I have a condition where I want a view controller to conform to any of 4 protocols.
Is there a way to check if it conforms to any of these 4 protocols without doing a bunch of or statements in my if?
Can you make an array of protocols?
Sure, you can make an array of protocols:
NSArray *protocols = #[#protocol(UIApplicationDelegate),
You could then check that some object conforms to all of them:
UIViewController *vc = ...;
for (Protocol *protocol in protocols) {
if (![vc conformsToProtocol:protocol]) {
NSLog(#"object doesn't conform to %#", protocol);
It's hard to imagine why you'd want to do this at run-time, though.
Perhaps what you really want is to declare that something conforms to several protocols. You can do that too, and the compiler will check it for you at compile-time. For example:
#property (nonatomic, strong) id<UIApplicationDelegate, UIImagePickerController,
UIScrollViewDelegate, NSFileManagerDelegate> swissArmyKnife;
If you try to assign something to this property, and it doesn't conform to all four protocols, the compiler will issue a warning.
Perhaps what you are saying is you want to verify that an object conforms to at least one of the protocols, but that it doesn't have to conform to all of them. In that case, you have to check at run-time. But that smells like a bad design to me.
If you want to send a message to the object, but you're not sure that it will understand the message, it's probably better to check specifically for the message you want to send, instead of checking for protocol conformance.
// This is probably not such a good idea.
if ([object conformsToProtocol:#protocol(NSFileManagerDelegate)]) {
return [object fileManager:myFileManager shouldRemoveItemAtURL:url];
} else {
return arc4random_uniform(2);
// This is probably better.
if ([object respondsToSelector:#selector(fileManager:shouldRemoveItemAtURL:)]) {
return [object fileManager:myFileManager shouldRemoveItemAtURL:url];
} else {
return arc4random_uniform(2);
id object = ...;
Protocol *protocols[] = {#protocol(Blah), #protocol(Foo), #protocol(Bar)};
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(protocols) / sizeof(Protocol *); ++i) {
if([object conformsToProtocol:protocols[i]]) {
//do something...
My project uses both Swift and Objective C. I have a singleton written in Objective C which as a property of the type NSDictionary.
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *currentDictionary;
This is an old class that's being used throughout my project. I am trying to use this class in a Swift class like this
if let dict = DataManager.sharedManager().currentDictionary
The problem i am facing is that currentDictionary is being set using data from the server. At times this might be
In Objective C classes, i can handle the situation with the following check
if ([currentDictionary isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]])
// Do nothing
But i am not sure how to implement a similar check in Swift. I tried the following
if let data = DataManager.sharedManager().currentDictionary as? NSNull
But it doesn't work and also i get a compiler warning :
"Cast from "[NSObject : AnyObject]!" to unrelated type "NSNull" always fails"
This is different from checking for Null values within the dicitonary as they will be 'AnyObject's and i can try casting them into the type i want to check.
Can someone please provide any pointers on how to handle this situation properly
First of all, if the variable can contain something else that NSDictionary, don't set its type to NSDictionary. Swift is type safe and it will trust the declared type.
The easiest workaround would be to make it id in Objective-C.
Then in Swift you can simply:
guard let data = DataManager.sharedManager().currentDictionary as? NSDictionary else {
If you can't change the original code, just create a Swift accessor with correct type using a category, e.g.
#interface DataManager (Swift)
// solution 1, will be converted to AnyObject in Swift
- (id)currentDictionaryForSwift1;
// solution 2, let's handle NSNull internally, don't propagate it to Swift
- (NSDictionary *)currentDictionaryForSwift2;
#implementation DataManager
- (id)currentDictionaryForSwift1 {
return self.currentDictionary;
- (NSDictionary *)currentDictionaryForSwift2 {
if (self.currentDictionary == [NSNull null]) {
return nil;
return self.currentDictionary;
I would recommend you to handle NSNull internally. There should be no need to for other code to handle nil and NSNull separately.
