Is it possible to make `#SQLDelete` take the `hibernate.default_schema` parameter into account? - sql

In a webapp, I use Hibernate's #SQLDelete annotation in order to "soft-delete" entities (i.e. set a status column to a value that denotes their "deleted" status instead of actually deleting them from the table).
The entity code looks like this :
#SQLDelete(sql="update pizza set status = 2 where id = ?")
public class Pizza { ... }
Now, my problem is that the web application doesn't use the owner of the schema to which the tables belong to connect to the DB. E.g. the schema (in Oracle) is called pizza, and the db user the webapp uses to connect is pizza_webapp. This is for security reasons. The pizza_webapp user only has select/update/delete rights, it can't modify the structure of the DB itself. I don't have any choice here, it is a policy that I can't change.
I specify the name of the schema where the tables actually are with the hibernate-default_schema parameter in hibernate config :
<property name="hibernate.default_schema">pizza</property>
This works fine for everything that goes through mapped entities, Hibernate knows how to add the schema name in front of the table name in the SQL it generates. But not for raw SQL, and the #SQLDelete contains raw SQL. This is executed 'as is' and results in a "table or view not found error".
So far we worked around the issue by adding synonyms to the pizza_webapp schema, pointing to the pizza schema. It works, but it is not fun to maintain across multiple DBs when entities are added.
So, is it possible to make #SQLDelete take the hibernate.default_schema parameter into account ?
(NB: Obviously I don't want to hard-code the schema name in the SQL either...)

Yes, it is possible:
#SQLDelete(sql="update {h-schema}pizza set status = 2 where id = ?")

I could not find any Hibernate solution to this problem. However I found a work-around based on an Oracle feature. I do this in to my session before using it :
//set the default schema at DB session level for raw SQL queries (see #SQLDelete)
HibernateUtil.currentSession().doWork(new Work() {
public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
connection.createStatement().execute("ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA="+HibernateUtil.getDefaultSchema());
I works fine, but unfortunately only on Oracle (which is fine for us for now at least). Maybe there are different ways to achieve the same thing on other RDBMS as well ?
Edit: the the getDefaultSchema() method in my HibernateUtil class does this to get the default schema from Hibernate's config :
defaultSchema = config.getProperty("hibernate.default_schema");
where config is my org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration object.


Entity Framework 6: Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0)

I am hoping someone can help me identify the cause of the following error when doing on update in Entity Framework.
Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries.
From what I have read, it means that data has changed between the fetch and save, however this is not the case in my situation. (Single developer running the application locally. I also have viewed the data in the database before I attempt to save, and it is the exact same as when I did the fetch. Also able to reproduce this on command.)
I am not sure if this is relevant, but it seems to be the only factor that is different than other entities that are working. I have an entity that represents a table with a composite key. The value that I am updating is one of the values that makes up the composite key. There is only one record in the table at the moment, so I know there is no primary key violation stuff going on.
Does anyone know what steps I can take to find out what the actual problem is?
If you have instead of trigger on table you are inserting to, it causes this error. You have to rewrite trigger to after insert trigger, or at the end of trigger select new generated id. Maybe for update there is similar problem. Look at query entity framework generates - it can help you to see what's going on.
To see generated queries set logging:
public class CustomContext : DbContext
public CustomContext()
: base("name=CustomString")
// configure writing queries to console
Database.Log = Console.Write;
// other context stuf ...
Or use some profiler (for sql server express you can use
The problem resides in the fact that you call the method _dataContext.SaveChanges();, but nothing changed in the data. To avoid this error try this:
public void EditCustomer(Customer customer)
var entry = _dataContext.Entry(customer);
if(entry.Property(e => e.DeviceId).CurrentValue != entry.Property(e => e.DeviceId).OriginalValue)
entry.Property(e => e.DeviceId).IsModified = true;
if(entry.Property(e => e.Name).CurrentValue != entry.Property(e => e.Name).OriginalValue)
entry.Property(e => e.Name).IsModified = true;
if(entry.Property(e => e.DeviceId).IsModified || entry.Property(e => e.Name).IsModified)
I hope this helps you.
I've encountered with such error message, my environment is as follows, SQL server 2016 along with ef6 database first and the issue was that the database developer did not define an identity seed column in the Id column of the table I'm inserting data into, and of course the issue solved when I updated the table design, so I'm sharing this experience in case if anyone got the same issue.
If by any chance, we have the same problem when trying to update record using Attach() and then SaveChanges() combination? This may help...
I am using SQLite DB and its EF provider (the same code works in SQLServer DB without problem).
I found out, when your DB column has GUID (or UniqueIdentity) in SQLite and your model is nvarchar, SQLIte EF treats it as Binary(i.e., byte[]) by default. So when SQLite EF provider tries to convert GUID into the model (string in my case) it will fail as it will convert to byte[]. The fix is to tell the SQLite EF to treat GUID as TEXT (and therefore conversion is into strings, not byte[]) by defining "BinaryGUID=false;" in the connectionstring (or metadata, if you're using database first) like so:
<add name="Entities" connectionString="metadata=res://savetyping...=System.Data.SQLite.EF6;provider connection string="data source=C:\...\db.sqlite3;Version=3;BinaryGUID=false;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Link to the solution that worked for me:
How does the SQLite Entity Framework 6 provider handle Guids?

