Get selection (highlighted text) string from NSTextView Objective-C - objective-c

How can I get the selected text's string from a NSTextView as an NSString?
Your help is greatly appreciated.

An NSText can have more than only one selection. Check it out with TextEditapp: select a string with the mouse while pressing CMD. So you can select as many strings as you want. Therefore I think, a more common solution is to use:
NSArray *ranges = [myTextView selectedRanges];
and then extract the strings one by one.

Since NSTextView is a subclass of NSText, you can use NSText instance methods to figure out the selected string like so:
NSString *selected = [[myTextView string]
substringWithRange:[myTextView selectedRange]];

Swift 5, handling multiple selections of NSTextView
based on #vauxhall's answer
extension NSTextView {
var selectedText: String {
var text = ""
for case let range as NSRange in self.selectedRanges {
text = String(text.dropLast())
return text
extension String {
subscript (_ range: NSRange) -> Self {
.init(self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: range.lowerBound) ..< index(startIndex, offsetBy: range.upperBound)])

extension NSTextView {
var selectedText: String {
extension String {
subscript (_ range: NSRange) -> Self {
.init(self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: range.lowerBound) ..< index(startIndex, offsetBy: range.upperBound)])
let textView = NSTextView()


again convert textKit from Objective-C to Swift

The following code was used in my app to change the state for text in a textview with strikeThrough. Now i wrote a small sample-app, in Objective-C and Swift. Again the result is frustrating as u can see in the screenshots. Any help is welcome so much.
I just use a TextView and try to show some text with StrikeThrough-Layout (other styles like Bold, Italic, Underline... have the same result)
First objc, that is ok, although the font-size of the striked part is very small
and now with Swith. The font is small as with objc, but there is no strikethrough :-)
And now again (dont know another way) the test-code:
objc Part 1: set the Font for a Range and call makeStrikeThrough()
- (void) setFont
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(11, 24);
[self makeStrikeThrough:range];
same in swift:
func setFont() {
let range = NSMakeRange(11, 24)
objc Part 2: the strikeThrough
- (void) makeStrikeThrough:(NSRange)selectedRange
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [self getDict:selectedRange];
[_textView.textStorage beginEditing];
[_textView.textStorage setAttributes:dict range:selectedRange];
[_textView.textStorage endEditing];
and in Swift:
func makeStrikeThrough(selectedRange: NSRange) {
let dict = self.getDict(selectedRange)
textView.textStorage.setAttributes([String() : dict], range: selectedRange)
objc Part 3: the help-method getDict() to buid a dictionary with the StrikeThrough
- (NSMutableDictionary*) getDict:(NSRange)range
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName];
return dict;
and again in Swift
func getDict(range: NSRange) -> NSMutableDictionary {
let dict = NSMutableDictionary()
dict[NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName] = NSNumber(integer: NSUnderlineStyle.StyleDouble.rawValue)
return dict
I´ve tried to reduce the problem to the root. Perhaps u vote me down ;-)
But i need a solution...
Or should i use AttributedStrings?
The procts to download
It boils down to one line of code in your Swift function:
func makeStrikeThrough(selectedRange: NSRange) {
let dict = self.getDict(selectedRange)
textView.textStorage.setAttributes([String() : dict], range: selectedRange) // error
it should have been just dict:
func makeStrikeThrough(selectedRange: NSRange) {
let dict = self.getDict(selectedRange)
textView.textStorage.setAttributes(dict, range: selectedRange)
And you need to change your getDict function too:
func getDict() -> [String: AnyObject] {
return [NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName: 2]

