C++/CX: Platform::String vs. std::wstring - windows-8

It seems that C++/CX does not have a StringBuilder class, or equivalent, so I take it we are to be using STL for this?
This is my very first C++/CX app. The user enters some text in a TextBox, hits the ENTER button, and the text is appended to a TextBlock "console". This code does work, but what's the best practice?
public ref class MainPage sealed
virtual void OnNavigatedTo(Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation::NavigationEventArgs^ e) override;
std::wstring _commandLine;
std::wstring _consoleText;
void Button_Click(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e);
void HelloConsole::MainPage::Button_Click(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
this->_commandLine = this->InputLine->Text->Data();
this->_consoleText += this->_commandLine;
this->InputLine->Text = "";
this->OutputConsole->Text = ref new Platform::String(_consoleText.c_str());

It seems that C++/CX does not have a StringBuilder class, or equivalent, so I take it we are to be using STL for this?
Yes, and in general, you should prefer to use C++ types in C++ code. Use the Windows Runtime types (like Platform::String) only where you must, e.g. when passing data across the ABI boundary or across a component boundary.
The string processing in your code snippet looks fine--copying into a std::wstring for mutation is reasonable.


Use native function pointer for listening to managed event / marshaling issue

I'm writing a mixed mode C++/CLI assembly bridge in order to be able to call into my .NET class library from old C++ application.
In one of my classes in the .NET library one can attach to an event whenever some message needs to be displayed (to console or whatever depending on calling application).
class NetApi
public event EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> MessageReported;
To call this from native C++ application, I defined the following pointer/delegate bridge:
typedef void(*MessageHandler)(const char* msg);
delegate void ManagedMessageHandler([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType::LPStr)] String^ msg);
Omitting from glue for connecting everything (attaching to MessageReported, removing sender from EventHandler, etc...), here is how I create managed delegate from native function pointer:
class NetApiBridge
void SetMessageHandler(MessageHandler handler)
wrappedListener = (ManagedMessageHandler^)Marshal::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)handler, ManagedMessageHandler::typeid);
msclr::auto_gcroot<NetApi^ > wrappedApi;
msclr::auto_gcroot<ManagedMessageHandler^ > wrappedListener;
// In another helper ref class in fact, but here pseudo code to simplify
void onMessageReported(Object^ sender, MessageEventArgs^ e)
if (!wrappedListener) { return; }
wrappedListenter(e->Message); // Send message to native function pointer
And I'm almost there when creating dummy C++ test code:
void messageHandler(const char* s)
cout << s;
void main()
NetApiBridge api = new NetApiBridge();
delete api;
Everything goes fine, events are reported correctly except .... except I receive a PInvokeStackImbalance from Managed Debugging Assistant when leaving the native handler and I clearly don't know why ?
What's wrong with marshaling const char* as UnmanagedType::LPStr here with GetDelegateForFunctionPointer ?
NB: C++ bridge is compiled in x86 if it is important to know here.
typedef void(*MessageHandler)(const char* msg);
delegate void ManagedMessageHandler([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType::LPStr)] String^ msg);
Your delegate declaration is not compatible with the function pointer declaration in 32-bit code. The default calling convention in native code is almost always __cdecl. The default for delegates is __stdcall. A somewhat quirky choice but inspired because interop was assumed to be useful to make OS calls, Windows and COM use __stdcall.
The mismatch right now causes the delegate stub to pop the arguments off the stack. So does the native code so the stack gets imbalanced by 4 bytes. The MDA is there to help you diagnose this common mishap.
You'll have to help and get them to agree. Either with the delegate declaration:
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
delegate void ManagedMessageHandler(String^ msg);
Or the function pointer declaration:
typedef void (__stdcall * MessageHandler)(const char* msg);

