How to share some layout information between several views? - objective-c

I have this snippet of code, BGBaseSnippetCode.h:
static NSMutableDictionary * defaultHeightDictionary= nil;
static NSMutableDictionary * defaultBoundsDictionary =nil;
BGBaseTableViewCell * typical = [[self alloc]init];
if (defaultHeightDictionary==nil) {
defaultHeightDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
defaultBoundsDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[defaultHeightDictionary setValue:#(typical.bounds.size.height) forKey:NSStringFromClass([self class])];
CGRect bounds = typical.bounds;
NSValue * boundsValue = [NSValue valueWithCGRect:bounds];
[defaultHeightDictionary setValue:boundsValue forKey:NSStringFromClass([self class])];
+(CGFloat) defaultHeight
NSNumber * result = [defaultHeightDictionary valueForKey:NSStringFromClass([self class])];
return result.floatValue;
+(CGRect) defaultBounds
NSValue * result = [defaultBoundsDictionary valueForKey:NSStringFromClass([self class])];
return [result CGRectValue];
I want to insert this in both BGBaseOfAllUIControl.m and BGBaseTableViewCell.m. So I just did that awkwardly:
#interface BGBaseOfAllUIControl ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *view;
#implementation BGBaseOfAllUIControl
#import "BGBaseSnippetCode.h"
-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
if (self) {
[self BaseInitialize];
#interface BGBaseTableViewCell ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITableViewCell *view;
#implementation BGBaseTableViewCell
//static BOOL isDefaultHeightSet = NO;
#import "BGBaseSnippetCode.h"
-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
if (self) {
[self BaseInitialize];
return self;
Basically both BGBaseOfAllUIControl and BGBaseTableViewCell share the same protocol and I want the exact same code implement the protocol for both side. The BGBaseTableViewCell is a subclass of UITableViewCell and BGBaseOfAllUIControl is a subclass of UIControl.
So I am using .h files to include some implementation. Codes work fine. Just awkward. What would be a better way to do this, or am I doing this right?

I would forget all the header imports and static dictionary trickery and introduce a separate class that would take care of the layout information you need. Something like:
#interface BGTableLayoutInfo
- (float) defaultHeightForClass: (Class) tableViewType;
- (CGRect) defaultBoundsForClass: (Class) tableViewType;
In the implementation you’d have a regular (not static) dictionary for caching the layout information for different classes. The only remaining issue is how the table view objects are going to get an instance of the layout class. One possibility is to make the layout info methods static (using a static caching dictionary), second is to keep a shared instance accessible via a +defaultLayoutInfo method.


