I have a sparse matrix A, and need to solve the system (AtA)X = B. Right now I'm multiplying At by A and using AtA to solve the system. Is there a faster alternative (like passing A to UMFPACK and have it find the factorization quicker)?
A is rectangular by the way.
I'm writing a program to do the Newton Raphson Method for n variable (System of equation) using Datagridview. My problem is to determine the inverse for Jacobian Matrix. I've search in internet to find a solution but a real couldn't get it until now so if someone can help me I will real appreciate. Thanks in advance.
If you are asking for a recommendation of a library, that is explicitly off topic in Stack Overflow. However below I mention some algorithms that are commonly used; this may help you to find, or write, what you need. I would, though, not recommend writing something, unless you really want to, as it can be tricky to get these algorithms right. If you do decide to write something I'd recommend the QR method, as the easiest to write, though the theory is a little subtle.
First off do you really need to compute the inverse? If, for example, what you need to do is to compute
x = inv(J)*y
then it's faster and more accurate to treat this problem as
solve J*x = y for x
The methods below all factor J into other matrices, for which this solution can be done. A good package that implements the factorisation will also have the code to perform the solution.
If you do really really need the inverse often the best way is to solve, one column at a time
J*K = I for K, where I is the identity matrix
LU decomposition
This may well be the fastest of the algorithms described here but is also the least accurate. An important point is that the algorithm must include (partial) pivoting, or it will not work on all invertible matrices, for example it will fail on a rotation through 90 degrees.
What you get is a factorisation of J into:
J = P*L*U
where P is a permutation matrix,
L lower triangular,
U upper triangular
So having factorised, to solve for x we do three steps, each straightforward, and each can be done in place (ie all the x's can be the same variable)
Solve P*x1 = y for x1
Solve L*x2 = x1 for x2
Solve U*x = x2 for x
QR decomposition
This may be somewhat slower than LU but is more accurate. Conceptually this factorises J into
J = Q*R
Where Q is orthogonal and R upper triangular. However as it is usually implemented you in fact pass y as well as J to the routine, and it returns R (in J) and Q'*y (in the passed y), so to solve for x you just need to solve
R*x = y
which, given that R is upper triangular, is easy.
SVD (Singular value decomposition)
This is the most accurate, but also the slowest. Moreover unlike the others you can make progress even if J is singular (you can compute the 'generalised inverse' applied to y).
I recommend reading up on this, but advise against implementing it yourself.
Briefly you factorise J as
J = U*S*V'
where U and V are orthogonal and S diagonal.
There are, of course, many other ways of solving this problem. For example if your matrices are very large (dimension in the thousands) an it may, particularly if they are sparse (lots of zeroes), be faster to use an iterative method.
When we need to optimize a function on the positive real half-line, and we only have non-constraints optimization routines, we use y = exp(x), or y = x^2 to map to the real line and still optimize on the log or the (signed) square root of the variable.
Can we do something similar for linear constraints, of the form Ax = b where, for x a d-dimensional vector, A is a (N,n)-shaped matrix and b is a vector of length N, defining the constraints ?
While, as Ervin Kalvelaglan says this is not always a good idea, here is one way to do it.
Suppose we take the SVD of A, getting
A = U*S*V'
where if A is n x m
U is nxn orthogonal,
S is nxm, zero off the main diagonal,
V is mxm orthogonal
Computing the SVD is not a trivial computation.
We first zero out the elements of S which we think are non-zero just due to noise -- which can be a slightly delicate thing to do.
Then we can find one solution x~ to
A*x = b
x~ = V*pinv(S)*U'*b
(where pinv(S) is the pseudo inverse of S, ie replace the non zero elements of the diagonal by their multiplicative inverses)
Note that x~ is a least squares solution to the constraints, so we need to check that it is close enough to being a real solution, ie that Ax~ is close enough to b -- another somewhat delicate thing. If x~ doesn't satisfy the constraints closely enough you should give up: if the constraints have no solution neither does the optimisation.
Any other solution to the constraints can be written
x = x~ + sum c[i]*V[i]
where the V[i] are the columns of V corresponding to entries of S that are (now) zero. Here the c[i] are arbitrary constants. So we can change variables to using the c[] in the optimisation, and the constraints will be automatically satisfied. However this change of variables could be somewhat irksome!