JavaFx: IntegerProperty.integerProperty() strange behavior

In a my view I have an HBox
private HBox hboxWarning;
and I want hide/show it according to the value of
private ObjectProperty<Integer> maxClientCount;
If maxClientCount > 10 then hboxWarning is visible else it's hide.
I bound the two elements in this way
and works well. My problem is that
sets to zero the current value of maxClientCount. Is it a JavaFx bug or I'm using IntegerProperty.integerProperty improperly? And
how can I achieve my goal?
Turned out to be not as easy as assumed: the core fix needs additional methods in BidirectionalBinding to cope with the swapped sequence of number types. The actual number bindings are private, so no way to access in workaround code.
// method in u5, binds the wrong way round
// (for usage in IntegerProperty.integerProperty)
public static BidirectionalBinding bindNumber(Property<Integer> property1,
IntegerProperty property2)
// calls
private static <T extends Number> BidirectionalBinding bindNumber(Property<T> property1,
Property<Number> property2) {
The sequence is crucial because we need a type-cast from Number to T when setting the value of p1 (which is safe because we know that the number-type property copes with conversion from Number -> concrete type). Core fix simply adds all those methods with switched parameter sequence.
For a custom hack until the release of JDK 8u20, the only way I see is to not use the special number binding methods but the generic object binding:
public static IntegerProperty integerProperty(final Property<Integer> property) {
if (property == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Property cannot be null");
return new IntegerPropertyBase() {
// original:
//BidirectionalBinding.bindNumber(property, this);
public Object getBean() {
return null; // Virtual property, no bean
public String getName() {
return property.getName();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
// original
// BidirectionalBinding.unbindNumber(property, this);
} finally {
* Type cast to allow bidi binding with a concrete XXProperty (with
* XX = Integer, Double ...). This is (?) safe because the XXProperty
* internally copes with type conversions from Number to the concrete
* type on setting its own value and exports the concrete type as
* needed by the object property.
private static <T extends Number> Property<Number> cast(Property<T> p) {
return (Property<Number>) p;
Take it with a grain of salt - while rudimentarily tested, there might be side-effects I overlooked.
As rightly said by #kleopatra this is a JavaFx bug fixed in JDK 8u20.
Meanwhile I used the following workaround:
int maxClients = maxClientCount.get();
I hope this can help someone.

VisualStateManager and MVVM

I'm working on a Windows 8 Store App (using the Grid App Template) and while I'm loading data from a server I want to show a ProgressRing and hide the GridView or ListView (depends on if the app is snapped or not) that will display the data once it is fully loaded.
The issue is that when the ViewModel is loading data I need to be able to change the VisualState.
I found what I thought was a solution Here, but this code will not build.
public class StateManager : DependencyObject
public static string GetVisualStateProperty(DependencyObject obj)
return (string)obj.GetValue(VisualStatePropertyProperty);
public static void SetVisualStateProperty(DependencyObject obj, string value)
obj.SetValue(VisualStatePropertyProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty VisualStatePropertyProperty =
new PropertyMetadata((s, e) => //this throws the error
var propertyName = (string)e.NewValue;
var ctrl = s as Control;
if (ctrl == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("This attached property only supports types derived from Control.");
System.Windows.VisualStateManager.GoToState(ctrl, (string)e.NewValue, true);
ERROR: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'object' because it is
not a delegate type
Does anyone know how to get the linked solution to work? Or is there a simpler method that I am completely missing (I'm a XAML newbie!)?
I'm not even sure if the listed solution will work because the "Snapped" vs "Full" states are managed by the base LayoutAwarePage class included with the template.
why not simply use a datatrigger bind to a viewmodel property like IsBusy {get;set;} to enable your Progressring?

Composition, I don't quite get this?

