How to make a copy of an Kinect Skeleton object to another Kinect Skeleton object - kinect

I am using the Kinect Toolbox, so I have a list of ReplaySkeletonFrames in my hand.
I am iterating over this list, getting the first tracked skeleton and modifying some properties.
As we know, when we change an object we also change the original object.
I need to make a copy of an skeleton.
Note: I can't use CopySkeletonDataTo() because my frame is a ReplaySkeletonFrame and not the ReplayFrame of the "normal" Kinect.
I tried to make my own method that copies property by property, but some properties could not be copied. look...
public static Skeleton Clone(this Skeleton actualSkeleton)
if (actualSkeleton != null)
Skeleton newOne = new Skeleton();
// doesn't work - The property or indexer 'Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonJoints'
// cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
newOne.Joints = actualSkeleton.Joints;
// doesn't work - The property or indexer 'Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonJoints'
// cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
JointCollection jc = new JointCollection();
jc = actualSkeleton.Joints;
newOne.Joints = jc;
return newOne;
How to solve it?

with more search i ended up whit the following solution: Serialize the skeleton to the memory, deserialize to a new object
Here is the code
public static Skeleton Clone(this Skeleton skOrigin)
// isso serializa o skeleton para a memoria e recupera novamente, fazendo uma cópia do objeto
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(ms, skOrigin);
ms.Position = 0;
object obj = bf.Deserialize(ms);
return obj as Skeleton;


Adding text items to an Existing PDF w/ Telerik DocumentProcessing Library

I want to open an existing PDF document and add different annotations to it. Namely bookmarks and some text
I am using the Telerik Document Processing Library (dpl) v2019.3.1021.40
I am new to dpl , but I believe the RadFlowDocument is the way to go.
I am having troubles creating the RadFlowDocument
FlowProvider.PdfFormatProvider provider = new FlowProvider.PdfFormatProvider();
using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(sourceFile))
--> RadFlowDocument flowDoc = provider.Import(stream);
The line indicated w/ the arrow give the error "Import Not Supported"
There is a telerik blog post here
It seems relevant, but not 100% sure.
It cautions to be sure the providers are mated correctly, I believe they are in my example....
Again, ultimate goal is to open a PDF and add some stuff to it. I think the RadFlowDocument is the right direction. If there is a better solution, Im happy to hear that too.
I figured it out. The DPL is pretty good, but doc is still growing, hope this helps someone out...
This draws from a myriad of articles, I cant begin to cite them all.
There are 2 notions for working w/ PDFs in the DPL.
FixedDocument takes pages. I think this is meant for sewing docs together.
FlowDocument I believe lays things out like an HTML renderer would.
I am using Fixed, mainly b/c I can get that to work.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows; //nec for Size struct
using System.Diagnostics; //nec for launching the pdf at the end
using Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model;
//if you have fixed and flow provider, you have to specify, so I make a shortcut
using FixedProvider = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf;
using Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace DocAggregator
public class UnitTest2
public void EditNewFIle_SrcAsFixed_TrgAsFixed()
String dt = #"C:\USERS\greg\DESKTOP\DPL\";
String sourceFile = dt + "output.pdf";
//Open the sourceDoc so you can add stuff to it
RadFixedDocument sourceDoc;
//a provider parses the actual file into the model.
FixedProvider.PdfFormatProvider fixedProv = new FixedProvider.PdfFormatProvider();
using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(sourceFile))
//'populate' the doc object from the file
//using the FLOW classes, I get "Import Not Supported".
sourceDoc = fixedProv.Import(stream);
int pages = sourceDoc.Pages.Count;
int pageCounter = 1;
int xoffset = 150;
int yoffset = 50;
//editor is the thing that lets you add elements into the source doc
//Like the provider, the Editor needs to match the document class (Fixed or Flow)
RadFixedDocumentEditor editor = new RadFixedDocumentEditor(sourceDoc);
foreach (RadFixedPage page in sourceDoc.Pages)
FixedContentEditor pEd = new FixedContentEditor(page);
Size ps = page.Size;
pEd.Position.Translate(ps.Width - xoffset, ps.Height - yoffset);
Block block = new Block();
block.HorizontalAlignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing.Flow.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
block.TextProperties.FontSize = 22;
block.InsertText(string.Format("Page {0} of {1} ", pageCounter, pages));
string exportFileName = "addedPageNums.pdf";
if (File.Exists(exportFileName))
File.WriteAllBytes(exportFileName, fixedProv.Export(sourceDoc));
//launch the app

