Using Claim-Based Authorization -

The new ASP.NET 4.5 code has "re-parented" the ASP.NET RoleProvider to a ClaimsProvider.
What I'm trying to figure out, is what would a "claims based" example of authorization look like (preferably in MVC4)? How does my Authorize attribute interact, or not, with this capability? The WebSecurity and Roles API havn't changed; there is no "DoesUserHaveClaim()" signature. Similarly, it is not clear how the Authorize attribute interacts with claims.
Was this "claims authorization" feature intended primarily for OAuth? If so, how are claims forwarded to my application? A cookie? Or was this claims-provider functionality intended for a broader use?
In short, what is the story for using a ClaimsPrincipal?
The closest thing I've seen to something that kinda makes sense, is this discussion. But I suspect that is dated - it should be compared to what the MVC4 internet project template produces. And even then, it still did not suggest how to use the Authorize attribute with the setup.
I've found the answers to my questions from these sources:
The remarks section of ClaimsPrincipal explains that WebSecurity, Roles, and AuthorizeAttribute APIs do in fact boil-down to claims checks as necessary.
A claims-based MVC4 example is here (along with others).
The basic SAML story is shown here.

Claims-based security helps decouple your security model from your application domain. A claim can be anything you want to attach to the identity of the user, such as an email, phone number, or flag indicating whether the user is a super user. This gives you the ultimate flexibility on how you want to setup your authorization process. Historically in an ASP.NET application you have to determine what roles you want to allow and apply them when programming your application. Then you check if the user is in the role to authorize them. This mingles your security model with your application. In claims-based you have much more flexibility and it is more typical to setup an authorization scheme that takes a resource (ex: Orders in an order management system) and an operation (ex: read, write, execute) as input parameters to your authorization process, effectively decoupling security from your application. See ClaimsPrincipalPermissionAttribute for an example of this technique.
Claims-based security is required with OAuth but it works well with other authorization schemes as well. The custom claims you use in your application are accessible from ClaimsPrincipal.Current. There are techniques to store this information in cookies as well, although the ASP.NET security pipeline does not do this by default.
The discussion you reference is for Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) which is now part of .NET in 4.5 and is why claims-based identity is a first class citizen. All of the Principal types inherit from ClaimsPrincipal. For a good overview of claims-based security look at this free ebook "A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control (2nd Edition)". A real expert in this area is Dominick Baier and his blog is chocked full of useful information on this topic. He also has a great online training course on Pluralsight called "Identity & Access Control in ASP.NET 4.5".


What is the best way to implement different User Roles/Permissions depending on "Project"?

Our current API leverages ASP.Net Identity and Policy Based permissions for Authorization. It uses User Roles as claims for this. These claims are intercepted by a ClaimsTransformer class and the user permissions are read from a database containing the user mappings (cached). This all works fine.
The problem I'm having is with the API's scope expanding to include different "Projects", such that for instance, a User can be a Creator in one project but a Consumer in another. Is there a way to reconcile these requirements with .NET Core's Role/Policy based Authorization? Or is the best approach here to query the Database for these permissions upon each request?
Authorization is hard and a good starting point is to watch this video:
Implementing authorization in web applications and APIs.
Then using the policies and requirements is how I would approach this and this resource is a good reference:
Custom authorisation policies and requirements in ASP.NET Core
The picture below shows how the concept of requirements work in ASP.Net Core where you can define a requirement and then have one or many handlers independently "vote" if the user is approved or not.

custom authorization design in core 2

Forgive me if there's already been a very similar post to this - I searched and did find "related" threads, but none that hit home, or it was targeting a different version of or core. I just need some advice and pointing in the right direction.
My healthcare organization already has/uses a few OLTP systems for capturing patient data. I'm developing an Intranet that will consume the data from the various systems and present summaries/aggregations of that data for stakeholders. I'm developing the Intranet with ASP.Net Core MVC 2.0.
Being that the data is patient healthcare information, both Authentication AND Authorization are extremely critical.
For the intranet Auth, there's no point in reinventing the wheel - don't want to create the Auth layer from scratch. The existing OLTP systems already have very robust Auth layers, with detailed User Info, Roles and Profiles. Through Data Integration, I can get that User Auth data form the existing systems, store it in SQL Server tables, and then leverage it in the Intranet.
The question is, what's the best approach to accomplish that in a concrete manner.
Again, I already have all the necessary roles and profiles, I just need to be able to reference them in MVC to be able to:
Accurately authenticate users.
Would this be best accomplished using EF in an AccountController?
Appropriately conduct Authorization (show/hide/prevent menu options, access links, pages, etc.).
Would it be possible, or is it bad practice, to map the existing user roles and profiles to Claims in MVC via a proprietary sql server bridge table?
Again, please know that I'm using ASP.Net Core 2.0... so please don't provide any example code snippets in 1.0. (The Auth architecture drastically changed between 1.x and 2).
Thank you all for your consideration and time.