You could actually solve it already in the getter:
- (NSDictionary *)currentDictionary {
if (_currentDictionary == [NSNull null]) {
return nil;
return _currentDictionary;
or in the setter
- (void)setCurrentDictionary:(NSDictionary *)currentDictionary {
if (currentDictionary == [NSNull null]) {
_currentDictionary = nil;
} else {
_currentDictionary = currentDictionary;
As you can see, there are multiple solutions but the best solution should improve even your Obj-C code. The difference between NSNull and nil should be handled locally and not propagated.
If you want to validate wether currentDictionary is nil or not, you can use:
guard let currentDictionary = DataManager.sharedManager().currentDictionary else {
Replace guard-else statement with if-else if you don't want to return early.
If you want to validate contents of currentDictionary is NSNull or not:
if let value = DataManager.sharedManager().currentDictionary["key"] {
// do something with value
I am trying to enforce a "formal" #protocol, but cannot reliably test my classes/instances as to whether they ACTUALLY implement the protocol's "required" methods, vs. simply "declaring" that they conform to the protocol.
A complete example of my quandary…
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#protocol RequiredProtocol
- (NSString*) mustImplement; #end
#interface Cog : NSObject <RequiredProtocol> #end
#implementation Cog #end
#interface Sprocket : NSObject #end
#implementation Sprocket
- (NSString*) mustImplement
{ return #"I conform, but ObjC doesn't care!"; } #end
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Protocol *required = #protocol(RequiredProtocol);
SEL requiredSEL = #selector(mustImplement);
void (^testProtocolConformance)(NSObject*) = ^(NSObject *x){
"Does %# class conform:%# \n"
"Do instances conform:%# \n"
"Required method's result:\"%#\"",
NSStringFromProtocol ( required ),
NSStringFromClass ( x.class ),
[x.class conformsToProtocol:required] ? #"YES" : #"NO",
[x conformsToProtocol:required] ? #"YES" : #"NO",
[x respondsToSelector:requiredSEL] ? [x mustImplement]
: nil );
testProtocolConformance ( Cog.new );
testProtocolConformance ( Sprocket.new );
Does Cog class conform:YES
Do instances conform:YES
Required method's result:"(null)"
Does Sprocket class conform:NO
Do instances conform:NO
Required method's result:"I conform, but ObjC doesn't care!"
Why is it that a class and it's instances that DO implement the #protocol's methods (Sprocket) return NO to conformsToProtocol?
And why does one that DOESN'T ACTUALLY conform, but SAYS that it DOES (Cog) return YES?
What is the point of a formal protocol if the declaration is all that's needed to feign conformance?
How can you ACTUALLY check for complete implementation of multiple #selectors without MULTIPLE calls to respondsToSelector?
#Josh Caswell.. Without diffing the two.. I'd guess that your response achieves similar effect to the category on NSObject I've been using in the meantime…
#implementation NSObject (ProtocolConformance)
- (BOOL) implementsProtocol:(id)nameOrProtocol {
Protocol *p = [nameOrProtocol isKindOfClass:NSString.class]
? NSProtocolFromString(nameOrProtocol)
: nameOrProtocol; // Arg is string OR protocol
Class klass = self.class;
unsigned int outCount = 0;
struct objc_method_description *methods = NULL;
methods = protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList( p, YES, YES, &outCount);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outCount; ++i) {
SEL selector = methods[i].name;
if (![klass instancesRespondToSelector: selector]) {
if (methods) free(methods); methods = NULL; return NO;
if (methods) free(methods); methods = NULL; return YES;
Conforming to a protocol is just a "promise", you can't know if the receiver of conformsToProtocol: actually implements all the required methods. Is enough that you declare that the class conforms to the protocol using the angle brackets syntax, and conformsToProtocol: will return yes:
A class is said to “conform to” a protocol if it adopts the protocol or inherits from another class that adopts it. Protocols are adopted by listing them within angle brackets after the interface declaration.
Full source: NSObject's conformsToProtocol: .