Referring to the below link:
The composition approach to code reuse provides stronger encapsulation
than inheritance, because a change to a back-end class needn't break
any code that relies only on the front-end class. For example,
changing the return type of Fruit's peel() method from the previous
example doesn't force a change in Apple's interface and therefore
needn't break Example2's code.
Surely if you change the return type of peel() (see code below) this means getPeelCount() wouldn't be able to return an int any more? Wouldn't you have to change the interface, or get a compiler error otherwise?
class Fruit {
// Return int number of pieces of peel that
// resulted from the peeling activity.
public int peel() {
System.out.println("Peeling is appealing.");
return 1;
class Apple {
private Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
public int peel() {
return fruit.peel();
class Example2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Apple apple = new Apple();
int pieces = apple.peel();
With a composition, changing the class Fruit doesn't necessary require you to change Apple, for example, let's change peel to return a double instead :
class Fruit {
// Return String number of pieces of peel that
// resulted from the peeling activity.
public double peel() {
System.out.println("Peeling is appealing.");
return 1.0;
Now, the class Apple will warn about a lost of precision, but your Example2 class will be just fine, because a composition is more "loose" and a change in a composed element does not break the composing class API. In our case example, just change Apple like so :
class Apple {
private Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
public int peel() {
return (int) fruit.peel();
Whereas if Apple inherited from Fruit (class Apple extends Fruit), you would not only get an error about an incompatible return type method, but you'd also get a compilation error in Example2.
** Edit **
Lets start this over and give a "real world" example of composition vs inheritance. Note that a composition is not limited to this example and there are more use case where you can use the pattern.
Example 1 : inheritance
An application draw shapes into a canvas. The application does not need to know which shapes it has to draw and the implementation lies in the concrete class inheriting the abstract class or interface. However, the application knows what and how many different concrete shapes it can create, thus adding or removing concrete shapes requires some refactoring in the application.
interface Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g);
class Box implement Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g) { ... }
class Ellipse implements Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g) { ... }
class ShapeCanvas extends JPanel {
private List<Shape> shapes;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
for (Shape s : shapes) { s.draw(g); }
Example 2 : Composition
An application is using a native library to process some data. The actual library implementation may or may not be known, and may or may not change in the future. A public interface is thus created and the actual implementation is determined at run-time. For example :
interface DataProcessorAdapter {
public Result process(Data data);
class DataProcessor {
private DataProcessorAdapter adapter;
public DataProcessor() {
try {
adapter = DataProcessorManager.createAdapter();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not load processor adapter");
public Object process(Object data) {
return adapter.process(data);
static class DataProcessorManager {
static public DataProcessorAdapter createAdapter() throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
String adapterClassName = /* load class name from resource bundle */;
Class<?> adapterClass = Class.forName(adapterClassName);
DataProcessorAdapter adapter = (DataProcessorAdapter) adapterClass.newInstance();
return adapter;
So, as you can see, the composition may offer some advantage over inheritance in the sense that it allows more flexibility in the code. It allows the application to have a solid API while the underlaying implementation may still change during it's life cycle. Composition can significantly reduce the cost of maintenance if properly used.
For example, when implementing test cases with JUnit for Exemple 2, you may want to use a dummy processor and would setup the DataProcessorManager to return such adapter, while using a "real" adapter (perhaps OS dependent) in production without changing the application source code. Using inheritance, you would most likely hack something up, or perhaps write a lot more initialization test code.
As you can see, compisition and inheritance differ in many aspects and are not preferred over another; each depend on the problem at hand. You could even mix inheritance and composition, for example :
static interface IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g);
static class Shape implements IShape {
private IShape shape;
public Shape(Class<? extends IShape> shape) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
this.shape = (IShape) shape.newInstance();
public void draw(Graphics g) {
System.out.print("Drawing shape : ");
static class Box implements IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g) {
static class Ellipse implements IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g) {
static public void main(String...args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
IShape box = new Shape(Box.class);
IShape ellipse = new Shape(Ellipse.class);
Granted, this last example is not clean (meaning, avoid it), but it shows how composition can be used.
Bottom line is that both examples, DataProcessor and Shape are "solid" classes, and their API should not change. However, the adapter classes may change and if they do, these changes should only affect their composing container, thus limit the maintenance to only these classes and not the entire application, as opposed to Example 1 where any change require more changes throughout the application. It all depends how flexible your application needs to be.
If you would change Fruit.peel()'s return type, you would have to modify Apple.peel() as well. But you don't have to change Apple's interface.
Remember: The interface are only the method names and their signatures, NOT the implementation.
Say you'd change Fruit.peel() to return a boolean instead of a int. Then, you could still let Apple.peel() return an int. So: The interface of Apple stays the same but Fruit's changed.
If you would have use inheritance, that would not be possible: Since Fruit.peel() now returns a boolean, Apple.peel() has to return an boolean, too. So: All code that uses Apple.peel() has to be changed, too. In the composition example, ONLY Apple.peel()'s code has to be changed.
The key word in the sentence is "interface".
You'll almost always need to change the Apple class in some way to accomodate the new return type of Fruit.peel, but you don't need to change its public interface if you use composition rather than inheritance.
If Apple is a Fruit (ie, inheritance) then any change to the public interface of Fruit necessitates a change to the public interface of Apple too. If Apple has a Fruit (ie, composition) then you get to decide how to accomodate any changes to the Fruit class; you're not forced to change your public interface if you don't want to.
Return type of Fruit.peel() is being changed from int to Peel. This doesn't meant that the return type of Apple.peel() is being forced to change to Peel as well. In case of inheritance, it is forced and any client using Apple has to be changed. In case of composition, Apple.peel() still returns an integer, by calling the Peel.getPeelCount() getter and hence the client need not be changed and hence Apple's interface is not changed ( or being forced to be changed)
Well, in the composition case, Apple.peel()'s implementation needs to be updated, but its method signature can stay the same. And that means the client code (which uses Apple) does not have to be modified, retested, and redeployed.
This is in contrast to inheritance, where a change in Fruit.peel()'s method signature would require changes all way into the client code.