Append to NSTextView and scroll

OK, what I need should have been very simple. However, I've looked everywhere and I'm not sure I've found something that works 100% (and it's something that has troubled me in the past too).
So, here we are :
I want to be able to append to an NSTextView
After appending, the NSTextView should scroll down (so that that latest appended contents are visible)
Rather straightforward, huh?
So... any ideas? (A code example that performs exactly this simple "trick" would be more than ideal...)
After cross-referencing several answers and sources (with some tweaks), here's the answer that does work (given _myTextView is an NSTextView outlet) :
- (void)appendToMyTextView:(NSString*)text
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSAttributedString* attr = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text];
[[_myTextView textStorage] appendAttributedString:attr];
[_myTextView scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([[_myTextView string] length], 0)];
The appendAttributedString and scrollToEndOfDocument are available starting in OS X 10.0 and 10.6 respectively
extension NSTextView {
func append(string: String) {
self.textStorage?.appendAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: string))
Simply use this way :
for (NSInteger i=1; i<=100; i++) {
[self.textView setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#\n%#",[self.textView string],#(i)]];
[self.textView scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([[self.textView string] length], 0)];
Here's a Swift version of Anoop Vaidya's answer
extension NSTextView {
func append(string: String) {
let oldString = self.string == nil ? "" : self.string!
let newString = NSString(format: "%#%#", oldString, string)
self.string = newString
Here's a Swiftier solution:
extension NSTextView {
func appendString(string:String) {
self.string! += string
self.scrollRangeToVisible(NSRange(location:countElements(self.string!), length: 0))

Add a prefix to UITextField

I want a '$' Sign in the text field which cannot be erased. A user should be able to enter values after it and if he presses backspace it should only erase the value he entered.
The reason I can't use UILabel before it is because the text in UITextfield is center aligned and it grows to either side as the user enters values.
Please provide any solution.
Set the text field's text to "$" initially.
Set the text field's delegate to some object of yours (probably the view controller containing it).
Implement -textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: and return NO if the proposed change would delete the "$".
Also, you might need to implement -textFieldDidBeginEditing: to position the cursor after the "$" if it's not there already.
No need to use shouldChangeCharactersInRange delegate method. The easiest and most convenient solution is this
var label = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50))
label.text = "$";
label.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.0)
tenantField.rightViewMode = .Always
tenantField.rightView = label
As noted in the previous answer Add a prefix to UITextField
inside the textFieldDidBeginEditing as delegate method i found using the following code to be best and right way to format string we are pre/post fixing currency symbols/codes
NSNumberFormatter* formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc]init];
[formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
[formatter setPaddingPosition:NSNumberFormatterPadAfterPrefix];
[formatter setCurrencySymbol:symbol];
[formatter setMaximumFractionDigits:2];
[formatter setMinimumFractionDigits:2];
[formatter setUsesGroupingSeparator:YES];
[formatter setCurrencyGroupingSeparator:#","];
[formatter setCurrencyDecimalSeparator:#"."];
You can subclass UITextField for all the text field which take amount as value.
class SpecialTextField: UITextField {
var amount: String {
get {
if self._amount.characters.count > 1 {
return (self._amount as NSString).substringFromIndex(2)
return ""
// MARK: - UITextField Observing
override internal func willMoveToSuperview(newSuperview: UIView!) {
if newSuperview != nil {
keyboardType = .DecimalPad
addTarget(self, action: #selector(SpecialTextField.didChangeText), forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
override internal func canPerformAction(action: Selector, withSender sender: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
return false
private var newVal: String = ""
private var _amount: String = ""
func didChangeText() {
if (text?.characters.count > 2) {
if text?.rangeOfString("$ ") == nil {
text = newVal
if (text?.characters.count == 1) && (text?.characters.count > newVal.characters.count) {
text = "$ " + text!
if (text?.characters.count == 2) && (text?.characters.count < newVal.characters.count) {
text = ""
newVal = text ?? ""
_amount = newVal
This will insert a $ sign whenever first number is entered, and removes it whenever all the numbers are removed.
var amount will give the actual amount value user has entered, after removing the $ sign.
Hope this helped.
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
let updatedText = textField.text!.replacingCharacters(in: Range(range, in: textField.text!)!, with: string)
return updatedText.hasPrefix("yourprefixhere")