Protocols declarations have just the advantage that you can know at compile time if a class really adopts that required methods. If not, a warning will be given. I suggest to don't rely on conformsToProtocol:, but to use introspection instead. That is, verify if a class/object implements a method by calling instancesRespondToSelector: / respondsToSelector: :
+ (BOOL)instancesRespondToSelector:(SEL)aSelector;
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector;
What compiler are you using? Xcode/Clang issues 2 warnings and 1 error...
Think of a protocol as a club with membership requirements. Asking whether someone is a member of the club, provable by them having a membership card (NSObject<ReqiredProtocol>), should tell you that a person meets those requirements. However the lack of a membership doesn't mean they don't meet the requirements.
E.g. someone (Sprocket) might meet all the requirements to join but choose not to. Someone else (Cog) may failed to meet the requirements but a sloppy administrator might let them in.
The latter is why I asked about the compiler (the sloppy administrator ;-)). Try your code as entered on Xcode 4.6.3/Clang 4.2 produces warnings and errors (as does using GCC 4.2):
The warnings state that Cog fails to implement the required methods;
The error complains about [x mustImplement] as x is not known to have the required method as it is of type NSObject - you need to cast to remove that, just [(id)x mustImplement] will do as you've already tested the method exists.
In summary, you can only rely on conformsToProtocol if you know the originator of the code didn't ignore compiler warnings - the checking is done at compile time.
I missed the last sentence of your question. If you wish to discover whether a class meets the requirements of a protocol, even if it doesn't declare that it does, e.g. Sprocket above (or if you are obtaining code from folk who ignore compiler warnings - the Cog author above), then you can do so using the facilities of the Obj-C runtime. And you'll only have to write one call to repsondsToSelector...
I just typed in the following and quickly tested it on your sample. It is not throughly tested by any means, caveat emptor etc. Code assumes ARC.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#interface ProtocolChecker : NSObject
+ (BOOL) doesClass:(Class)aClass meetTheRequirementsOf:(Protocol *)aProtocol;
#implementation ProtocolChecker
+ (BOOL) doesClass:(Class)aClass meetTheRequirementsOf:(Protocol *)aProtocol
struct objc_method_description *methods;
unsigned int count;
// required instance methods
methods = protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList(aProtocol, YES, YES, &count);
for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
if (![aClass instancesRespondToSelector:methods[ix].name])
return NO;
// required class methods
methods = protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList(aProtocol, YES, NO, &count);
for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
if (![aClass respondsToSelector:methods[ix].name])
return NO;
// other protocols
Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *protocols = protocol_copyProtocolList(aProtocol, &count);
for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
if (![self doesClass:aClass meetTheRequirementsOf:protocols[ix]])
return NO;
return YES;
You should of course want to know exactly how this works, especially the * __unsafe_unretained * bit. That is left as an exercise :-)
CRD is right; the compiler tells you about actual conformance, and it should be listened to. If that's being ignored, the runtime doesn't have any built-in method to double-check. Classes maintain internal lists of protocol objects internally; conformsToProtocol: just looks at that.
At the risk that someone is going to come along and tell me to stop fiddling with the ##(%!^& runtime again, if you really truly need to check actual implementation, this is one way you can do so:
#import <objc/runtime.h>
BOOL classReallyTrulyDoesImplementAllTheRequiredMethodsOfThisProtocol(Class cls, Protocol * prtcl)
unsigned int meth_count;
struct objc_method_description * meth_list;
meth_list = protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList(p,
YES /*isRequired*/,
YES /*isInstanceMethod*/,
/* Check instance methods */
for(int i = 0; i < meth_count; i++ ){
SEL methName = meth_list[i].name;
if( ![class instancesRespondToSelector:methName] ){
/* Missing _any_ required methods means failure */
return NO;
meth_list = protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList(p,
YES /*isRequired*/,
NO /*isInstanceMethod*/,
/* Check class methods, if any */
for(int i = 0; i < meth_count; i++ ){
SEL methName = meth_list[i].name;
if( ![class respondsToSelector:methName] ){
return NO;
return YES;
If I had a hammer...
