Passing options to JS function with Amber - smalltalk

I'm trying to write the equivalent of:
$( "#draggable" ).draggable({ axis: "y" });
in Amber smalltalk.
My guess was: '#draggable' asJQuery draggable: {'axis' -> 'y'} but that's not it.

Not working on vanilla 0.9.1, but working on master at least last two months ago is:
'#draggable' asJQuery draggable: #{'axis' -> 'y'}
and afaict this is the recommended way.
P.S.: #{ 'key' -> val. 'key2' -> val } is the syntax for inline creation of HashedCollection, which is implemented (from the aforementioned two-month ago fix) so that only public (aka enumerable) properties are the HashedCollection keys. Before the fix also all the methods were enumerable, which prevented to use it naturally in place of JavaScript objects.

herby's excellent answer points out the recommended way to do it. Appearently, there is now Dictionary-literal support (see his comment below). Didn't know that :-)
Old / Alternate way of doing it
For historical reasons, or for users not using the latest master version, this is an alternative way to do it:
options := <{}>.
options at: #axis put: 'y'.
'#draggable' asJQuery draggable: options.
The first line constructs an empty JavaScript object (it's really an JSObjectProxy).
The second line puts the string "y" in the slot "axis". It has the same effect as:
options.axis = "y"; // JavaScript
Lastly, it is invoked, and passed as a parameter.
Array-literals vs Dictionaries
What you were doing didn't work because in modern Smalltalk (Pharo/Squeak/Amber) the curly-brackets are used for array-literals, not as an object-literal as they are used in JavaScript.
If you evaluate (print-it) this in a Workspace:
{ #elelemt1. #element2. #element3 }.
You get:
a Array (#elelemt1 #element2 #element3)
As a result, if you have something that looks like a JavaScript object-literal in reality it is an Array of Association(s). To illustrate I give you this snippet, with the results of print-it on the right:
arrayLookingLikeObject := { #key1 -> #value1. #key2 -> #value2. #key3 -> #value3}.
arrayLookingLikeObject class. "==> Array"
arrayLookingLikeObject first class. "==> Association"
arrayLookingLikeObject "==> a Array (a Association a Association a Association)"
I wrote about it here:


How to give names to MobX flows

How do I give a name to my flows?
I currently see messages in the console (using dev tools) like:
action '<unnamed flow> - runid: 3 - init'
index.js:1 action '<unnamed flow> - runid: 3 - yield 0'
My code (in typescript):
fetchMetricData = flow( function * (this: MetricDataStore) {
const responseJson:IMetrics[] = yield"/metrics");
this.metrics = responseJson;
According to following text found in MobX Api Reference · MobX page:
Tip: it is recommended to give the generator function a name, this is the name that will show up in dev tools and such
Unfortunately, this is the only way to set the name (I use LiveScript and can't set names to function expressions while defining it).
In your case, you can turn your unnamed function expression into a named one. If you ever face another situation where you can't, you could also use Object.defineProperty(myFunction, 'name', {value: 'myExplicitName'}).
You can find the culprit in the code: mobx/flow.ts at master · mobxjs/mobx.

Labels and "Control flow commands not allowed in toplevel" (Possible LTA error message)

This code:
for <1 2> {
say "1";
last FOO
Control flow commands not allowed in toplevel
The last error message is eliminated if "Hey".say is taken off; this probably means that what the error is actually saying is that non control flow commands are not allowed right behind a label. But the documentation (which needs to be improved cites loops as an "example", and the grammar indicates it should be in front of a statement. So the question is: can it be used for if statements, or just loops?
The error is different if you have this code inside another scope:
for <a b> {
last FOO
# Hey
# a
# labeled last without loop construct
which is also LTA in that it doesn't mention the name of the label.
But in short: Perl 6 doesn't currently have a goto. Currently, labels are only usable as a way to specify which loop construct you want to next, redo to or last out of. By putting a statement between the label and the loop construct, you're effectively using it as a goto, which is still Not Yet Implemented.
But indeed a ticket about the LTAness of both errors, seems in place for me.
Also, using the FIRST phaser as an alternative, seems to have the same issue:
for <a b> {
FIRST "Hey".say;
last FOO;
# Hey
# a
# labeled last without loop construct
But runs fine without the specific label:
for <a b> {
FIRST "Hey".say;
# Hey
# a
The latter issue most definitely is worth a rakudo issue: added as .