Associating clients with users

I'm attempting to build an ASP.NET Core API with authentication/authorization handled by IdentityServer4. IdentityServer4 is being backed by both Identity and Entity Framework Core. My goal is a fairly standard and familiar set up, where users can login into a API developer portal where they can add "applications" (clients) and have a client id and client secret generated that they can then use to access the API, similar to how Facebook, Google, etc. handle API access.
My mental block is coming with the way IdentityServer handles Entity Framework integration. Their entities are attached to two different contexts, ConfigurationDbContext and PersistedGrantDbContext. I'm at a loss for a good way to associate one or more Client entities from IdentityServer4.EntityFramework with one or more ApplicationUser entities from my Identity context.
This seems like it would be a fairly common usage scenario, but the documentation is strangely silent on it. I've also been unable to find anything online after various and sundry searches. I'm hoping someone else has needed this same setup and can give me some advice on how to proceed.
There is no association between users and clients. IdentityServer authenticates users regardless of which client they are trying to access.
If you want to implement something like "which user is allowed to use which client" semantics, that is beyond authentication. This is typically implemented in the application itself since this is application specific logic.

Why Claim based authentication instead of role based authentication

I am new to claim based authentication. I have gone throught several aricles and could not able to figure out the exact use of claim based authentication. Here are some doubts I have about claim based authentication.
I would like to know what is the difference and advantages of claim based over role based authentication.
Can we connect to Sql Server 2008 R2 using claim based authentication instead of ADFS? If, so how?
Advantage of using claim based authentication in WCF?
Can anyone provide me with some explanations, so that I can understand Claim based authentication and use with my application?
In addition - claims have nothing to do with authentication.
There is no such thing as claims- or role-based authentication. It is about modeling identity in a way your application can work with.
Roles are also claims (with a fixed true/false value) - claims just give you more expressiveness with key/value pairs.
Ultimately the main benefits to using claims include:
providing a consistent programming model for your services - you
don't need to know how to implement a particular security mechanism,
one site might use username and password
authentication/authorisation, another Active Directory. You services
don't care either way because all you are doing is processing the
claims in all instances.
You don't need to concern your self with the security
implementation. This is done by a third party.
you can customise claims to suit your domain, and treat them as an
extension to your authorisation logic - standard security properties
usually only provide you only with basic information such as roles.
You can of course extend this but then your doing much more work and
is often difficult to implement (eg. extending AD is often not so much a technical challenge but a policy constraint - admins are reluctant to modify the AD schema to accomodate a specifioc application).
Interopable - because the claims [format] are based on standards they become much more interopable between services of different languages and domains as the underlying technology for the security is abstracted.
If you are creating new .NET 4.5 WCF Services you can already start using claims as the namespace is backwards compatible with earlier security implementations, so even if you did decide claims wasn't for you now, you would be in a better position to upgrade later.
There is much more to claims than I can write here and I'm sure there will be others with additionbal reasons why considering claims might be a good thing.
Hope this helps.

What's the purpose of claims-based authorization?