All of these answers are good. To them, I would add one more point: calling conformsToProtocol: is almost always a mistake. Because it tells whether the class says that it conforms to the protocol, rather than whether it actually provides specific methods:
It is possible to create a class that claims to conform, but does not, by silencing various warnings, resulting in crashes if you assume that a required method exists.
It is possible to create a class that conforms to the protocol but does not claim to do so, resulting in methods not getting called on a delegate even though they exist.
It can lead to programming errors creeping in when the protocol changes, because your code checks for conformance to a protocol before calling a method that used to be required, but no longer is.
All of these issues can cause unexpected behavior.
IMO, if you want to know if a class handles a method, the safest approach is to explicitly ask it if it handles that method (respondsToSelector:), rather than asking it if it conforms to a protocol that just happens to contain that method.
IMO, conformsToProtocol: should really have been a function in the Objective-C runtime instead of being exposed on NSObject, because it generally causes more problems than it solves.
Does anyone know why NextStep/Apple decided to take the "convenient method" of doing nothing when passing a Nil object a message, but the "Java method" of raising an exception when passing an instantiated object an invalid selector?
For example,
// This does "nothing"
NSObject *object = Nil;
[object thisDoesNothing];
object = [[NSObject alloc] init];
// This causes an NSInvalidArgumentException to be raised
[object thisThrowsAnException];
So on one hand, we have the convenience of not having to check for Nil (assuming we don't care too much about the result of the method call)--but on the other hand we have to check for an exception if our object doesn't respond to a method?
If I'm not sure if the object will respond, I either have to:
#try {
[object thisThrowsAnException];
} #catch (NSException *e){
// do something different with object, since we can't call thisThrowsAnException
if([object respondsToSelector:#selector(thisThrowsAnException)]) {
[object thisThrowsAnException];
else {
// do something different with object, since we can't call thisThrowsAnException
(The latter is probably the better way to do it, since if object is Nil, the selector would NOT raise an exception, thus your code might not behave the way you want it to).
My question is:
WHY did Apple decide to implement it this way?
Why not have the unrecognized selector call to an instantiated object not raise an exception?
Alternatively, why not have the Nil object raise an exception if you try to call a method on it?
I can't fully answer your question, but I can answer part of it. Objective-C allows you to send a message to nil because it makes code more elegant. You can read about this design decision here, and I will steal its example:
Let's say you want to get the last phone number that some person dialed on her office phone. If you can't send messages to nil, you have to write it like this:
Office *office = [somePerson office];
// Person might not have an office, so check it...
if (office) {
Telephone *phone = [office telephone];
// The office might not have a telephone, so check it...
if (phone) {
NSString *lastNumberDialed = [phone lastNumberDialed];
// The phone might be brand new, so there might be no last-dialed-number...
if (lastNumberDialed) {
// Use the number, for example...
[myTextField setText:lastNumberDialed];
Now suppose you can send messages to nil (and always get nil back):
NSString *lastNumberDialed = [[[somePerson office] telephone] lastNumberDialed];
if (lastNumberDialed) {
[myTextField setText:lastNumberDialed];
As for why sending an unrecognized selector to an object raises an exception: I don't know for sure. I suspect that it's far more common for this to be a bug than to be harmless. In my code, I only want an unrecognized selector to be silently ignored when I need to send an optional protocol message (e.g. sending an optional message to a delegate). So I want the system to treat it as an error, and let me be explicit in the relatively rare case when I don't want it to be an error.
Note that you can tinker (to some extent) with the handling of unrecognized selectors in your own classes, in a few different ways. Take a look at the forwardingTargetForSelector:, forwardInvocation:, doesNotRecognizeSelector:, and resolveInstanceMethod: methods of NSObject.
From the good ol' documentation:
In Objective-C, it is valid to send a message to nil—it simply has no
effect at runtime.