iTextSharp Read Text From Single Layer of PDF

Currently I am using a custom LocationTextExtractionStrategy to extract text from a PDF that returns a TextRenderInfo[]. I would like to be able to determine if a TextRenderInfo object (or PDFString, child of TextRenderInfo) appears in a specific layer. I am not sure if this is possible. To get the layers in a PDF, I am using:
Dictionary<string,PdfLayer> layers;
using (var pdfReader = new PdfReader(src))
var newSrc = Path.Combine(["new file location"]);
using (var stream = new FileStream(newSrc, FileMode.Create))
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, stream);
layers = stamper.GetPdfLayers();
src = newSrc;
To extract the text, I am using:
var textExtractor = new TextExtractionStrategy();
PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pdfReader, pdfPageNum,textExtractor);
List<TextRenderInfo> results = textExtractor.Results;
Is there any way that I can check if the individual TextRenderInfo results exist within the layers obtained in the first code snippet. Any help would be much appreciated.
It is possible to get the contents from a single layer, but you'll have to jump through a few hoops to work it out. Specifically, you will have to recreate some of the logic that is provided by the PdfTextExtractor and PdfReaderContentParser.
public static String GetText(PdfReader reader, int pageNumber, int streamNumber) {
var strategy = new LocationTextExtractionStrategy();
var processor = new PdfContentStreamProcessor(strategy);
var resourcesDic = pageDic.GetAsDict(PdfName.RESOURCES);
// assuming you still need to extract the page bytes
byte[] contents = GetContentBytesForPageStream(reader, pageNumber, streamNumber);
processor.ProcessContent(contents, resourcesDic);
return strategy.GetResultantText();
public static byte[] GetContentBytesForPageStream(PdfReader reader, int pageNumber, int streamNumber) {
PdfDictionary pageDictionary = reader.GetPageN(pageNum);
PdfObject contentObject = pageDictionary.Get(PdfName.CONTENTS);
if (contentObject == null)
return new byte[0];
byte[] contentBytes = GetContentBytesFromContentObject(contentObject, streamNumber);
return contentBytes;
public static byte[] GetContentBytesFromContentObject(PdfObject contentObject, int streamNumber) {
// copy-paste logic from
// ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesFromContentObject(contentObject);
// but in case PdfObject.ARRAY: only select the streamNumber you require
If you're specifically looking to just use PdfTextExtractor or PdfReaderContentParser, and ask the returned TextRenderInfo for the layer it's on, then I'm not sure it will be easily possible. There are a number of problems with that:
TextRenderInfo doesn't store that information, so you'd have to subclass it (which is possible)
you'd have to rewrite the logic that creates the TextRenderInfo objects. This is possible by registering custom IContentOperator objects for all text operators (Tj, TJ, ' and ") with the PdfTextExtractor or PdfReaderContentParser
the hardest part is that you have already lost layer information in ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesFromContentObject - so you'd need to retain that somehow, which creates its own set of problems.

ChronicleQueue - how to read custom object from tailer

I am very new to ChronicleQueue and I am unable to find a straight forward example of how can I read back my custom object from a tailer.
public class MyData extends AbstractMarshallable
I have my class containing some strings and numbers, I am able to write to queue using appender, but there is no straight forward api to call. how can i get a object of MyData from tailer.readDocument api?
Try with below code:
final DocumentContext context = queue.createTailer().readingDocument();
final MyData container = new MyData();
if (context.isPresent()) {
this assumes that appending is performed in the following manner:
try (DocumentContext ctx = appender.writingDocument()) {

Why doesn't PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis (in Accord.Statistics.Analysis) have a Save method?

Net users,
How can I persist an instance of the PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis class? Other classes (e.g. KernelSupportVectorMachine) have a Save method so that we can persist the object to the disk. Since PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis does not have a Save method, is there another way to persist this classs?
Thanks for your help.
The save and load methods found in the framework are just convenience methods for the standard .NET binary serialization. If those methods are not available for a particular class, you should still be able to save it using:
PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis analysis = ...
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
var fmt = new BinaryFormatter();
fmt.Serialize(fs, analysis);
and you should be able to load it back using
PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis analysis = null;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
var fmt = new BinaryFormatter();
analysis = (PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis)fmt.Deserialize(fs);

Serialize an Activity to xaml

I have Googled a bit, and cannot seem to find any examples of Xaml-fying Activities - good, bad, or otherwise!
public static string ToXaml (this Activity activity)
// i would use ActivityXamlServices to go from Xaml
// to activity, but how to go other way? documentation
// is slim, and cannot infer proper usage of
// ActivityXamlServices from Xml remarks :S
string xaml = string.Empty;
return xaml;
Hints, tips, pointers would be welcome :)
NOTE: so found this. Will work through and update once working. Anyone wanna beat me to the punch, by all means. Better yet, if you can find a way to be rid of WorkflowDesigner, seems odd it is required.
Alright, so worked through this forum posting.
You may Xaml-fy [ie transform an instance to declarative Xaml] a well-known Activity via
public static string ToXaml (this Activity activity)
StringBuilder xaml = new StringBuilder ();
using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create (
new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true, }))
using (XamlWriter xamlWriter = new XamlXmlWriter (
new XamlSchemaContext ()))
using (XamlWriter xamlServicesWriter =
ActivityXamlServices.CreateBuilderWriter (xamlWriter))
ActivityBuilder activityBuilder = new ActivityBuilder
Implementation = activity
XamlServices.Save (xamlServicesWriter, activityBuilder);
return xaml.ToString ();
Your Xaml may contain certain artifacts, such as references to System.Activities.Presentation namespace appearing as xmlns:sap="...". If this presents an issue in your solution, read the source link above - there is a means to inject directives to ignore unrecognized namespaces.
Will leave this open for a while. If anyone can find a better solution, or improve upon this, please by all means :)
How about XamlServices.Save(filename, activity)?
Based on the other solution (for VS2010B2) and some Reflectoring, I found a solution for VS2010RC. Since XamlWriter is abstract in the RC, the new way to serialize an activity tree is this:
public static string ToXaml (this Activity activity)
var xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(xamlBuilder,
new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true });
using (xmlWriter)
var xamlXmlWriter =
new XamlXmlWriter(xmlWriter, new XamlSchemaContext());
using (xamlXmlWriter)
XamlWriter xamlWriter =
using (xamlWriter)
var activityBuilder =
new ActivityBuilder { Implementation = sequence };
XamlServices.Save(xamlWriter, activityBuilder);
return xamlBuilder.ToString();