Custom NSMenu design - objective-c

Tough question. I'm looking for examples to create a custom NSMenuItem design. I want to achieve something like Are there any examples out there that could put me in the right direction? Or at least a tutorial?

Apple has a section of their menu programming guide dedicated to this, and the related sample code provides a full working implementation of a custom menu view.

Drag a Custom View into your xib. Right click first Menu item and drag from the view property to the Custom View.


How do you create NSMenuItem similar to Dropbox's menu dropdown?

Dropbox has a wonderful new dropdown view for their menubar app. I have failed to find similiar cocoa examples to duplicate this type of view. NSMenuItem seems to be for basic lists. Any pointers in the right direction?
It's not a NSMenuItem. It is a NSStatusItem that resides in the systemwide NSStatusBar. The distinction is important, because NSStatusItems can call just about any method on any given object of your application when they're clicked.
I suspect that their NSStatusItem triggers an action that displays a borderless window.
You can find more information about status items in the Status Bar Programming Topics document.

Master/Detail Application : Add a second Split View Controller to the Detail View

I have a MAster/Detail Application and everything is fine. Now when loaded, we have the Button Named "Master" That will slide over the original Master View Controller. I want to change it's behavior ,so instead of popping over the original MasterViewController..i need it to popOver another SplitViewController with the option of going back to the original one. Any ideas how to create this? I dunno where to start. Any ideas will be highly appreciated
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Edit 1 :
To be more precise...i have a dictionary application that first loads all the elements in the master view controller on the left...once i click on any element, it will open up in details view controller as it should.
Once in the Details view controller..if i click on Add to Favorites button...and click on the button Show Favorites...i need it to show me in the MasterViewControlle all the selected favorites instead of all the dictionary can i do it?
Seeing your question i feel you want to have UISplitViewController like below.
I never worked on it but try out this tutorial and try to integrate this feature in your project.
Raywenderlich tutorial link Click here
UISplitViewController class reference Click here
check this Question already asked in stackoverflow if you want to use protocol objectiveC protocol issue Detail -> Master communication.
You can use KVO as well.Check this Link :

How to create a custom NSMenuItem

Well, I have quite a basic question which I can't seem to find an answer to. I followed this guide to create a StatusBar menu, which works great...
However, I would like to add a custom NSMenuItem containing custom stuff. As example such as the sound slider, or the switch user account row ect.
How can I do that?
Even links to tutorials are welcome.
In most cases, you'll create a custom view containing the slider or whatever else you want to appear in the menu item. Then you call setView: on the NSMenuItem in question.
For more details, check this article from Apple's documentation:
Just use the setView: method of NSMenuItem.

How to present a UITableView and its Detail View in the same View

I'd like to show in an iPad application an UITableView and the result of clicking on Cell in the same View. I'm able to show one of them, but not both at the same time. Here's the design idea:
So when I click a cell, the chart will change.
Thanks in advance, everything is welcome!
A UITableView can be used as a subview attached to any UIViewController, so this shouldn't be a problem. You will need to make your view controller handle the data source and delegate methods, as well as the detail view and any other elements.
What you want can be accomplish by using a UISplitViewController.
You can also take a look at the "Master Detail Application" Template provided by apple.

steps required to add a UITableViewController as the detail view of a splitView application

I am becoming one sad stackoverflow-er (not flower ) :S
I would like to know the explicit steps required to add a UITableViewController as the detail view of a splitViewController using xCode and Interface Builder. This is an iPad application, so it does not have to run on the iPhone
I have gone through a number of tutorials that create UISplitViews, so I understand the concept. But each of these tutorials add a webview, or simple view controller that shows an image.
The left side of the split view shows a list of menu items that I can customize. that's the popover. no problem.
the right side needs to be a UITableViewController that I an descend and ascend that will have menu items based on the button clicked on the left hand popover.
I also looked this link - but the discussion appears to note that it's a "hack" rather than an recognized workflow.
anyone help a brother programmer out? steps are appreciated.
Check out any of the examples on the net. Then take the detailViewController and turn it into a UITableViewController.
Alternatively, you can check out the UISplitViewController Class Reference.