Why is yadcf custom_filter not working?

I have a Datatable about newspapers endorsements for presidential candidates that I want to filter on the party - a value that is not contained in the table (I have shortcodes "D" or "R" in the table but would like to use text "Democrat" or "Republican" in the UI).
This may have once worked (I think it did) - but after upgrading to beta 0.9.1 it stopped. Possibly a bug in the beta - or possibly an undetected bug in my code?
My fn:
function myCustomFilterFunction(filterVal,columnVal,rowValues,stateVal)
if (columnVal === '') { return true;}
return -1 <;
I had added the log for debugging purposes and it produced this output (excerpt):
["Wisconsin State Journal", "2016", "Clinton", "", "", "", ""]
I was surprised to see columnVal being empty. That explained filtering not working, and it being empty can be explained by looking at rowValues. But given that the source-data was defined in JSON as
["Wisconsin State Journal",2016,"Clinton","http:\/\/\/wsj\/opinion\/editorial\/our-endorsement-hillary-clinton-america-must-get-this-right\/article_b526fe64-c2ca-5e3d-807a-0ef4ae23a4d5.html","","","D"]
this is odd. Could it be related to the fact that the column is not visible?
You should make column containing party short code searchable with searchable: true option otherwise your custom filtering function won't work.
For example:
{"searchable":true, "title":"Party (Shortcode)", "visible":true}
See updated example for code and demonstration.

D3 Graph Example Using In Memory Object

This seems like it should be simple, but I have spent literally hours without any success.
Take the D3 graph example at The example uses a local file called graph.json. I have set up a Rails app to serve a similar graph, however I don't want to write a file of the JSON. Rather, I generate the nodes and links into an object such as:
{"nodes":[{"node_type":"Person","name":"Damien","id":"damien_person"}, {"node_type":"Person","name":"Grant","id":"grant_person"}}],
Now when I render the D3, I need to update the call d3.json("graph.json", function(json) {...}); to reference my in-memory object rather than the local file (or url). However, everything I've tried breaks my html/javascript. For example I tried setting the var dataset = <%= raw(#myInMemoryObject) %>;, and that works for assignment (I did an alert on the dataset), however I can't get the D3 code to use it.
How can I replace the d3.json call in order to use my in-memory object?
Thank you,
Your idea of using, for example, var dataset = <%= raw(#myInMemoryObject) %>; is the right way to go but you need to prep your object to be in the right format.
The nodes specified in the links need to either be numeric references to nodes in the nodes array eg. 0 for first, 1 for second
var json ={
"nodes":[{"name":"Damien","id":"a"}, {"name":"Bob","id":"b"}],
"links":[{"source":0, "target":1,"value":1}]
or links to the actual objects which make the nodes themselves:
var a = {"name":"Damien","id":"a"};
var b = {"name":"Bob","id":"b"}
var json ={
Relevant discussion is here:!topic/d3-js/LWuhBeEipz4
Example here:

Calling deleteRecord() too often or too fast at a time?

I want to delete all records of the model "Article" (around five pieces). I'm doing it like that:
CMS.ArticlesController = Em.ArrayController.extend
deleteAll: ->
#get("content").forEach (article) ->
However, while executing, it says after three articles:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'deleteRecord' of undefined
It works though when using a little delay:
CMS.ArticlesController = Em.ArrayController.extend
deleteAll: ->
#get("content").forEach (article) ->
setTimeout( (->
), 500)
Why is that?
(Im using Ember.js-rc.1 and Ember Data rev 11 together with the ember-localstorage-adapter by #rpflorence, but I don't think that matter since I didn't call commit() yet...)
Update 1
Just figured out it also works with
Update 2
I opened a GitHub issue:
As discussed on GitHub, the forEach()-loop breaks, because it breaks the index while removing items.
The solution:
"Copy" it in another array using toArray():
#get("content").toArray().forEach(article) ->
The nicer approach, if there was a function like forEachInReverse, is to loop backwards, so even though items are removed, the missing index wouldn't hurt the loop.
I still had issues with the above answer. Instead, I used a reverse for loop:
for(var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
items.objectAt(i).destroyRecord(); // or deleteRecord()
This destroys each item without disrupting the index.