Can I run my static website from an S3 Bucket, and add password protection? - amazon-s3

I'm running a static website completely from an Amazon S3 bucket, but I want to password protect my content. Is this possible? The type of authentication doesn't bother me, it just needs to be there, so that people can't just 'discover' my website.
At the moment, I don't have a domain name set up, which I believe rules out as a possible solution. Are there any others?

AWS doesn't provide a way to do this directly right now. The S3auth solution you mentioned is nice in that your bucket/objects remain private so that a direct access to the bucket does not allow objects to be read without your private credentials. The disadvantage of the s3auth approach is that it relies on you trusting s3auth with your private credentials. If your credentials are compromised at any stage, it could be costly depending on how someone might abuse your access rights.
If you make your objects publicly readable (as you do when you create a website), anyone who learns/guesses/knows your objects names etc can access them. Or indeed if the bucket is readable, then all they need is the bucket name. There is no real way around this except by tightening the S3 access permissions.
If you only access your website from certain IP addresses, perhaps looking at Bucket Policies may help. Scroll down to Restricting Access to Specific IP Addresses. This is not a password but it does allow you to restrict where accesses can come from at least.
Another common technique for providing temporary access to objects is Query String Request Authentication. This does not however match your original requirement of password protecting your S3 bucket website.

This is possible using CloudFront and Lambda#Edge. See the answer here:

I think the AWS SDK for Javascript is what you're looking for. To be fair, it wasn't available when you posted this question 2 years ago. It allows you to login with Facebook, Google or Amazon. Here's another resource using AWS login.


Storing API Keys submitted by client in frontend

I know API keys need to be stored securely and should not be accessible client side. That being said, I also know that a lot of Wordpress plugins/ custom sites/ and such allow users to copy paste the API key into a text input on the admin panel.
My question is how do you do this securely? Do they hash it and save it to their database?
Say for example I made a react app or wordpress plugin that allowed users to do something with the Google Maps API. I know I can go get their API key and just hard code it in... but if I wanted to let the user update the key on their own - What would be the reccomended steps?
If I understand you correctly, you want your application to process secrets of third party APIs. A bit scary, but if you get the user consent - why not? First thing first - make sure the user understands what he is doing. Point out exactly what you will do with the API keys, what you will not do with the API keys and how will they be protected.
Personally I would never want to store such secrets in my own database, as this would be a single point of failure. When you are hacked, everyone is hacked. Why not put such secrets in - say - local storage so it never touches one of your servers?
Ok, in case it is your server that needs to do something, you could get the API key passed in a request, do something, but never log or persistently store the secret anywhere.
In case it is enough for the Java Script to do the job, local storage is even better solution.
One could think about encrypting the keys in the local storage, but I don't believe this would improve security a lot. I mean this would be security through obscurity and could by bypassed by someone with physical access to the machine/browser/user agent. But if someone would have such access, then probably some of the API keys would be one of the smaller problems.

How to safely extend credentials to other contributors to my S3-hosted OS project

