How do Media Views work in cakephp? - file-io

I have arranged a file upload to happen on my application relative address: webroot/files
Now I need to force download on the uploaded files. After some googling and trying like most of the suggestions from this post I figured out the correct way to do this is using cakephps Media Views
What I have:
Main site with a table of records. Model -> Record; Table -> records;
These records have a primary key record_id.
In my database I have a Table -> files; Model -> File;
These files have a foreign key record_id and a field 'url' with the relative path to it's location.
After creating a record with files, the files are correctly uploaded to the folder, which relative address is e.g. webroot/files/record_name/file and the tables in database are correctly updated.
What I want to do:
After doubleclicking on one table row open a modal dialog with the information about the record. (done)
In this modal dialog I want to display links that will force download on these files.
I tried many variations of this:
//the retrieving of data after debug looks fine//
$files = $this->File->find('list', array(
'fields' => array('File.Name', 'File.Url');
//actual display of url
foreach($files as $file_name => $file_url) {
echo $this->Html->link($file_name, $file_url);
The resulting link looks exactly the way James Revillini presented
This is my actual question
Since that issue was not entirely solved, I thought it would be helpful not only for me, but for anybody who's searching for a quick solution for this problem to see a quick demonstration of how Media-views work. I have no idea where to move after making a dynamic download function:
public function download($name, $path) {
$this->viewClass = 'Media';
$params = array(
'id' => $name,
'name' => $name,
'download' => true,
'path' => $path

Point the link in the modal dialog for the resource to the download() function.
Pass the to that function. In it find the file and auto-render it.
It should work.


Prestashop How to export multiple invoice selected orders in a single pdf

How can I add an option to the "Bulk actions" button that allows exporting of all the selected orders invoice in a single pdf?
The option of exporting the invoices does not work for me, since I have to filter it by customer group and I cannot go one by one either.
Attachment capture
You need to override (or modify) AdminOrdersController, look at this file and how it's done for order state update, you have an array of bulk actions:
$this->bulk_actions = array(
'updateOrderStatus' => array('text' => $this->l('Change Order Status'), 'icon' => 'icon-refresh')
if you add something to this array, it will be available from this drop-down menu, a key is an action name for it, if you want to process order status change you need to use this code (for example in postProcess method), submitBulk is a standard prefix for all those actions. submitBulkYOUR_ARRAY_KEY, little snippet:
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitBulkupdateOrderStatus'.$this->table)) {
// your code
I hope this helps you understand how does it work. If you have more questions let me know.
If you want to understand how to generate multiple PDF at once, look at the AdminPdfController, you can look at this file from 1.6 version of PrestaShop

Prestashop 1.6 Create Module to Display Carrier Filter

My Prestashop-based site is currently having an override for AdminOrdersController.php, I have placed it in override folder.
From the link provided below, it is perfectly working fine to add a Carrier filter which is not available in Prestashop 1.6 now. I have tried the solution and it is working perfectly.
Reference: Adding carrier filter in Orders page.
Unfortunately, for production site, I have no access to core files and unable to implement as such. Thus, I will need to create a custom module. Do take note that I already have an override in place for AdminOrdersController.php. I would like to tap on this override and insert the filter.
I have managed to create a module and tried placing an override (with the code provided in the URL) in mymodule/override/controller/admin/AdminOrdersController.php with the carrier filter feature.
There has been no changes/effect, I am baffled. Do I need to generate or copy any .tpl file?
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
While the answer in the linked question works fine the same thing can be achieved with a module alone (no overrides needed).
Admin controllers have a hook for list fields modifications. There are two with the same name however they have different data in their params array.
actionControllernameListingFieldsModifier executes before a filter is applied to list.
actionControllernameListingFieldsModifier executes before data is pulled from DB and list is rendered.
So you can add fields to existing controller list definition like this in your module file:
public function hookActionAdminOrdersListingFieldsModifier($params) {
if (isset($params['select'])) {
$params['select'] .= ',';
$params['join'] .= ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'carrier` cr ON (cr.`id_carrier` = a.`id_carrier`)';
$params['fields']['carrier'] = array(
'title' => $this->l('Carrier'),
'align' => 'text-center',
'filter_key' => 'cr!name'
Because array data is being passed into $params array by reference you can modify them in your hook and changes persist back to controller. This will append carrier column at the end of list.
It is prestashop best practice to try and solve problems through module hooks and only if there is really no way to do it with hooks, then do it with overrides.
Did you delete /cache/class_index.php ? You have to if you want your override to take effect.
If it still does not work, maybe you can process with the hook called in the AdminOrderControllers method with your new module.

