iphone app that takes photo or video in one view - objective-c

i am looking for some sample code/tutorial that will demonstrate taking a photo or video using one view in an iPhone app, with a toggle switch. Similar to the built-in iOS camer app.
any help is greatly appreciated!

This library includes the functionality for both photo and video taking. Also, it allows you to present a popup for the user to select photo/video.


Agora Live Stream Dual Camera

I am currently trying to produce an android app that can do live broadcasting. May I know if Agora has the functionalities to access both the rear and front camera of the broadcaster at the same time? If yes, which part of the code do we need to modify (based on Open-Live-Android)?
Agora does offer a demo that directly displays the code you are looking for, but if you can get both camera frames (which some devices may not support that), you can take a look at this demo app: https://github.com/AgoraIO/Advanced-Video/tree/dev/win-screenshare/Screensharing/Agora-Screen-Sharing-Android. In this demo app, the SDK is sending both camera view and screen share view at the same time. In order to achieve that, you need to make screen share as a standalone service. Following a similar logic, you can change the screen sharing part to one of the camera view.

How to mimic the iOS 7 camera

I am creating a camera app, hoping to have similar look as iOS 7's built-in camera app, and adding a few more custom buttons. I am following example of UIImagePickerControllerDelegate but it does not fit my purpose because I want the first screen showing the view (i.e. same as iOS' camera). The UIImagePicker requires user to press a button to bring up the camera mode. I have a feeling that I should follow AVCaptureSession but I am lost in the lengthly documentation (I'm a Rookie). Can anyone show me a high-level step, or any sample source code will be highly appreciated :)
As you already guessed, UIImagePickerController has limited functionality and may not fit your needs. For an AVCaptureSession example, take a look at these (referenced 10th Feb 2014):

How to open the camera within the size?

I want to open the camera action like below pictures. just like camera open within some area only for focusing particular area of the image.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Normal Camera View
My Expectation
If you want to use the CameraCaptureTask, you will have to deal with its possibilities. It uses the built-in camera app of the phone, and available setting are the ones in that app.
If you prefer a customized photo taking app, you should use the PhotoCamera class:
PhotoCamera Class
You will find some guidance here:
How to create a base camera app for Windows Phone

Open the iPhone camera?

We need to open the iPhone camera, to take images that will be saved to the camera roll.
I have read many examples here that all of them opens the UIImagePickerView.
Besides the fact that i cant understand why i have to open the picker view in order to open the camera , i just can't do that- i dont want the picker view, because i have my costumed photo album that we build, and we just need to have a little button in it, that opens the camera to take an image . without opening any other views above it .
Is that possible to use the camera without this pickerview that will cover my scene ?
or can i lead the user to the camera app and than take him back to my app ?
Instead of high level (i.e. Apple supplies the UI element) classes, you have to go to a more foundational (lower) level of API's, which would be AVCaptureDevice and AVCaptureDeviceInput.
And Apple has some nice source code available in their AVCam project.
If you want to display camera stream in you app without UIImagePickerController than you should you AVFoundation framework.
Here some some examples and tutorials:
take-photos-with AVFoundation
Custom camera
Displaying camera

Transition between multiple views

In my app I want to show multiple views one after another to show multiple values when the user slides his finger on the screen, just like photo album. I want the same animation. Can anyone explain how I can achieve this?
You can store the images in an array... By using the UISwipeGestureRecognizer you can able to do the photo album.... if you have any doubt communicate with me...
I suggest looking at one of the WWDC 2010 sessions, I believe it was called "Designing apps with scroll views", it basically builds the exact thing your looking for with UIScrollViews. Take a look at the video and the sample code - https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2010/?id=104 and the sample code should be here http://connect.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MemberSite.woa/wa/getSoftware?code=y&source=x&bundleID=20645
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