Can you apply aspects in PostSharp without using attributes?

I know with Castle Windsor, you can register aspects (when using method interception in Windsor as AOP) using code instead of applying attributes to classes. Is the same possible in Postsharp? It's a preference things, but prefer to have aspects matched to interfaces/objects in one place, as opposed to attributes all over.
Curious if I can assign aspects to interfaces/objects similiar to this:
If you could do this, you would have the option of NOT having to place attributes on assemblies/class/methods to apply aspects. I can then have one code file/class that contains which aspects are applied to which class/methods/etc.
Yes. You can either use multicasting (http://www.sharpcrafters.com/blog/post/Day-2-Applying-Aspects-with-Multicasting-Part-1.aspx , http://www.sharpcrafters.com/blog/post/Day-3-Applying-Aspects-with-Multicasting-Part-2.aspx) or you can use aspect providers (http://www.sharpcrafters.com/blog/post/PostSharp-Principals-Day-12-e28093-Aspect-Providers-e28093-Part-1.aspx , http://www.sharpcrafters.com/blog/post/PostSharp-Principals-Day-13-e28093-Aspect-Providers-e28093-Part-2.aspx).
using System;
using PostSharp.Aspects;
using PostSharp.Extensibility;
[assembly: PostSharpInterfaceTest.MyAspect(AttributeTargetTypes = "PostSharpInterfaceTest.Interface1", AttributeInheritance = MulticastInheritance.Multicast)]
namespace PostSharpInterfaceTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Example e = new Example();
Example2 e2 = new Example2();
class Example : Interface1
public void DoSomething()
Console.WriteLine("Doing something");
class Example2 : Interface1
public void DoSomething()
Console.WriteLine("Doing something else");
interface Interface1
void DoSomething();
class MyAspect : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Entered " + args.Method.Name);
I recommend that if you have complex requirements for determining which types get certain aspects that you consider creating an aspect provider instead.
Have a look at LOOM.NET, there you have a post compiler and a runtime weaver. With the later one you are able to archive exactly what you want.
It should be possible to use the PostSharp XML configuration. The XML configuration is the unification of the Plug-in and Project models in the project loader.
Description of .psproj could be found at http://www.sharpcrafters.com/blog/post/Configuring-PostSharp-Diagnostics-Toolkits.aspx.
Note, that I've only seen examples how PostSharp Toolkits use this XML configuration.
But it should work for custom aspects the same way.
Warning: I've noticed that installation of a PostSharp Toolkit from Nuget overwrites existing psproj file. So do not forget to back up it.