Nhibernate QueryOver don't get latest database changes

I am trying get a record updated from database with QueryOver.
My code initially creates an entity and saves in database, then the same record is updated on database externally( from other program, manually or the same program running in other machine), and when I call queryOver filtering by the field changed, the query gets the record but without latest changes.
This is my code:
//create the entity and save in database
MyEntity myEntity = CreateDummyEntity();
myEntity.Name = "new_name";
// now the entity is updated externally changing the name property with the
// "modified_name" value (for example manually in TOAD, SQL Server,etc..)
//get the entity with QueryOver
var result = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
The previous statement gets a collection with only one record(good), BUT with the name property established with the old value instead of "modified_name".
How I can fix this behaviour? First Level cache is disturbing me? The same problem occurs with
The session in my NhibernateHelper is not being closed in any moment due application framework requirements, only are created transactions for each commit associated to a session.Save().
If I open a new session to execute the query evidently I get the latest changes from database, but this approach is not allowed by design requirement.
Also I have checked in the NHibernate SQL output that a select with a WHERE clause is being executed (therefore Nhibernate hits the database) but don´t updates the returned object!!!!
Here's the code in SaveEntity after to call session.Save: A call to Commit method is done
public virtual void Commit()
this.transaction = this.session.BeginTransaction();
The SQL generated by NHibernate for SaveEntity:
NHibernate: INSERT INTO MYCOMPANY.MYENTITY (NAME) VALUES (:p0);:p0 = 'new_name'.
The SQL generated by NHibernate for QueryOver:
NHibernate: SELECT this_.NAME as NAME26_0_
WHERE this_.NAME = :p0;:p0 = 'modified_name' [Type: String (0)].
Queries has been modified due to company confidential policies.
Help very appreciated.
As far as I know, you have several options :
have your Session as a IStatelessSession, by calling sessionFactory.OpenStatelesSession() instead of sessionFactory.OpenSession()
perform Session.Evict(myEntity) after persisting an entity in DB
perform Session.Clear() before your QueryOver
set the CacheMode of your Session to Ignore, Put or Refresh before your QueryOver (never tested that)
I guess the choice will depend on the usage you have of your long running sessions ( which, IMHO, seem to bring more problems than solutions )
Calling session.Save(myEntity) does not cause the changes to be persisted to the DB immediately*. These changes are persisted when session.Flush() is called either by the framework itself or by yourself. More information about flushing and when it is invoked can be found on this question and the nhibernate documentation about flushing.
Also performing a query will not cause the first level cache to be hit. This is because the first level cache only works with Get and Load, i.e. session.Get<MyEntity>(1) would hit the first level cache if MyEntity with an id of 1 had already been previously loaded, whereas session.QueryOver<MyEntity>().Where(x => == 1) would not.
Further information about NHibernate's caching functionality can be found in this post by Ayende Rahien.
In summary you have two options:
Use a transaction within the SaveEntity method, i.e.
using (var transaction = Helper.Session.BeginTransaction())
Call session.Flush() within the SaveEntity method, i.e.
The first option is the best in pretty much all scenarios.
*The only exception I know to this rule is when using Identity as the id generator type.
try changing your last query to:
var result = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
if that still doesn't work, try add this after the query:
After search and search and think and think.... I´ve found the solution.
The fix: It consist in open a new session, call QueryOver<T>() in this session and the data is succesfully refreshed. If you get child collections not initialized you can call HibernateUtil.Initialize(entity) or sets lazy="false" in your mappings. Take special care about lazy="false" in large collections, because you can get a poor performance. To fix this problem(performance problem loading large collections), set lazy="true" in your collection mappings and call the mentioned method HibernateUtil.Initialize(entity) of the affected collection to get child records from database; for example, you can get all records from a table, and if you need access to all child records of a specific entity, call HibernateUtil.Initialize(collection) only for the interested objects.
Note: as #martin ernst says, the update problem can be a bug in hibernate and my solution is only a temporal fix, and must be solved in hibernate.
People here do not want to call Session.Clear() since it is too strong.
On the other hand, Session.Evict() may seem un-applicable when the objects are not known beforehand.
Actually it is still usable.
You need to first retrieve the cached objects using the query, then call Evict() on them. And then again retrieve fresh objects calling the same query again.
This approach is slightly inefficient in case the object was not cached to begin with - since then there would be actually two "fresh" queries - but there seems to be not much to do about that shortcoming...
By the way, Evict() accepts null argument too without exceptions - this is useful in case the queried object is actually not present in the DB.
var cachedObjects = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
foreach (var obj in cachedObjects)
var freshObjects = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
I'm getting something very similar, and have tried debugging NHibernate.
In my scenario, the session creates an object with a couple children in a related collection (cascade:all), and then calls ISession.Flush().
The records are written into the DB, and the session needs to continue without closing. Meanwhile, another two child records are written into the DB and committed.
Once the original session then attempts to re-load the graph using QueryOver with JoinAlias, the SQL statement generated looks perfectly fine, and the rows are being returned correctly, however the collection that should receive these new children is found to have already been initialized within the session (as it should be), and based on that NH decides for some reason to completely ignore the respective rows.
I think NH makes an invalid assumption here that if the collection is already marked "Initialized" it does not need to be re-loaded from the query.
It would be great if someone more familiar with NHibernate internals could chime in on this.

