Creating an extension in Yii - yii

I am new to Yii. I have a jquery file manager working with plain PHP script. Now i want to integrate it with Yii Application. The flow is like, from index it will initiate jquery function, which will search for PHP connector script. My problem is, how can i include connector script in Yii so that the Jquery can access it

If you've got the rest of the extension working, then you can create a controller within this extension's directory to handle any actions for it. Then you can use the URL rules in the configuration to send specific URLs to it.

as of now i did not create any extensions, I put the connector script under assets directory and it just worked fine. I am sure this cannot be the best practice. I would like to get help on creating custom extensions for Yii


swagger API documentation with my own yaml file

I have my API documented with Swagger. For developer convenience I would like to provide the swagger GUI on my website as well. However, my provider has not installed the php yaml extension. It implies that I can't use the GUI on my own website.
So, I would like to use a third party GUI. I know that I can use and enter the link to my yaml file in the text box. This is also not really user friendly. I prefer to open the GUI and specify the yaml when calling the url. For the user the GUI opens with my API definition.
Any thoughts?
If for some reason you cannot host Swagger UI youself, here are some alternatives you can try:
Use SwaggerHub to host your API definition and docs.
Disclosure: I work for the company that makes SwaggerHub.
Use GitLab to host your OpenAPI YAML/JSON file. GitLab uses Swagger UI to render OpenAPI files. Example:
Use with the url query parameter to automatically load your API definition:
For this to work, the server where your OpenAPI file is hosted must use HTTPS and support CORS.

Aurelia with out a router, navigate to login.html and not /#login

I'm writing custom views for Identity Server 3 for its login, logout, consent, etc. I want to use Aurelia but in Identity server I have to pass in the actual html file. So, how can I navigate to localhost:9000/login.html and not localhost:9000/#login
if you want to remove the # from URLs in an aurelia application:
Configuring PushState
Remember that Aurelia is "just JavaScript," so when you want to link to another page on your site, you'll do it the same way you always would, by giving either an absolute or relative path to the file. You're not going to be able to link to an HTML file that is in your bundle though, the file will have to be unbundled, like index.html is.
At this point, this becomes just a standard JavaScript question about building a URL, and not anything to do with Aurelia. So just have the url point to wherever login.html is. I'm hoping this is enough for the answer, if not we can discuss it further.
With #Ashley Grant's help, I was able to create an aurelia replacement for IViewService example coded in angular. Identity Server 3 IView Service Example
It's honestly quite easy. Just create a standard aurelia project and put your html in app.html and view model in app.js. In addition to having the vendor_bundle reference link in your Index.html you will also have to create a link for the app_bundle as well because of a bug that tries to locate app_bundle in the root of your folder structure for Identity Server.
If anyone is interested in the source I can put something together just IM me.

Flask-security login and logout

How do you log a user in and out in Flask using the Flask-Security extension?
I just started using flask-security, and going through the documentation here , I can't really figure out how to explicitly log a user in and out, as well as authenticate the user before logging them in.
Flask-Security uses Flask-Login. So you can do the following as per documentation:
login_user(user) # where user is your user object
Obviously, you still need to write your views where you will validate the form submissions etc before calling these methods and do the proper template rendering or redirects as needed.
Go to the flask security configurations page here:
and copy over all the default configuration values into your file like:
app.config['SECURITY_LOGIN_USER_TEMPLATE'] = 'security/login_user.html'
Then you have to download the security file which contains all the html templates. Put that folder in your templates folder where you keep all the other html templates. You can use google to figure out where to download the folder as well as how to set up the rest of flask security. I had a lot of trouble figuring out flask security as well, but after poking around here and on google, I was able to get some of it working, so don't lose faith. Hope this helps.

Relative url in Visual web part

In my Visual web part I'm using relative url like following and it's working fine . But I assume it will not work when I deploy my project in different site structure on another server. So my question is how to make links,urls dynamic which will work in all the scenarios.
Please note I have some JQuery files included in <script> tag I can't only rely on building dynamic url using code.
Are you using a document library to store the page? If so, you could use SPDocumentLibrary.DefaultViewURL. If you're trying to navigate to a different web, then you can get a web's URL from SPWeb.Url.

HttpBrowserCapabilities Custom Browser file parsing

If I have a custom .browser file, and I want to evaluate what will happen if it is given a particular User Agent, is there any way to do that through the .NET API?
I was attempting to use HttpBrowserCapabilites, but I'm not sure how to load a custom .browser file into that class.
Normally, you should not have to explicitly load the HttpBrowserCapabilities class; ASP.NET will load it for you, as long as you have your .browser file in the right place (in App_Browsers).
However, testing it will be another problem. You can't modify the "User-Agent" HTTP Header from within either the HttpApplication (global.asax) or a custom HttpModule.
This leaves only awkward techniques, such as using Reflection to force the value, or using an external tool (such as Fiddler). Alternately, if you're good with C/C++, you could take a simple example for an ISAPI filter and modify it, then install it in IIS.
Install the User Agent Switcher Firefox extension. It will let you adjust the user agent the browser sends to the web server.