Convert PDF to Keynote - iOS - objective-c

Is it possible to convert each page in a PDF into separate images and then add those images to separate slides in an Apple Keynote file all with Objective-C and on iOS? After that, if that was possible - I would then need to import that keynote file into Keynote, again, on iOS.

Some basic playing around with the core-graphics pdf api should get you the UIImages for each page. For the Keynote part you might need to do some more digging.


How to view the code behind a PDF document in IOS

I have a PDF page that I've converted into a stream:
CGPDFContentStreamRef contentStream = CGPDFContentStreamCreateWithPage(pdfPage);
How can I view that stream as an NSString? I'd like to see the code that represents the PDF.
It's not as easy as that. A stream can be any binary data, there might be multiple chained compression formats used. See (Page 23ff) for potential formats.
Your best option is CGPDFScanner other than re-implementing a PDF parser/lexer from scratch (We did that in the commercially available PSPDFKit SDK for iOS and Android - it's complicated.)

Is there a way to display PDF on Apple tvOS?

I just started exploring Apple's tvOS and am looking if there is a way to display PDFs in a carousel or of that sorts. However, I cannot find a way to achieve that without converting PDF to JPEG images. Can someone guide me if there is a Document object that can read and render PDF on tvOS?
I think CGPDFPage and its related API:s are available,

pdf overlay touch in an app

i'm looking for pdf overlay feature to be implemented in iOS app, if whether its possible with libs free or even paid to have an touch overlay on PDF page within an app?
what i'm trying to do is i have a map which is train map and i want to have the map as pdf and any touch on station brings up info on each station.
is that posssible or what is other way to go forward open to every opinion!!!
i saw some other questions but none directed like this i.e.
Overlay Image above Embedded pdf
can any one tell me if its actually possible in objctive C code?
needs to work as offline app.
You can use Google Maps Static API ( to return an image on the map and then convert it to pdf.

How to convert html data to PDF in objective c

I want to convert html to pdf dynamically in objective c.
what is the best way to convert it, so that it maintains its look same as html.
Thanks in advance.
UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToFile will help you to create a PDF file which shows your web content. Read through the documentation and create your own solution or just follow the tutorials I found:
Convert Html or UIWebView to pdf in iPhone or iPad
Making a PDF from a UIWebView
I have used this Haru open source library, it is quite simple and useful for creating pdfs
Objective-C is a programming language, it doesn’t know anything about HTML or PDF per se. How to do this depends on the framework you’re using. I’m assuming here you’re using Cocoa on OS X.
There you can load your HTML into a WebView provided by WebKit and then use the NSView method dataWithPDFInsideRect: to render it as PDF. I haven’t tested this, but maybe you’ll have to add the web view to a window before you can query the PDF data.

QuickLook plugin displaying an image and some infos

I'm currently writing a QuickLook plugin, and I wondering how I can display an image and some information about that image at the same time, similar to .
There is only one way to do so: Convert your content to an already supported one. This means either PDF or HTML. There are two options you have:
For static information you create a simple PDF preview by rendering a view into a PDF. (Use -dataWithPDFInsideRect: method of NSView)
For dynamic information create a HTML page with links and so on. QuickLook will then show it. (I think this is also the way your example does it.)
We have not found a way to create complex previews on ur own and had to stick to one of the methods, too. Keynote and Pages do the same -- they convert their presentations to multi-page PDF previews...