As for the other problem of the unrecognized selector behavior, an old implementation file of NSObject (from the MySTEP library) shows that the culprit is the NSObject method -doesNotRecognizeSelector:, which looks a bit as follows:
- (void) doesNotRecognizeSelector:(SEL)aSelector
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
format:#"NSObject %#[%# %#]: selector not recognized",
NSStringFromClass([self class]),
Which means that ObjC methods could feasibly be tinkered with so that they do not in fact have to raise an error. Which means the decision was entirely arbitrary, just like the decision to switch to "method-eating" messages to nil. A feat which can be done through method swizzling NSObject (wholly dangerous, as it will raise an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, or EXC_I386_BPT on mac, but at least it doesn't raise an exception)
void Swizzle(Class c, SEL orig, SEL new)
Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(c, orig);
Method newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(c, new);
if(class_addMethod(c, orig, method_getImplementation(newMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(newMethod)))
class_replaceMethod(c, new, method_getImplementation(origMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod));
method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, newMethod);
-(void)example:(id)sender {
Swizzle([NSObject class], #selector(doesNotRecognizeSelector:), #selector(description));
[self performSelector:#selector(unrecog)];
The category:
#implementation NSObject (NoExceptionMessaging)
-(void)doesNotRecognizeSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
NSLog(#"I've got them good ol' no exception blues.");
For everyone's amusement, due to the discussion CodaFi and I were having, here's a quickly-hacked-together way to eat normally unresponded-to messages and have them return nil:
#interface EaterOfBadMessages : NSObject
#implementation EaterOfBadMessages
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
NSMethodSignature * sig = [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
if( !sig ){
sig = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:"##:"];
return sig;
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
id nilPtr = nil;
[anInvocation setReturnValue:&nilPtr];
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
EaterOfBadMessages * e = [[EaterOfBadMessages alloc] init];
// Of course, pre-ARC you could write [e chewOnThis]
NSLog(#"-[EaterOfBadMessages chewOnThis]: %#", [e performSelector:#selector(chewOnThis)]);
return 0;
Please don't use this in real life.
I've got an object of type id and would like to know if it contains a value for a given keyPath:
[myObject valueForKeyPath:myKeyPath];
Now, I wrap it into a #try{ } #catch{} block to avoid exceptions when the given keypath isn't found. Is there a nicer way to do this? Check if the given keypath exists without handling exceptions?
Thanks a lot,
You could try this:
if ([myObject respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(myKeyPath)])
However, that may not correspond to the getter you have, especially if it is a boolean value. If this doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll write you up something using reflection.
For NSManagedObjects, an easy solution is to look at the object's entity description and see if there's an attribute with that key name. If there is, you can also take it to the next step and see what type of an attribute the value is.
Here's a simple method that given any NSManagedObject and any NSString as a key, will always return an NSString:
- (NSString *)valueOfItem:(NSManagedObject *)item asStringForKey:(NSString *)key {
NSEntityDescription *entity = [item entity];
NSDictionary *attributesByName = [entity attributesByName];
NSAttributeDescription *attribute = attributesByName[key];
if (!attribute) {
return #"---No Such Attribute Key---";
else if ([attribute attributeType] == NSUndefinedAttributeType) {
return #"---Undefined Attribute Type---";
else if ([attribute attributeType] == NSStringAttributeType) {
// return NSStrings as they are
return [item valueForKey:key];
else if ([attribute attributeType] < NSDateAttributeType) {
// this will be all of the NSNumber types
// return them as strings
return [[item valueForKey:key] stringValue];
// add more "else if" cases as desired for other types
else {
return #"---Unacceptable Attribute Type---";
If the key is invalid or the value can't be made into a string, the method returns an NSString error message (change those blocks to do whatever you want for those cases).
All of the NSNumber attribute types are returned as their stringValue representations. To handle other attribute types (e.g.: dates), simply add additional "else if" blocks. (see NSAttributeDescription Class Reference for more information).
If the object is a custom class of yours, you could override valueForUndefinedKey: on your object, to define what is returned when a keypath doesn't exist.
