Insert "HTTP Request Defaults" value dynamically - httprequest

I am trying to Insert "HTTP Request Defaults" values dynamically from the command prompt so that I can run my tests against different servers. However, I can't find a place in the test GUI where I can enter ${__P(hostname,}. Is it in the "Server name or IP" field or in the "Path" field?
In the Apache user manual, it says:
For example, you might define the following on the Test Plan:
You can refer to these in the test plan as ${HOST} ${THREADS} etc. If you later want to change the host, just change the value of the HOST variable. This works fine for small numbers of tests, but becomes tedious when testing lots of different combinations. One solution is to use a property to define the value of the variables, for example:
HOST ${__P(host,}
THREADS ${__P(threads,10)}
LOOPS ${__P(loops,20)}
You can then change some or all of the values on the command-line as follows:
jmeter ... -Jloops=13

You can put it in : Server name or IP
But only the host name.
Path after hostname must be put in Path field


are there any ansible tower global variables like job id

I am using Ansible tower 3.4.3.
As part of one of my jobs, I need to generate a log file and logfile name should contain Tower_Job_ID to easily recognize which log is generated by which tower job id.
I guess there will be some global variables like "ansible_tower_job_id" but unable to find any documentation or the variable name.
Can some one help, how to capture the current running job ID in ansible tower.
The callback link contains the ID in it.
From the docs: "The ‘1’ in this sample URL is the job template ID in Tower." .

Monit : Service Name is not capitalized as configured in the monit control file

If monit is configured with a check program as follows
check process DBServer matching jdbs
start program = ""
I see "dbserver" as the service name under mmonit instead of "DBServer".
It does have "DBServer" as the $SERVICE value when an email alert is raised.
Any thoughts?
Monit version: 5.21.0
M/Monit version: 3.7.0-linux-x64
per MMonit support
The service names (and servicegroup names) are normalized to lowercase intentionally to deduplicate similar names (M/Monit stores them internally in a lookup table and normalization allows to make it smaller).

DBD::Oracle, Cursors and Environment under mod_perl

Need some help, because I can't find any solution for my problems with DBD::Oracle.
So at first, this is the current situation:
We are running Apache2 with mod_perl 2.0.4 at our company
Apache web server was set up with a startup script which is setting some environment variables (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ORACLE_HOME, NLS_LANG)
In httpd.conf there are also environment variables for LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ORACLE_HOME (via SetEnv)
We are generally using the perl module DBI with driver DBD::Oracle to connect to our main database
Before we create a new instance of DBI we are setting some perl env variables, too (%ENV). We are setting ORACLE_HOME and NLS_LANG.
So far, this works fine. But now we are extending our system and need to connect to a remote database. Again, we are using DBI and DBD::Oracle. But for now there are some new conditions:
New connection must run in parallel to the existing one
TNSNAMES.ORA for the new connection is placed at a different location (not at $ORACLE_HOME.'/network/admin')
New database contents are provided by stored procedures, which we are fetching with DBD::Oracle and cursors (like explained here:
The stored procedures are returning object types and collection types, containing attributes of oracle type DATE
To get these dates in a readable format, we set a new env variable $ENV{NLS_DATE_FORMAT}
To ensure the date format we additionally alter the session by alter session set nls_date_format ...
Okay, this works fine, too. But only if we make a new connection on the console. New TNS location is found by the script, connection could be established and fetching data from the procedures by cursor is also working. Alle DATE types are formatted as specified.
Now, if we try to make this connection at apache environment, it fails. At first the datasource name could not resolved by DBI/DBD::Oracle. I think this is because of our new TNSNAMES.ORA file or rather the location is not found by DBI/DBD::Oracle in Apache context (published by $ENV{TNS_ADMIN}). But I don't know why???
The second problem is (if I create a dirty workaround for our first one) that the date format, published by $ENV{NLS_DATE_FORMAT} is only working on first level of our cursor select.
BEGIN OPEN :cursor FOR SELECT * FROM TABLE(stored_procedure) END;
The example above returns collection types of object which are containing date attributes. In Apache context the format published by NLS_DATE_FORMAT is not recognized. If I use a simple form of the example like this
the result (a single date field) is formatted well. So I think subordinated structures were not formatted because $ENV{NLS_DATE_FORMAT} works only in console context and not in Apache context, too.
So there must be a problem with the perl environment variables (%ENV) running under Apache and mod_perl. Maybe a problem of mod_perl?
I am at my wit's end. Maybe anyone in the whole wide world has a solution ... and excuse my english :-) If you need some further explanations, I will try to define it more precisely.
If your problem is that changes to %ENV made while processing a request don't seem to be honoured, this is because mod_perl assumes you might be running multiple threads and doesn't actually change the process environment when you change %ENV, so external libraries (like the oracle client) or child processes don't see the change.
You can work around it by first using the prefork MPM, so there aren't any threading issues, and then making changes to the environment using Env::C instead of the %ENV hash.