using yii rest api with default URL GET format rather than PATH format

I have a problem with a yii rest api. I configured it to work following the tutorial on the yii framework page, but after that i realised that my api works BUT NOT some big PORTIONS of my PAGE since it is based on the GET URL format rather than PATH which is required by the rest api.
So in my config/main.php i have the following setting
'urlManager' => array (
'urlFormat' => 'path',
'rules' => array (
'student/<id:\d+>/<title:.*?>' => 'student/view',
'students/<tag:.*?>' => 'student/index',
array (
'pattern' => 'api/<model:\w+>',
'verb' => 'POST'
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>'
I also have a controller named ApiStudentController with a method called actionRegister().
So as already stated the api works normally but my page does not since i set the urlFormat to be 'path'.
The question is... how can i use the rest api but without the PATH url format and rather the default get url format (index.php?r=apistudent/register)?
I too faced the same problem in yii 1.x. I just need my API controller alone in old GET format rather than in PATH format (as i changed my websites URLs in PATH format). Finally i got it worked with a small hack in script file
$app = Yii::createWebApplication($env->configWeb); //store the app
//Change the UrlFormat for urlManager to get if a get request is given instead of a path format one.
if (isset($_GET['r'])) {
$app->run(); //run the app
I dont know whether this solves your problem. But this can give you an idea. Happy Coding!

How to create a smarty variable in prestashop 1.5

I am working on a button that switches view with onClick. I wish to store the last/default position in a variable in order to prevent switching to the default view state on each page refresh or navigation.
I read that I can do the following in a php file:
$myVar= -1;
$smarty->assign('myVar', $myVar);
and then use $myVar in the tpl file. But it does not work for me.
The tpl file I am working on is not part of a module and has no .php file in the prestashop root folder.
Can anyone educate me a little on smarty/php and how to create variables and use them to store button's state?
Smarty is a PHP template engine for PHP, which facilitates the separation of presentation (XHTML/CSS) from the PrestaShop's core functions/controllers.
A template file (usually with a .tpl extension in PrestaShop) is always called by a PHP controller file (it can be a Front-end core controller or a module controller).
Example: /prestashop/controllers/front/ContactController.php
'contacts' => Contact::getContacts($this->context->language->id),
'message' => html_entity_decode(Tools::getValue('message'))
We can see that this file is retrieving information from the database and assigning it to Smarty.
Then, the 'contact-form.tpl' template will display it to the visitors.
The syntax is pretty similar for modules,
public function hookLeftColumn($params)
$this->smarty->assign('blocklink_links', $this->getLinks());
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocklink.tpl');
Also, to store values in Smarty variables, you can use the 'assign' function in two ways:
$this->context->smarty->assign('my_smarty_variable_name', $my_value);
or if you have several variables:
$this->context->smarty->assign(array('my_smarty_variable_name1' => $my_value1), ('my_smarty_variable_name2' => $my_value2));
And then in the Smarty template:
The value of my variable is {$my_smarty_variable_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}.
The 'escape' modifier is used to avoid XSS security issues.
In order to use variables in your smarty file, you need to use for example :
'myVar' => $myvar,
'otherVar' => $otherVar
Then to use it in your tpl file you simply need to use :
<div>my var = {$myVar}</div>
To use a variable in your smarty you need to write it inside {}.

Generating PDF Symfony2 IoTcpdfBundle

I'm generating pdf file with IoTcpdfBundle using Symfony2, but there's a strange behaviour that I don't understand.
When I'm on the controller, I generate the pdf file like this:
$html = $this->renderView('MyBundle:Docs:solicituddevacaciones.pdf.twig', array());
return $this->get('io_tcpdf')->quick_pdf($html);
Those lines generate the pdf file. Everything's fine, I can right click on the file to save it and it's a .pdf file.
But when I receive some data using a form, and I put the lines inside the:
if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
$year = $this->get('request')->request->get('year');
$date= $this->get('request')->request->get('date');
$html = $this->renderView('SoflaSoflaBundle:Documentales:solicituddevacaciones.pdf.twig', array());
return $this->get('io_tcpdf')->quick_pdf($html);
When I right click on the file to save it, it's not a .pdf file, the browser suggests that I should save the file as a .htm
Why is this happening? I need users to be able to save the files as .pdf files.
Need help with this please.
I had some similar problems and found out that the bundle might be outdated by now. I had to change some of the settings, most importantly adding another header to quick_pdf function of Tcpdf class in 'Helper' folder of the bundle:
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="'.$file.'"');
Now it's working like a charm, calling it in the controller like:
$html = $this->renderView('Bundle:Item:print.pdf.twig', array(
'some' => $this->value,
return $this->get('io_tcpdf')->quick_pdf($html, "yourFileName.pdf");
Try to save the html (or better yet, left click instead of right click) and check the contents of that file. You probably have an error in ther somewhere, and that html file is the one generated by symfony to explain the error.