I have an open source project with several contributors. The project's home page is hosted on Amazon S3. At the moment, the S3 bucket is on my personal account. Only I have access to it, and I pay the hosting (~$5 a month). There are other personal buckets on my account that contributors should not have access to.
I'd like to allow other contributors to modify the site. I'd also like to enable e.g. TravisCI to deploy to the site, which requires extending some credentials to third parties.
Is it necessary to set up a separate Amazon account entirely, or is IAM sufficient for my needs?
If IAM is the way to go, should there be a single IAM user shared among all contributors, or should I create a separate one for each contributor?
Do I need MFA? If so, how to safely distribute TOTP keys?
Any provisions I should make for succession (i.e. bus factor)?
Anything else I should know?
Thanks for any ideas or experiences here.
Is it necessary to set up a separate Amazon account entirely, or is IAM sufficient for my needs?
You should probably have an account for this project that is separate from any accounts you use for purposes unrelated to this project, for clean separation and in case you want to hand over control. What isn't in the account doesn't need to be protected from users who shouldn't see it.
Cross-account privileges are possible, so if others already have accounts, it's possible for you to authorize their existing credentials without knowing their secrets, but it's more complex.
If IAM is the way to go, should there be a single IAM user shared among all contributors, or should I create a separate one for each contributor?
You should absolutely create one for each contributor. That's kind of a no-brainer. Accountability.
Do I need MFA? If so, how to safely distribute TOTP keys?
It depends on your need for the added security. MFA is great and it's also a hassle. But you don't have to (and shouldn't) distribute the MFA secrets for virtual MFA. The user can log in with his/her credentials and create and download that themselves if you allow it.
Any provisions I should make for succession (i.e. bus factor)?
Heh, bus factor. Yes, you probably need a trusted adjutant with a high privilege level. In my accounts we don't actually use the root credentials, ever, but typically two people have a physical copy of the root credentials, though we do sometimes ride together in the same elevator, and we really shouldn't do that.
Anything else I should know?
Read the documentation. It takes a bit of time to sink in, but it takes less time if you get your hands dirty and play with it. Be sure when granting privileges that you verify that things which should not work do indeed not work, not just verify that things which should work indeed do work. But that applies to any authentication and authorization implementation.
Use IAM instance roles in EC2. Even if you can't think of a reason why an instance needs a role, give it one with no permissions anyway, because an instance can only be given a role at launch... yet Formerly, you could only add an IAM role to an instance at launch, but AWS announced on 2017-02-09 that you can now attach an IAM role to an instance after launch. As always, you can change the permissions granted to a role at any time.
Read about user groups. Attach users to groups and policies to groups to simplify granting the same privileges to multiple users.
Unrelated: activate billing alerts for your account to notify you when costs exceed thresholds you select.

Remote access to laravel models

Is it possible that a website uses the models of another lavarel website to access the database, without the first website having the sql credentials hardcoded. But with the credentials to log into the second lavarel website hardcoded.
This way the first website doesn't have to have the sql credentials on it's ftp server, but can still access the databases through the other website (with their personal login of that website).
If that is impossible, I am wondering, is there a way to access a databases without having to hardcode the credentials anywhere.
UPDATE (the actual problem)
Only a part of the database should be visible to a particular user, so i can provide different users with different credentials and they all see something different in the database
What you are talking about is an API. So you'd build out the entire infrastructure on the first website, then on the second website, it would make some kind of calls to the first website to get back the information it needs, usually using some kind of credentials or access token.
This way, you can allow anyone in the world to communicate with your website, kind of like how Facebook, or Twitter does.
As far as accessing your database, you would need to tell your app somewhere the credentials to use, so technically, you do need to hardcode them somewhere as they can't just magically make up some credentials somehow to access a database.
if your different users are defined:
use laravel model/db event to replicate the data to a database by
Or sync each database with a cron job..
These have benefits to avoid security transport problems.

How do you let only authorized user have access contents stored in Amazon's S3?

Once you stored contents in S3 and make it public, then everyone have access to it. Is there a way to let only authorized users have access to the content stored in S3? For example, I have a site that let people store their documents. The server stores these documents in S3 and I would like only the user who uploaded the document to have access to it.
I know I can copy the S3 contents to my server and let only authorized users have access, but this will make the server slow. I would like to be able server the contents directly to the client's browser from the S3.
The link given in the above answer is no longer correct -- Amazon had it's documentation reorganized. I think these are the correct pages to read:
You want to read the section called 'Query String Request Authentication Alternative' found here
It explains how to create a time-based expiring link to an S3 object
You would then have to write the code that manages the users (the who owns which object part of your question).

How to restrict Amazon S3 API access?

Is there a way to create a different identity to (access key / secret key) to access Amazon S3 buckets via the REST API where I can restrict access (read only for example)?
The recommended way is to use IAM to create a new user, then apply a policy to that user.
Yes, you can. The S3 API documentation describes the Authentication and Access Control services available to you. You can set up a bucket so that another Amazon S3 account can read but not modify items in the bucket.
Check out the details at (follow the link to "Using Query String Authentication")- this is a subdocument to the one Greg Posted, and describes how to generate access URLs on the fly.
This uses a hashed form of the private key and allows expiration, so you can give brief access to files in a bucket without allowed unfettered access to the rest of the S3 store.
Constructing the REST URL is quite difficult, it took me about 3 hours of coding to get it right, but this is a very powerful access technique.