BeanShell PreProcessor updates User define variables

I'm very new at JMeter issues.
In a test script i have a BeanShell PreProcessor element that updates some variables previously defined at a "User Defined Variables" element.
Latter those variables are used in "Http Requests". However, the value that is used in the http request is the default one.
The scripts seems to be working due to some debug print();
My question is if it's necessary to delay the script to be sure that the BeanShell finishes?
Thanks a lot for your attention
There is no need to put any delay to Beanshell Pre-Processor as it's being executed before request. I'd recommend to check your jmeter.log file to see if there are any scripting issues as Beanshell Pre-Processor does not report errors anywhere including View Results Tree listener.
There are at least 2 ways to assure that everything is fine with your Beanshell script:
Put your debug print code after variables replace logic to see if it fires
Use JMeter __Beahshell function right in your HTTP request. If it's ok - View Results Tree will demonstrate beanshell-generated value. If not - the field will be blank and relevant error will be displayed in the log.
Example test case:
Given following Test Plan structure:
Thread Group with 1 user and 1 loop
HTTP GET Request to with path of / and parameter q
If you provide as parameter "q" following beanshell function:
and look into View Results Tree "Request" tab you should see something like:
and if you change function to something incorrect like:
you'll see a blank request.
The correct way of changing existing variable (or creating new if variable doesn't exist) looks like
vars.put("variablename", "variablevalue");
*Important: * JMeter Variables are Java Strings, if you're trying to set something else (date, integer, whatever) to JMeter Variable you need to cast it to String somehow.
int i = 5;
vars.put("int_i", String.valueOf(i));
Hope this helps.
You can update the vale of a "user defined variable".
You have to create a bean shell sampler
vars.put("user_defined_variable", "newvalue");
#theINtoy got it right.
I'm new to jmeter too but as I know variables defined in "User defined variables" are constants, so you can't change them. I recommend to use "User Parameters" in preprocessors or CSV Data Set Config.

Reference a variable within a variable in JMeter

I'm working with JMeter. I'd like to specify the test host using user defined variables, like this:
variable name value
localhost localhost
hostname ${localhost}
Executing the test, I see that the hostname value is not substituted, and obviously the test fails. I know I can use properties and pass the hostname from the command line, or simply change the hostname value. Is it possible to it like I've explained?
I've managed to solve my problem. I've changed the hostname variable value to: ${__evalVar(${localhost})}, but I've got this error:
ERRROR jmeter.functions.EvalVarFunction: Variables have not yet been defined
So I've moved the hostname variable declaration in a "User defined variable" child node of my Sampler node. That solved it.
To solve this you should use hostname = ${__eval(${localhost})}
Carlos' answer has a mistake (which I can't comment on due to rep) as it uses evalVar, this requires as an argument a plain string:
This works: ${__evalVar(localhost)})
This works: ${__eval(${localhost})}
This doesn't work (the current answer): ${__evalVar(${localhost})}
Check this forum:
from Blazemeter
For example: getting value of varible "listid_XXX" where the XXX number comes from an index variable:
New newer versions (from 2.2), you can use ${__V(${...})}/.
Ex: ${__V(${SERVER_CONTEXT})}/rest
As #Alies Belik mentioned, if you get
ERRROR jmeter.functions.EvalVarFunction: Variables have not yet been defined
then define the 2nd variable in next other UDV (User Defined Variables) node.