Why does NHibernate need to know the ID of an auto ID based entity before flush is called?

With my only ORM knowledge being L2S/EF, I was surprised when the following code inserted a row into the database before I called repo.Save:
var repo = new UserRepository();
var user = new User { Name = "test" }
Repo looks like this:
public void Add(T entity)
public void Save()
After some digging, it seems NHibernate needs to make the insert happen right away in order to get the ID of the new entity (since it's using an auto increment ID). But L2S/EF doesn't work like this; I can add many entities and save them all at the end.
Question is: is there a way to achieve the same thing with NHibernate, while still using auto increment IDs, and out of interest does anyone know why it works like this?
Fabio Maulo already blogged about the usage of identity generator a few times. The answer is: use hilo, guid.comb or something like this.
NHibernate needs the identity because every entity in the session (they are called "persistent entities") needs to be identified. The identity is also normally used to determine if the record already exists in the database (unsaved value).
session.Save actually only makes a transient entity persistent. When the database is generating the id, it needs to be stored to get the id. If NH can create the id itself (eg using hilo), it could be stored next time when the session gets flushed.

NHibernate: How to get mapped values?

Suppose I have a class Customer that is mapped to the database and everything is a-ok.
Now suppose that I want to retrieve - in my application - the column name that NH knows Customer.FirstName maps to.
How would I do this?
You can access the database field name through NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration:
// cfg is NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration
// You will have to provide the complete namespace for Customer
var persistentClass = cfg.GetClassMapping(typeof(Customer));
var property = persistentClass.GetProperty("FirstName");
var columnIterator = property.ColumnIterator;
The ColumnIterator property returns IEnumerable<NHibernate.Mapping.ISelectable>. In almost all cases properties are mapped to a single column so the column name can be found using property.ColumnInterator.ElementAt(0).Text.
I'm not aware that that's doable.
I believe your best bet would be to use .xml files to do the mapping, package them together with the application and read the contents at runtime. I am not aware of an API which allows you to query hibernate annotations (pardon the Java lingo) at runtime, and that's what you would need.
Judging by Jamie's solution, NHibernate and Hibernate have different APIs, because the Hibernate org.hibernate.Hibernate class provides no way to access a "configuration" property.

NHibernate - How do I change schemas during run time?

I'm using NHibernate to connect to an ERP database on our DB2 server. We have a test schema and a production schema. Both schemas have the same table structure underneath. For testing, I would like to use the same mapping classes but point NHibernate to the test environment when needed and then back when in production. Please keep in mind that we have many production schemas and each production schema has an equivalent test schema.
I know that my XML mapping file has a schema property inside it, but since it's in XML, it's not like I can change it via a compiler directive or change the schema property based on a config file.
Any ideas?
Thank You.
No need to specify schema in the mappings: there's a SessionFactory-level setting called default_schema. However, you can't change it at runtime, as NHibernate pregenerates and/or caches SQL queries, including the schema part.
To get what I wanted, I had to use NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes.
[NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes.Class(0, Table = “MyTable”, Schema = MySchemaConfiguration.MySchema)]
In this way, I can create a class like MySchemaConfiguration and have a property inside of it like MySchema. I can either set the property's value via a compiler directive or get it through a configuration file. This way I only have to change the schema in one place and it will be reflected throughout all of the other mappings.
I have found following link that actually fixes the problem.
How to set database schema for namespace in nhibernate
The sample code could be
cfg.ClassMappings.Where(cm => cm.Table.Schema == "SchemaName")
.ForEach(cm => cm.Table.Schema = "AnotherSchemaName");
This should happen before you initialize your own data service class.
#Brian, I tried NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes, the attribute value you put inside should be a constant. So it could not be updated during run time. How could you have set the property's value using a parameter value in configuration file?
The code to fix HBM XML resources.
// This is how you get all the hbm resource names.
private static IList<string> GetAllHbmXmlResourceNames(Assembly assembly)
var result = new List<string>();
foreach (var resource in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())
if (resource.EndsWith(".hbm.xml"))
return result;
// This is how you get the stream for each resource.
// What you need to do next is to fix schema name in this stream
// Replacing schema name.
private Stream FixSchemaNameInStream(Stream stream)
StreamReader strStream = new StreamReader(stream);
string strCfg = strStream.ReadToEnd();
strCfg = strCfg.Replace(string.Format("schema=\"{0}\"" , originalSchemaName), string.Format("schema=\"{0}\"" , newSchemaName));
return new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strCfg));
Take a look at SchemaUpdate.