It should be possible to graft this behavior onto arbitrary classes reasonably simply. I present with confidence, but without warranty, the following code which you should be able to use to add a non-exception-throwing implementation of valueForUndefinedKey: to any class, with one, centralized line of code per class at app startup time. If you wanted to save even more code, you could make all the classes you wanted to have this behavior inherit from a common subclass of NSManagedObject and then apply this to that common class and all your subclasses would inherit the behavior. More details after, but here's the code:
Header (NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.h):
#interface NSObject (ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding)
+ (void)addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)handler;
Implementation (NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.m):
#import "NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#implementation NSObject (ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding)
+ (void)addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)handler
Class clazz = self;
if (clazz == nil)
if (clazz == [NSObject class] || clazz == [NSManagedObject class])
NSLog(#"Don't try to do this to %#; Really.", NSStringFromClass(clazz));
SEL vfuk = #selector(valueForUndefinedKey:);
#synchronized([NSObject class])
Method nsoMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([NSObject class], vfuk);
Method nsmoMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([NSManagedObject class], vfuk);
Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(clazz, vfuk);
if (origMethod != nsoMethod && origMethod != nsmoMethod)
NSLog(#"%# already has a custom %# implementation. Replacing that would likely break stuff.",
NSStringFromClass(clazz), NSStringFromSelector(vfuk));
if(!class_addMethod(clazz, vfuk, handler, method_getTypeEncoding(nsoMethod)))
NSLog(#"Could not add valueForUndefinedKey: method to class: %#", NSStringFromClass(clazz));
Then, in your AppDelegate class (or really anywhere, but it probably makes sense to put it somewhere central, so you know where to find it when you want to add or remove classes from the list) put this code which adds this functionality to classes of your choosing at startup time:
#import "MyAppDelegate.h"
#import "NSObject+ValueForUndefinedKeyAdding.h"
#import "MyOtherClass1.h"
#import "MyOtherClass2.h"
#import "MyOtherClass3.h"
static id ExceptionlessVFUKIMP(id self, SEL cmd, NSString* inKey)
NSLog(#"Not throwing an exception for undefined key: %# on instance of %#", inKey, [self class]);
return nil;
#implementation MyAppDelegate
+ (void)initialize
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
[MyOtherClass1 addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)ExceptionlessVFUKIMP];
[MyOtherClass2 addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)ExceptionlessVFUKIMP];
[MyOtherClass3 addCustomValueForUndefinedKeyImplementation: (IMP)ExceptionlessVFUKIMP];
// ... rest of app delegate class ...
What I'm doing here is adding a custom implementation for valueForUndefinedKey: to the classes MyOtherClass1, 2 & 3. The example implementation I've provided just NSLogs and returns nil, but you can change the implementation to do whatever you want, by changing the code in ExceptionlessVFUKIMP. If you remove the NSLog, and just return nil, I suspect you'll get what you want, based on your question.
This code NEVER swizzles methods, it only adds one if it's not there. I've put in checks to prevent this from being used on classes that already have their own custom implementations of valueForUndefinedKey: because if someone put that method in their class, there's going to be an expectation that it will continue to get called. Also note that there may be AppKit code that EXPECTS the exceptions from the NSObject/NSManagedObject implementations to be thrown. (I don't know that for sure, but it's a possibility to consider.)
A few notes:
NSManagedObject provides a custom implementation for valueForUndefinedKey: Stepping through its assembly in the debugger, all it appears to do is throw roughly the same exception with a slightly different message. Based on that 5 minute debugger investigation, I feel like it ought to be safe to use this with NSManagedObject subclasses, but I'm not 100% sure -- there could be some behavior in there that I didn't catch. Beware.
Also, as it stands, if you use this approach, you don't have a good way to know if valueForKey: is returning nil because the keyPath is valid and the state happened to be nil, or if it's returning nil because the keyPath is invalid and the grafted-on handler returned nil. To do that, you'd need to do something different, and implementation specific. (Perhaps return [NSNull null] or some other sentinel value, or set some flag in thread-local storage that you could check, but at this point is it really all that much easier than #try/#catch?) Just something to be aware of.