Create UITextRange from NSRange

I need to find the pixel-frame for different ranges in a textview. I'm using the - (CGRect)firstRectForRange:(UITextRange *)range; to do it. However I can't find out how to actually create a UITextRange.
Basically this is what I'm looking for:
- (CGRect)frameOfTextRange:(NSRange)range inTextView:(UITextView *)textView {
UITextRange*range2 = [UITextRange rangeWithNSRange:range]; //DOES NOT EXIST
CGRect rect = [textView firstRectForRange:range2];
return rect;
Apple says one has to subclass UITextRange and UITextPosition in order to adopt the UITextInput protocol. I don't do that, but I tried anyway, following the doc's example code and passing the subclass to firstRectForRange which resulted in crashing.
If there is a easier way of adding different colored UILables to a textview, please tell me. I have tried using UIWebView with content editable set to TRUE, but I'm not fond of communicating with JS, and coloring is the only thing I need.
Thanks in advance.
You can create a text range with the method textRangeFromPosition:toPosition. This method requires two positions, so you need to compute the positions for the start and the end of your range. That is done with the method positionFromPosition:offset, which returns a position from another position and a character offset.
- (CGRect)frameOfTextRange:(NSRange)range inTextView:(UITextView *)textView
UITextPosition *beginning = textView.beginningOfDocument;
UITextPosition *start = [textView positionFromPosition:beginning offset:range.location];
UITextPosition *end = [textView positionFromPosition:start offset:range.length];
UITextRange *textRange = [textView textRangeFromPosition:start toPosition:end];
CGRect rect = [textView firstRectForRange:textRange];
return [textView convertRect:rect fromView:textView.textInputView];
It is a bit ridiculous that seems to be so complicated.
A simple "workaround" would be to select the range (accepts NSRange) and then read the selectedTextRange (returns UITextRange):
- (CGRect)frameOfTextRange:(NSRange)range inTextView:(UITextView *)textView {
textView.selectedRange = range;
UITextRange *textRange = [textView selectedTextRange];
CGRect rect = [textView firstRectForRange:textRange];
return rect;
This worked for me even if the textView is not first responder.
If you don't want the selection to persist, you can either reset the selectedRange:
textView.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(0, 0);
...or save the current selection and restore it afterwards
NSRange oldRange = textView.selectedRange;
// do something
// then check if the range is still valid and
textView.selectedRange = oldRange;
Swift 4 of Andrew Schreiber's answer for easy copy/paste
extension NSRange {
func toTextRange(textInput:UITextInput) -> UITextRange? {
if let rangeStart = textInput.position(from: textInput.beginningOfDocument, offset: location),
let rangeEnd = textInput.position(from: rangeStart, offset: length) {
return textInput.textRange(from: rangeStart, to: rangeEnd)
return nil
To the title question, here is a Swift 2 extension that creates a UITextRange from an NSRange.
The only initializer for UITextRange is a instance method on the UITextInput protocol, thus the extension also requires you pass in UITextInput such as UITextField or UITextView.
extension NSRange {
func toTextRange(textInput textInput:UITextInput) -> UITextRange? {
if let rangeStart = textInput.positionFromPosition(textInput.beginningOfDocument, offset: location),
rangeEnd = textInput.positionFromPosition(rangeStart, offset: length) {
return textInput.textRangeFromPosition(rangeStart, toPosition: rangeEnd)
return nil
Swift 4 of Nicolas Bachschmidt's answer as an UITextView extension using swifty Range<String.Index> instead of NSRange:
extension UITextView {
func frame(ofTextRange range: Range<String.Index>?) -> CGRect? {
guard let range = range else { return nil }
let length = range.upperBound.encodedOffset-range.lowerBound.encodedOffset
let start = position(from: beginningOfDocument, offset: range.lowerBound.encodedOffset),
let end = position(from: start, offset: length),
let txtRange = textRange(from: start, to: end)
else { return nil }
let rect = self.firstRect(for: txtRange)
return self.convert(rect, to: textInputView)
Possible use:
guard let rect = textView.frame(ofTextRange: text.range(of: "awesome")) else { return }
let awesomeView = UIView()
awesomeView.frame = rect.insetBy(dx: -3.0, dy: 0)
awesomeView.layer.borderColor =
awesomeView.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
awesomeView.layer.cornerRadius = 3
self.view.insertSubview(awesomeView, belowSubview: textView)
- (CGRect)frameOfTextRange:(NSRange)range inTextView:(UITextView *)textView {
UITextRange *textRange = [[textView _inputController] _textRangeFromNSRange:range]; // Private
CGRect rect = [textView firstRectForRange:textRange];
return rect;
Here is explain.
A UITextRange object represents a range of characters in a text
container; in other words, it identifies a starting index and an
ending index in string backing a text-entry object.
Classes that adopt the UITextInput protocol must create custom
UITextRange objects for representing ranges within the text managed by
the class. The starting and ending indexes of the range are
represented by UITextPosition objects. The text system uses both
UITextRange and UITextPosition objects for communicating text-layout
information. There are two reasons for using objects for text ranges
rather than primitive types such as NSRange:
Some documents contain nested elements (for example, HTML tags and
embedded objects) and you need to track both absolute position and
position in the visible text.
The WebKit framework, which the iPhone text system is based on,
requires that text indexes and offsets be represented by objects.
If you adopt the UITextInput protocol, you must create a custom
UITextRange subclass as well as a custom UITextPosition subclass.
For example like in those sources

How to programmatically open an NSComboBox's list?