I've been reading about Azure's Access Control Service and claims-based authorization in general for a while now, and for whatever reason, I still don't see the rationale behind moving from role/permission-based authorization to a claims-based model. The models seem similar to me (and they probably are), except that the list of what the client can and can't do comes from a third party and is wrapped up in some sort of token, instead of from some sort of database that the server has to query. What's the advantage of getting a third party (the token issuer) involved?
I fully understand the advantages of outsourcing authentication to a third party. It allows apps to not have to create new users all the time, worry about storing passwords, etc. when they can just push that off to some other service that already has the infrastructure set up. It's essentially the DRY principle for authentication.
However, in my mind, that same logic doesn't work for authorization. Each app has its own resources it has to protect, and therefore its own rules for authorizing users to perform certain actions. The infrastructure seems simple enough that each app could create it on its own (a table mapping users to roles, and possibly another mapping roles to permissions), and even if you wanted to outsource it, it seems that the claims-based model is doing something more complicated than that.
The only partial explanation I've seen comes from Building a Claims-Based Security Model in WCF, and it gives two main advantages to claims-based auth: more flexibility, and someone to "vouch" that the information in a claim is correct. When would you need either of those?
Claims-based authorization seems to be gaining popularity, so I assume there must be some good rationale for it; I just haven't figured out what that is yet. Can someone please provide a concrete example of a situation where claims-based auth works better than role-based, and why it works better in that case?
(EDIT: I missed a third benefit listed in the article: supporting single sign-on/federation. But doesn't authentication deal with that on its own without getting authorization involved?)
I guess the main promise of a benefit from federated security / claims-based system would be one fewer area you have to deal with different systems.
Imagine a site where you have local users authenticating with Windows credentials, a bunch of internet users using username/password, others using certificates, and maybe another group of users with biometric authentication.
In today's system, you have to set up and deal with all different kinds of authentication schemes and their different ways of doing things. That can get pretty messy.
The promise of a federated security solution would be to handle all those chores for you - the STS (security token server) would handle all different kinds of authentication systems for you, and present to you a uniform and trusted set of claims about a caller - no matter from where and on which path he's arriving at your site.
Of course, just examining and reacting to a single set of claims rather than having to understand four, five, ten different and disparate authentication systems looks like a really compelling promise to me!
The purpose of claims based authorization is to allow fine grained access control based on Boolean expressions that evaluate characteristics of the accessing entity and the resource. This reduces or eliminates the need to provision groups. As with federated identity, claims also provide a vehicle for an Identity provider to manage their users wile allowing a resource provider to gate users access to assets.
Note: Claims can be used within a single enterprise and provide the following benefits:
1) Access grants and revocations do not require provisioning or de-provisioning
2) Thus changes are instantaneous
3) Resource owners can define the scope and requirements for access rather than having admins create groups manage group memberships - this moves the access control decisions into the hands of the folks best suited to make such decisions (the data owner)
4) This results in fewer groups being required and fewer member in the groups
5) There can be issues creating a single group to accommodate a large community having access (for
example all full time employees can read a HR policy) - Claims avoids this problem
6) Audit is more informative - the reason a grant or deny took place is clearly visible
7) Claims support dynamic attributes, such as 2-factor authentication, time of day, or network restrictions
There are a lot more reasons, but those ones come to mind. There will shortly be a video at that showcases this (disclaimer - I work there and recorded the video - I still need to post it) Also, for reference, claims aware apps and platforms include SharePoint 2010 on, Windows 2012 (file shares), Azure, many SaaS services (Facebook and Salesforce)
Also, with claims you can blend information from multiple sources (say Facebook and your local AD) etc. - which is increasingly important
Not sure if the rules allow this, but feel free to ping me with your questions or comments. I'll happily edit the post to make any corrections or add pertinent info.
Claims can come from AD, databases tables, SAML, OAuth, algorithms, XACML or any other trusted provider. Harnessing claims requires a bit of kit - with apps and platforms evolving rapidly in this space.
All the Best,
Claims-based access control also helps build up attribute-based access control and policy-based access control. If you standardize on a set of pre-agreed claims that can be assigned to users based on their other attributes (e.g. a US manager can have claim U_M; a European manager can have claim E_M).
In an attribute-based and policy-based environment, it's possible to achieve fine-grained authorization (also known as fine-grained entitlements) using XACML.
In this case, you can have authorization that depends on who the user is (claims) but also what they want to do (resource information) and under which circumstances (context).
CBAC with XACML will let you express rules like:
managers can edit notes they created themselves or notes that their
direct reports created.
Role based security is a limited security model
Authorization is:
Based on role membership only
Claims based security is much more flexible and expressive
Authorisation can be:
Based on role membership
Based on Age
Based on Geographic Location
Based on an account balance
Based on a size
Based on pre-defined securtiy levels
Based on any combination of the above