This appears to work pretty well for me; Hope it's useful to you.
There's no easy way to solve this. Key Value Coding (KVC) isn't intended to be used that way.
One thing is for sure: using #try-#catch is really bad since you're very likely to leak memory etc. Exceptions in ObjC / iOS are not intended for normal program flow. They're also very expensive (both throwing and setting up the #try-#catch IIRC).
If you look at the Foundation/NSKeyValueCoding.h header, the comment / documentation for
- (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key;
clearly states which methods need to be implemented for -valueForKey: to work. This may even use direct ivar access. You would have to check each one in the order described there. You need to take the key path, split it up based on . and check each part on each subsequent object. To access ivars, you need to use the ObjC runtime. Look at objc/runtime.h.
All of this is vary hacky, though. What you probably want is for your objects to implement some formal protocol and then check -conformsToProtocol: before calling.
Are your key paths random strings or are those strings under your control? What are you trying to achieve? Are you solving the wrong problem?
I don't believe this is possible in a safe way (i.e. without mucking with -valueForUndefinedKey: or something similar on other peoples' classes). I say that because on the Mac side of things, Cocoa Bindings—which can be set to substitute a default value for invalid key paths—simply catches the exceptions that result from bad key paths. If even Apple's engineers don't have a way to test if a key path is valid without trying it and catching the exception, I have to assume that such a way doesn't exist.
First of all, I want to be clear that I'm not talking about defining a protocol, and that I understand the concept of
#protocol someprotocol
- (void)method;
I know that the Obj-C runtime allows creation of classes at RUNTIME, as well as its ivars and methods. Also available for creation are SEL-s. I think I'm just missing something, but does anyone know what function to call to create a protocol at runtime? The main reason for this is for conformsToProtocol: to work, so just adding the appropriate methods doesn't really cut it.
Way to add protocol at runtime
Protocol *aProtocol = objc_allocateProtocol("TestingRuntimeDelegate");
AppDelegate *appInstance = (AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSLog(#"conformed Protocol ..%d",class_conformsToProtocol([self.delegate class], aProtocol));
protocol_addMethodDescription(aProtocol, #selector(itIsTestDelegate), "test", NO, NO);
class_addProtocol([appInstance class], aProtocol);
//NSLog(#"adding Protocol %d",class_addProtocol([appInstance class], aProtocol));
if ([self.delegate conformsToProtocol:#protocol(TestDelegate)])
NSLog(#"conformed Protocol ..");
NSLog(#"conformed Protocol ..%d",class_conformsToProtocol([appInstance class], aProtocol));
class_conformsToProtocol([self.delegate class], aProtocol);
[appInstance performSelector:#selector(itIsTestDelegate)];
But the delegate method must be previously defined on that class otherwise it will crash due to unrecognized selector
or the method can be added at run time..
Then it will work fine..
But the following file must be imported first.
#include <objc/runtime.h>
the following sort of works, but a proper way of doing this would be much appreciated:
Protocol *proto = [Protocol alloc];
object_setInstanceVariable(proto, "protocol_name", &"mySuperDuperProtocol");
void *nada = NULL;
object_setInstanceVariable(proto, "protocol_list", &nada);
object_setInstanceVariable(proto, "class_methods", &nada);
struct objc_method_description_list *methods;
methods = malloc(sizeof(int) + sizeof(struct objc_method_description) * 1);
methods->count = 1;
methods->list[0].name = #selector(foobar:);
methods->list[0].types = "v:#";
object_setInstanceVariable(proto, "instance_methods", &methods);
class_addProtocol([self class], proto);
NSLog(#"%d %s", [self conformsToProtocol:proto], protocol_getName(objc_getProtocol("mySuperDuperProtocol")));
The first NSLog parameter is 1, and isn't when the line adding the protocol to the class is commented out, meaning the protocol is somehow registered with the class. On the other hand, it does not get returned by objc_getProtocol (the second thing logged is nil).