I've been around this for a while.. I thought this should be an easy task, but it isn't =D
What I am trying to do, is to display the combobox's list when the user clicks the combobox but not specifically in the button.
Any Idea?
Thanks in advance!
This answer fits the title of the question, but not question itself. Omer wanted to touch a text field and have the box popup.
This solution shows the popup when the user enters text.
I found this answer on cocoabuilder from Jens Alfke. I reposted his code here. Thanks Jens.
original cocoabuilder post: (
#interface NSComboBox (MYExpansionAPI)
#property (getter=isExpanded) BOOL expanded;
#implementation NSComboBox (MYExpansionAPI)
- (BOOL) isExpanded
id ax = NSAccessibilityUnignoredDescendant(self);
return [[ax accessibilityAttributeValue:
NSAccessibilityExpandedAttribute] boolValue];
- (void) setExpanded: (BOOL)expanded
id ax = NSAccessibilityUnignoredDescendant(self);
[ax accessibilitySetValue: [NSNumber numberWithBool: expanded]
forAttribute: NSAccessibilityExpandedAttribute];
I used this code in my controlTextDidChange: method.
- (void) controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *) aNotification {
NSTextField *textField = [aNotification object];
NSString *value = [textField stringValue];
NSComboBox *box = [self comboBox];
if (value == nil || [value length] == 0) {
if ([box isExpanded]) { [box setExpanded:NO]; }
} else {
if (![box isExpanded]) { [box setExpanded:YES]; }
Returns true if the NSComboBox's list is expanded
comboBox.cell?.isAccessibilityExpanded() ?? false
Open the NSComboBox's list
Close the NSComboBox's list
Ref. jmoody’s answer.
You can use the following code line:
[(NSComboBoxCell*)self.acomboBox.cell performSelector:#selector(popUp:)];
override func controlTextDidChange(obj: NSNotification) {}
is what I ended up with. Thanks #Ahmed Lotfy
Here's the full code, it works for me on OSX 10.11
override func controlTextDidChange(obj: NSNotification) {
if let comboBoxCell = self.comboBox.cell as? NSComboBoxCell {
Thanks to jmoody and Jens Alfke mentioned above. Here is a SWIFT translation of the above solution.
import Cocoa
class CComboBoxEx: NSComboBox {
override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
// Drawing code here.
func isExpanded() -> Bool{
if let ax:AnyObject? = NSAccessibilityUnignoredDescendant(self) {
if ax!.accessibilityAttributeValue(NSAccessibilityExpandedAttribute) != nil {
return true
return false
func setExpanded (bExpanded:Bool) {
if let ax:AnyObject? = NSAccessibilityUnignoredDescendant(self) {
ax!.accessibilitySetValue(NSNumber(bool: bExpanded), forAttribute: NSAccessibilityExpandedAttribute)
NSComboBox was not designed to work this way. Because the user may want to edit the text in the control, they'll need to be able to click it without unexpectedly popping up the choices.
You would need to subclass NSComboBoxCell and change this behavior ... but then you'd have a standard-looking control that does not behave in a standard way. If you're determined to do this, take a look at the open source version of NSComboBoxCell. The interesting methods appear to be -popUpForComboBoxCell: and friends.
Based on the other answers I wrote this solution (tested with Xcode 10.2.1, Swift 5). It uses the same ideas but it's a little shorter.
// Put this extension for NSComboBox somewhere in your project
import Cocoa
public extension NSComboBox {
var isExpanded: Bool{
set {
get {
return cell?.isAccessibilityExpanded() ?? false
// Set your corresponding NSViewController as NSComboBoxDelegate
// in the storyboard and add this piece of code
// to expand the combobox when the user types
class MyViewController: NSViewController, NSComboBoxDelegate {
func controlTextDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let comboBox = notification.object as? NSComboBox else { return }
if comboBox.isExpanded == false {
comboBox.isExpanded = true