I have n (around 5 million) sets of specific (k,m,v,z)* parameters that describe some linear relationships. I want to find the optimal positive a,b and c coefficients that minimize the addition of their absolute values as shown below:
I know beforehand the range for each a, b and c and so, I could use it to make things a bit faster. However, I do not know how to properly implement this problem to best take advantage of Numpy (or Scipy/etc).
I was thinking of iteratively making checks using different a, b and c coefficients (based on a step) and in the end keeping the combination that would provide the minimum sum. But properly implementing this in Numpy is another thing.
(k,m,v are either 0 or positive and are in fact k,m,v,i,j,p)
(z can be negative too)
Any tips are welcome!
Either I am missing something, or a == b == c == 0 is optimal. So, a positive solution for (a,b,c) does not exist in general. You can verify this explicitly by posing the minimization problem as a quantile regression of 0 on (k, m, v) with the quantile set to 0.5.
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.regression.quantile_regression import QuantReg
x = np.random.rand(1000, 3)
a, b, c = QuantReg(np.zeros(x.shape[0]), x).fit(0.5).params
assert np.allclose([a, b, c], 0)
I have two large square sparse matrices, A & B, and need to compute the following: A * B^-1 in the most efficient way. I have a feeling that the answer involves using scipy.sparse, but can't for the life of me figure it out.
After extensive searching, I have run across the following thread: Efficient numpy / lapack routine for product of inverse and sparse matrix? but can't figure out what the most efficient way would be.
Someone suggested using LU decomposition which is built into the sparse module of scipy, but when I try and do LU on sample matrix is says the result is singular (although when I just do a * B^-1 i get an answer). I have also heard someone suggest using linalg.spsolve(), but i can't figure out how to implement this as it requires a vector as the second argument.
If it helps, once I have the solution s.t. A * B^-1 = C, i only need to know the value for one row of the matrix C. The matrices will be roughly 1000x1000 to 1500x1500.
Actually 1000x1000 matrices are not that large. You can compute the inverse of such a matrix using numpy.linalg.inv(B) in less than 1 second on a modern desktop computer.
But you can be much more efficient if you rewrite your problem taking into account the fact that you only need one row of C (this is actually very often the case).
Let us write d_i = [0 0 0 ... 0 1 0 ... 0 ], a vector with only one one on the i-th element.
You can write, if ^t denotes the transpose :
AB^-1 = C <=> A = CB <=> A^t = B^t C^t
For the i-th row :
A^t d_i = B^t C^t d_i <=> a_i = B^t c_i
So you have a linear inverse problem which can be solved using numpy.linalg.solve
ci = np.linalg.solve(B.T, a[i])
I am computing a similarity matrix based on Euclidean distance in MATLAB. My code is as follows:
for i=1:N % M,N is the size of the matrix x for whose elements I am computing similarity matrix
for j=1:N
D(i,j) = sqrt(sum(x(:,i)-x(:,j)).^2)); % D is the similarity matrix
Can any help with optimizing this = reducing the for loops as my matrix x is of dimension 256x30000.
Thanks a lot!
The function to do so in matlab is called pdist. Unfortunately it is painfully slow and doesnt take Matlabs vectorization abilities into account.
The following is code I wrote for a project. Let me know what kind of speed up you get.
Note though that this will only work if your data points are in the rows and your dimensions the columns. So for example lets say I have 256 data points and 100000 dimensions then on my mac using x=rand(256,100000) and the above code produces a 256x256 matrix in about half a second.
There's probably a better way to do it, but the first thing I noticed was that you could cut the runtime in half by exploiting the symmetry D(i,j)==D(i,j)
You can also use the function norm(x(:,i)-x(:,j),2)
I think this is what you're looking for.
jIndx=repmat(1:N,N,1);iIndx=jIndx'; %'# fix SO's syntax highlighting
Here, I have assumed that the distance vector, x is initalized as an NxM array, where M is the number of dimensions of the system and N is the number of points. So if your ordering is different, you'll have to make changes accordingly.
To start with, you are computing twice as much as you need to here, because D will be symmetric. You don't need to calculate the (i,j) entry and the (j,i) entry separately. Change your inner loop to for j=1:i, and add in the body of that loop D(j,i)=D(i,j);
After that, there's really not much redundancy left in what that code does, so your only room left for improvement is to parallelize it: if you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox, convert your outer loop to a parfor and before you run it, say matlabpool(n), where n is the number of threads to use.