Issue adding to NSMutableArray

I have looked all over the place for anyone who has experienced this issue but have yet to find anything relevant, so I thought I'd ask it myself...
I have a custom object (HitterData) which I will use to populate cells in a UITableView, then two ViewControllers (one is hitterTableViewController, the other is a "detail" view controller labeled "AddPlayerViewController").
The problem is that I can add HitterData objects to the NSMutableArray in my Table VC, but only one, and then when I add another one using the detail view controller, the Mutable array is "reinitialized" and I can again only have one object at a time.
#implementation HitterData.m
#synthesize hitterName = _hitterName;
#synthesize position = _position;
-(id)initWIthNameAndPosition:(NSString *)hitterName position:(NSString *)position {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.hitterName = _hitterName;
self.position = _position;
return self;
#import "HitterData.h"
#import "HitterDoc.h"
#import "AddPlayerViewController.h"
#interface HitterTableViewController : UITableViewController
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *hitters;
- (IBAction)backButton:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)addPlayerView:(id)sender;
-(void)addHitterObject:(HitterData *)hitter;
HitterTableViewController.m (only relevant to make this more readable)
#implementation HitterTableViewController
#synthesize hitters = _hitters;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.hitters = [NSMutableArray array];
-(void)addHitterObject:(HitterData *)hitter {
if(_hitters != nil) {
[_hitters addObject:hitter];
} else {
_hitters = [NSMutableArray array];
[_hitters addObject:hitter];
NSLog(#"MutableArray is not valid");
#interface AddPlayerViewController : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate>
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *nameTextField;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *positionTextField;
#property (nonatomic) HitterTableViewController *hitterTable;
#property (nonatomic) NSString *hitterName;
#property (nonatomic) NSString *position;
//-(void)addNewHitterToHittersArray:(HitterData *)hitter;
- (IBAction)addPlayerToRoster:(id)sender;
#implementation AddPlayerViewController
#synthesize hitterTable;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
hitterTable = [[HitterTableViewController alloc] init];
- (IBAction)addPlayerToRoster:(id)sender {
self.hitterName = [self.nameTextField text];
self.position = [self.positionTextField text];
HitterData *hitter = [[HitterData alloc] init];
hitter.hitterName = self.hitterName;
hitter.position = self.position;
[hitterTable addHitterObject:hitter];
ArraySingleton *arrayS = [[ArraySingleton alloc] init];
[arrayS initializeArray];
[arrayS addToHittersArray:hitter];
if (arrayS) {
NSLog(#"arrayS exists in AddPlayerVC");
} else {
NSLog(#"arrayS does not exist");
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"backToTeamTableViewController" sender:self];
Am I missing something here?
Guess based just on the code shown:
Every time you wish to add a player it looks like you create a new AddPlayerView/AddPlayerViewController. In turn that controller creates, in its viewDidLoad, a new HitterTableViewController - which of course has its own empty array. The code should instead be referencing the existing HitterTableViewController.
BTW: The common design pattern is MVC - model, view, controller - consider whether you are in your current situation because you've stored part of your model, the array, in your controller, and maybe both controllers should be referencing a common shared model object containing that array.
BTW: All those #synthesise statements are unneeded. In modern Obj-C synthesis is automatic and you rarely need these statements. Also it is generally recommended to not use the property backing variable directly, and certainly not when storing into the property as this breaks KVO. (There also appears to be a related typo in HitterData.m but as you don't report that as not working it is probably just a typo in your question and not code.)
AddPlayerViewController should know nothing about HitterTableViewController, return the new HitterData object with a delegate method.
- (IBAction)addPlayerToRoster:(id)sender
Hitter *hitter = [[Hitter alloc] init]; = [self.nameTextField text];
hitter.position = [self.positionTextField text];
[self.delegate didAddHitter:hitter];
Then back in HitterTableViewController
- (void)didAddHitter:(Hitter *)hitter
[self.hitters addHitter:hitter];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

Appending to an array in an object from a ViewController

I would like to append an object to an NSMutableArray in an object class from a ViewController. It's set up like bellow, but the code below does not seem to work. If I log the array from the ViewController, it appears to be appended, but if I log it from the object class, it's empty.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#class AVCamRecorder;
#protocol CaptureManagerDelegate;
#interface CaptureManager : NSObject {
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *assets;
CaptureManager *cm = [[CaptureManager alloc] init];
cm.assets = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[cm.assets addObject:asset];
Alternatively, just pass in a specific instance of CaptureManager to the VC, either through an initializer or by creating a CaptureManager property on the VC and setting it to the specific instance of CaptureManager.
You can (and should) read all about why you should avoid singleton abuse here.
It's because in your view controller you're creating a new object of CaptureManager. So you must pass a pointer of already created CaptureManager and use that, or have a shared instance (singleton) and use that in your view controllers, e.g.
#interface CaptureManager : NSObject
+ (instancetype)sharedManager;
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *assets;
+ (instancetype)sharedManager
static id instance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
instance = [self new];
return instance;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
self.assets = [NSMutableArray new];
return self;
Then, in your vc:
[[CaptureManager sharedManager].assets addObject:asset];

imageitem class define

i need to build an application that define an array that should be made of image items.
every image iten has an image, a name and a photographer name.
i build my image item class and i want you to check if my define is correct and good(i just start to learn objective c).
i want you to emphasize on the set's methods.
here is the photoitem.h:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface photoItem : NSObject
UIImage *imageView;
NSString *photoNameLabel;
NSString *photographerNameLabel;
UIButton *viewPhoto;
#property(readonly) NSString *name;
#property(readonly) NSString *nameOfPhotographer;
#property(readonly) UIImage *imageItem;
-(id)makePhotoItemWIthPhoto:(UIImage*)image name:(NSString*)photoName photographer: (NSString*)photographerName;
here is my photoitem.m:
#import "photoItem.h"
#implementation photoItem
#synthesize name;
#synthesize nameOfPhotographer;
#synthesize imageItem;
-(id)makePhotoItemWIthPhoto:(UIImage*)image name:(NSString*)photoName photographer:(NSString*)photographerName
[self setName:photoName];
[self setNameOfPhotographer:photographerName];
[self setImageItem:image];
return self;
-(void) setName:(NSString *)name
photoNameLabel = name;
-(void) setNameOfPhotographer:(NSString *)nameOfPhotographer
photographerNameLabel = nameOfPhotographer;
-(void)setImageItem:(UIImage *)imageItem
imageView = imageItem;
i hope you could fix my errors(if there are some).
Two problems come to mind:
1) -(id)makePhotoItemWIthPhoto:name:photographer: might be better as -(id)initWithPhoto:name:photographer:. Otherwise the caller needs to alloc and init an object first so that self is valid, then call your method. At that point, the return of self doesn't make sense.
-(idinitWithPhoto:(UIImage*)image name:(NSString*)photoName photographer:(NSString*)photographerName {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[self setName:photoName];
[self setNameOfPhotographer:photographerName];
[self setImageItem:image];
return self;
2) The three readonly properties don't seem to have any purpose since they have no connection to the variables that you initialize in the makePhotoItemWIthPhoto: method.

