Dim nNDX As Integer = 0
' shortcut at least as far as typing and readability
Dim MagicNumber As Integer = sStart.Length
' NEXT index of start/stop after nNDX
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer = 0
' loop as long as string remains
Do While (nNDX < sData.Length) AndAlso (i >= 0)
i = sData.IndexOf(sStart, nNDX) ' start index
j = sData.IndexOf(sStop, i) ' stop index
' Extract and append bracketed substring
sbResult.Append(sData.Substring(i + MagicNumber, j - (i + MagicNumber)))
' add a cute comma
nNDX = j ' where we start next time
i = sData.IndexOf(sStart, nNDX)
' remove last comma
sbResult.Remove(sbResult.ToString.Length - 1, 1)
' show my work
EDIT: Small mod for the ad hoc test data

Zebra Printer Outputing HEX when trying to print a bitmap

I am using a Zebra iMZ320 printer, a windows mobile device, CPCL and
I am trying to get the code to load a bitmap image and then to print this using CPCL
I have previoulsy had a similar piece of code to that contaibed below working with no issue. I must be missing something obvious, but for the life of me I cannot see it.
My problem is the printer will only printout HEX instead of the image ! Has anyone come across this before ? Can you help ?
Public Sub DrawBitmap(ByVal xPosition As Integer, ByVal yPosition As Integer)
Dim bmp As Bitmap
bmp = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(GetLogo)
If bmp Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("bmp")
End If
'Make sure the width is divisible by 8
Dim loopWidth As Integer = 8 - (bmp.Width Mod 8)
If loopWidth = 8 Then
loopWidth = bmp.Width
loopWidth += bmp.Width
End If
cpclData = ""
cpclData = cpclData & "! 0 200 200 300 1 " & vbCr & vbLf
cpclData = cpclData & (String.Format("EG {0} {1} {2} {3} ", loopWidth \ 8, bmp.Height, xPosition, yPosition))
For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height - 1
Dim bit As Integer = 128
Dim currentValue As Integer = 0
For x As Integer = 0 To loopWidth - 1
Dim intensity As Integer
If x < bmp.Width Then
Dim color As Color = bmp.GetPixel(x, y)
Dim MyR As Integer = color.R
Dim MyG As Integer = color.G
Dim MyB As Integer = color.B
intensity = 255 - ((MyR + MyG + MyB) / 3)
intensity = 0
End If
If intensity >= 128 Then
currentValue = currentValue Or bit
End If
bit = bit >> 1
If bit = 0 Then
cpclData = cpclData & (currentValue.ToString("X2"))
bit = 128
currentValue = 0
End If
cpclData = cpclData & vbCr & vbLf
cpclData = cpclData & "PRINT"
End Sub
Public Shared Function StrToByteArray(ByVal str As String) As Byte()
Dim encoding As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()
Return encoding.GetBytes(str)
End Function
Private Sub Print_Invoice()
' Instantiate a connection
Dim thePrinterConn As ZebraPrinterConnection = New BluetoothPrinterConnection(MyMacAddress)
' Open the connection - physical connection is established here.
' Send the data to the printer as a byte array
' Make sure the data got to the printer before closing the connection
' Close the connection to release resources.
' Debug output
txt_TestPrint.Text = cpclData.ToString
Dim objStreamWriter As StreamWriter
Dim file_name As String
'open dialog box for new file
SaveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "\Storage Card\"
If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
file_name = SaveFileDialog1.FileName
If Len(file_name) > 0 Then
objStreamWriter = New StreamWriter(file_name & ".txt")
'Write a line of text from list box.
'Close the file.
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
The code produce this file as output if it helps.
! 0 200 200 300 1
The iMZ printer comes pre configured to be in line mode. You have to change it to zpl mode so that it would parse either zpl or cpcl
Send this SGD to change the language of the printer.
! U1 setvar "device.languages" "zpl"
You convert the bitmap to a hex string
cpclData = cpclData & (currentValue.ToString("X2"))
then you encode this as byte[]
Return encoding.GetBytes(str)
end send the data to the printer:
But I assume you have to encode the hex data string back to a byte array with the coresponding hex values converted back to a byte. In example a hex string of "FFFFFFFF" has to be converted back to byte[]{0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff}, exxcpet the printer language (CPCL?) reads hex string data and converts that back to byte itself.

Compare contents of a text file based on line number VB2008

Let's say I have two text file, I will compare (based on the line numbering of text ->see below) because this is where the unique key is generated.
5th line -> _000_000F_01CE2577.B840E640
5th line -> _000_000F_01CE2577.B840E640
Now here is my code:
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\myfiles"
'This is to determine the number of lines in the text file
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
Dim obj As StreamReader
obj = New StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Do Until obj.ReadLine Is Nothing
count = count + 1
'this is my computation to get the number of line -->disregard this
Dim temp3 As Integer
temp3 = count - 3
'This is to read all the text in the text file
Dim fileReader(fs) As String
fileReader(fs) = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(FILE_NAME, _
I have stored each file in an array
Then I have to read each file and its contents, now how will i compare the line of text to each other. i believe i have to use regex.
Please give me some pointers on how to compare the line of text...
e.g. 5th line in sample1.txt == 5th line of sample2.txt
I have to know if they are the same.
this should do the job for you
it will read each line in txt file , save it to an array then compare
note: set paths do your 2 txt files
it will go out of bounds if there is less lines in file 2 than file 1. You can add a little bit of code to handle that case though.
Option Explicit
Sub Read_text_File()
Dim firstFile() As String, secondFile() As String
Dim path1 As String, path2 As String
Dim i As Long
path1 = "C:\ ... .txt"
path2 = "C:\ ... .txt"
Call fill_array(firstFile, path1)
Call fill_array(secondFile, path2)
For i = LBound(firstFile) To UBound(firstFile) - 1
Debug.Print (firstFile(i) & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & secondFile(i))
If StrComp(firstFile(i), secondFile(i), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Line: " & i + 1 & " matches "
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub fill_array(ByRef arr() As String, pathToFile As String)
Dim oFSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim oFS As TextStream
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = 0
Set oFS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(pathToFile)
Do Until oFS.AtEndOfStream
cnt = cnt + 1
ReDim arr(cnt)
Set oFS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(pathToFile)
cnt = 0
Do Until oFS.AtEndOfStream
arr(cnt) = oFS.ReadLine
cnt = cnt + 1
Set oFS = Nothing
End Sub