Use of undeclared identifier errors

i'm getting "use of undeclared identifier" errors in my .m file with the code below and can't seem to work it out.
NSArray *imageViews = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:img1, img2, img3, img4, img5, img6, img7, img8, img9, img10, img11, img12, img13, img14, img15, img16, img17, img18, img19, img20, img21, img22, img23, img24, img25, img26, img27, img28, img29, img30, img31, img32, img33, img34, img35, img36, img37, img38, img39, img40, nil];
In my .h file i have 40 images, all with referencing outlets:
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *imgX;
where X is a number from 1-40. In my .m file, the NSArray *imagesViews works fine as long as it's inside a method, but i can't declare it outside the method so that it is available to all methods. As an Objective-C novice, I don't where to go from here. I'd appreciate any help.
You don't have to initialize the array outside of a method to make it accessible from all methods. What you should do instead is declare it as a property and initialize it inside the viewDidLoad method.
In the .h file:
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *imageViews;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *img1;
// ...
In the .m file:
#synthesize imageViews, img1, img2, ...
// ...
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// ...
self.imageViews = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.img1, self.img2, ... , nil];
Also, note that because you have 40 image views, you should probably avoid declaring a property for each one of them. You can assign tags to them, and then retrieve them using the method viewWithTag.
In the header:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSArray *imageViews;
In the implementation:
#implementation MyClass
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
imageViews = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:img1, nil] retain];
return self;
// now you can use imageViews also from other methods
- (void) dealloc
[imageViews release];
[super dealloc];

How to use typedef in dynamic properties?

It's the first time I'm trying to use typedef. Admittedly I don't have a very clear idea of what's going on but my understanding was that the values inside typedef get assigned integers starting with 0. I've tried to use them as integers but I get various warnings and errors. One of them is "[NSCFNumber objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance". I don't know how to troubleshoot this. I also haven't written dynamic getters/setters much, so my approach might be wrong. Please help.
// MyView.h
typedef enum
} MyShapeStyle;
#interface MyView : UIView
MyShapeStyle shapeStyle;
CALayer *myLayer;
MyLayerDelegate *myLayerDelegate;
#property (nonatomic) MyShapeStyle shapeStyle;
#property (nonatomic, retain) CALayer *myLayer;
#property (nonatomic, retain) MyLayerDelegate *myLayerDelegate;
// MyView.m
#import "MyView.h"
#implementation MyView
#dynamic shapeStyle;
#synthesize myLayer;
#synthesize myLayerDelegate;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame]))
// Initialization code
MyLayerDelegate *delegate = [[MyLayerDelegate alloc] init];
self.myLayerDelegate = delegate;
CALayer *myLayer = [CALayer layer];
[myLayer setDelegate:delegate];
[self.layer addSublayer:myLayer];
self.myLayer = myLayer;
self.shapeStyle = STYLE_C;
[delegate release];
return self;
return [[self.myLayer valueForKey:#"style"] integerValue];
- (void)setShapeStyle:(MyShapeStyle)style
[self.myLayer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:style] forKey:#"style"];
// MyLayerDelegate.m
-(void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)theLayer inContext:(CGContextRef)theContext
int id = [[theLayer valueForKey:#"style"] integerValue];
if( id == STYLE_A )
}else if ( id == STYLE_B ){
There is no reason to use valueForKey: in that code; just get/set the various properties directly.
return (MyShapeStyle);
There is also no need for the #dynamic in that code. That is only needed if you are going to dynamically generate the methods.
As for why the objectForKey: does-not-respond error, there isn't anything in that code that should trigger that. Could be a retain/release issue or it could be a problem in some other code that you haven't shown.